Loving the Playboy

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Loving the Playboy Page 29

by Scott, S. L.

  “Come back and visit me when you get chance, sexy woman.”

  “Oh, you can count on that, babe.”

  He slaps my ass, making me giggle and garner a few strange looks from other guests at the party.

  I look for Claire, but can’t find her. I do find the bar though. Needing something to help me relax, I wait on the bartender so I can order a drink to get into the swing of things. I lean on the tall counter and order a Blood Orange Martini.


  I turn to look at a man standing next to me. He’s wearing a sharp navy blue suit, crisp white shirt, and charcoal grey tie. He looks very money.

  “Hello,” I reply to be polite. He’s tall… and handsome. I’m guessing he’s an employee of the company—most likely in the New York office by the looks of his clothes.

  “Which office do you work in?” he asks. “I don’t remember seeing you downtown.”

  My amusement shows. “That’s because I don’t work in the downtown office—”

  “I had a feeling because I would definitely remember you. I’m Mike.”

  He holds his hand out to shake mine. I take it, recognizing him from when Claire pointed him out earlier. “I’m Mallory. Oh wait, you’re Mike Marks?”

  Now he’s amused, or flattered. “Yes, you’ve heard of me? I hope my reputation doesn’t precede me.”

  “If it’s reputable, then you don’t need to worry.”

  “Touché, Mallory.”

  I take my martini and a few sips. It’s warm and sweet sliding down, but shoots straight to my knees as most alcohol does. I lean my elbows on the bar for support and continue. “Claire wanted to introduce me to you or… you to me. Whatever,” I laugh. “Apparently, we have Colorado in common.”

  “Really? Are you from there?” He replies, “I’m from Akron.”

  I turn, surprised by this revelation. “I’ve passed through Akron before. I’m from Denver.”

  “No shit, really? Oh.” He shakes his head. “I apologize for my crude language. It slips out more than I like.”

  “No worries.”

  “Wow, what a small world.”

  “Yeah, it is. You live in the city now?”

  “Yes, for the last eight years. Chicago before that.”

  “Do you miss Colorado?”

  “I miss the simple life of growing up there, living there, but I enjoy all that Manhattan has to offer.” He clinks his glass against mine, eyeing me a little too intensely.

  I drink, but start to feel this conversation has gotten a bit intimate for my liking. I peek over at him before making an excuse to leave. “I have to, um… use the ladies room. It was nice to meet you.”

  “Sure, but promise me you’ll look for me later. We can talk about… stuff.”

  I walk away quickly, glancing back over my shoulder. He’s still watching me, so I head for the bathroom to back the lie I told. I run into Kate just as I round the corner.

  “Hey, I need you,” she says, grabbing a hold of my forearms. “I’m nervous. I’m never nervous speaking in public, but tonight I’m nervous. I just threw up. That’s how nervous I am.”

  I pull her down the dimly lit hallway, closer to the exit door and away from prying eyes and ears. “Snap out of it!” She looks at me stunned. “You can do this. These are your employees. You’ve just had the best quarter in company history and you have them, just as they have you, to thank for it. Just go out there and thank them.”

  She smiles, looking relieved. “You’re right. I need to keep the focus on them and off of me.” She suddenly looks panic stricken again. “Maybe I should do a shot or five.”

  “No! No shots.” I lower my voice and talk her off the ledge. “Speak from your heart, Kate. Let it flow from there.”

  After taking a deep breath, she looks much calmer. “You’re right. I think it’s the champagne from earlier that made me throw up. I’ve been a bit queasy all day. I don’t know why today of all days I developed a case of nerves.”

  I watch as her hand rubs over her stomach and my mouth drops open. Holy shit! I keep my thought to myself though. She doesn’t need me making her more nervous before her speech. Taking her hand, I start to pull her. “C’mon, let’s go get this over with.”

  But she stops me, then after a pause, says, “Let’s go.”

  She takes another deep breath and slowly exhales.

  “You’re stalling. Go.”

  “Alright. Alright, Miss Pushy!” She turns abruptly on her heels and waltzes down the hall looking much more like her normal self, completely in charge, and in control again.

  I hear the rain coming down outside and turn around to watch through the glass of the exit doors. I hear the music cease and Kate at the microphone behind me.

  “It’s raining pretty hard out there.”

  Turning around, I see Mike standing there looking over my shoulder. Then his eyes meet my slightly irritated gaze.

  He leans down. He’s too close to me when he says, “After being here for well over an hour, I must tell you, that not only are you the most attractive woman here, but also the most fascinating. If I don’t find out more about you soon, you’ll remain the most mysterious, so I hope you’ll indulge me.”

  “I’m no mystery, and I’m married,” I say, waggling my left hand in the air for him to see the rather large diamond rings placed prominently on the ring finger. “Excuse me, but I’m going to get some fresh air.” I’m fast in my escape, no longer worried about niceties.

  I push the door outward and step under the large awning. It’s freezing out here since it’s December, but I’m so annoyed that the cold air feels refreshing. Leaning against a grey shuttered wall, I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

  “I can take a hint,” Mike says.

  Fuck! I open my eyes, shooting invisible daggers at him. “Apparently not. Let me be clear. Please leave me alone.”

  He takes several steps forward and I take several back. If I take one more step backward, I’m in the rain. I’m starting to feel trapped and a little scared.

  “I feel something here,” he says, waving between us, “a connection. I don’t care that you’re married—”

  “Well, I the fuck do,” Evan says. Mike turns around surprised by Evan’s sudden appearance.

  He tries to make nice by chuckling. “Hey Evan, I was just—”

  “I know exactly what you were doing. That’s my wife, asshole.” Evan shoves him in the chest.

  I grab onto Evan’s arm. “Stop. He’s not worth it. It’s no big deal. Okay?”

  “Mallory’s your wife?” Mike asks, surprised. He knows he’s fucked up big time. The look that people get when they know they’ve screwed themselves over… yeah, it’s written all over his face. His hands go up in surrender. “I’m sorry. I didn’t kn—”

  “Apologize to her,” Evan says, ready to fight. I stand between them, backing Evan up a few feet.

  Mike turns toward me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were married to Evan.” His words hold no worth by the tone he chooses to use. Maybe because he knows it doesn’t matter at this point.

  “You mean you didn’t care. Isn’t that what you said earlier?” I say, calling him out on his lack of respect for me and my marriage.

  There’s a change in his eyes, maybe alcohol taking over when Mike’s gaze goes from me to Evan and then back again. “You’re right,” he slurs. “You’re fucking hot and I didn’t care that you were married to a spoiled rich kid who wastes his days working on his tan, instead of being productive in life.” He turns to reach for the door.

  “Fuck you! Your ass is so fired. I will fucking ruin you in this city!” Evan yells, pushing Mike’s shoulder over mine before sidestepping me.

  Just as Mike turns back, his own arrogance kicks in, the alcohol clouding the better judgment I know he must have to work for the company. “You’re such a dick, Ashford. Since I’m fucked anyway...” He punches Evan with a strong right hook.

  I gasp in horror as Evan stumbles b
ack. Without hesitation, Evan charges him, gritting his teeth and they both fall into the street. Mike takes the brunt of the fall.

  Starting to run, I’m stopped and put aside as Murphy goes to break up the fight. “Stay here,” he says, passing me.

  “Help him, Murphy.”

  Just as Murphy reaches them, Mike staggers up then falls to his knees again, but gets up and takes off running towards the main road. Murphy drags Evan back under the awning and I rush to him, my whole body shaking.

  “Calm the fuck down, dude,” Murphy says, squeezing his arms together behind his back. “We’re not twenty-three anymore.” When he feels him relax, he releases him.

  “Fuck, Murph. I didn’t even get a hit in.”

  “You don’t need an assault record. You could end up losing half the company to a lawsuit, if you’re not careful.”

  “Did you hear what he was saying to Mallory?” Evan shouts, looking back at me. His expression is torn up, as if he let me down.

  Though I’m soaked and my make-up is probably running down my face, he knows the difference between the rain and my tears.

  In one fail swoop, he’s holding me.

  I tilt my head up, my cheek pressed against him. “You scared me.”

  “I didn’t mean to. I was trying to scare—”

  “No, I mean, I was scared you’d be hurt,” I start to cry again, my sobs muffled by his wet jacket.

  Murphy takes his cue and leaves, mumbling something about Kate kicking his ass for getting all wet on her big night.

  “I’m not that old,” Evan yells over his shoulder to Murphy. “I could’ve easily taken him.” I can hear the lightness in his tone though. He’s glad his friend was there for him and he’ll always be there for them. This I know.

  I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand then look up at him again. “I’ve always caused you so much trouble. I’m sorry I ruined the party for you.”

  Dropping his head back, he laughs. When he looks back down at me, his eyes match the smile on his mouth. “Yeah, you’re my little troublemaker.” He rubs his hands down the back of my slick wet hair. “You will never understand the power you have over men, will you?”

  I shake my head because I don’t, and he’s right, I probably never will, but I love that my husband thinks of me that way.

  “You make grown men fight over you. That’s powerful stuff.”

  I hit him playfully on the chest while a smile crosses my lips. “You just like to fight. Any excuse.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. I’m just ready to set the injustices of the world right.”

  “Okay, Superman, peddle that somewhere else because I’m not buying it.”

  “Hey, I’ve got an idea,” he says, “since we’re already wet, let me show you this car. I’m so fucking buying this car when I get home.”

  I arch an eyebrow. “Are you now?”

  “Yep, it can be a present to myself.”

  I laugh. He doesn’t have to justify any purchases to me, but I kind of love when he does. I won’t tell him that though because it will go straight to his head. Bracing myself around him to cover from the cold rain, I try to act pissy and say, “I’m cold, just show me the damn car.”

  He takes me by the hand and drags me further up the alley to where the valet parks the high-end vehicles. He proudly points at a pewter-colored sports car.

  “A new Maserati?” I ask in disbelief. It looks so similar to his current car.

  “Mine’s like four years old. Look at her lines and curves and wait until you hear the sound system they’ve added. C’mon, say I can have one?”

  The rain stops, but I’m still freezing as he bites his lip in anticipation of my answer, looking so adorably sexy like that. How could I really ever say no to him? Plus, he has millions, we have millions, stashed away for our family, for our little Ashford clan, so I definitely think he deserves his dream car, or in this case, another one. “Yes, but only on one condition.”

  He grabs me by the waist, twisting me gently back and forth. “Name it. Anything.”

  “Anything?” I challenge.


  “I’ve always had this one fantasy,” I start, but feel myself even in the awful weather, blush with my admission. “Make love to me on the hood of it in the rain.”

  Evan’s eyes go wide and I hear him gulp. “You’ve got yourself a deal.”



  Three months later, back in paradise…

  “Is the blindfold really necessary, Evan?”

  “Yes. Now hush and wait for it.”

  He strips the bandanna from my eyes and stands proudly in front of his new toy.

  I look at the brand-spanking new black Maserati in front of me. My breath catches looking at the beautiful car. “It came.”

  He steps closer and says mischievously, “Speaking of coming, I think I have a condition to follow through on. And I plan to follow through over and over again.”

  “What about the rain?” I glance up as the sun starts to set. He looks down at his watch as I add, “The deal included rain from what I remember.”

  Perfectly timed, he snaps his fingers and the sprinklers kick on. I scream all giddy as the water hits us. Jumping up, I look at my man, watching me, seeming to enjoy my reaction.

  “Very impressive.”

  “I’ll show you impressive.”

  “Oh, I bet you will,” I say, letting the water drench me. “Now it all makes sense why Sunny and Zach suddenly insisted on taking the boys to their house for dinner.”

  He grabs me roughly by the waist and pulls me to him, his mouth covers mine silencing my words while encouraging my moan. Evan’s tongue takes control and mine starts meeting his passion equally.

  We’re only wearing swimsuits, so being wet doesn’t matter. My nipples harden as his chest presses against mine. He’s always been my adventurous man and today is no different. I’m just glad our driveway is hidden from the main road because I relish all the time I get to spend with him in carefree moments like this.

  My bikini top drops with my bottoms following quickly after. His hard cock is straining in his board shorts, so I pull the string that allows him some extra room. Evan’s eyes never leave mine as he backs up, pulling the Velcro closure open. Always so fucking sexy.

  I take a step back, the back of my knees bumping against the fender. Naked and horny for him, I can’t decide if I want him in me now or to fool around first. I lower myself carefully down onto the hood of the car, letting my body adjust to the warm steel beneath me as I stretch out, showing off my assets in the best of ways.

  He licks his lips in anticipation.

  Letting my eyes linger over his body, I take in his beauty, the hard lines of his jaw, and the rolling muscles of his stomach that spasm under my touch. His legs bump against mine and when he speaks, his voice backs the lust he feels. “You look so fucking amazing lying on my car like that.”

  I love the compliment and catch the possessive, making me smile.

  Hovering over me, his hands press down on either side of my head. His pelvis is against mine and I squirm, wanting him, needing him now. “Don’t tease.”

  My hands glide over the defined muscles of his shoulders and my fingers dance over the droplets from the water falling from above. He doesn’t waste time. His fingers slide between my legs and he slowly drags them back up and down twice. Satisfied, he positions himself then pushes in without fanfare.

  My eyes close as my back arches and I moan in pleasure. As he pulls back, almost all the way, and looks at me, his lids heavy like mine. Thrusting forward, he moves his hand to my right breast, making me scream, “Yes! Oh Evan.”

  “Fuck, you feel incredible!” He grips my hips, angling me higher to go deeper. His head goes back and he grunts through a few rough gyrates before he looks down and commands. “Hold on to the car.”

  The car is slippery when wet, so I slide up, feeling above my head and grab onto the lip of the hood below
the windshield wipers. Evan has to lean further over the car to reach me. He thrusts again, slightly losing his balance, and a hand lands next to my head with a loud thump. I’d worry about denting the car but in this state, I don’t care about it. My body is burning on the inside as my orgasm starts flickering.

  Even with my eyes closed, I feel the piercing presence of his gaze on me, on my body. I dare to open them. His expression engulfs me wholly, and I fall, letting my orgasm take me alive.

  “Oh Baby, yes, yes, yes.” Every word hits the deepest of places—inside my soul—until he falls with me. His hands pin my wrists to the glass above, and the heaviness of his body, of his love weighs me down.

  His heavy pants mix with words of adoration and commitment, explicitness and dirty cravings. As soon as my arms are free, I wrap them around him, holding him, grounding him back to me.

  “I love you,” he whispers before he places the sweetest of kisses against my temple, then my ear, my chin, and finally on my lips. “I’ll love you forever.”

  “I love you. Always, Evan.”

  * * *


  I stand there speechless. A girl. A baby girl. We have a girl. Nine months and two weeks after the arrival of my dream car, I’m holding my other dream come true, a tiny baby girl in my arms.

  “She’s perfect. God, I can’t believe we have a girl.” I look at my wife, my beautiful wife and tears fill my eyes. Her tears become mine and mine hers as I hug her to me, placing the baby in her arms. “You gave me a girl. We have a girl.”

  Her gentle cries of joy replace words and I know exactly how she feels. Mallory moves over and I slide down onto the hospital bed next to her. Wrapping one arm around her shoulder and one underneath the arm she cradles and cuddles our little one in.

  “She’s so beautiful,” she whispers only for the three of us to hear as the last of the nurses leaves the room. My wife is safe. My baby is healthy. My family is complete.

  “She has your hair color and heart-shaped lips,” I point out. “She’s a lucky girl to look so much like her mom.”


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