Cowboy Crush

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by Ivy Banks

  Cowboy Crush

  Royal Vampire Kingdom

  Ivy Banks

  Copyright © 2019 by Ivy Banks

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. For permission requests, email [email protected]

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events, businesses, companies, institutions, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Some encounters end up being more than just a little roll in the hay…


  Royal Vampire Kingdom Prologue

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  What To Read Next?

  Also By Ivy Banks

  About the Author

  Royal Vampire Kingdom Prologue

  Many eons ago, the first vampire came into existence when a great warrior named Atticus was given the gift of immortality from an almighty warlock. But with the gift of eternal life came great responsibility. As Atticus developed a thirst for blood, he knew he had to leverage his powers wisely.

  Over time, immortality became lonely, and Atticus embarked on a quest to form his own family. Choosing his “children” based on strength of character, fortitude and the ability to navigate an ever changing world for millennia upon millennia, Atticus created a clan that would be able to rule over all other vampires, creating order and hierarchy among them.

  The Vampire King gave sixteen worthy humans the gift of everlasting life. The chosen soon became the fifteen princes and sole princess of the vampire world. Together they became the Hanover family.

  From these original sixteen individuals, all vampires in the world were created. Though vampires now cover the Earth as rampantly as man and beast, the original Hanover clan remains the most powerful among them.

  This is the love story of Brooks Hanover.

  Chapter 1

  Violet turned down the bumpy dirt road, which seemed to lead nowhere. She thought she knew this area like the back of her hand, but had never driven down this deserted part of town, far away from any other houses. Just when she was about to turn around and give up, she drove up a small hill that revealed an enormous house about a mile up ahead.

  She grew up in Greenbrook, Nebraska, and knew everybody in town. In fact, she was related to a lot of them. How was it possible that she didn’t know the town’s only multi-millionaire? At least, from the size of his house, she had to assume he had a lot of money in the bank.

  I can’t believe Daddy sent me to deliver this contract to a stranger, especially with all the unexplained murders these past few months.

  A shudder passed down Violet’s spine.

  Why am I feeling anxious? This man has been one of Daddy’s best clients lately, and if Daddy trusts him, then I’m sure he’s okay.

  The brick house was larger than any other house in the area and it was nestled on a beautiful piece of land, sprawling with lush green grass, mature oak trees, and colorful wildflowers as far as she could see.

  As she pulled up the long, winding driveway to the house, she noticed a shirtless man wearing weathered jeans and a brown cowboy hat unloading a bag of feed from the back of his black pick-up truck. With each twist and turn, she watched his muscles ripple majestically as though his body represented the perfect male cowboy form.

  She parked her small, ten-year-old blue sedan next to his truck and grabbed the envelope from the front seat of her car. She watched him lift another heavy sack out of the truck bed.

  Nerves took over her body. No one would ever accuse her of being shy, but something about this man’s sweaty, sculpted presence threw her off her game. She sat in the seat fidgeting with the envelope while she unsuccessfully tried to come up with something witty to say to him.

  Come here often? No… that sounds ridiculous. What’s your sign? Ugh… that’s even worse!

  Taking a deep breath, she decided to deliver the note her daddy had given her and just wait for him to speak first. Yep, it was an awkward plan, but she was going to go with it. After exiting her car, she walked over to him and held out the envelope. It contained the signed contract from her daddy’s flooring business and she figured he was expecting it.

  “Hey there. You must be Randy’s daughter.” He removed his hat and bowed his head slightly. “I’m Brooks. He said you’d be stopping by with the contract.”

  Even his voice was sexy.

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Violet.” The response wasn’t witty at all, but at least she wasn’t stumbling over her words.

  “Well, isn’t that a pretty name. Fitting too… your eyes are the most brilliant hue I’ve ever seen.” He reached out and retrieved the envelope that hung between them, though he never broke eye contact.

  Violet immediately looked down, suddenly aware that he was looking at her eyes so intently.

  In a hushed tone she told the same story she’d repeated her entire life when someone commented on her purple eyes. “Thank you. When I was born, the nurses all said they’d never seen a baby born with violet eyes, so my daddy insisted on naming me Violet.”

  “And I bet you’ve had him wrapped around your little finger since the moment he laid eyes on you.”

  She giggled. “That’s what my mama says.”

  Violet mustered up the courage to raise her eyes to meet his. His face was just as perfect as his body. Thick brown hair was a tousled mess on top of his head and the scruffy five o’clock shadow gave a rugged edge to his otherwise beautiful face. His emerald eyes were kind and looked wise beyond his years. He couldn’t have been more than twenty-five, she guessed.

  Curious as to why she’d never met him, Violet asked, “Did you just move here? Does your family live in town?”

  “Currently, I don’t have any family here. I inherited this land and decided to move here on my own. I’ve been building this house for the past year, but only just moved in last week.”

  A strong wind blew through Violet’s hair and the temperature instantly dropped a few degrees.

  “Well, I’d better get going so I don’t get caught in the rain,” Violet said, though she secretly wished he’d ask her to stay for a glass of sweet tea. She wanted to know more about this new cowboy in town.

  A thick drop of rain landed on her check and slowly rolled down the contour of her face. Brooks moved closer to her and pushed a loose strand of her blonde hair behind her ear before brushing his thumb against her jawline, removing the raindrop.

  “Only one raindrop and it found you,” he smirked.

  His touch activated every nerve in her body as she held in her breath, trying to suppress a sigh. She clenched the muscles between her thighs, feeling lust moistening the walls of her core, trying to escape.

  How can one touch make me feel like this?

  Brooks smiled and his eyes twinkled with mischief. He apparently could see the hypnotic effect he had on her.

  “It looks like it’s going to be a bad storm. Probably best not to drive on these roads once the rain comes down. Why don’t you come inside and stay dry?”

  Too late, Violet thought, as the heat continued to grow between her legs. What is happening to me? How can I be this turned on?

  “Thank you, that’s really nice of you,” said Violet, gladly accepting his invitation.

  Before Brooks could respond, the sky opened up and a sheet of cold summer rain poured
down from the dark clouds above.

  Brooks grabbed Violet’s hand. “Run!” he yelled with a laugh as he dragged her towards the house.

  A smile spread across Violet’s lips as she eagerly followed Brooks to the safety of the covered wraparound porch that soon shielded them from the rain.

  Standing on the porch, Violet watched as the downpour danced across the sky. The fervent sheets of rain came in varying waves of intensity, creating a beautiful melody as the sounds of the droplets bounced off the wood of the railing and the metal of their cars. Puddles were already forming in the driveway.

  “Come on, let’s go in and dry off,” Brooks encouraged. Both of them had gotten a good dousing in the short run to cover.

  “Afraid of a little cold water?” teased Violet, shooting him a devilish look.

  A wicked grin appeared on his face and lit up his green eyes. “Darlin’, I’m not afraid of anything,” he answered with confidence.

  “Prove it!” Violet ran from the porch into the downpour and turned around quickly to see if Brooks had followed.

  Where did he go?

  Violet scanned the porch, anxiously looking for the man who she’d just met. Confused as to where he’d gone, she stood in the middle of his driveway, dumfounded, as the rain drenched her tiny green sundress.

  Strong arms wrapped around her waist, startling her. Before she could scream, Brooks whipped Violet around to face him and pressed his lips to hers passionately. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around his neck and welcomed his soft lips, opening her mouth slightly.

  Pulling away, she asked, “How did you move so fast?”

  “I’ve got a lot of tricks,” he answered. “Follow me.”

  He grabbed her hand and led her through the yard and back around the house. The rain wasn’t letting up, but the feeling of being wet from head to toe excited Violet as she anticipated where he was taking her.

  As they rounded the corner of the house, a beautiful, crystal-clear lake came into view.

  “Ready?” he asked, as if she was about to go on the adventure of a lifetime.

  He didn’t need to ask twice. Violet peeled off the sundress that clung to her body. She slipped off her sandals, and then her panties and ran down to the lake. Before her toes touched the water, she looked up to see Brooks in front of her completely naked. He lifted her petite frame into the air and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He held her up with his strong, workman’s hands cupping her bare ass.

  I just met him! What am I doing? I can’t believe I am doing this!

  Those questioning thoughts didn’t last long because she suddenly felt his length grow. His erection brushed against the valley of her ass as he slowly walked down into the lake. The water was cold as it splashed the underside of her buttocks, making her nipples hard. Goosebumps jumped up every inch of her body. Adding to the chill was the unusually cold temperature of Brooks’ body.

  Brooks stopped when they were submerged in the cool lake up to her mid-back. Without a word, he once again kissed her passionately. The water felt magnificent as it swirled around their naked bodies with every movement.

  His tongue parted her lips before he gently bit her bottom lip, sending another round of shivers coursing through her. One of his hands trailed from her perky bottom up her side and grazed her ample breast. He took a nipple between his fingers, gently massaging it. The rough yet gentle touch prompted her insides to come alive. She loosened her arms enough to drape herself back, maneuvering her body so that his cock rested between her eager lower lips. She grinded against him, moving up and down in subtle movements that made him moan out loud in pleasure. The uninhibited groan sounded wild and primal mixed with the howling wind and pouring rain crashing on the water.

  Her hand moved down to his manhood and glided several strokes over his length before swirling her fingers around the tip. She guided him into her sex.

  “Fuck,” he breathed as he pulled her closer and buried his head in her neck.

  They moved together in perfect unison, the buoyant property of the water making their movements feel weightless, as if Violet was floating onto his cock. The repeated motion felt like they were dancing in a dream.

  His tender lips began to gently suck on her neck and trailed down to her shoulder. Each movement of his mouth made her want him more. With his hands firmly grabbing her bottom, he moved her hips, guiding her into him as her honeypot glided up and down his cock.

  A streak of lightning flashed across the sky. It was close. Barely a second passed before a loud boom of thunder permeated through the air.

  Frightened, Violet looked at Brooks and quickly pulled away from him so they could get out of the water to safety. Her fright turned to terror when her eyes focused on Brooks and saw his mouth open to reveal a pair of sharp canines protruding from his mouth.

  Chapter 2

  Her loud scream fell on deaf ears; nobody was around to hear her other than Mother Nature, who was too busy making a raucous racket of her own to care. Violet tried to wade through the deep water, but Brooks grabbed her into his arms before she could reach the water’s edge. He hoisted her up and carried her bridal-style as he ran up to the back door of his massive house.

  As soon as they were inside, he put her down and Violet froze. She stood rooted to the floor in shock, unable to move. Brooks disappeared from her view before quickly returning with a towel and soft blanket. He dried her with the towel, but she didn’t react, too scared to make a move. He wrapped her in the blanket to keep her warm and guided her towards the plush navy-blue couch in the living room. She sat.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” he whispered.

  She couldn’t form words and stared at him blankly.

  “I promise. You have nothing to worry about.”

  “Wh… what are you?”

  “What do you think I am?” he asked.

  His question made her pause. Did she really just see him transform into a vampire? Even the thought of that made her feel ridiculous. She couldn’t utter those words out loud. He would think she was crazy. Of course he didn’t just grow fangs.

  “I…I don’t know. When the lightning flashed, you just looked different. I guess it really scared me.”

  “I can control it. I’m not going to drink your blood,” he said. “That is, unless you want me to,” he said with a playfully impish grin.

  Her mind wasn’t playing tricks on her. “You mean, you’re a—”

  “Vampire? Yes.”

  Again, she was at a loss for words. The notion made her feel like she was caught in a dream. She dug her nails deeply into her thigh, trying to see if she would wake up. Nothing. Just the idiotic pain that could be expected. But as she stared at him, running the towel over his shaggy hair, she realized that the thought of being ravaged by a vampire turned her on, and she didn’t know why. She should be running for her life, but instead, she clasped her top lip between her teeth and decided to finish what she started.

  Releasing her hold on the plush blanket, it fell away from her body and pooled at her hips on the couch.

  His eyes scanned her naked body, slowly scanning all the way down to her navel and back up to her lavender eyes.

  “Are you sure?” Brooks asked.

  Violet nodded. Brooks threw the blanket to the floor and moved closer to her, pushing her back on the overstuffed couch. His fingertips traced her sex and Violet leaned her head back on the arm of the couch, letting her mouth open to take slow, heavy breaths.

  Brooks leaned down and kissed her inner thigh before opening his mouth widely and piercing her flesh with his fangs. Her leg jerked up, but he settled it back down with his unyielding hand. Slowly he sipped on the trickle of blood that poured from her thigh as he inserted a finger into her, moving it in and out, pressing it against her g-spot as he skillfully awakened the wild sexuality that originated deep within her soul.

  He moved on top of her, holding himself up with his forearms. Still aroused from their encounter in the lake, Brook
s easily glided his length into her, once again filling her core.

  With each thrust, Violet let out breathy mewls while his pelvic bone stimulated her raised bud. Rocking rhythmically, the tension built up until she couldn’t hold back. She tensed her legs and her opening clenched around his rock hard cock. He let out a loud groan of release to match hers and she felt his seed spill inside her.

  Her arms still wrapped under his, gripping his shoulders like her life depended on it, she gazed at him with an open mouth. Their mutual panting came out heavy and hot, sharing one another’s breath. After a few minutes, a smile crept onto his face. Violet’s post-coital daze subsided and her face broke into a matching giggle.

  “Well, that was unexpected,” said Brooks, with his adorably cute cowboy charm.

  “Ya… umm… I don’t typically—”

  Brooks interrupted her. “There’s nothing wrong with having a little fun, darlin’.”

  “I promise I won’t tell anybody you’re a vampire.”

  “I know you won’t,” said Brooks matter-of-factly.

  Violet’s eyes darkened. “I feel like you’re threatening me,” she said, suddenly fearful.

  He grinned. “No. I’m not threatening you.” He pushed a stray strand of hair off her face. “I’m just going to make you forget.”

  Chapter 3

  It had been two weeks since the beautiful blonde with violet eyes had paid him a visit. Since that time, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. Her pouty lips, firm bottom, and buxom breasts kept him awake at nights, making him take countless cold showers.

  Her body wasn’t the only thing he thought about. Something about Violet made him want to get close to her, to protect her. Every few centuries, he came across a woman who made him feel this way. He had even turned one of them into a vampire, but she turned out to be unfaithful, and since that time, Brooks had sworn off relationships.


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