Saving Their Queen

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Saving Their Queen Page 1

by Beth Rosalee

  Saving Their Queen

  The Albino Queen Series

  By Beth Rosalee


  Title Page

  Copyright © 2019 Beth Rosalee



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34


  Follow me:

  Copyright © 2019 Beth Rosalee

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

  This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

  Beth Rosalee asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

  Beth Rosalee has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet Websites referred to in this publication and does not guarantee that any content on such Websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.

  Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All brand names and product names used in this book and on its cover are trade names, service marks, trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners. The publishers and the book are not associated with any productor vendor mentioned in this book. None of the companies referenced within the book have endorsed the book.

  First edition

  Cover design by M.J. Marstens

  Edited by M.J. Marstens

  Formatted by Rozie Marshall

  This book is intended for readers 18+.


  To my amazing husband, you helped me realize I was stronger than I ever thought I was. You have loved me through every bump on the road. You taught me that men who beat women in any form aren’t really men at all. A man loves and cherishes his woman as though they are queens. You have given me so much joy, that the pain of the past is like a grain of salt, insignificant. So, thank you, my wonderful amazing, sexy husband. You are my rock, and truly my knight in shining armor. Thank you for supporting me through this new journey, I love you with every part of me.

  Always yes,

  Your Wife


  My life is in complete turmoil. This is not where I wanted to be; I’m trapped, and he won’t let me go. I thought that I had my life all figured out: finish school, go to college, get a degree in business management, but Nathan took that all away from me. I dropped out of high school so that I could take care of all his needs while he went to college and graduated. All the money that I had saved up for me to go to college he took and drained me dry.

  In more ways than just monetarily- he’s beaten me completely into submission, physically and mentally. I’ve mostly given up on ever being anything more than just his punching bag. I’m terrified; this has been happening for years and no one will help me. I’m not brave enough to get away. He threatens my family and my life if I even think about getting out, but I can’t take it anymore. I must escape. I must save myself before he kills me; because he will kill me.

  He’s tried many times.

  He’s destroyed my self-worth for far too long. Every day he tells me that I’m nothing. I’m a nobody. That I’m worthless and only he can deal with a piece of shit like me.

  “No one cares about you. You’re just a stupid selfish bitch and no one would even notice if you were gone,” Nathan says with a snarl on his evil face. “I’m all you have. No one would ever want someone so ugly.”

  He’s the biggest mistake of my life. I met him in high school when he was so nice and sweet. The “perfect guy” at almost six-feet, he had brown hair in a buzz cut style, broad shoulders with a swimmer’s build, and brown eyes. I thought he was the one. Boy, was I ever wrong. . . It took ending up in the hospital and nearly dying to get the courage to finally get the hell out. I’m recovered physically but still in so much pain, but I’m finally free. . .

  Or so I thought.

  Chapter 1


  Stupid little cunt thinks she can get away from me, I’ll fucking show her. If I can’t have her, no one will. I’m going to drag her back here and fucking end her for daring to leave. I fucking warmed her! I take a deep breath to try and clam myself some. This PI better be as good as I’ve heard, otherwise, I’m going to be pissed. Stupid bitch is costing me money. That’s alright. I’ll spend whatever I need to. As I walk into the office, I’m greeted by the receptionist.

  “Hi, welcome to Private Eye Inc., how can we help you?”

  “I need to find my fiancée, can Carl do that, it says he’s the best?” I say curtly. I don’t got time for this bitch; I just need this Carl guy.

  “Sure thing, sir, can I have your name please?” she asks with a smile on her face.


  “Nathan……?” she stares at me expectantly.

  “Richardson.” I bite out through gritted teeth. I’m going to stab this bitch if she doesn’t hurry up and get me back to this guy.

  “I will let him know that you are here; just take a seat over there.”

  “I’ll stand.”

  She gives me a tight smile, I think someone needs to put her in her fucking place, fucking trying to tell me what to do. I’ll be damned if a woman ever orders me around. I wait a few minutes before Carl comes sauntering into the room

  “Nathan, how you doin’ bud? I’m Carl, come on back,” he greets me with a handshake. We walk into his office and Carl walks around his and sits in his chair, gesturing to the chairs in front of the desk. I ignore the chairs, walk up to the desk, and slap two grand in front of him.

  “I want you to find Celia Stone by any means necessary, and I want you to start immediately. There is another thousand dollars when you find her.” With shock on his face, Carl snatches up the money.

  “Sure, uh…I just need a bit more information on her.” I finally take a seat and give him everything he needs to know about her.

  She will be mine again, dead or alive, I don’t care anymore.








  Driving down the highway, I’ve got my music turned up full blast. Music is my escape; well, that and dancing. It keeps all the bad shit in the fringes of my mind, just out of reach. I don’t have a clue where I’m going; I just no I couldn’t stay in Wilmington, NC any longer. It’s where HE is, and if I stayed he was going to end up killing me. I should know; he’s nearly done it more times than I can count. But I think I’ve finally
done it, I’ve escaped him. I withdrew every penny that I’ve been saving for this exact moment. If he would’ve figured out about it, he would’ve taken it all. So here I am, lost in not knowing who I am as well as lost in this world. I don’t have the slightest idea where I’m heading, but I have enough cash to survive at least a few months on the run. There has to be some place safe for me. While lost in my thoughts, I’ve forgotten to pay attention to the road, and when I look up there is a damn dear smashing through my windshield! I slam on the brakes but the impact makes me jerk the wheel, and I end up in a ditch with my tires stuck and a fucking dead deer laying half inside my SUV. FML, I don’t even know where I’m at. I reach over and grab my cell phone out of the center console.

  “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?” I scream. My phone has no signal! None. I’ve got to be cursed or something. Looks like I’m walking; I hope there is a gas station or house not too far from here.

  Finally, after what feels like three hours, I make it to a gas station. There is a cute little bookstore and café combo next to it. Oh, I’m checking that out before I leave. As I’m walking up to the store, I noticed a sleek ‘86 all black mustang coupe at the pump. . . And there’s a God pumping gas. That’s the only way to describe the man standing there- hair so dark brown that its nearly black. It’s trimmed short on the sides, but slightly longer top, with a Garth Brooks-style beard and mustache combo. I can’t see the top half of his face with the ball cap pulled low and it’s creating a shadow. His shoulders are so wide that he’s got to be a linebacker. He’s well over six feet five inches, and his biceps are as big as a fully grown watermelon. There’s a Grimm Reaper tattoo poking out beneath his short sleeve shirt, but that’s all the details I can see in the low lights since it’s dark out.

  I walk inside and go up to the counter. The clerk, a young teen sitting there staring at his phone looks up at me.

  “Are you alright ma’am?” he asks with a furrowed brow and clear concern on his face.

  Confused, I reply, “Uh yeah, I just need a tow company to tow my SUV and get it repaired.”

  “Of course, but I meant that you have blood all over your shirt and face.” He still looks very concerned.

  “Oh shit! That must be the deer’s blood. Ugh. Do you have any shirts for sale?” I ask, suddenly very grossed out. I didn’t even think to check myself over after I crashed.

  “Sure thing, lady, in the back over there. I’ll call the tow company for you.” He says pointing to the back corner of the store.

  “Thanks.” I turn and walk to where he indicated. I grab the first shirt that I see in my size and go to the counter to pay. When I get there, I notice the sexy hulking figure from before walking out the door, followed by the sexiest growl I’ve ever had the pleasure of hearing a car make. It’s making the ground tremble with its power. . . I definitely need to change my panties now.

  Shaking off the effects of a sexy man whose face I’ve never seen, but somehow makes me quiver with need, I turn and quickly pay for the shirt.

  “The tow truck will be here in about thirty minutes or so,” the clerk informs me.

  “Thank you so much, I’m just going to go change my shirt in the bathroom if that’s ok?” I ask. He nods, turning back to his phone, and seems to forget that I’m there. I run and change my shirt, cleaning off all the blood on my skin. After changing, I decide to grab some snacks and a few drinks- that way I’ll have something while staying in the hotel that I’m sure I’ll need for the night. I return to the counter to purchase my goodies and walk out the store to go over to the little café/bookstore. I walk in, and I’m instantly in heaven. The smell of books resonates deep within my soul; I haven’t been in a bookstore in far too long.

  The lady behind the counter greets me with a smile and a hello, which I return. I begin browsing down each aisle looking at each genre as I go, picking up a few murder mysteries books that look interesting. Once I hit the RH section, though, I quietly squeal in delight when I see The Afflicted Zodiac series by MJ Marstens sitting there like gold in my face!

  “YES! Thank you, MJ!” I whisper shout while doing a happy dance right there in the aisle.

  It’s like MJ is my long lost soul sister and just knew that I would need this to brighten my bad day. I browse a bit longer, but decide that I have enough for now. I don’t want to have too much stuff until I find a place to settle down. I walk over to the register to pay for my books, and then I order a Mt. Dew and a sandwich to tie me over while I wait. I take my things and go sit at a window seat to eat. While eating, I start reading Virgo Rising, the first book in MJ’s series.

  As I pause to take the last bite of my sandwich, I look up and see a seriously amazing ass walking into the gas station next door. Picking my jaw off the table and making sure there isn’t any drool running down my chin, I turn back to my book and continue to wait.

  “Excuse me miss,” a deep voice suddenly says and someone taps my shoulder softly.

  “Ah, what the fuck!” I yell at the stranger, my heart racing. Too many bad memories come rushing back and I can’t believe I let my guard down like that, especially when I know that he is chasing me, the psycho bastard.

  “Sorry, ma’am. I’ve been trying to get your attention for a few minutes now,” the man tells me while scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.

  Then, I finally notice him, and dear heavens- he is freaking gorgeous, like sexy as sin in the bad boy way. He’s covered in tattoos and his bicep bulges as he scratches his neck. That bicep is as big as my head. I swallow hard and lick my dry lips- and not because I’m scared anymore. Thank God I haven’t changed my panties yet; because they are most definitely ruined now, and I haven’t even checked out the rest of him!

  Speaking of which, I think that I’ve been staring at his arm muscles for far longer than appropriate. I look up at his face, and yep, he’s got a knowing smirk on his swoon-worthy face. His eyes are the brightest hazel that I have ever seen in my life and I think that I could get lost in them for all of eternity. His nose is straight and chiseled, as are his cheek bones, like an artist carved him from stone. His five o’clock shadow really works with his square jaw, and there’s a tattoo under his left eye of a crescent moon with a speckling of stars. And boy- is he tall! At least six foot four inches tall, and as I continue to look down his body, I realize that he is a mountain. He could easily squish my head in one hand. He clears his throat loudly, and my eye snap back to his.

  “You ready to show me to your car, ma’am?” he asks with that knowing looking still on his face.

  “Uh…. ah, um right, right…. yeah, let’s go.”

  Good grief, can I be any more embarrassing? I’m sure that my cheeks are bright red as I gather my things. We walk over to the tow truck, and he opens my door for me. A little stunned, I mumble a thanks and hop in. I did not except that at all, not with those bad boys looks. He crosses the front of the truck and hops in the drive seat, and I point him in the direction of my SUV.

  “It’s probably about a mile and a half that way.”

  Nodding, he pulls out of the gas station, heading the direction that I indicated.

  “So, where are you heading?” he asks, apparently going for small talk.

  Clearing my throat, I tell him, “I really don’t know, anywhere is better than where I came from.”

  He cuts his eyes at me, then quickly looks back at the road.

  “Gotcha, and where are you from?”

  Sighing and looking at the window, I mumble, “Nowhere important; I’d rather not think about it.”

  He makes a noise in the back of his throat, but remains quiet. Soon enough, he’s pulling up to my poor vehicle, chuckling under his breath.

  “Those damn deer will get you every time.”

  Stepping out of the truck, we walk over to let him assess the damage. He crouches down in the ditch and looks up under the truck. “Looks like you broke the axle when you hit the ditch.”

  “Shit, how long do you think that will take
to repair?”

  “At least a week, maybe two, depending on the part,” he says. “I don’t have this in stock; I’m going to have to order it for you.”

  “Well, I guess that I’ll need a rental then, and a hotel. Could you could drop me off there after you get my SUV on?” I ask hopefully.

  “Well, we don’t have a rental place in town; the closest one is a two-hour drive, and they will be closed by the time you make it. I can take you to a hotel to get a room set up, and if it’s not too much trouble, I could come by in the morning to take you to get a rental.”

  “I guess that I don’t have much choice, but thank you. I would appreciate it. I just need to grab my stuff out of the back,” I tell him while I walk to the hatch.

  I grab what little that I have and drag it to the tow truck. I throw it in and then hop in myself. I get settled and sit there waiting for the guy to hook my SUV up. With me settled, he turns to get to work and I’m left to think.

  What the hell am I doing accepting the help of a stranger?

  I’ve met him all of ten minutes ago and I told him he could take me in the morning to get a rental car. But deep down, for some odd reason, I feel safe next to him. I look up and watch as he grabs the deer by the rear end and lifts and pulls it out! Holy shit, he is strong. He throws the deer to the side like it’s a piece of paper, then grabs his chains to load up my vehicle. Once he’s got it secured and ready to go, he hops back in the truck.

  “Alright, I’ll take you over to the little B&B we have. Cordsville is really small.”

  “Thank you, I really appreciate this,” I tell him.

  “It’s no problem. Uh, what is your name by the way?” he asks.

  “Oh gosh, I’m sorry; it’s Celia…what’s yours?”

  He chuckles and points to his work shirt that clearly has his name on it. Ok, kill me now. Can I embarrass myself anymore in a matter of thirty minutes?

  “Wyatt” I say testing it out.

  It fits him; he looks like a brave protector type- that’s what Wyatt means. Celia means heaven; ha-ha, boy was my mom wrong there. My life is far from heavenly.


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