Saving Their Queen

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Saving Their Queen Page 3

by Beth Rosalee

  “Yeah babe, you ok?”

  Breathing deeply, I say, “Yeah, let’s eat.”

  Walking into the little diner, we find a booth and quickly pursue the menus. When the waiter walks up, we order our drinks. I ended up on the inside with Wyatt practically pressed to my side. Our thighs are touching, sending a delicious tingle straight to my core. Squeezing my thighs tightly together, I subtly try to give myself some space.

  These men are overwhelming and I don’t know what to think about my reaction to them.

  “So, what brings you to Cordsville, Celia?” Tate asks after looking over his menu.

  “Uh, well, I wasn’t really heading to Cordsville; I honestly don’t know where I’m heading to….”

  Just anywhere other than Wilmington, I think to myself, anywhere to get away from him.

  “Oh, so you didn’t plan on sticking around here any longer than getting your truck fixed?” Wyatt adds in with something heavy in his deep gravelly voice… what is that?


  Hmmm, why would he be disappointed?

  “No, I just want to get as far away as I can from…...” I trail off gulping, realizing that I just nearly spilled my guts to two guys that I don’t even know.

  What the hell, Celia?

  What has gotten into me?

  I don’t even know them and I want to spill my life story.

  “As far away from what?” Tate asks on a growl.

  “Nothing, nothing. I just want to start over fresh somewhere,” I say with a forced calm.

  They both make hmmm noises in the back of their throats but drop it moving along in conversation.

  Chapter 4


  I want to push for answers…. as far away from what?

  Or is it a who?

  Growling with that thought, I try to focus on the beautiful woman in front on me.

  Our mate.

  I can feel it, too; my wolf is slamming at the confines of my mind to get free and claim her. I just don’t understand why our wolves say that she’s our mate but all I can sense in her is human- even though her scent is utterly intoxicating. I want so badly to press my nose to her neck; to breath her in until her scent becomes a part of my soul.

  Shaking my head, I realize that I’ve been lost in my head for a while now, and that both Wyatt and Celia are staring at me like they are waiting on an answer.

  “Sorry, what?” I say with only I slight tinge of embarrassment in my voice.

  “The waiter is waiting for you order, bro,” Wyatt chuckles, probably hearing some of my stray thoughts through the bond.

  “Right, sorry. I just want a country fried steak, with two eggs over easy, hash browns, and some grits,” I quickly tell the waiter, having no clue how long he stood there waiting on me.

  “Sure thing; I’ll have this right up for y’all.”

  There is a chorus of thanks as he disappears.

  “So, what can we do to convince you to hang out with us and meet the rest of the gang?” Wyatt asks.

  That one is never one to beat around to bush or sugar coat anything.

  “Umm…. well, I don’t really think that’s such a great idea. I just need to get my truck fixed and get back on the road as soon as possible,” Celia responds while staring at the table nervously.

  “Why is she so skittish? It’s so hard not to demand answers from her, man,” I mentally tell Wyatt.

  “I don’t know, but I intend for us to find out somehow. I don’t like it; she seems terrified for some reason,” he says back.

  “Well, it’s going to be at least a week or two before the parts and windshield get here, so it won’t hurt to be entertained while you wait. You can’t just stay holed up in a hotel room staring at the walls,” I say to her.

  “I won’t be staring at the walls, silly; I’ll be staring at the pages of my books. Let’s just have breakfast and see what happens later, how’s that sound?” she says carefully.

  Right before either of us can continue to try and convince her, our food arrives. I look over at her plate with a bit of awe.

  “You going to eat all of that?” I ask her chuckling.

  She has three eggs, grits, hash browns, eight pieces of crispy bacon, and a biscuit.

  “Damn right I am; breakfast is my favorite food. I would eat it all day every day if it was appropriate,” she says this with a proud conviction, making us both laugh again.

  “Breakfast is your favorite food? All breakfast food; you don’t have a specific type?”

  “Yes, all breakfast; I haven’t tasted a single thing that I’ve disliked in the breakfast category. But if I am forced to choose an absolute favorite, it would be extra crispy bacon. Corn beef hash would be a close second, and you can’t have that without some eggs.”

  “Noted, if you allow us the pleasure of hanging out with you more, we will feed you lots of breakfast then,” I say in a cocky voice, trying one last time to convince her to see us again.

  We need to be around her; I know Wyatt and his wolf are craving her just as my wolf and I are.

  She chuckles, clearly seeing through my antics, but doesn’t respond. We begin eating our food with a comfortable silence with some small talk between bites. Finishing up, Wyatt pays, while I throw a tip on the table- all of this is to the complaints of Celia. She can pay for herself she says.

  “Just let us take care of it this time, if you let us take you out again then maybe we will let you pay for your food then.”

  Rolling her eyes at my attempt to dissuade her, we all head back to the truck and set off to the rental place.

  Once we get there, the parking lot seems awfully empty, like completely.

  “This is it, bro, our opportunity to be able to hang out with her more. If they don’t have any vehicles available, we can offer her one of our cars to drive,” I tell Wyatt through our bond with a bit of excitement.

  “Yes, whatever is going on with her, she’s definitely fighting the attraction to us. I’ll take whatever excuse I can get to be around her,” He tells me with just as much enthusiasm.

  Wyatt parks the truck so that Celia can go get her rental, which I think she won’t get with the looks of the lot.

  “Alright, I’ll be back guys,” Celia says as she hops out the truck and into the building.

  “Wyatt, man, I see what you were talking about; I don’t smell an ounce of wolf on her, but my wolf is screaming mate as well,” I say as soon as she closes the truck door.

  I know her human ears can’t hear what we are saying.

  “It makes absolutely no fucking sense, man, how is she our mate, but human? I’ve never heard of a werewolf mating with a human…. unless, shit…. it can’t be, can it?” Wyatt finishes with wide eyes.

  “Can’t be what? The prophecy we were told as kids. No way, man, that shit isn’t real.”

  “Remember what is said though?”

  “A goddess of light Born from darkness, with destined mates four, will break the spell, only to release the beast within and the powers bound,” we say in unison.

  “I mean, that could be why she feels like our mate, but we can’t sense her wolf. Her powers and wolf are bound…. we are an already bonded pair of four, so I guess if it were real, it could be possible. But do you really believe in that shit?” I ask without conviction.

  Personally, I’m not sure what to think.

  “Well, whether it’s real or not, she is our mate, and we have to figure out a way for us all to spend time with her. I don’t care if she is human, I want her anyways,” Wyatt says fiercely.

  “I agree, man; we will figure it out.”

  Chapter 5


  Walking in the car rental place, I’m greeted by an elderly woman at the front desk.

  “Hi, I need a rental for about a week or two,” I tell her once I reach the desk.

  “Good morning, hun, but I’m sorry to say that we don’t have any vehicles available at this location for the next two days. We should h
ave some returned by then,” she tells me with some regret in her voice.

  “Wow, that’s crazy that y’all are completely booked out of cars. Where is the next closest rental place at?”

  “I know, unfortunately it’s summertime, so everyone is off on vacations, but like I said, there will be some returned within the next two days if you wanted to come back then. We are the only rental place in town, so you would have to drive here. I’d suggest calling first so that this doesn’t happen again. But if you want to wait a couple of days, I will happily give you a discount for the inconvenience.”

  “That’s really nice; I’ll write down my contact info so that you can call me when you get a vehicle in. I don’t really care what it is, I just don’t want to be stuck in my hotel room if I don’t have to be.”

  “Yes ma’am, I can do that for you. I completely understand, so I will call you as soon as the first one arrives.”

  Sighing, I tell her my thanks and head back out to the truck and the waiting guys.

  Opening the door and using the running board, I hop in and shut the door with a sigh.

  “They won’t have any rentals for the next few days; apparently, everyone is on vacation at the same time,” I grumble, annoyed at this turn of events.

  “We kind of figured that with the empty parking lot. I’m sorry Celia, but we have a few different cars and trucks that you are more than welcome to use as loaners until your truck is fixed. We will take you to the shop so you can pick whichever you like,” Wyatt says a bit happier than his being sorry should’ve allowed for.

  I don’t think he really is sorry at all, nor is Tate, from the smile on both of their faces. They are finally getting exactly what they want.

  “You don’t have to do that, I can wait a couple of days, I gave the lady inside my contact info to call me as soon as one becomes available.”

  “It’s really no trouble, they are mostly just sitting around looking pretty. It won’t hurt for you to at least come by and see what we have, and you can meet Gray and Liam while you are there,” Tate beams at me.

  “I guess it won’t hurt to take a look and maybe use one of your cars until the lady calls me,” I say on a heavy sigh, conceding defeat on resisting spending more time than necessary with these extremely attractive men.

  I should be healing, not drooling over more men.

  They are all just trouble.

  “If you really don’t want to use one of ours, we can just bring you back when they have one available here,” Tate says with a bit of hurt in his voice as Wyatt pulls out of the parking lot and heads back the way we came

  “No, it’s not that,” I clear my throat of emotion. “I just…. I don’t want to impose on your lives more than I already am. I mean, I know that I’m paying for the repairs, but this is a lot to take in. I forgot what kindness felt like. Thank you, I would really appreciate having a vehicle to get around in,” I end on a whisper, full of emotion that I’ve been trying so hard to keep at bay.

  Completely contradicting my earlier thought, these guys seem to be chipping at the dam that I built around myself.

  I’m terrified of what they’ll find if they completely destroy it.

  “We would be happy to help and be here for you in any way you will allow us to be,” Wyatt tells me with a sincerity that melts my battered heart.

  I’m in some deep shit, and I’m not so sure I’m ready for it.


  I give him a small smile and turn to look out the window and Wyatt turns the music up. I don’t know what has gotten into me; my mind, body, and heart are all at war. My body is clearly all for this new turn in events, but my heart is still broken into a million pieces. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to put it back together. My mind, well my mind is a scary place to be… on the one hand, my mind is scream yes and telling me this is where I was meant to be; but on the other hand, the larger brainwashed-by-that-douche-bag part says no and that I’m just a nasty little whore trying to be greedy and collect men. I’m not worthy and I’ll never be good enough for them.

  Shaking myself from those sorts of thoughts once again, I think to myself that I just need to make it by until my SUV is fixed, and I can keep running as far away as I possibly can. If he finds me, I don’t know what he will do; but I don’t want to find out. I just know that he won’t let me go again; he’s probably right on my tail now.

  Oh stars!

  Now I’m going to have a panic attack. Taking deep silent breaths, I try to calm the rising panic without the guys noticing.

  Once we get back into their tiny little town, it takes no time at all for Wyatt to pull up to their shop where the sign says Pierce’s Towing and Auto Repairs. The place is a lot bigger than I expected for such a small town; there are six bays for repairs and it looks like there is a huge separate garage to the right and slightly back. That must be where all the extra cars are.

  As Wyatt parks, a guy walks out of the office.

  By the stars!

  What do they feed the men here?!

  He is tall, like seriously tall, lean, and oh so drool worthy. He has golden brown hair short on the side and longer on top with that almost Johnny Bravo style to it. I can’t see his eyes so well from this far away, but he has sharp chiseled cheekbones and a very strong jaw. Even though he is tallest of the three of guys, probably pushing six foot five, he’s built kind of like Tate, only bulkier, if his straining t-shirt is anything to go by.

  Whew, it just got extremely hot in here. My body suddenly feels like it’s on fire.

  Hurrying up and hopping out of the truck, I wait on the guys jump out as well. Thankfully, its summertime, so my super pale skin is naturally flushed from the heat. A great way to hide my heated skin from all these damn Adonises that I find myself surrounded by. I don’t understand why they are affecting me like this. I honestly don’t even know why I feel so comfortable around these men at all. All men have terrified me since Nathan showed his true colors, making me believe all men were just like him.

  So why are these guys any different?

  Mentally shaking myself from my thoughts, I realize that the third guy has just stopped in front of me, with his hand already outstretched and an eager smile on his face.

  “Hey, I’m Liam. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Placing my hand in his, I say, “Hey, I’m Cel…. AHH!”

  I cry out as our hands connect; I yank mine back immediately, but it’s too late. This was the strongest pulse of- whatever the hell this is- yet, and heat pools in my belly while sharp electric pain shoots up my arm, to my heart and then up to my head. Confused with these sensations and the feeling as though something is cracking open in my chest, my body can’t take it anymore. I feel the darkness pulling me into nothingness as I see the ground coming up to meet my face quickly. I prepare for the impact that never comes. I’m barely aware of the arms that wrap around me as my last thought filters through.

  “I’m never touching another fucking guy again”.

  Blackness finally takes me.

  Chapter 6


  Awareness begins to slowly creep in, my mind trying to comprehend what just happened. I expect my body to hurt, but it doesn’t. I’m so confused; nothing is making any sense yet. Where the hell am I? Terrified, my eyes fly open. Unfocused, I sit up abruptly and dizziness overtakes me. I feel a pair of hands grab me by the shoulders, and without knowing where I am, I panic. I scream and try to yank away from the hands, falling over and landing on the hard concrete floor. All my brain can seem to think is that Nathan has me.

  I start to hyperventilate. Oh shit, he found me. No, no, no, this can’t be happening. I just got away! Just as I’m about to start screaming again, I hear voices; they sound faraway in my panic filled mind, but it gives me pause. Nathan never lets anyone see the monster he is. What the hell is going on? I shake my head to clear my vision and try to calm my panic.

  I’m finally able to take in my surroundings. The memory of Liam touching
me, the pain I felt throughout my body, and the feeling that the something that has always been locked deep inside of me cracked open, slowly floods my mind. Blinking my eyes a few times, I see that I’m in an office. I’m guessing that this is their shop office. It’s pretty bare, just a few certificates and posters of old cars are on the walls. There’s a filing cabinet in the corner on the left side of the room and a desk on the right. I fell off a couch seated against the wall right next to the door.

  I look up into not three, but… four pairs of intense, worried eyes. They are all hovering near the coffee table like they are unsure.

  Gasping in shock I say, “You! I saw you at the gas station yesterday!”

  Well, it’s more like I yell this while looking at the newest addition to the Adonis squad, as I’ve just decided to dub them.

  I groan, then mumble, “Not another one. Seriously, what do they feed these insanely hot men.”

  They all chuckle, except Mr. Broody-McBrood pants over there. He looks like a really big asshole, if I’m honest.

  “I’m Grayson,” is all he says as he holds out his hand for me to take.

  Yep, definitely an asshole and hell no, I will not be touching any of them again.

  “Nuh-uh, nope, not happening. Sorry, but I will be staying clear of all of you. I don’t know what the hell is going on, and I’m not sure I really want to find out. You guys are hot, but I just got away from….” I realize that I’m rambling a bit in my panic, so I clamp my mouth shut before I say anymore and scoot backwards towards the door.

  I scramble to me feet as they all take a step towards me.

  “Wait, please don’t run; Gray won’t touch you,” Tate pleads. “None of us will if that’s what you want.”

  He sounds so pained when he says the last part, and it’s his pleading, pain-filled voice is what stops me. I don’t really want to leave, but my fight-or-flight mode is kicking in. Since I have no fight, I always just try and run. It never got me anywhere but in more pain in the past…but these guys aren’t Nathan. I may have just met them, but my instincts say they are safe.


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