Saving Their Queen

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Saving Their Queen Page 9

by Beth Rosalee

  Apparently there is a smell for every emotion then….

  I blow out a breath through my cheeks, then nod at him before hoping down out of the truck. I grab the key card that one of the guys grabbed out of my destroyed clothes and open the door. We walk in and Wyatt immediately walks around, checking the room to makes sure no one is in here. That makes me smile huge at his back, warming my shattered heart some.

  “It’s all clear, Beautiful Girl, go ahead and start packing. I’m going to go pay the bill, and I’ll be right back. I’m going to take the key, so don’t answer the door for anyone who knocks,” he assures me, walking by and placing a kiss to the top of my head, then goes out the door.

  Looking around for a minute, I continue to shake out that feeling in the pit of my stomach, then get to work packing everything. Once I got all of my clothes packed I head to the bathroom to pick up my toiletries. While I’m in there, I hear the door open and close quietly.

  “I’m in here packing up. I’m almost finished,” I say to Wyatt, only to feel a hand wrap around my throat and squeeze.

  “You thought that you could get away from me didn’t you, you fucking bitch?” Nathan says in my ear.

  I gasp in fear; then, as I’m about to scream, I feel the cold metal of a gun press into my temple, shutting me up instantly.

  “Try to scream and I will just kill you right here. Be quiet and it will make things easier. Now, we are going to grab your things and walk out that door like the happy couple we are and then you are going to get in my car like a good little whore, am I clear?” he tells me calmly and I think that this scares me more than his usual raging anger. “And you better hope that your little boyfriend doesn’t see us, otherwise he’s going to die too. Now, move bitch.”

  “Okay, I hear you,” I gasp as he lets me go to collect my stuff.

  I shove the rest of my stuff in the bag quickly ,then into my suitcase, and zip it closed. I’m shaking so hard it takes me a few tries to finally get it all done. Once I do, he tells me to grab it, then pulls me close and nestles the gun into my lower back, guiding me out of the room. I start to lose my composer. He glances around quickly, making sure no one is around, then leads me to a small sedan car. He opens the back door, then roughly snatches the suitcase out of my hand. Using the gun, he shoves me hard into the car, leaving a bruise in his wake in sure. I fall into the car and scramble to the other side and wrap my arms around my knees and being to sob uncontrollably.

  He quickly throws my things into the car, then jumps in starts it.

  “Lay down and shut up, stupid bitch. No one better see you back there or I will tie you up and knock you out. Do you hear me?”

  I nod my head and do as he says, but I can’t stop crying hysterically long enough to actually answer him. I also can’t seem to quiet down, which pisses him off as he leaves the parking lot. Once he is out on the road, and I realize that he well and truly has me again, I can’t stop the loud painful wailing that breaks through.

  “I told you to shut up!” he screams at me and pulls over.

  He turns around and glares at me, then before I can even think to react, he reaches back and smacks me hard upside the head with the butt of his gun. The world instantly fades to black.

  Chapter 21


  I’m jolted awake with ice-cold water, making me shoot up out of the bed with a gasp. Only then do I realize that I’m not in a bed and that I can’t move. I’m tied down to a chair, my ankles tied to the legs of the chairs, my wrist tied to the arms, and my shoulders, chest, and torso are all tied to the back of the chair, leaving my breasts free from the confines.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  I’m panicking.

  This is not good.

  I look up and see Nathan patiently waiting for me to come to all the way. Patience is not his thing; it never has been…..

  I’m going to die today.

  Now, I’m really starting to panic. I take deep, arduous gasping breaths, but not being able to move much with the ropes, I start to see stars in my vision. So, my only rational thought is to plead with this psychotic man.

  “P-p-please Nathan…..untie *gasp* untie me, l-l-let’s *gasp* just go home….*gasp* I-I-I’m sorry……*gasp* Please, we c-c-can just leave this place…..don’t do t-t-this! *gasp*”

  Chuckling, Nathan approaches me, running his finger from my cheek down my chest, circling a nipple as he watches the progress. I squeeze my eyes shut as he says.

  “Oh, how I love to hear you beg me, bitch. You will be doing a lot more of that before I’m fucking done with you. I’m going to hurt you like you hurt me by running away.” He chuckles again, “But no, we won’t be going home. I’m done with you. You are tainted, nothing but used goods now. I know you’ve been fucking all those men I saw you with- like the piece of shit whore I’ve always known you were. No, this is it for you, sweet pea, end of the line.”

  He tells me this gleefully, using that disgusting nickname he gave me so long ago. I nearly puke at the mention of it. He gave it to me the first time he raped me; he said it was because I was just so sweet and soft, no one could possibly resist me, but I’d be so easy to destroy, like smashing a pea. I had hoped to never have to hear that name again.

  “Help me! Please! Someone HELP ME!!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

  Nathan back hands me so hard that my face snaps sideways and my lip starts pouring blood.

  “SHUT UP!” he screams in my face, then takes a breath to try and compose himself again.

  “Svana, where are you! Please, help me, please…..” I scream in my head as I start sobbing again.

  Nathan walks behind me and forces something over my mouth, making my lips sear painfully.

  “Open up your mouth, stupid bitch, can’t have anyone hearing you, now can we?” He sneers rhetorically at me.

  I submit once again to him because what is the point of trying to fight?

  I’m just a nobody, too weak to defend myself.

  I always have been.

  Why did I even try to run?

  I knew that he was going to win, he always does.

  No one is going to save me; I should’ve just remembered my place. I’m nothing but his property to do with as he pleases. Even Svana can’t save me I guess….I can’t even feel her thrashing around in the cage she was locked in my whole life…..she just feels…..gone.

  And I.



  I am going to die here. I guess this is my true destiny- it’s just a matter of what he is going to do to me. In the meantime, I can’t even begin to guess where I’m at. It’s just a dark room with no windows and only one door. The only thing inside the room is the chair I’m sitting on and a bucket in the corner.

  “Now, let’s get more comfortable shall we, sweet pea?” he says, startling me out of my thoughts, as he circles back around the front of me. “I’m going to enjoy fucking this body one last time before I kill you. But first I need to teach you a lesson. What shall I start with, hmm? Shall I fuck your mouth first, maybe? Ah, I know, let’s cut these clothes free first, get you nice and comfy, for my pleasure of course.”

  He cackles and he draws out a switch blade from his pocket. He flips it open and runs the blade from my knee up to my thigh. Passing over my pussy, he grazes it lightly with the tip, then up my torso, and in between my breasts, stopping there.

  “Let’s get these beautiful breasts of mine free, shall we? Because this body is mine. Do you hear me? Hmm? Do you fucking hear me, bitch!?” he screams at me, then punches me in the face with his free hand.

  Once, twice, three times, when I don’t immediately respond. The tears start streaming down my face unchecked again and my ears are ringing; I think he broke something. But I nod my head yes to answer him.

  Stars, I don’t want him to punch me again.

  “Oh, look how beautiful those mark look on you, sweet pea. They show up so nicely on this pale skin of yours. Let’s see if we can make my breasts thi
s pretty as well, shall we?” he says as he pulls my shirt down to free it from under my restraints.

  Then, he takes his blade and cuts through the shirt, repeating the process for the bottom half of the shirt. Once he has it open, he bends down and runs his nose and tongue all over my exposed flesh before taking the knife and cutting my bra free. He grunts in satisfaction at the site of my breasts.

  “Perfection,” he whispers to them.

  Closing his knife, he stuffs it back in his pocket and grabs my breasts in both of his hands, squeezing painfully. I wrench my eyes shut as tightly as I possibly can, trying to block him out, but I can’t.

  I have never been able to.

  He lets go of them, bringing on a fresh wave of pain, the blood rushing back into them.

  He pinches my nipples in between his fingers next, pulling and twisting them like he’s trying to rip them off, as he starts talking.

  “Fuck, these things have always been my favorite part of you- that and your tight little cunt. But that I’m saving for last. For now, let’s see what we can do with these. Then, I’m going to fuck them.”

  As he finishes, I feel an excruciating pain in my left breast as well as hear the smack of skin-on-skin contact. I scream into my gag as my eyes fly open, just in time to see him rear back and punch my right breast.




  I can barely breathe through the pain. I wish that I would just pass out already but, of course, the darkness is hiding when I need it the most- it always does. I don’t understand what I have done to deserve this fate.

  Why do the gods hate me?

  He steps back to admire his handy work for a second while stroking his erection through his pants. Oh fuck no…please no...he’s really going to rape me again. I had hoped that he would just kill me or maybe someone would find me before then. But no one is going to find me….they never do in these situations- not until it’s too late. I wish my guys would come recuse me, but I doubt they will.

  Why would they bother?

  Who would want a timid, broken mate like me?

  Nathan frees his dick from his pants and starts stroking it with his left hand as he grabs his blade back out. He grazes the flat of it over my chest, while teasing himself. Oh no, I think I’m going to be sick! I gag as he presses the blade slowly into my chest, splitting the skin slowly. It is unbearably painful. He watches raptly as the blood wells up, then spills down over my chest.

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk….you don’t want to drown in your own throw-up, do you? Because that is what will happen, so you better hold it down,” he taunts me as he cuts another torturous path in my skin, this time down my right breast.

  He then sets the knife over my left breast and begins dragging it down and around, almost like he wants to slice it off but decides not to. My screams of torment and sobbing are muffled from the gag in my mouth, and I just barely manage to hold down the bile that is rising up my throat. My chest is dripping blood, letting me know that he has cut deep enough to let it flow freely.

  Once he seems to deem that there is enough blood, he drops his pants to just below his ass, then moves forward and places his angry erection between my breasts. He squeezes them together hard to encase him between them. He begins to fuck them slowly, groaning in pleasure as he watches his cock get coated in my blood.

  He has completely lost his mind; I’ve never seen him quite this bad before. I can’t stop my hysterical crying, while snot pours out of my nose, which just seems to aid him in his violation of my body.

  “Why aren’t you here, Svana! I can’t do this without you!!” I scream into my mind…. but I still seem to can’t feel her.

  Why do I even try?

  I’m not worth saving.

  No one will miss me after he kills me. My parents will just assume that I found a new home to settle down in. Maybe they will realize in three or four months when I haven’t called, but by then, I’m sure my body will be long gone… I’ll just end up in the cold case files in the back of the police department.

  Thankfully, by the time my internal self-destruction is over, he is finishing up.

  I feel his cum splash all over the top of my breasts, sliding down into my cuts and mingling with my blood as he cusses out his release.

  “Oh, fuck yeah, baby. That’s it; take my cum, you cunt.”

  He leans forward, resting for a moment.

  Then, he steps back, still lightly stroking his bloody dick, and tells me, “I’ll be back later, sweet pea. I’ve got somethings to take care of, but this is far from over.”

  He turns and walks out the room, laughing happily to himself.

  I feel dizziness from the blood loss setting in, and I willingly relax into it. Seeking the oblivion it will bring me, the only thing I wish for now is that Svana was here with me until it’s finally over I will not let him win anymore. He cannot have me, I shout in my mind. As the darkness has almost completely set in, I feel her surge forward in a boiling rage. But it’s too late…..there is only….


  Chapter 22


  “Thanks, bud, I’ll drop the key off before we leave,” I tell the hotel clerk as I turn to walk out of the door.

  I’m anxious to get back to Celia. He nods his understanding. I can’t wait to get her back to the house where I know she will be safe. As I’m walking, I smell a foreign scent in the air, the emotions in it scream danger. Something isn’t right. I sniff the air again as I run for her room. I need to confirm my dreaded suspicion. I put the key in the lock with my heart racing and open the door…to an empty room!

  That motherfucker got her and we’ve only just found her.

  “FUCK!!!” I roar at the top of my lungs.

  This is all my fault; I shouldn’t have fucking left her! I’ve failed her and my other mates. I scream through our mental link that the bastard got her and it’s all my fault. Guilt and shame wash over me as I sprint with all my might to the tree line, then jump through, into the forest. Shredding my clothes as I shift, I land on all fours, letting my wolf free. My chest is heaving with angst. I am the best tracker we have in this town.





  Then, I will tear the piece of shit limb from limb while enjoying his screams. Blood, my wolf and I, want blood. I howl at the sky calling out to my bond mates, then I search my memories for her intoxicating scent. As soon as I’ve pulled it from my mind and locked onto it in the air, I race through the trees following it. I open myself up completely through our link to let the others see where I am and which way I’m heading. They will catch up quickly.

  I run for miles, leaving the small town behind and heading deeper into the forest. I can feel Gray’s uncontrollable rage and Tate’s anxious worry slamming into me as they race to catch up. Liam is worried and terrified, but is filled with a calm, calculated determination. He is our brains.

  After a while I have to slow to a stop, her scent is getting weaker. I pace the forest floor while I let the others catch up. They aren’t far behind me. I shift back into my human form, then crouch down. I don’t have to wait very long before Gray comes barreling through the trees first. Then Tate and Liam follow up right behind him. They are all instantly back in their human forms and gathering in a loose circle around me.

  “Fuck guys, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault! I just stepped out while she was packing to pay the bill. I should’ve never left her in there!” I tell them as they all turn their attention to me.

  “It’s not your fault, Wyatt. He was determined to get her somehow, if not today, he would’ve found an opportunity while any of us were on watch with her. We just need to get her back. We don’t even know what he did to her to make her run, so fuck only knows what he is capable of,” Tate tries to reassure me.

  I nod my understanding, but I’m still not letting go of the guilt I feel.

  “Her scent has grown faint here. I can’t track wit
h it alone; so, I think that we need to split up and see if we can find any evidence of someone being this deep in the woods. Were you able to get us any help?” I ask Gray.

  He grunts at me, then tells me, “Yes, but not until tonight unfortunately; we are on our own for now.”

  “Ok, so here’s what we will do. Wyatt, you continue north on the path you were following; Gray, you will head west since you have the second strongest sense for tracking in our pack. Tate and I will head east together and search that area. We will meet back here at nightfall if we haven’t found anything by then,” Liam throws the plan together as he always does.

  We all agree to the plan. Each of us shifts again and then heads off in our selected directions.

  We search for hours with no headway; I mark my progress every so often, that way anyone else will know where to start. Her scent has disappeared from the area; so wherever he took her, she is likely in a basement or a tightly sealed room. Once night begins to descend, I make one final path, attempting to find something.

  Just as I’m about to stop, I notice a few tire tracks going different ways. I mark the tree near it so that we can all come back here and search more, then head back to our meeting spot. The guys are just getting there as I do and we all shift back.

  “Did anyone find anything?” Gray orders as soon as we are all shifted back into human form.

  “No, we searched everywhere East about two miles out,” Liam and Tate tell us.

  “I didn’t find anything either,” Gray says with frustration evident in his voice.

  “I found a few tires tracks going in different directions. Her scent is gone, so I think he has taken her underground or has created a tightly seal room to keep her in,” I tell them all.

  Their heads snap up to look at me with this news.

  “Then let’s go search that area more. We will find her. Then, we will kill that motherfucker slowly for thinking he could take what is ours. He will pay for this,” Grayson growls as his eyes begin to glow and his teeth start to descend.


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