The Warrior's Mission: A Celtic Historical Romance (The Warriors of Eriu Book 3)

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The Warrior's Mission: A Celtic Historical Romance (The Warriors of Eriu Book 3) Page 24

by Mia Pride

  Now that she had his full attention, Maggie was not quite certain how to begin. “Well… you see… when Flynn first asked me to marry him, I told him it depended on whether or not he continued to serve as an informant for you.” Tuathal raised a brow in question, yet stayed silent. “He is loyal to you, as am I. He enjoys his work for you, as well. I realized during all that has transpired that I was not being fair when I asked him to give up his position with you, to stay home and start a family with me.”

  “I see,” Tuathal said, rubbing his dark bearded chin and boring his blue gaze into hers. “What did Flynn say to that?”

  “He accepted my conditions and promised to speak with you about another position. Only, I wanted to speak with you first. I know Flynn would give up everything to be with me, but should he have to? My conditions were most unfair, not only to him, but to you. He is good at what he does.”

  “Aye, that he is,” her king agreed, and shifted his large body on the uncomfortable stump he sat on. “Why are you telling me this, Maggie?”

  “Flynn is not the only one willing to sacrifice,” she pressed. “I realized that I want to marry him, no matter what, even if he stayed in your service as an informant. However, I still cannot stomach the thought of him being away from me for sennights at a time, so I came to a decision.”

  Nodding his head, Tuathal let a small smile slide across his face. “What decision is that, lass?”

  “I wish to be allowed to go with him. I would be giving up my place at Ráth Mór as your healer, but Elwynna has made great strides and with only a little more practice, she can easily replace me. Aside from my brother, I do not have much else tying me to this land. I love Ráth Mór, but I love Flynn more. I will go where he goes… If you will allow me to give up my place as healer.”

  “Do you truly believe you are that replaceable, Maggie?” Tuathal asked with a furrowed brow. “Your talent as a healer comes from more than just training. You have a natural instinct and a fervent love of it. I see you chasing herbs about the village and beaming like a child who was just given a sweet tart every time you find more wild mint.” He grunted in amusement. “’Tis not easy to give up one’s passion, lass.”

  “Flynn is my passion,” she insisted.

  “And what if you could have Flynn and be a healer? Would you not prefer that?”

  She shook her head and looked away. “Not if it meant he had to sacrifice his own happiness for mine. I cannot allow it. I cannot deny that I love being a healer, but healing never filled the emptiness that lay dormant inside me my entire life. Only love can fill that, and Flynn has. I feared men my entire life. Before now, I would never have dared wander off alone or speak to a man without my brother to attend me. I still have much to learn, but with Flynn’s guidance, I can be helpful to your cause if I accompany him.”

  Tuathal took a deep breath and stood from his seat. “I know, lass. I hope you do not mind, but Àdhamh has told me much about your life. You watched your mother be forced and abused by your father, then your sister was neglected and killed by her husband…” his voice trailed off and he began to pace. “And then Elwynna’s father used her terribly,” he murmured. “You know many lasses who have been harmed by the worst sort of men, but if you truly pay attention, you will see that most of the women around you are in healthy marriages. I treat Leannan like a queen, and not because she is one. ‘Tis because she means everything to me. Aislin is Alastar’s entire world. If anything, she is the one with the power in that relationship,” he grunted, and Maggie could not help but crack a smile at the truth of his observation. “Treasa, Alyson, Clarice, the Sisters of Danu… they are all revered by their husbands, as they should be. You have met an unfortunate number of bastards in your life. ‘Tis time you are treated with love and respect. I am glad you and Flynn found one another.”

  His demeanor switched suddenly, and he almost looked contrite. “May I ask you a question, Maggie?” Swallowing hard and crinkling her brow, she nodded. “Does your desire to leave have anything to do with me?”

  Her heart beat wildly in her chest. Could he see that she had been hurt by his sudden turn on her and Elwynna earlier that day? “What?” she asked, trying to buy time to think of an answer.

  “Please be honest, lass. Earlier today, your perception of events had been much different than the truth. You heard me offer up your brother’s wife as a trade. You watched me allow Reaghan to drag you away. You must have felt betrayed by me.”

  Taking a deep breath, Maggie shook her head. “You are my king. ‘Tis not my place to question you. But I admit, I was hurt that you seemed to allow me and Elwynna to be treated as spoils of war. I did not know then that Reaghan was one of your informants, keeping me safe. I felt as if my life was at risk and I was being abandoned. I thought you were going to give my sister back to her horrible father. He tried to give me to his men, as well. If not for Reaghan, I can only imagine what would have become of me. Nay, I now understand your reasoning. However, I do have a question for you… about Eoghann’s father.”

  “Ah.” Tuathal nodded and continued to pace. “I had a feeling Eoghann would mention his father’s death to you while he had you in his clutches. I assume he named me his father’s murderer?”

  “Aye, he did. He said his father left Alba to fight for you, but you killed him. I told Eoghann you would never do such a thing, but he believes very much that you intentionally killed his father.”

  “I did intentionally kill him.”

  Maggie gasped and clutched her heart, never having expected such a thing from her honorable king, nor such an open admission. “What? Why?” If this was true, mayhap she could not blame Eoghann for being bent on revenge. He had kept his word and never harmed her. She had simply been his way of getting Elwynna back to Mal.

  “Eoghann’s father was not fighting for me. I believe he told his family that lie, so they would not turn on him or be disappointed in him, but make nay mistake: Domnall O’Connel came across the sea from Alba to fight for Elim Mac Conrach. During the final battle, his father came directly at me in attack. Worse, he tried to strike me down from behind, like a coward. Had I not turned at the right moment, I would have perished. Instead, I was able to deflect his sword, causing him to cut his own leg. My only regret is that I did not finish him then and there. I hear he suffered from his wound for many moons, and though I am not sorry he died, I am sorry he suffered, and that his family had to watch him perish.”

  Maggie listened intently, suddenly wondering how she could have ever doubted her king. “I wanted to believe Eoghann,” Tuathal continued. “Truthfully, I did believe he meant to join our cause. His friendship with your brother made me trust him. He played me for a fool, and because of that, you were put into harm’s way and I cannot apologize enough. Sometimes even a king is fallible. I have a weakness, you see. I try to always believe the best in everyone, but I must learn my lesson. ‘Tis precisely why I took the rest of Mal’s men as slaves. I have already offered them peace once and they refused it. I have nay choice now but to keep them close at hand, under our watchful eyes. As for Eoghann, a part of me wishes he knew the truth of his father’s betrayal, although a larger part of me does not believe he would ever believe it.”

  Maggie twisted her hands in the fabric of her skirt. “I am sorry I ever doubted you,” she said sincerely. “I know you are a good man and a great king.”

  “My thanks, Maggie, I appreciate that. I try my best to protect my people. ‘Tis why losing Mal is such a blow.”

  Before Maggie could respond that perhaps she could accompany Flynn on his next mission to track down Mal, the guards announced as Flynn entered the tent.

  “Maggie?” Flynn’s green eyes widened as he looked between her and Tuathal. She stood up quickly from the wooden stump and rubbed her sweaty palms on her dress. She only just now realized that she must have been gone for much longer than she intended. “I have been looking for you. You said you had to—”

  She cut him off before he could c
omplete his statement. “Aye. I am sorry Flynn. I lied. I had a serious matter to discuss with our king and I lost track of time. I hope you were not worried.”

  Flynn stepped closer to her and her heart raced as it always did when he was near. “I was worried a bit, but I trusted you were safe here at camp.” He tucked a blonde hair behind her ear and smiled down at her. “I also have something important to speak to our king about,” he said, before shifting his gaze to Tuathal. “Have you a moment?”

  “Aye, I do, Flynn. Would you like Maggie to leave?”

  Shaking his head adamantly, Flynn gripped her hand and pulled her closer to him. “Nay. In fact, what I need to say involves her… I hope.” He looked down at her and smiled, causing those butterflies to flutter wildly again.

  “Go on,” Tuathal urged. “What have you to say?”

  “I love Maggie with my whole heart, King Tuathal. This is hard for me to say, but ‘tis time I consider serving you in another way, in Ráth Mór. I can travel from time to time, but what I wish above all else is to settle down on this land, marry the lass I love, and start a family. I do not wish to leave that family for long periods of time. I do not think I could bear it.” Maggie felt Flynn squeeze her hand and she squeezed back, feeling as if she may burst with love for him. Still, she did not want him to give up his life for her. “I want to see her face every day and watch our children grow.”

  Tuathal chuckled to himself and looked at Maggie with amusement. “This is an interesting turn of events, for your lass has just offered to give up her position as Ráth Mór’s healer so she can travel with you on your missions.”

  “What?” Flynn’s gaze snapped to her and his brow crinkled. “Why? You said you would not marry me if I continued to be an informant.”

  “Flynn, I was wrong to say such a thing. I know that now. I love you, and that means I wish for you to do what makes you happy. If being an informant for Tuathal is what you love, then I shall love doing it with you. I can learn more defensive moves, more use of weapons. You can train me to gather information… I can learn.” She was desperate to convince him to accept her offer. She preferred to stay here and live a safer, quieter life with him, but if that was not an option, she would be happy anywhere, so long as they were together. “We can do this,” she added with a forced smile.

  “So, you will marry me, Maggie, nay matter what?” he said, gripping her hips and pulling her flush with his body.

  “Aye, nay matter what, Flynn.” Her eyes closed as he placed a sweet kiss on her forehead.

  “I love you, Maggie. But I meant what I said. I would like to stay put and raise a family with you, if our king will allow it.”

  Both of them went silent and looked at Tuathal as he stared in wonderment at them. His long dark hair was tied in a braid draped over his shoulder and a slow smile spread across his handsome face, blue eyes sparking with amusement. “I have a feeling that you two will be very happy together, nay matter where you end up. Maggie is willing to give up her place to be with you,” he pointed to Flynn, “and you are willing to give up your place to be with her.”

  “Flynn…” Maggie begged, looking up to his height. “I cannot be responsible for you giving up something you love.”

  “And I cannot be responsible for you giving up your dream of a safe life and a family. You deserve that. I want to give you that. I do not wish to travel anymore, truly. I only wish to be with you, at Ráth Mór. I love you more than anything, Maggie. I am so proud of the brave lass you have become. I am proud that you have faced your fears and would continue to do so, just to be with me. You are a strong woman and you should continue to use that strength to help our people with your healing talents…”

  “Have I nay say in any of this?” Tuathal mused. Maggie and Flynn looked back at their king. “I presume you both could argue your point for a lifetime, so allow me to decide what is best. Is that fair? After all, did you both not seek me out for that very purpose?”

  “Aye,” both Maggie and Flynn said at the same time.

  “Flynn, the information you have gathered for me over the past year has been incredibly accurate and beneficial. Because of you, we have kept a watchful eye on Mal and his locations and plans. We were safe because you kept up on his whereabouts. I can never thank you enough for your work. A better informant, I may never find. However, one of the biggest assets to your missions was your anonymity. Mal did not know your face or who you worked for. Brennain was able to infiltrate their camp, which also now makes him too well known to the enemy to continue. Because of Eoghann, Mal knows your name and your face. He also knows you are an informant for me. I am sorry Flynn, but for your own safety, I can nay longer allow you to continue your missions. You did well, and I will be honored to have you here with me as one of my finest warriors... and mayhap you shall even join the ranks as an advisor with your father and your uncles. Would you like that?

  Maggie felt as if she was floating on air with happiness, but she prayed Flynn would be equally content with Tuathal’s decision. She could not bear his disappointment at being forced to stay.

  “My king,” Flynn said, with a smile that lit up his face. “Naught would make me happier than to become one of your advisors. I vow to always be faithful and loyal.”

  “Och, I already know that, Flynn,” Tuathal waved him off. “Are we not family? I am your cousin by marriage after all. More than that, we have fought beside one another, and you have proven your worth. I would be honored to have you by my side. I would also be honored to stand beside the Druid who will marry you to Maggie. Never have I seen two people willing to sacrifice all, simply for the happiness of the other.”

  Flynn nodded and clasped arms with his king as Maggie watched on with such pride. Then, without warning, Flynn got down on both knees in front of her, gripping both hands tightly in his. The look of pure, honest love in his eyes as he looked up at her nearly sucked all the air out of her lungs. Never had she thought to find a man who would cherish her as Flynn did. And never did she know that love could actually ache physically in her chest, squeezing her from the inside out until tears began to run down her face.

  “My sweet Maggie. The moment I saw you when I came over to Alba with my men, I lost a piece of my heart. When you boarded that ship and came back to Ériu with us, I knew my life would never be the same. You were timid and scared, but I saw the strength you buried deep within. I feigned more than one injury just so I could be in your company.”

  Through her tears, Maggie laughed with joy, remembering the times he came to her with wee scratches that hardly needed tending at all. “I thank all the gods in Alba and Ériu that I was shot with that arrow. It brought you to my side, and I would not give up those days of pain for all the world, for every moment of recovery was filled with memories of you. I already loved you then. But now…” he shook his head, trying to think of the right words. “Now, there are just nay words to describe my love for you. I only want you… and a home filled with wee children. Maggie, will you marry me?”

  “Aye!” she cried, choking back a sob as she launched herself into his arms, knocking him backward with the force. “I will marry you, and I am sorry I did not accept the first time. I am such a fool!” She sprinkled every corner of his face with kisses, savoring his musky scent and the feel of his strong arms embracing her. Love was a greater emotion than she ever thought existed, but she knew she need not try to describe it with words, for Flynn felt it, as well.

  In her elated state of mind, she only faintly heard Tuathal grunt with humor as she lay sprawled across Flynn, smothering him with affection. “Perhaps I should find another tent for the night. You need this one more than I do.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Five moons later

  “That smells wonderful, Maggie. Your gift with herbs is beneficial for both healing and cooking, it seems,” Flynn’s mother, Una said to Maggie as she stepped up beside her and smelled the mixture of root vegetables and herbs Maggie had been busy cutting up. With a genu
ine smile, Maggie looked at his mother and blushed at the praise before continuing her preparation. Flynn watched the two most important women in his life chat amicably and felt a tug on his heart. The hearth fire popped and sizzled in the middle of the room as his father turned a boar on the spit, plenty of meat to feed their entire family, who would be arriving soon to share in a large meal together before enjoying the Beltane festivities.

  “You have had a ridiculous smile on your face for far too long, brother. I am beginning to think marriage has turned you into a soft fool.”

  Flynn grunted at his brother’s remarks. Perhaps Brennain was correct. Flynn had gone soft. He still practiced daily with Tuathal and the other warriors, ready for a fight in case Mal ever caused trouble again, but so far there has been no word from Tuathal’s other informants. They had sought out any clue of Mal’s whereabouts but his sudden disappearance without a trace meant that he likely had planned to flee all along. No rest would be had by Ráth Mór until the threat of Mal was gone, and though Elwynna had had her child only a sennight ago, he knew that she and Àdhamh felt the weight of her father bearing down on them. Their family would never rest at ease until Mal was found.

  Aye, he was still a well-trained warrior and he would do what his king commanded of him. Thankfully, his king allowed him to stay close to family, so Flynn was able to come home to his bonny wife every night. Though it was customary to live as a large family within one home, Flynn had offered to build a small home in the village for just he and Maggie. He knew she was used to living with just her brother previously and wondered if moving in with his loud brother and overly-affectionate parents would intimidate her. To his delight, Maggie had insisted they live with his family, thankful to have a family of her own and to feel useful and part of a unit.

  After their small marriage ceremony five moons ago, he was pleased to see how quickly his mother and Maggie took to one another. His mother was the soft-spoken sister of the three Sisters of Danu. Her element was earth, and he believed her innate calmness had something to do with her connection to the world. She was not as fiery as his Aunt Ceara or as easily shaken as his Aunt Gwynneth, whose moods could shift like the very waters she controlled. His mother took all in stride and had welcomed Maggie into her home, making her feel like a true daughter.


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