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Wyoming Nights

Page 12

by Gaines, Olivia

  Other touches she added around the house said a lady lived there. As an afternoon treat, once she set up her sewing room, Daniel took her for a ride to a natural hot spring. In a swim suit, she and her husband climbed into the extremely warm water.

  “This will help with the soreness,” Daniel said as he helped her in the water. The hot spring had a slight sulfuric smell, but there was another soreness she wanted to address.

  “Daniel,” she said as she leaned against the mud wall. “Can we talk about Angie?”

  He shrugged. “There is nothing to talk about. I got accepted to UCLA, she went with me to be a Hollywood actress, my junior year, we got pregnant.” he said as he stretched his leg in the water.

  “Ironically, it was the pregnancy which got her the big break. After that she was getting all sorts of gigs. I was in school during the day and home with DJ in the evening trying to study. It was our plan...,” he stopped. “...Well my plan to get on with the forestry service, work at Yellowstone, build a cabin and retire out here. She wanted no part of it. After a while, when she became really famous, I had to make an appointment to see her.”

  “That must have been tough on you and your son,” she said softly.

  He flicked his fingers in the water. “You have no idea. She got angry with me when I actually got the job in Yellowstone. The retaliation came by her sending DJ to some fancy boarding school in New York,” he said with anger in his voice.

  “What did you do?”

  “I transferred to New York without telling her, and got to spend every weekend with my son,” he said with confidence.

  She said nothing as she watched his face. “I was not going to let my son grow up without me in his life. When he hit high school, he went back to LA. I came back to Yellowstone, and flew in one weekend each month, or he came up to see me.”

  “I see you two are close,” she said to him.

  “My relationship with him is important to me. I did not want my son to grow up thinking I didn’t love him or want him,” he said. “Nothing was going to stop me from being his father. Hopefully, in the next couple of years, he will make us grandparents.”

  The thought of another chance to be better at being a grandmother choked her up a bit. She moved closer to him in the water. His face was stern, full of intensity. “Looks like you did a great job with him,” she said as her finger caressed his arm.

  “I sacrificed so much fighting her to be in his life,” he said. “Yet, when I look at you... I think about what we are going to build together...I feel like I have been rewarded for being patient and waiting.”

  Her lips came to his, kissing him passionately. “And for me, it feels like my life is finally beginning.”

  Tuesday was a quiet day that Daniel chose to spend showing her the ins and outs of living in a remote area. The first lesson of the day was with weapons. He opened the gun safe to remove his revolver, an automatic, the shotgun and a rifle.

  “I am all about the 2nd Amendment as well, but dang,” she told him as she eyed the stacks of ammunition.

  He pulled out each of the weapons and put them on a cart that he wheeled out past the barn. Darlene followed along curious as to what he had in mind but uneager to participate. Weapons were not her thing.

  “When you live in the middle of nowhere, everything can be used as a weapon, but I find that a gun and well placed bullet can make a nasty situation go a whole lot easier,” he told her. “Humor me. I need to be okay with knowing when I leave you alone, I am assured that you know how to protect yourself.”

  “This is ridiculous. I have two big brothers who are in law enforcement. Trust me, they have taught me how to handle a weapon,” she assured him.

  Daniel gave her a look of disbelief. Proving her point wasn’t difficult as she picked up the revolver, checked the chambers, popping it back in line with the barrel. She aimed at the target he’d set up and squeezed off six bullets with the double action revolver, each round landing center mass. Without looking at him, she open the chamber and dumped out the empty cartridges moving next to pick up the automatic weapon. She popped in the clip, pulling back the slide to seat the round. Her hand braced the butt of the weapon as she fired nine rounds into the same target, still hitting center mass. She still said nothing as she did the same with his rifle and shotgun, seating the butt in the pocket of her shoulder, firing confidently, hitting the target and handing the Mossberg slide action weapon back to him when she was done.

  “I am thinking soup for lunch, what about you?” she said after patting his shoulder and walking away heading back to the cabin.

  Daniel stood watching her tight little backside saunter away. “What a woman!” he said aloud.

  “I heard that!”

  “I know you did. After that beautiful weapon action, I may need to chop some damned wood!”

  She turned slowly to look over her shoulder at him, “Or start the shower...either way, I am game!”

  He grabbed the handle of the wagon and began a slow trot to catch up to her. Darlene began to giggle as she took off running as fast as her legs could carry her. By the time she made it to the back porch, her heart was racing and she was slightly winded. He caught up to her in no time. The man hadn’t even broken a sweat.



  Fit. I have fallen so falling hard for him. “It seems as if lunch will have to wait,” she mumbled as his face came close to hers for a kiss.

  “Yeah, it’s going to be a while. I have a few other things I would like to show you,” he told her.

  Darlene was eager to find out what other lessons he had in store.

  Chapter Twenty One – Sunshine

  Darlene truly believed that the sun had begun to shine on her again. Five days ago she’d gotten remarried in a tent in the middle of summer and now she was in Wyoming in a cabin preparing dinner for two odd men who were building a town on an existing ranch. I love it.

  During the course of the day, she worked side by side with Daniel putting in some raised beds for cabbages and kale. Uncertain if any of it was going to grow, she was hopeful for fresh veggies in mid fall. Currently, in the cabin, there was tons of potatoes, lots of cereal and meat. Red meat. Frozen chicken. Fresh fish. I need veggies.

  Jamar and Jack arrived at five pm with two crates of everything she could possibly hope to eat. Loads of mustard greens, fresh beans, carrots, artichokes, berries, apples, pears, beets, and a hunk of ham. In exchange for the ham, she handed the men an elk roast, some venison chops, and sausages. It made them very happy which created a fun atmosphere for an evening meal.

  “When you get a chance Jamar, I need a contract for the land in Serenity for our store,” she said. Her attention turned to Jack. “I will also want to work with you to get our store built. Do I need to hire an architect to draw up some blueprints?”

  Jack looked to Daniel who looked back at his wife. “The lady knows what she wants Jack; she is your customer as much, if not more than I am,” he told him.

  “Yeah, but who is going to pay for all of this?” Jack wanted to know.

  Darlene simply smiled. In her head she was thinking of a ton of witty comebacks. One in particular which came to mind was that she had enough in her checking account to buy and keep him as a pet. That wasn’t the relationship she wanted with these two; besides that was the old Darlene.

  She added sweetly, “Jack, my husband and I are equal partners, but considering he is still working full time, and I am home, I will do the leg work if that is okay with you?”

  “It’s fine by me as long as your wife ain’t making plans you can’t write me a check to cash,” Jack said as he stabbed the hunk of red meat on his plate with a fork.

  “Careful Jack, your misogyny is showing,” Darlene said with a sweet smile.

  He looked up from his plate dumbfounded, then checked his crotch to make sure his zipper wasn’t open.

  “Oh Lord,” Darlene said which brought laughter from everyone at the table but Jack.
/>   Throughout the evening, Jack kept asking Jamar, “What’s that M word?”

  He asked Jamar in an even lowered voice, “Did she say something about my junk being musty?”

  All things considered, Jack relaxed a great deal and started to enjoy the evening. Before long, Daniel had pulled out his collection of Motown records. Jamar, not really one for dancing, opted instead to show Darlene his grandmother’s process for making jam with the berries he brought her. He even was courteous enough to bring over some pectin and canning jars. While he stirred the sugar soaked macerated berries, she took to the middle of the floor to dance once with Daniel and show Jack the Camel Walk. He looked more like a broke back dromedary in his movements which had Jamar balled up on the couch in a fit of gut busting laughter.

  The evening was delightful and enjoyed by all. There were eight jars of jams, two jars of pickled beets, and a jar of artichoke hearts perfect for salads and dips. Also, after three beers, two shots, and a Kahlŭa coffee later, both Jack and Jamar were in no shape to drive. Jamar took the guest room and to her surprise, the oddly made couch, opened up into a bed.

  “The two chairs open up into beds as well,” Daniel told her with pride.

  “Functional,” she told him.

  “Baby,” he said in a hushed tone in the privacy of their bedroom, “I hope you don’t mind me allowing them to stay. They have been drinking...”

  She touched his arm. “I don’t see any street lights out there so no, I don’t mind. What I do mind is if they are going to come by and stay over often, you will need to contract Jack to build a guest bathroom. I am not sharing one with three men!” She shuddered at the thought of what it would look like in morning after three tipsy men aimed for a hole in a semi-cognizant state. She grew up with two brothers. She shuddered again.

  “Fair enough, but I will start on it and hire a plumber to do the rest,” he told her.

  She was surprised. “You will build it?”

  “Yep. I built the cabin, your room addition, and the garage for your vehicle as well,” he said. “Jack helped me with the bigger portions of the job.”

  She sat on the side of the bed atop the beautiful quilt looking at him with fresh eyes.

  “I know what you are thinking,” he said with a spark in his eyes. “You missed all those sweaty muscles at work!”

  Darlene threw a pillow at him before reaching for her nightgown to get ready for bed. A smile was on her face as she turned her back to him. That is sure as hell what I was thinking.

  Much to her surprise, she awoke to find Jack in the living room practicing yoga and Jamar in the kitchen making breakfast. There was bacon, eggs, grits, and crusty cheese toast from left over bread. The wonderful young man had also brought with him some artisan coffees that filled the cabin with a wonderful scent.

  Daniel of course was out on his morning run with Sheila D. Today was the last day she would have him home all day and to herself. Jamar poured her a cup of coffee hander her the warm mug filled with the dark brew.

  “I don’t know about the yoga master over there, but you can stay as long as you want,” she told him as she grabbed a slice of crisp bacon. She sipped at the coffee with her eyes rolling up in her head. “This is amazing!”

  “I get it from this dude back in Chicago. It’s also where I got the eggs and veggies. He has a co-op agreement with some California growers. I bought in and they make me a drop once a month. It is too much for just me and Jack, which is why I brought so much to you guys,” he said.

  Darlene reached into the cabinet above the sink and pulled out a jar she had stuck there with a few bills in it. “Take it,” she said.

  “Don’t need it,” he told her.

  ‘Take it anyway,” she tried again.

  “I brought it for you allowing me and Jack to come hang and stay the night. We get tired of each other’s company sometimes and we have a long way to go,” he said to her.

  It seemed like a logical question so she asked it, “How long have you and Jack been together?”

  This got Jack’s attention. “What do you mean by together? I don’t like men and he ain’t even cute enough no matter how long I been without a woman!”

  Jamar twisted his mouth to the side, “Thanks Jack. I am somewhat fond of you as well.” He turned to Darlene, “We aren’t gay. I sold him a plot of land, and he has exclusive contract rights in building the town of Serenity.”

  “I have been meaning to ask you, why are you building a town on a ranch anyway?”

  His eyes actually twinkled when he answered her. “I won the lottery. Before beggars, scumbags, whore bags, and relatives I didn’t know crawled out the woodworks, I took off. I got my Grandma settled in a nice retirement community in Florida and I started driving. I ended up in Laramie with a worn out newspaper and spotted the ranch for sale.”

  “But a town? Way out here?”

  “I was in some fleabag motel watching this western of a wagon train heading west. The group in the movie were hit with some snow followed by bad weather so the wagon master had them dig in. Everyone had to do their part to ensure everyone survived the winter, including the farmer who had some seeds. He planted a few then in the spring when it was time to roll out, no one wanted to leave. I want to get back to that. A small community where everyone is invested in each other’s success in a town where we all have a stake in its survival.”

  “I am happy to be a part of your vision,” she told him.

  “I think your store will do well. I have a farmer moving in next month and a doctor coming out at the beginning of the year, so it will be cool,” he said.

  “And women?”

  “No women until each man has seen his vision come to light, or at least I hope,” he told her.

  Daniel walked into the back door and spied the bacon. “Man! You cooked pork in my house?”

  “Yep, and I am going to eat it in your house as well,” Jamar told him as he bit into a slice of bacon. “But I cooked it on my own pan.”

  Darlene noticed something immediately with the camaraderie between Jamar and her husband. He was like a son to Daniel. Jamar asked him for advice on everything from investments, to buying winter clothing.

  No women until each man’s vision comes to light.

  I am a part of Daniel’s vision.

  “I can’t believe you are in here corrupting my ray of sunshine with your swine. It’s bad enough you have a chunk of ham in my fridge!”

  “That is the Kobe beef of pork in there man, those pigs are pampered and eat better than you do!” Jamar argued.

  She took a seat at the table and stared out the window at the mountains as the men got louder when Jack jumped into the conversation.




  I have missed so much of the simple joy of living.

  I love it here.

  Chapter Twenty Two – Caliginosity

  Friday morning was filled with mixed emotions. Daniel was due back at work at 8 am but at six, a call came in reporting two lost hikers. He dressed quickly in his park ranger gear, took his automatic weapon, shotgun and some extra bottles of water to his truck. Sheila D knew the routine because she grabbed her collar off the rack by the door and hopped into the truck ready to roll out.

  Darlene wasn’t ready for anything. She handed him two blankets, some bread and jam in case he found the hikers, but it did little to appease her fears.

  “Don’t worry. If I am not going to be home by six, I will call and let you know. Sometimes, in the low lying areas, I have no reception, but once Sheila D gets a scent, we are very successful in our search and rescue,” he said to her. He held her close in the early morning sunlight before kissing her brusquely then climbing into his truck.

  The coffee tasted as bitter as her mood when she tried to swallow it down. Instead of being a worry wart, she opted to work on her pre-cut quilt pattern. It was like putting together a puzzle with pieces of fabric. The day got past her and before she kn
ew it, she had made her first baby quilt. It was uneven, the seams were too thick and did not lie down flat. With the help of some cute scissors and an aggressive iron, those seams came into line finally allowing her to be able to load it into the Handi Quilter for quilting.

  That portion of the quilting process was a nightmare. She had to stop several times, watch three videos and even after that, she finally managed to get the quilt top, the batting and backing loaded correctly. Her first tries at a pattern looked like the tracks of drunken pigeons walking across the fabric with dirty feet.

  You will not beat me.

  She tried again.

  And again.

  Finally, on her seventh try, she got the machine and her body in a groove. The sound of a vehicle pulling up broke the rhythm and sent goosebumps up her spine. She made a bee line to the gun safe, punched in the combination and grabbed the revolver. The crunch of wheels on gravel meant a second truck had pulled up as well around back and neither sounded like Daniel’s. Her heart thudded against her chest as fear gripped her. Never had she felt so alone.


  Where are my keys?

  The keys were in her purse. A purse that was down the hall in the back of the bedroom closet. She had not moved her vehicle since they arrived on Sunday. Hesitantly she crept to the window and peered out to see Jamar standing in the front yard. She was so relieved, but where was the second set of wheels? The other vehicle! Where was the other vehicle?

  “Hey there Darlene,” he said as he grabbed what looked like an overnight bag. “Daniel is deep in the trails and his cell phone could not reach, but I got a call from the ranger station and a message was relayed asking me to come over to stay with you until he got back. I brought a bag because I don’t know how long it will be before he gets in,” he told her.


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