The Night Life: Exodus of Evil

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The Night Life: Exodus of Evil Page 5

by Natasha Davis

  I thought about it for a minute, it’s not like I have anywhere else to go, or that I didn’t deserve it, but she really did hurt my feelings. I looked up to her, now I’m afraid of her.

  “I forgive you for smacking me, but it will take some time for me to trust you again.”

  “Ava, please don’t say that you can’t trust me. The last thing, I want haunting me when I leave this world, is me and you no longer being close. You’re like a daughter to me, and even though, I wasn’t able to provide the girlie things that you deserved growing up, I…We made sure you had what you needed. After all the late night talks, you should know this and be able to trust me.”

  “I’m just being honest Kim, I’m sorry. That doesn’t mean I don’t love you too, because I do. It’s just hard for me to rationalize this, that’s all. I’ve witnessed many cruel things, but never have I been the one to offhandedly undergo the cruelness. I’ve looked up to you for so long, and before I could see clearly, but now my vision seems to be hazy when it comes to you, just give me some time.”

  “Speaking of the subject, if you remember we don’t have much of that……..Davie and I,” Kim held her head down and started weeping.

  “Kim, don’t do that. Please don’t, I’m sorry. With everything that has gone on today, I just need a good nights sleep to rejuvenate. Please at least give me until tomorrow. Jess told me that you were going to teach me to hunt, right?”

  “Yes. Unfortunately, I’ve got many things to teach you, and you have many things to learn. That is, if you want me to teach you.”

  “Of course I do, if I didn’t I would have told Jess that there is no way I would let you near me. Plus, I know I have some powerful strength in here somewhere, and who else would be a better person other than you to teach me how to use it.”

  This seemed to perk Kim up some, but I could tell underneath she was very sad. Who could blame her? We all knew that in a matter of days, Davie and she would be facing every vampire’s nightmare, not that they sleep or anything. At least I don’t think they do.

  “Hey, I have an interesting question. Do vampires sleep?”

  “Well of course we do. We have to let our bodies rest, re-energize just like everyone else. Why do you ask?” Kim said with a smirk.

  “To be honest, I didn’t think you guys slept. I was just curious. I know I have to sleep, but I thought that was my human side towing me down. That’s good to know then; at least Jess can still sleep beside me.”

  “Even if I couldn’t sleep, I’d still lie beside you just to watch you sleep and also, so that no one could hurt you while you are sleeping,” Jess said.

  “Ah! How sweet, sometimes I forget how it felt to be young and in love. That’s one reason I decided to join Davie next week. The only reason I can leave you two behind is because I know that you two love one another very much and you’ll take care of each other. Like I said before, I hope you two understand or one day will understand how we can’t leave one another behind. We love each other too much to put one another through that.”

  I nodded at her, “I know what you’re saying. We do love each other very much, but we’ve been together since birth. Kim, please know we do understand we’re just being selfish that’s all. We have needs and sometimes those needs blinds us, no matter how unreasonable it may be. I would do the same thing if Jess and I were in the same position.”

  “No you wouldn’t, I want allow you too.” Jess said.

  “And what makes you think you can stop me, not that you’re allowed to make those choices for me.”

  Jess stood to his feet so that he was hovering over me, “Did you forget that Damon is my cousin and he’ll listen to me?”

  I looked over to Kim who just shrugged, I thought to myself- you’re not going to help me? I could tell that she wasn’t, I’m on my own here.

  “Jess, why would you do that to me? I know that if I were chosen, you’d want to come with me. Why would you have me sit behind and suffer like that?”

  Jess shrugged, “Oh and one more thing, if you were to get chosen before me, I’d just take your place. So you’ll, have no other choice but to sit here, unharmed.”

  “Well I guess we’ll worry about that when that time comes.”

  Jess sat back down beside me, “I guess we will.”

  He was wearing this cocky smirk on his face that was indicating that he won the fight. A part of me just wanted to smack it off of his face, but I resisted.

  Kim turned around away from us and was walking towards the room she waved at us, “I’ll see you two tomorrow. Go get some sleep, if you thought tonight was a lot to take in, you just have no idea what awaits tomorrow. You’ll most defiantly need your strengths,” and she faded into the night.

  Jess stood up and held out his hand to me, “You heard her, we better listen. I don’t want to be out in the woods tomorrow hunting and have a deer out run me that would be embarrassing.”

  I put my hand in his and laughed as he lightly pulled me up. When I was standing, Jess bend down and lifted me into his arms.

  “I’ve been waiting a long time to do this. Oh, and if I’ve forgotten to mention it to you by all the stuff that had been going on, our first time was…..”

  “A nightmare?”

  “No our first time was wonderful.” Jess leaned down and kissed me on the lips. Now, this I could get use to.

   8

  I stepped out of the cave’s mouth in a chilly mid October night. A light fog floats through the air giving it that eerie feeling that somewhere in the distance, something awaits. My senses start clearing as I let my vampire side take over- over powering my humanness. The lightly shadowed moon hangs above us, putting off a small cast of light illuminating our trail. A light chilly breeze brushes over me, swaying my long pale blonde hair out behind my back, making my body shiver at its embrace. This, I thought is a terrific night to partake in the feast from the hunt.

  I can feel my sharp fierce fangs extend from their encapsulated places embedded in my gums. My mouth starts to water, and my jaws start to ache at the thought of piercing into flesh, rejuvenating hot coursing blood into my mouth. My body starts to crouch into a hunting position, as I sense a buck in the distance. The smell doesn’t quite empower me to hunt, but the sound of its heartbeat and the sound of blood coursing vigorously through its body does.

  I’ve never done this before in my entire life, but it feels so natural to me now. The instincts that are overpowering my body are absolutely mind boggling. I can sense Jess and Davie in the distance to the west of Kim and me and this in a way relaxes me, knowing he’s safe and partaking in the same activities as I.

  “Is something wrong, Ava? I can tell you’re hesitating, may I ask why?” Kim said.

  “No, everything’s okay. I was just thinking about Davie and Jess. I know they’re to the west of us, this made me relax a little.”

  Kim nodded, “Just follow your instincts, your body will tell you what to do.”

  I nodded at her; I can say I’m a little scared of the hunt, once I’ve thought about it. Kim is right; I don’t need to think about it, I just need to let my body do the thinking.

  I push my mind out once again, opening my senses to their strongest strength. Once again, I found the buck. I can hear its tongue lapping up the water from a stream to the Northwest of us. I can hear it flicking its tail against some swarming flies, and the thought of this makes me cringe. Flies…ewe. Instead, I concentrate on what matters. It’s not like I’ll be eating the flies. No. I’ll be draining the blood itself from the buck, and this again pulls my attention to the task at hand.

  Before I knew it, I was running as fast as I could. All I can see is a flash of trees passing me by as I run pass them, following the force that has a pull on me. The buck tried to run as I broke through the clearing where its tongue was lapping up water to quench its thirst, but unfortunately, it’s not fast enough. I leaped on the buck, forcing it to the ground in a head lock. I turned its head to the side exposing its throat
, and then I sank my fangs in lapping up the pulsing, hot blood instantly. The jerking buck trying to fight to get away slowly fell into unconsciousness, as I drained the last drops of blood from its body. Once I finished, I let the buck’s head fall to the ground.

  I sat there by the deer for a few minutes, trying to catch my breath. I was listening to nature all around me. I found the sounds to be very intriguing, the sounds of cicadas buzzing loudly in the distance, the sound of running water, and then there’s the sound of the toads croaking to life. I’ve always enjoyed being outside, I have forgotten all these sounds over the years, trapped inside the cave for safety. Now, I can see the life to a new beginning, a beginning for happiness and joy.

  I stand up quickly and crouch into a defensive posture when I hear someone approaching behind me. I spin around to see who it is, its Kim. Relieved, I straighten up. “You scared me Kim.”

  “I’m sorry; I was just making sure your okay. I can tell you’ll be fine when Davie and I are gone. You’ve picked things up very quickly.”

  “Shhh, be quiet.”

  I can feel a slight tug in my head, like someone’s trying to read my thoughts. I look over at Kim and she looks just as confused as I feel.

  “Kim, can others read our minds?”

  “Yes, why do you ask?”

  “I can feel a tug in my mind right now, I’m trying to push whoever it is out, but the feelings not budging. What should I do?”

  “Lets go back home, now.”

  Kim grabbed my hand and led the way back to the cave, this frightened me. I know I don’t have anything to hide, but all the same I don’t want someone lurking around in my thoughts, that’s my business.

  “Kim, should I warn Davie and Jess?”

  “Yes, warn them that someone else is out there.”

  “Davie- Jess, come back to the cave, this is Ava. Kim and I was out next to the stream, I just had finished eating when I felt a strange tug in my mind. Kim said, someone else may be out here in the woods. Please come in!”

  Of course, I can’t read their thoughts just yet. Davies’ suppose to work with me on that later, and I hope it’s soon. I want to be able to push people out of my head and read others thoughts as well, but that will just have to wait.

  I can see the cave now; Kim is leading the way as I follow. I’m scared, but I’m also keeping my eyes focused on our surroundings. I screamed, when I seen two figures leaped out of the woods to the right of us.

  Kim turns and looks and sighs. “Ava, that’s just Davie and Jess.”

  I look one more time and realize it’s them. I exhale in relief. “I thought it was someone else.”

  “I can tell that.”

  I didn’t realize it, but my hands and body are shaking. I guess it’s the flight or fight response. And in an instance, if it comes down to it, I will flight instead of fight. I’ve not yet learned all of my abilities that will too come later.

  “Ava! Are you okay? Davie and I got your message,” Jess said.

  “Kim and I are okay, we’ll talk about the alarm once we’re inside and safe.”

  Jess nodded at me, Davie looked a little grim, but said nothing about it. We walked inside the cave to find the others waiting for us. From the looks on their faces, I could tell they weren’t happy.

  Misty, ran up to us in a flash, “Ava is everything okay? We “heard” your warning to Davie and Jess. Was someone out there?”

  “I don’t know, Kim was teaching me how to hunt. I just had finished eating, when I felt a tug in my mind. I don’t know who it was trying to read my thoughts, but I didn’t think it was any of you guys.”

  Everyone started looking at each other with confused looks on their faces, Edwin shrugged his shoulder…

  “It doesn’t seem to be any of us. Who do you think it might be?”

  “I don’t know that’s the scary thing. I don’t know who would want to read my mind. I don’t know anyone else other than you all.”

  Kim put her arm across my shoulder, “I don’t know who it could be either. We’ve not had any trouble from the vampire hunters, or any warnings from the others out there watching our backs.”

  “I don’t think it was me,” Jess said.

  “What do you mean you don’t think it was you?”

  “Well Davie was trying to teach me how to read someone else’s mind. I don’t think it was me. What were you thinking about when you felt the tug?”

  “I was just thinking about how lovely the nightlife is. How beautiful and peaceful tonight has been.”

  “No, I didn’t get that interpretation from whomever mind I was in.”

  “Well everyone it seems we may have a problem, just keep your eyes open and ears focused. You got that,” Davie said.

  Everyone said you got it boss, I really didn’t know what to make of that statement, but this has really got me worried. Jess and I still have a lot of information we need to cover, just in case Davie and Kim doesn’t survive. It still hurts, when I think about it that way, but I have to prepare myself for the worst scenario just in case. To be honest this isn’t such a bad place. Granted it took us a while to adjust, but this is the only life I know, or did know.

  “Davie, when are you going to teach me how to read minds? I already use my telepathy skills really well, now I need to learn at least the basics to the other parts.”

  “Not tonight, I’ll teach Jess and you some more things tomorrow night. You need to get some rest, while Kim and I protect you. Then when you’re up, we can rest.”

  “Davie, you and Kim should rest also. You two have had your hands full tonight teaching us how to hunt. I’m sure you and Kim are really tired. And besides you know if someone tries to harm me I’ll tell you no matter what. Or at least no matter what means necessary to deliver the message. So, please don’t worry, until we’re sure there’s something to worry about.”

  Davie just nodded his head at me. There’s no telling if he’ll actually listen to me or not, and besides he’s right I need to rest. The hunt tonight was exhausting. You’d think it would give me strength to go on, but I guess that’s the human in me.

  “Jess, I’m going to go lie down for a while. You can stay out here with them if you want.”

  “No, I’ll go with you. You know I’d be just as worried about you if you were alone.”

  “Jess, don’t worry about me. There are eight of us here, and apparently no telling how many others watching over the cave. So, you see there’s really no need in it.”

  “Ava, no matter what you say, I’ll always worry about you.”

  Jess leaned down and picked me up, “allow me.” I just laughed at him. Jess carried me to our room and put me down on the bed.

  “While you sleep Ava, I’m going to take a bath. If you need anything while I’m away, just let me know.”

  “Okay, Jess I will.”

  It wasn’t like he was going walking a mile away down a road somewhere leading to a huge pond. The waterhole is in the same room as our bed, but I didn’t say anything to him. After all, it would have ruined the moment, and if life has taught me anything, it was to enjoy the little things, because you never know what’s going to happen. I may be young, but I’ve seen many things whether or not I understand all of them, I at least gain something from every experience.

  The bed feels so comfortable. I didn’t realize just how tired I was. I could hear Jess splash around in the water, but after a few minutes I drifted off to sleep.

  Ava! Can you hear me...? Come to me. Don’t be scared I won’t hurt you. I know you can hear me. Your mind is very clear. Listen, I know where your parents are. They’re not dead; no they’re alive and well. Come to me now! I’ll take you to them, come Ava. Come quickly and quietly. Don’t come through the front, if you do Davie will stop you. You belong to us, not them, Ava. Davie and Kim have been lying to you both. They stole you from us. Come with us, don’t worry about Jess, he’ll find us later.

  “Ava, wake up. Where are you going? Ava, snap out of it.”r />
  Smack, a hand came across my face abruptly. Then I felt someone’s hands shake my body. I finally, pulled out of the trance to find Jess standing over me with an expression, I’ve never seen before.

  “What are you thinking? Where were you going, Ava? Were you just going to leave me, not tell me where you’re going?”

  “Stop it Jess, I don’t know what was going on. It was a man, a man’s voice telling me to come to him, telling me it was okay. That he knew where my parents are, that they’re still alive and well. I don’t know who he is, or what he wants with me. I just know I couldn’t pull away from his mind, he was calling to me.”

  Jess wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly as I sobbed into his chest. My body’s shaking from fear; fear of what would have happened if Jess hadn’t woke me up. A chill ran over my body as a chilling breeze whooshes over me.

  “Jess, why are we outside?”

  “I don’t know you tell me? You came out of the back entrance; I got out of the water and realized you’d left. I reached out to your mind and couldn’t feel you. That’s when I realized something was wrong. I asked Davie if he’d seen you, but he didn’t and no one else had either. The others were waiting at the front entrance, I ran out here to find you almost out of the safe perimeter, that’s when I stopped you.”

  I started weeping and crying into my hands. I was so ashamed to have let someone else get to me like this. I know my parents aren’t alive I watched them die. I never had thought that I would be so desperate to believe someone’s lies like this.

  Davie came running out of the back, “Ava-Jess, what are you doing out here, get back inside where it’s safe?”

  Jess hissed, “It’s no safer in there than it is out here. Ava was just mind raped from some freak lurking around out here in the shadows, and you’re trying to tell me that she’s safe. You’re supposed to be protecting her, well us, and you see what good it’s doing, don’t you?”


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