Lost Star

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Lost Star Page 6

by Hawke, Morgan

  Seht jerked back, scrambled to his feet, and dashed off to his pack.

  Aubrey rolled over onto his stomach and pushed up on his hands. He coughed hard. More blood spattered the sandy floor. Too much blood.

  Seht dropped to his knees at Aubrey’s side. He fumbled a smooth black case open on the floor and pulled out a long needle. In seconds he had a huge syringe filled with iridescent liquid ready in his hand. His mouth white and his eyes wide, he shoved Aubrey onto his back and straddled his hips. Holding Aubrey down with one hand on his shoulder, Seht shouted, “Do you want to live?”

  Aubrey blinked up at Seht. His vision began to fade down a long, dark tunnel. He barely heard him.

  Seht shook him hard. “Aubrey, stay with me! Do you want to live?”


  Morgan Hawke

  Aubrey groaned and struggled to hear what Seht was asking.

  “Aubrey, damn you!” Moisture slid from one huge blue eye and trickled down a bone-pale cheek. “Do you want to live? Yes or no?”

  What did Seht want? Moisture dropped from Seht’s chin onto Aubrey’s cheek.

  Tears? Aubrey felt a different pain grab his heart. Seht was weeping. Aubrey gathered what breath he could. “Seht…”

  Seht wiped his wrist across his eyes and raised the syringe. “Aubrey, please!

  You’re dying, right now!” His fingers dug sharply into Aubrey’s shoulder. “Do you want to live? Yes or no?”

  Aubrey struggled to think. Did he want to live? He hadn’t had the chance yet.

  He’d reached majority in a tank. He hadn’t even had his first real sex yet. Seht had promised he wouldn’t go back, that he wouldn’t let them take him. Tears streaked from his eyes. “Yes.” It came out as barely a whisper.

  Seht’s jaw clenched. “Done.” He slammed the syringe straight into Aubrey’s chest.

  Light exploded within Aubrey’s heart. He didn’t have the breath to scream.

  * * * * *

  Aubrey choked and rolled onto his belly. He spat and something small and hard flew from his mouth with a mouthful of copper-flavored liquid. He couldn’t see past the tears in his eyes. “Shit…”

  A hand rubbed his back. “Relax. You are shedding your human teeth.”

  Aubrey couldn’t think. “What?” Exhaustion washed Seht’s reply from his mind.

  * * * * *

  Aubrey was held tight, cradled in a warm embrace. Something big and warm was jammed crosswise in his mouth and hot, thick, coppery liquid was pouring down his throat. He choked and then swallowed. A full breath raced into his lungs. He could breathe. Surprised, he opened his eyes and blinked up at Seht’s face.

  “Ah, awake?” Seht’s mouth was tight and his eyes red-rimmed above him. “You are certainly a mess, pet.”

  Aubrey frowned. What the…? He was cradled against Seht’s right shoulder and sprawled across Seht’s folded knees. Seht’s wrist was in his mouth, and Seht’s blood was pouring down Aubrey’s throat from an open wound slashed in his wrist. Aubrey could feel it against his tongue. He could also feel that some of his teeth were a lot longer than they should be.

  Trying not to swallow, Aubrey pushed at Seht’s chest and opened his mouth wide to pull his teeth from Seht’s arm. He had no interest in drinking anybody’s blood.

  Seht pressed his wrist tighter to Aubrey’s mouth. “Aubrey, don’t fight. Drink.

  Your body is starving for nutrients.”

  Interstellar Service & Discipline: Lost Star


  Aubrey swallowed to keep from choking, and warmth spread all through his body. An odd hunger bloomed. His lips closed on the open wound pressed to his mouth. He sucked.

  Heat filled Aubrey’s belly and spilled through him, bringing in a wave of mild euphoria. A soft moan escaped. The hunger became demanding. He bit down on Seht’s arm and sucked harder. His thoughts pulled apart and sleep beckoned. His eyes drifted closed.

  Seht sighed. “That’s it, drink. You’ll feel better very soon.”

  * * * * *

  Aubrey’s bladder forced him up off Seht’s sleek, warm chest. His open suit slid down to fall past his hips. He grabbed for it and stumbled barefoot across the sand to the open mouth of the cave. The outer darkness was full of rain and rumbling.

  Aubrey winced. If he stepped out there, he’d be soaked in seconds. But damn it, he didn’t want to piss in the cave… He scratched at his chest and looked down. He was covered in some kind of brown flakes. Blood. He was smeared with dried blood.

  Needed nutrients or not, he still couldn’t believe Seht had insisted that Aubrey drink his blood. He shook his head, shying away from those thoughts. What he needed was a shower.

  Aubrey looked at the falling rain, grinned, and dropped his suit, stepping from it.

  He strode out into the rainfall naked. Icy chill sluiced down his skin and soaked him thoroughly. He gasped in shock. It was fucking cold! He stumbled to one side to use the wall of rock by the cave mouth to relieve himself. His skin raced with chill. He scrubbed at his chest in the frigid rain and ran his fingers through his hair for good measure to get the blood off as fast as he could. He dashed back into the cave and shook off some of the water.

  “Enjoy yourself?”

  Aubrey looked over at Seht, folded his arms across his chest, and shivered hard.

  “Oh, yeah, sure… In case you didn’t know, it’s fucking cold out there!” His words slurred just a bit. He explored with his tongue and discovered that his upper and lower canine teeth were longer than he remembered. A lot longer than he remembered. They felt like…fangs?

  “Come here and get warm.” Seht smiled and pulled back the blanket, exposing his pale, muscular chest. “You could have used a wipe if all you wanted was to get clean.”

  “I needed to, ah…” Aubrey felt heat spread across his cheeks. “I needed the facility.” He grabbed his suit and leaned back against the cave wall to get into it.

  “I see.” Seht frowned. “You’re going to get your suit wet. Come. I have an extra blanket you may use to dry yourself.” He turned and leaned toward his pack by the fire, showing the long, graceful line of his spine and the curve of his bare backside.


  Morgan Hawke

  Aubrey’s brows lifted. Seht was naked? He spotted Seht’s black suit, folded neatly by his pack. Seht was naked, and he’d been sleeping on top of him. A coil of erotic heat spilled downward. His cock twitched.

  Aubrey winced. Terrific, just what he needed—a hard-on. He positioned his suit to hide his growing erection and walked cautiously toward the fire and the bed. What was with him? He’d never had any real interest in guys before, but something about Seht was really getting to him.

  Seht turned back over, leaning on his elbow as he held out a gray blanket. He smiled. “You are shivering.”

  “Thanks.” Aubrey took the blanket from Seht’s fingers and turned his back, dropping his suit to the sand. He set the blanket over his head to towel his wet hair. It had gotten really long, and it was dripping everywhere.

  “I’ll take that.” Seht flipped Aubrey’s suit over by the pack.

  Aubrey froze.

  Seht turned back over and smiled. “You won’t need it till we leave the cave.” The blanket slithered from Seht’s hips, revealing a pair of magnificently rigid erections, one right on top of the other.

  Aubrey swallowed hard. Two, he had two…

  Seht grinned. “You did not know?”

  Aubrey sucked in a breath. “Um…no.” He couldn’t stop staring.

  Seht rolled onto his back and gasped with laughter. “Chaos, you should see your face!”

  Aubrey scowled. “Oh, yeah, very funny!” He turned his back and scrubbed his skin ferociously, staring at the rain falling past the cave mouth. Like, he was supposed to know everything about all the other races? He knew that some of them were…paired. He just hadn’t realized that Seht’s race was one of them.

  “Aubrey.” Seht’s voice was soft, and right behind him, only i
nches away.

  Aubrey froze. His breath stopped briefly. He hadn’t even heard Seht climb to his feet. Seht’s hand pressed against his right shoulder, and the sensation burned straight down his spine.

  “Turn around. I want to see you.”

  Aubrey turned, unable to resist the pressure on his shoulder. He faced the taller male and looked up.

  Seht’s bright blue eyes were full of heated interest. His silver hair spilled free down his creamy shoulders to his back, and his smile was carnal. “Oh yes, you will do nicely. Sturdy frame, good bones…” His hands cupped Aubrey’s shoulders, then slid up into his hair, his fingers tangling in Aubrey’s dark waves. “Once you fill out, you will be quite magnificent.”

  Interstellar Service & Discipline: Lost Star


  Aubrey shivered, but not from chill, from heat. He could smell Seht’s skin, and his arousal. Aubrey was suddenly and painfully hard. He barely stopped himself from grabbing his aching cock. “Um, thanks, I guess.”

  Seht’s brow rose, and his smile broadened. “Aubrey, are you afraid?”

  Aubrey’s spine stiffened. “Who, me?”

  Seht’s gaze heated to blue flame. “Good.” He leaned down and brushed his mouth against Aubrey’s.

  A small sound of shock slipped from Aubrey. He kissed me? The warm dampness of Seht’s tongue swept across his parted lips. Curiosity overwhelmed surprise, and he reached out to taste Seht. He tasted of fresh water and something…else. Something feral, and interesting. He opened his mouth wider and sought Seht’s tongue, stroking boldly to explore that interesting flavor more thoroughly.

  Seht moaned softly and reciprocated with a strong foray into Aubrey’s mouth. His hands slid down Aubrey’s arms, tugging him closer.

  The hot brands of Seht’s cocks pressed against Aubrey’s stomach, even as his own cock pressed against the firm softness of Seht’s belly. Need burned. He couldn’t stop himself from rubbing against Seht’s belly, and his cocks. It felt incredible. He groaned into Seht’s mouth and closed his arms around the taller man’s waist, pulling him tight against him while he pressed his hips closer. He rubbed with greedy hunger.

  Seht broke the kiss, pulled back, and smiled. “Ready for your first fuck?”

  Fuck? Aubrey jerked back, only to find that Seht had him locked in a firm embrace.

  He looked up at the taller man and sucked on his bottom lip. “Seht, I…”

  “You have nothing to fear, Aubrey.” Seht’s smile broadened, and his eyes narrowed to slits of blue flame. “I am quite experienced with virgins.” Seht’s foot caught on Aubrey’s ankle and pulled.

  Aubrey rocked off balance and gasped softly. Trapped in Seht’s arms, he tumbled with him to the air mattress, landing on his back with Seht’s hard, hot body atop him, pinning him down. Seht’s long silver mane spilled around their shoulders. Aubrey swallowed and stared up at Seht. “Right now?”

  “Yes, Aubrey.” Seht dropped his head, reached out with his pink tongue, and flicked the tip across Aubrey’s erect nipple.

  Fire erupted in Aubrey’s sensitive nipple and lanced downward in a lightning strike straight to his cock. “Shit!”

  Seht’s palm closed around Aubrey’s cock as his tongue continued to tenderly torture his nipple.

  Aubrey cried out, caught between the blazing sensations of Seht’s tongue and his hot hand.

  Seht stroked upward, then down.

  Aubrey’s spine arched, and he bucked helplessly into Seht’s hand. Fire gathered at the base of his spine, and his balls tightened with urgency.


  Morgan Hawke

  Seht lifted his head and smiled. “I’m afraid that you are in great need of a fuck.”

  He released Aubrey’s cock. “And I am in great need to give it to you.” He leaned to the left and pulled a tube from under the edge of the mattress.

  Aubrey gasped for breath and seriously considered begging Seht to grab his cock again.

  Seht sat up, removed the cap, and squirted a large dollop of gel onto his palm. He grasped the upper and larger cock, smearing gel from base to head. He groaned and smiled.

  Aubrey sat up on his elbows. Seht was greasing his prick? “What exactly are you planning to do?”

  Seht snorted. “Surely you are not so much of a virgin that you do not know?”

  Aubrey licked his lips. Seht was planning to jam that freaking huge prick up his ass? “Seht, I’ve never been…”

  “Assfucked?” Seht rolled his eyes. “I believe that has already been established.”

  He closed the tube and set it to one side. He smiled. “Turn over onto your stomach.”

  Aubrey sat all the way up. “What for?”

  Seht dropped his chin and raised a brow. “I need to prepare you for me.”

  Sweat formed down Aubrey’s spine. “Seht…?”

  “Aubrey.” Seht leaned close and pressed a brief kiss on Aubrey’s lips. “I promise that I will be a most careful lover.” He sat back and set his hands on his hips. “Turn over.”

  Aubrey darted a glance toward his suit and another toward the open mouth of the cave, and the rain sheeting past it.

  “You may run if you like, but I assure you, you will not find the results pleasant.”

  Seht’s voice was soft but without remorse.

  Aubrey stared at Seht. “You wouldn’t…”

  Seht’s mouth tightened, his smile disappearing. “I most definitely would. I have injected you with a nanite solution that is currently transforming your body. You need to be mounted before the next dose or the process will kill you.”

  Aubrey’s breath left in a rush. “You…what?”

  Seht’s expression hardened. “I told you before that you needed genetic reengineering to save your life.”

  Aubrey stilled. Seht had told him that. He’d also said he had the means to do it. He frowned. “But, sex?”

  Seht nodded firmly. “What is currently in your body weakens your DNA structure. When I cum within you, my DNA will influence yours, making you a rehkyt, a hybrid, part human, part Skeldhi.” His gaze narrowed. “One way or the other, my cock is going up your ass. The choice is yours as to how it gets there.”

  Interstellar Service & Discipline: Lost Star


  Aubrey flinched back, shocked. He couldn’t believe Seht was threatening him with rape.

  Seht scowled and turned away, his hands clenching into fists. “I would really, rather not use…force.” He turned back, his gaze focusing on Aubrey. “Please, do not make me.”

  Aubrey leaned back on his hands. “You really have to do this?”

  Seht released his breath and smiled tiredly. “I promise it will not be completely unpleasant.”

  Aubrey winced. “That doesn’t sound promising.”

  Seht rubbed his gel-slicked palms together, and his lips lifted in a half smile.

  “Turn over, Aubrey.”

  Aubrey took a deep breath and leaned to the side, then turned over onto his stomach. What had he gotten himself into this time?


  Morgan Hawke

  Chapter Eight

  Aubrey leaned up on his elbows, his belly and erection pressed to the air mattress below him with his legs spread wide.

  Seht knelt between them. His warm thighs brushed the insides of Aubrey’s knees.

  Aubrey stared at the shadows on the cave wall cast by the small fire while listening to the rain outside. All he could think of was that Seht was getting ready to jam his monster of a cock up his ass. He’d been looking forward to losing his virginity, but this wasn’t exactly what he’d had in mind.

  Seht’s hot palms closed on Aubrey’s inner thighs, just above his knees.

  Aubrey jumped, and a small sound escaped.

  Seht chuckled. “Is that fear?”

  Aubrey clenched his teeth. “No.”

  “Good.” Seht’s hands slid upward, to the bottom curve of Aubrey’s ass. His thumbs pressed into the crease, parting his cheeks.

sp; Aubrey shivered hard and hunched his shoulders. Shit, shit, shit.

  “Tell me”—Seht’s gel-slicked thumbs pressed low, framing the very base of his cock, the tips brushing under his balls—“how does this feel?” He massaged either side of the very root of Aubrey’s shaft, right in the crease.

  Heat and erotic tension slammed up Aubrey’s spine and tightened in his balls. He gasped and dug his knees into the bed, his hips rising from the mattress. “Oh fuck!”

  “A good reaction, I assume?” Seht’s voice was clearly amused.

  Aubrey tucked his head and sucked in a deep breath. His cock was one solid, hot, vibrating ache. He was incredibly close to spilling. “Um, yeah.” His voice came out high and tight.

  Interstellar Service & Discipline: Lost Star


  “Good.” Seht’s thumbs pressed closer to the tight bud of Aubrey’s anus. “You are very ready. You will likely climax very quickly.”

  The hair on Aubrey’s neck rose, and it felt like the back of his head was about to explode. “No shit.”

  Seht’s finger circled Aubrey’s anus.

  Aubrey stilled utterly.

  Seht’s finger pressed. “Push out, pet, push out hard.”

  Aubrey closed his eyes tight and pushed. His anus abruptly released tension.

  Seht’s finger slid within and plunged deep. “There.”

  Aubrey’s eyes flew open. It was odd, but not uncomfortable, though it was incredibly embarrassing to have someone’s finger up his ass. He frowned. It was also a little snug. “You have some fat fingers, Seht.”

  Seht shifted his finger around, lubricating his interior. “Do I?”

  Aubrey cringed. It wasn’t unpleasant, but it was not something he was used to feeling. What really bothered him was that Seht’s finger was nowhere near the diameter of the cock he’d watched him grease. “Are you sure that you can”—he swallowed—


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