She Took My Heart and Went Crazy

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She Took My Heart and Went Crazy Page 12

by A'zayler

  “East, I ain’t trying to be on no disrespectful stuff. I just hate when that nigga be coming for me,” Sheena told her as they headed for the front door.

  “It’s cool.” East tried to dismiss her.

  “I see y’all trying to do y’all li’l thing or whatever, so I wanted to make sure you know I ain’t trying you. It’s him I can’t stand.”

  “Sheena, let that shit go, baby.” East stopped walking and looked at her. “You’re sitting here trying to plead your case because that’s exactly what your ass was on. You wanted to pull his card in front of me for whatever reason and wouldn’t leave well enough alone until you did it, so for real, fall back up off me. I don’t even fool with your kind.” East looked her up and down. “Lame ass.”

  “Dammmmnnn!” Gabrion’s voice came from behind the women.

  East could hear Onyx and Gabrion making their own jokes while Jaylen stepped between the two women and looped her arm through both of theirs. Killian’s talking ass was as quiet as a church mouse.

  “Ladies, let’s not do this. Let’s just have fun, okay?”

  “I’m calm.” East rolled her eyes toward Sheena. “Check on her.” With that, East followed the men from the house and left Jaylen to tend to her friend.

  She was too grown to be fighting, but she had no problem telling a person about themselves. She didn’t kick it with fake people because there were too many real ones around. Gabrion clearly being one of them.

  “You know she scared of you, right?” He wrapped one arm around East’s shoulder before taking another sip from his red cup.

  “She should be because I would really beat her ass.”

  Gabrion was laughing again, this time bringing East in on it. He seemed like a cool dude, played a lot, but cool none the less, and most definitely something she needed right then. A good laugh and a night void of stress would be perfect. Her life had been stressful enough without the added drama from Killian and Sheena.

  “Nah, for real, though, don’t mind her. She’s like that. She hates Kill but wanted to stunt as soon as she saw he was fucking around with you.” Gabrion looked at East with a serious expression. “He doesn’t want that hoe.”

  “He might not now, but he has before. I’m sure of it. She’s too confident talking to a nigga with a mouth as fucked up as Killian’s. It’s something there.”

  Gabrion took another sip from his cup. “Nah, it ain’t. Don’t be mad at him.”

  “I ain’t. He grown.”

  “That’s what all y’all women say when you’re mad. When you know you don’t mean it for real because if he does something, you gon’ be mad as shit.”

  “Too late.”

  Gabrion pulled her close to him and tried to make her drink from his cup. “Stop being like that and get you a drink. You too mad right now.”

  East couldn’t help the laughter that flowed from her as she swatted at his cup. Gabrion was hilarious. “Nigga, move. I ain’t drinking after you. I don’t even know your ass.”

  Deep laughter vibrated out of his cup as he laughed in the middle of taking a sip of whatever he had mixed up in there.

  “Better not. I’m nasty as fuck. Ain’t no telling what you’ll be drinking.”

  More laughter came from the two of them as they led the group of their friends. Once they stopped at Onyx’s truck, she turned around to look for Killian. She was mad, but she still felt some type of way about the connection they shared, and not hearing him say anything worried her.

  Particularly, after the way he’d acted about Gabrion coming in the bathroom with her earlier. Even with her not owing him an ounce of compassion, she didn’t want his mind to go there again, and he ends up mad at his friend about nothing.

  Jaylen and Sheena’s arms were still looped together as they walked toward the truck whispering about something East couldn’t care less about while Onyx and Killian held up the rear. It was clear that Killian was bothered. He was quiet, and his face wasn’t necessarily long, but it was definitely disturbed. His forehead was scrunched up, and he was biting on the inside of his cheek.

  Onyx was saying something right then that he seemed to be listening to. East stared at him until he looked up at her. When he did, his frown got tighter. The way he cut his eyes at her stabbed her chest, but fuck him. He started it, so she looked away.

  “He’s just a little standoffish when it comes to women sometimes. He doesn’t know how to articulate how he really be feeling, so you might have to make the first move,” Gabrion whispered before walking off toward his friends.

  East was about to tell him hell no and that Killian could go fuck himself, but he didn’t give her a chance for one, and she honestly didn’t want to.

  “Stupid ass boy,” she said to herself when she caught Killian’s eye again.

  This was about to be a long night.

  8. I Just want you

  In the back of his mind, Killian knew that kicking the man standing in front of him over the balcony was the wrong thing to do, and most definitely an unnecessary way to deter his career, but he couldn’t help but entertain the thought. He’d been standing in Killian’s way for about ten minutes too long trying to spit game to East, and quite frankly, Killian was tired of the shit.

  East didn’t belong to him, so she was free to talk to whomever she wanted, but his gut told him that she was doing it on purpose. She’d been doing little shit all night that had him about to spazz out and start tearing up shit, but he’d been keeping his cool. From the moment they’d left Onyx’s house, and she’d been huddled up with Gabrion, he’d been angry.

  Although he was sure Gabrion wouldn’t do him dirty like that, he still didn’t like him being that close to East. Gabrion was a charismatic dude with a smooth tongue. That nigga had finessed some of the prettiest women Killian had ever seen with East falling right into that same category. Not to mention he was one of those clean-cut, light skinned niggas that women loved. The total opposite of Killian.

  “Kill, you want a drink?” Jaylen asked as she stood next to the pretty little bartender.

  Killian looked the girl up and down. She was bad as hell, so he didn’t even bother shooting that shot. He had enough on his mind already.

  “Yeah, let me get some Hennessy straight with ice.”

  The bartender smiled before walking away with everyone’s drink orders. Killian surveyed the small bar a little longer before sitting back in his seat and stretching his long legs out in front of him. He did everything in his power to avoid East. She was still talking to that lame ass nigga who was practically begging to buy her a drink, and it was annoying as hell. Killian stood to his feet. He needed a minute to breathe.

  “Aye, I’m about to go to the bathroom real quick,” he told Onyx and Gabrion.

  “Bet,” Gabrion told him while Onyx just nodded his head.

  When Killian was to his full height, he towered over everyone around him, especially East’s li’l company. That nigga was a shrimp compared to Killian, so when Killian walked past and bumped into the nigga, he almost went flying to the floor but caught himself on the bar he’d been leaning on. East’s eyes shot straight to Killian while he looked right back at her.

  “You good?” he taunted the man.

  “Yeah,” the man told him while fixing his shirt.

  Killian smirked and kept it pushing. He was walking through the partiers when the bartender caught his arm. She smiled when he gave her his attention.

  “Where you going? I have your drink.” She extended the glass of brown liquor to him.

  Killian took it but rendered nothing more. He wasn’t in the business of randomly flirting with hoes because they’d talk your head off, and the moment you asked for their number, it was an issue.

  “Let me know if you need anything else,” she told him before walking away.

  Killian continued walking to the other side of the club. When he found an empty space near the speakers, he stood there and sipped from his cup. The fresh atmosphere felt good. Shee
na had irritated him enough for the rest of the year, and whatever she hadn’t finished, East had come along and picked up the slack. Women!

  As the night went on, Killian ordered more drinks and just chilled by himself. The music was relaxing and being alone had given him time to gather his thoughts, so when he spotted East walking toward him, he knew how to control his mouth.

  She was strolling sexily in her shirt that looked more like a bra and tight pants, not paying the niggas grabbing at her any attention. He could tell by the way her eyes shifted through the crowd that she was looking for him. He smiled but wiped it away before she spotted him and saw it. It felt good to know she was checking for him, but he was still a little heated about her interaction with his friend. Not to mention how long it had taken her to come searching for him.

  When she looked straight and finally spotted him, she stopped for a minute. Killian stood leaning against the wall, one hand in his pocket, the other holding his cup. They stared at each other for a moment, him taking another drink from his glass. His eyes lingered on her from the rim of his cup until she began walking toward him.

  Killian could feel the effects of the liquor he’d been consuming, but he still wasn’t drunk. A bit tipsy, but not enough to make a fool of himself in any way. His eyes remained on her until she stopped in front of him. Without thought, she invaded his space and stood close enough between his legs that she was practically touching his chest with hers.

  “Why you over here by yourself?” she yelled over the music.

  Killian’s hand that had been in his pocket came up and rested on her back. “What you doing over here bothering me?”

  “Bothering you? That’s how you feel?”

  Killian said nothing, just looked at her. She looked right back with a disapproving scowl. Her small eyes, smaller in that moment. He wanted so badly to stay mad at her, but he couldn’t. The weak part of him that gave in to women was too strong, and East was too tempting to ignore.

  “Nah.” He shook his head and handed her his cup so he could wrap both of his arms around her. “That ain’t how I feel.”

  “You ain’t been talking to me all night.”

  “I’m mad.”


  “You know why,” he told her with a straight face.

  He didn’t have to say it; he knew she knew.

  East’s eyes bore into his. “I’m mad too.”

  Killian finally leaned down so they could stop yelling. “I know you are. You should be.”

  East looked to be holding on to her little attitude while she took a drink from his cup. Her face frowned. It was strong, she hadn’t known, but she toughed it out, and Killian was proud. She took another sip and sealed her fate with him. Though they’d had sex, and everything in between, he was still shocked to see her drinking behind him. That was personal shit.

  “I’m sorry about that.”

  She nodded and took another sip. “You must use to like her?”

  Killian rubbed his chin and shook his head. “It wasn’t like that.”

  “What was it like?” she questioned, not letting up.

  Killian looked away from her for a minute then back again. “You ready? Let’s slide. I’m tired of yelling.”

  East side eyed him but nodded anyway before downing the rest of his liquor. Her face held the cutest scowl as she fanned herself before setting the cup on the speaker next to them. Trying to be a big dog and almost burned her whole chest off. Killian smirked but wiped it away before she could see it.

  “I’ll follow you.” He nodded toward the exit.

  “No. You lead.” She stepped away from him so he could get off the wall.

  Killian watched her take a few steps back, and for some reason, he wanted to kiss. Maybe it was the Hennessy, maybe it was her. Whatever it was, it had his head lowering to her. He was inches from her mouth before he stopped. He hadn’t even thought about whether she was good with public affection. None of his other women were, so she was probably the same.

  “My fault,” he said while standing back to his feet.

  Her eyes wavered a little as she stared up at him bewildered. “Why’d you stop? You don’t want nobody to see you kiss me?”

  She didn’t like his actions, he could tell, and it made him feel bad because offending her in any way was most definitely not something he’d wanted to do. To make matters worse, she looked everywhere but at him. Killian couldn’t stand how uneasy she looked, so he grabbed the back of her head and pulled her mouth to his. This time, when he leaned down to kiss her, he made sure it was a good one.

  His tongue roamed around the inside of her mouth while his hands pulled her slim body to his. With his back on the wall, he was free to hold her close to him. His very large hands ran up and down her back before grabbing the nape of her neck with one of them. With a slight force, he deepened their kiss, squeezing her butt with the other hand. Killian was going to let the club know she was his. He didn’t give a damn who was watching them right then, and apparently, neither did she. A first for him.

  “I want the world to see me kiss you,” Killian whispered against her mouth after finally breaking their kiss.

  East was clearly flustered as she smiled up at him with her breathing a little rougher than it had been before. Killian’s eyes went to her breasts in the little bra shirt thing he’d been in love with all night.

  “Come on, let’s go, so I can have you to myself for a little while.” Killian walked in front of her and was about to move through the crowd of people but was halted by East’s hand.

  She’d grabbed his hand and was holding on to it tightly. When he turned to look at her, she was looking up at him innocently. Eyes wide and patient. Killian looked from her to their clasped hands before back at her face. East was showing out with the attention she was giving him, and if she didn’t stop soon, he would be water under her feet as Onyx had so eloquently put it.

  “These people gon’ think you mine in a minute,” Killian joked with her.

  East smiled beautifully. “What’s wrong with that? We look good together.”

  Killian had to take a deep breath after her admission. It made him feel better than he’d felt in so long that he’d almost told her he loved her. That would be sap shit, but he could almost understand why Onyx was head over heels for Jaylen. If that was what real love felt like, he might have to steal East for himself to ensure he felt it every day.

  “You ’bout to be my baby.” Killian smiled. “Come on before I lose my cool up in here with you.”

  East giggled as he used their locked hands to pull her in front of him. When she was tucked securely in front of him, he wrapped both arms around her and held her close to his chest. Not too much shorter than him, and a few inches higher in her heels, he was able to rest his chin comfortably on the top of her head. East felt like Heaven in his arms.

  They fit so perfectly together. Every time he moved too far away, or someone else got too close to them, she’d shrank back into his arms tighter. Killian swore on everything he loved that feeling would kill him every time. She actually wanted to be up under him. Indescribable and overwhelming. So much, that he couldn’t stop kissing her.

  His lips had been on the side of her face, in her hair, against her ear, and would have been everywhere else had they been in a different setting.

  “It’s about time y’all got y’all shit together. I thought this nigga was gon’ stay lost all night.” Gabrion’s voice was heard first.

  “You guys leaving?” Jaylen was next as soon as they approached where their friends were. Her smile was big and genuine, which made Killian love her even more. Jay was mad cool. Always supportive of him.

  “Yeah. I’m trying to be up under my baby for the rest of the night,” East said before looking over her head at Killian.

  A bashful smile a mile wide spread across his face. He felt like a hoe for blushing like that, so he held his head down and kissed the top of her head again while squeezing her tighter in his arms. Wh
en her hands came up and rested on his forearms that were circling her, he wanted to close his eyes and live in that moment. It just got better and better.

  “I told you.” Onyx smiled. “It ain’t all bad, is it?”

  Killian smirked. “I still ain’t like your ass.”

  “Well on your way, my nigga,” Gabrion chimed in before winking at East. “I knew you would get him.”

  East’s soft laughter made Killian’s chest warm. “I knew I would too, but we’ll see y’all later.”

  They said goodbye to everybody except Sheena before leaving. She was seated in the corner with fire blazing in her eyes, but nobody cared. Killian was so happy right then he was hoping what he told her about Sheena wouldn’t run her off. He’d really hate Sheena then.

  It took them a few minutes to get out of the club and out to his car, but once they finally got there, Killian released her.

  With one hand, he unlocked the doors, and with the other, he helped East into the passenger seat. He was waiting for her to get settled when she turned in her seat and pulled his hand until he’d bent down enough for her to see his face. Her lips were on his within seconds. Nothing too long or too sensual; just a few pecks before she relocated to his neck and began licking all over it.

  “You make me want to have sex with you all day.” She moaned.

  “Yeah, I know the feeling.” He spoke as he squatted down next to her, allowing her to suck on his Adam’s apple. “Sit back, so we can go.”

  East’s arms folded across her chest as she slammed herself back into the seat. The way she pretended to pout was cute as hell, but it also showed her drunkenness. From the glazed look in her eyes to the way she kept smiling and laughing at him, Killian could tell the liquor she’d consumed that night had her on one. Taking his to the head probably hadn’t helped.


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