Denver Pack Twelve 1/2 (Novella) (Denver Pack Series)

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Denver Pack Twelve 1/2 (Novella) (Denver Pack Series) Page 8

by Jana Leigh

  “It will be fine,” Tey said.

  “How can you say that?” Jo said into his chest.

  Tey pulled back and smiled, “Because it’s the only way it can go.”

  Jo laughed and hugged him. Fredi came out into the room and smiled at her sister. They shared a bond, one that wouldn’t lessen over distance, at least Jo hoped.

  “Ready?” Tey asked.

  The two women nodded and they made their way down to the meeting room. All of their friends were already there.

  Quin and the Alphas were at the head of the table and Jo and Tey took their seats. Fredi sat in a chair off to the side of Jo as she had every meeting they’d had. Marshall was leaning against the wall. Fredi refused to deal with him until she knew what was going on.

  Quin stood up, “So we checked into everything we talked about over the last few days. Fredi, since you are a White Wolf, and the second in line to lead the Old Council Pack, your rightful seat is in Europe, as the head of the Old Council Pack. I talked with Orfeo, Tripp, and Caterina. According to their records, that means you are to be seated on the European Senate with them. Therefore, to make a long drawn-out story short, you have a seat on the Senate as the White Wolf of the European Senate. The choice is yours.”

  Jo let out a deep breath, it made sense, she was the next in line for the Old Council Pack, and she’d turned it over to Geoff, one of the elders of the Pack, along with Logan, Geoff ran the Pack but was not an Alpha, he was a Beta. Jo knew both men would gladly turn over the duties.

  Fredi looked around the room and saw Marshall looked at her intently. Marshall would be fine, his brother was already there with the Senate, and Tripp was going to be happy to see his big brother. After the last prank Tripp pulled, Marshall owned him. In addition, there was no way his mate was leaving him behind.

  Jo smiled at her sister and grabbed her hand, “It is your destiny, our destiny.”

  Fredi nodded and then Blaine stood up. “Fredi, you need to make sure that we’re listening to what the Spirit Guides are telling us. We had another dream, it reminded us once again that we are not the focus, we are just laying the path for what is to come.”

  Fredi frowned and said, “I am not sure what you are talking about.”

  Jordan stood and said, “The Old Seer and now our Seer have both had the same vision. Only when all are united can Hope finish the war.”

  Cami smiled and said, “You do your part and complete the Senate, and we will do ours, raise the future generation to be ready for the ‘Coming Out’. We have to fight the battle first, but I think we all agree we can do that together. Roarke will not win.”

  Chapter Five

  Christmas Eve night, the children were sitting on the floor watching as their parents talked and laughed together. All of the family left for the night, so it was just the New Council and their families in the large room.

  Hope looked at her friends and grinned, she knew the parents were trying to make a good show for them, so they would go to sleep and then they were going to let Santa Claus in the house. Hope figured if they could stay up long enough, they’d give up and just put them to bed. They had a plan, though.

  Over the last few weeks, they planned to wait for Santa; they had a special request only he could give them. Hope was sure this was going to work, and all of the kids were with her. It was like that since they were all born. Hope knew she was the oldest of all of the kids, well, besides her brothers, who were born first technically, but brainpower ran out on this one. They were her muscle, just as Devon was the muscle for her daddies.

  Distraction, that is what they needed. Hope nodded and then watched as Maxwell, Brody, and Tara took the fall for the group, they attached a tablecloth to the wolf who was helping clean up. As she walked away from the table, the cloth went with her, plates and glasses fell to the floor. Daddies and mommies ran for the kids and swooped them up, making sure they weren’t hurt from the flying debris.

  They all put on a good show of crying because of the loud noise. In addition, Cami announced that it was late and the kids needed to be asleep. To make the plan complete, they needed to be put into the large playroom for the night. Hope, of course, thought of this too and nodded to Pilar, her power had grown, and she pushed out a thought to the women.

  “Maybe since it is Christmas we should have all the babies in the large room. That way we can make sure they are all awake at the same time for Santa in the morning. I want them all to come down together,” Cami said and Hope smiled and nodded. “Gregori and his mate are staying with the children.”

  The children all smiled because they had gotten what they wanted. The large playroom was located in the corner of the room. Once the parents went to bed, Hope would put their plan into action. First, they had to get some sleep, Santa needed to hear what they wanted, it was too important. Moreover, leaving a note would never work. Mommy and her friends already helped them make their note and put out the plate of cookies. The glowing doll and dump truck they asked for was not really what they wanted.

  Cami smiled when the last of the Pack filed out of the room and left only the Council members in the room. Fredi and Marshall were getting to know one another, and the babies were being looked after, it was time for a little fun. She fit right into the fold, which was a relief.

  They were all happy that Jo had a family, although she knew that Fredi could not stay. At the meeting, they discussed it a little, but Quin and Jaden already had plans, unfortunately, it was going to mean, once again, they were going to lose a Head Enforcer. Devon was getting pissed about training them.

  “So guys, we have a little surprise for you, would please gather around the fireplace,” Cami yelled.

  They arranged all of the furniture earlier, so the couches were in a semi-circle and there was space in between each of them, so the girls could walk through. The surprise, of course, had been dreamed up when they had been drinking, but it didn’t make the idea any less appealing.

  The ladies all went up to the front of the room and grinned as their confused mates sat down on the furniture and waited.

  “So, even as pissed about the whole cuffs thing as we are, all of us feel like maybe we should cut you some slack. For the last two years, we have been through a lot together, and I for one am looking forward to more years to come of the crazy life we lead,” Cami said.

  Jo stepped up and smiled at the group, “I wanted to say, thank you to all of you for welcoming my sister into the Pack, and giving her a sense of belonging she was missing for a long time. I can’t say I agree with what my father did, but I do understand.”

  “Now, for the gifts.” Cami laughed and hugged Jo. Each of the women went to the tree and pulled a box out from behind. Slowly, making sure they were doing what was planned, they walked toward their mates.

  “We have some rules here. You aren’t allowed to open your gift until your mate gives you permission. Although we have some gifts, there is something else we planned to do,” Cami said, nodded to the girls, and then Cami moved to where her mates were.

  The music filled the room in a seductive smooth rhythm. They had someone change the traditional Christmas tune in order for them to pull this off. Cami and her friends changed the words around, and even added a little prologue.

  They cleared their voices and Cami started:

  The first day of the year

  What will you give me, my loves?

  Our Pack is growing but never fear,

  I will always make you first my loves,

  We need you to hear,

  Our pledges of undying love,

  First, we sing to you my dears,

  A song for you my loves,

  However, listen clear so you may hear,

  What we have for you our loves,

  Cami finished the first part of the song swaying seductively in front of her mates and then they all turned and walked back up to the fireplace, standing in front of the glowing fire, which cast them in a soft glow.

  Open your
gifts my dears, as we sing to you my loves,

  On the first day of Christmas, my true loves gave to me, a brand-new pair of nipple clamps.

  Cami sang the first verse and the men laughed as they snapped out of their relaxed state and began to get excited for the large boxes they’d been looking at with suspicion.

  On the second day of Christmas, my true loves gave to me, two bite marks. Casey sang clearly and trying to remain straight faced.

  And a brand new pair of nipple clamps, Cami finished.

  On the third day of Christmas, my true loves gave to me, three orgasms. Skye sang and winked at her mates.

  Two Bite marks, Casey repeated.

  And a brand new pair of nipple clamps, Cami finished.

  On the fourth day of Christmas, my true loves gave to me, four fuzzy handcuffs. Jordan sang and ran her tongue across her lips as her mates groaned, while they watched her.

  Three Orgasms, Skye piped up.

  Two Bite marks, Casey repeated.

  And a brand new pair of nipple clamps, Cami finished.

  On the fifth day of Christmas, my true loves gave to me, FIVE black teddies. Shea laughed as she tried to hold the note. However, the men all gasped in surprise when Shea snapped her fingers and black lace teddies appeared on the men’s laps.

  Four Fuzzy handcuffs, Jordan sang.

  Three Orgasms, Skye piped up.

  Two Bite marks, Casey repeated.

  And a brand new pair of nipple clamps, Cami finished.

  On the sixth day of Christmas, my true loves gave to me, six vibrators. Cloe sang with a rough sexy voice that made her mates shiver, and she grinned.

  FIVE Black teddies, Shea repeated and snapped her fingers and a red teddy appeared on top of the black one. The men groaned and then chuckled.

  Four Fuzzy handcuffs, Jordan sang.

  Three Orgasms, Skye piped up.

  Two Bite marks, Casey repeated.

  And a brand new pair of nipple clamps, Cami finished.

  On the seventh day of Christmas, my true loves gave to me, seven clit rings. Trinity sang and looked straight at her mates’ eyes, and ran her hand down her body.

  Six Vibrators, Cloe rasped.

  FIVE Black teddies, Shea repeated and snapped her fingers and a pink teddy appeared on top of the red one. The men groaned and then chuckled.

  Four Fuzzy handcuffs, Jordan sang.

  Three Orgasms, Skye piped up.

  Two Bite marks, Casey repeated.

  And a brand new pair of nipple clamps, Cami finished.

  Quin and a few of the men began to snap out of the stunned stupor they were in, and began to clap, making ‘whooping’ noises. The women tried not to laugh too hard as they watched the men.

  On the eight day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, eight blowjobs, Jo sang sweetly, making her mate laugh.

  Seven Clit Rings, Trinity caroled.

  Six Vibrators, Cloe rasped.

  FIVE Black teddies, Shea repeated and snapped her fingers and a white teddy appeared on top of the pink one. The men groaned and then chuckled.

  Four Fuzzy handcuffs, Jordan sang.

  Three Orgasms, Skye piped up.

  Two Bite marks, Casey repeated.

  And a brand new pair of nipple clamps, Cami finished.

  On the ninth day of Christmas, my true loves gave to me, nine porn movies. Bama sang and wiggled her eyebrow to her mates, who yelled loudly and clapped.

  Eight Blow Jobs, Jo growled seductively.

  Seven Clit Rings, Trinity caroled.

  Six Vibrators, Cloe rasped.

  FIVE Black teddies, Shea repeated and snapped her fingers and a blue teddy appeared on top of the white one. The men groaned and then chuckled.

  Four Fuzzy handcuffs, Jordan sang.

  Three Orgasms, Skye piped up.

  Two Bite marks, Casey repeated.

  And a brand new pair of nipple clamps, Cami finished.

  On the tenth day of Christmas, my true loves gave to me, ten pink thongs. Lacy sang and turned around and wiggled her ass. Her men made kissing noises and clapped.

  Nine Porn movies, Bama giggled.

  Eight Blow Jobs, Jo growled seductively.

  Seven Clit Rings, Trinity caroled.

  Six Vibrators, Cloe rasped.

  FIVE Black teddies, Shea repeated and snapped her fingers and a yellow teddy appeared on top of the blue one. The men groaned and then chuckled.

  Four Fuzzy handcuffs, Jordan sang.

  Three Orgasms, Skye piped up.

  Two Bite marks, Casey repeated.

  And a brand new pair of nipple clamps, Cami finished.

  On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true loves gave to me, eleven tubes of lube. Kira sang and put her finger in her mouth and moved it, in and out. Her mates moaned and then winked at her.

  Ten Pink Thongs, Kira shook her ass.

  Nine Porn movies, Bama giggled.

  Eight Blow Jobs, Jo growled seductively.

  Seven Clit Rings, Trinity caroled.

  Six Vibrators, Cloe rasped.

  FIVE Black teddies, Shea repeated and snapped her fingers and a gold sparkly teddy appeared on top of the yellow one. The men groaned and then chuckled.

  Four Fuzzy handcuffs, Jordan sang.

  Three Orgasms, Skye piped up.

  Two Bite marks, Casey repeated.

  And a brand new pair of nipple clamps, Cami finished.

  On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true loves gave to me, twelve Chocolate Pasties. Ruby crooned to her mates.

  Eleven tubes of lube, Kira whispered loudly.

  Ten Pink Thongs, Kira shook her ass.

  Nine Porn movies, Bama giggled.

  Eight Blow Jobs, Jo growled seductively.

  Seven Clit Rings, Trinity caroled.

  Six Vibrators, Cloe rasped.

  FIVE Black teddies, Shea repeated and snapped her fingers and a silver sparkly teddy appeared on top of the gold one. The men groaned and then chuckled.

  Four Fuzzy handcuffs, Jordan sang.

  Three Orgasms, Skye piped up.

  Two Bite marks, Casey repeated.

  And a brand new pair of nipple clamps, Cami finished.

  The men clapped and laughed. They were moving to stand up, but the women walked to their mates and held out their hands to stop them. Each of them slowly pulled off the tops of the presents they gave the men; it didn’t take long for the growls to arise. They filled the box with everything they just sang, and one by one, the men swept up the boxes, teddies, and women and ran for their rooms. A lot of bumping and laughing proceeded until the slam of doors filled the house. Oh, the men were going to be putty in their hands after this.

  The children listened closely and knew their parents were going to go to bed and sleep. They would give them a few minutes to get their jammies on and settled before they were going to set the plan in action.

  Hope talked to the others telepathically, ’Our parents must be tired from the whole night, and I am sure they will fall asleep fast. Let’s wait for Gregori to close his eyes.’

  The children smiled and then proceeded to fall asleep.

  Chapter Six

  The morning came a little early, the children waking each other up and then making Gregori call the parents to tell them to get out of bed. It was controlled chaos as the kids were corralled in order to get where the family tree was located.

  The children squealed as they saw the gifts that were piled under the tree. Each of them ran to stand in front of the presents, jumping up and down, while waiting for their parents to come.

  Cami looked at all of her friends and smiled. This was what it was all about, family. Moreover, this group was truly her family. She didn’t know what she would have done if she would never have met Quin on that fateful day a little over three years ago.

  She could still remember the first time she saw him, standing in the doorway of his office being an ass….

  “Get your ass out of my way,” he heard a female growl come from just outside
the room.

  Quin laughed when Devon jumped up and looked at him with red cheeks. “She caught me off guard.”

  “Right,” Quin agreed and poked his head out of his office to see who had thrown his Beta through the door. It must have been a large female wolf to do this kind of damage.

  He laughed even harder when he saw the small sprite before him. A small blonde woman stood there tapping her foot with impatience. Wow, she was beautiful. Long flowing hair pulled back into a high ponytail and voluptuous curves, the woman stood a good foot below him. It made him feel as if he was a giant. Quin grinned and looked at the woman with more interest. He wondered why she was here. He knew every member of his Pack, and she definitely didn’t belong.

  “Listen buster, I have been sitting out here for the last two hours, waiting patiently for the head dog to come and see me. I no longer have the time, or the inclination, to sit here. Tell your overly important man when he makes an appointment he should have the courtesy to show up,” the woman fumed and turned on her heel and stomped to the elevators.

  Quin laughed again until the breeze from her turn caught his nose. She smelled like rose petals and fresh mountain air. His wolf immediately responded and began howling, pushing him to follow her. Holy shit! She was his mate, and she was a human!

  Devon growled when his Alpha walked by him, like he was in a trance. “Alpha, let me handle her. The human doesn’t know her place.”

  “Huh?” he said, still moving in the direction the woman had gone.

  “She had an appointment with you to talk about renting space on the bottom floor of the building we just bought. I told her we weren’t ready to make any decisions, but she said she had a lease already with the previous owners and she wanted us to honor the contract. She wants to open a bookstore. I tried to explain that you were busy, but she said she called and made an appointment with Shelly. I explained Shelly was out on emergency leave and hadn’t put her in the book, but she refused to reschedule and said she would wait,” Devon said, obviously frustrated. “I will send her a letter stating we will not be honoring the contract. After the last meeting, we decided to make more apartments for the Pack. We have only one more apartment before we run out and there are new people inquiring every week. Then I may teach her what happens when she pulls a wolf’s tail.”


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