Running from the Wolves (Wolfsbane Book 1)

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Running from the Wolves (Wolfsbane Book 1) Page 30

by Lola Glass

  Maisy was in the kitchen when I hauled a large pan of plain croissants in. The chocolate ones were gone, sadly. She eyed me warily as I stepped in, but didn’t try to strangle me or cuss me out.


  I shouldn’t have been happy about that, but I was.


  The day went by quickly. Between cleaning, then cooking, then cleaning again, and then going to the bonfire, everything felt busy and rushed. I received a few more date invites, and I turned all of them down. Accepting didn’t feel right after my nap with Roman, even if I didn’t really talk to him all day afterward.

  I’d changed into my pajamas—sleep shorts and my pizza shirt—and was climbing into bed when my doorknob twisted. The door was locked.

  “It’s me.” Roman murmured from the other side of the door.

  “It’s night time.” I called back. “I’m sleeping.”

  “You don’t sound asleep. Can we talk?”

  I shut my eyes for a long few seconds.

  Did I want to turn him down?


  And no.

  He made choices hard.

  “I brought you a chocolate croissant.” He sweetened the offer.

  Crossing the room, I pulled the door open. His eyes raked up and down me, lingering on my top.

  “You look good.” He stepped in and shut the door behind himself. I locked it just to be safe.

  “You smell good.”

  His eyes darkened and he ran his hand over his buzzed hair, dropping a plastic container with a gigantic chocolate croissant on the dresser in my temporary room.

  “Arla told me you saw my mom.”

  “Yeah…” I sat on the edge of my bed, legs hanging off. Roman paced the room.

  “Whatever she said, I’m sorry. She’s got issues.” He didn’t stop pacing, so I assumed he had more to say.

  “Everyone’s got issues. It’s just life.” I leaned back on my arms. “She was actually decent. No strangling or death threats.” Relief smoothed the worry lines on his forehead. “It doesn’t bother me that you have family drama.”

  He stopped pacing and grabbed me off the bed, lifting me and taking my lips with his. My legs wrapped around his waist and my hands tangled in his shirt.

  The kiss didn’t go on long before I pulled away. Roman rested his forehead to mine, his eyes closed as he held me to a wall.

  “I don’t know why she won’t leave my dad. We’ve taken her to counseling, she’s been to a hundred abuse survivor meetings, and she goes back to him every damn time. I’ve thought about killing him a thousand times. Makes me feel messed up, thinking about killing my dad. But it would be the easiest way to stop him from hurting her.”

  “You’re not messed up. I think anyone in your situation would consider that.”

  “I just don’t know what to do.” He admitted.

  “Follow your gut. You’re a good man, Roman. You’ll do the right thing.”

  My words surprised me, but I knew they were the truth. Despite everything, Roman was a good person. One of the best I’d ever met.

  He buried his nose in my neck and murmured a thank you.

  I didn’t have any advice, but I wanted to give him some piece of me, to let him know that I understood and cared.

  It was ridiculous since we were technically still in an argument or fighting or whatever. But I didn’t resist the feeling.

  “My mom used to take me stargazing a few nights a week. She told me they looked different with human eyes, and that she’d never gotten to see them that way until I was born. Called me her star.” I bit my lip and released it. “She would let me stay up late those nights, and we’d be up past midnight talking about life. I wish I could remember what she said all those evenings, but I was so little. That was one of the hardest parts about being passed from pack to pack while I was so young; it felt like I lost her again and again as those memories faded.”

  My gaze dropped to Roman’s chest for a moment, and his lips met my forehead. I clenched fistfuls of his shirt, eyes shutting as I breathed against him. Since I’d met him, I’d been making more and more good memories. I didn’t want that to end.

  I untangled my fingers from his clothes and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He carried me to my bed and lifted the blankets, lowering us both into the bed after flipping off the light with the switch beside it. He held me on top of him, one of my favorite places to be.

  “Is this okay?” His voice was soft. He’d leave if I told him to, no questions asked. That, I trusted.

  “It’s perfect.”

  His large hands were soft on my skin as they slipped under the back of my t-shirt and traced slow circles on my back. My body molded to his, soft curves relaxing into his harsh edges.

  “Don’t lie to me again.” I whispered into his chest.

  “I won’t.”

  I believed him.

  When I lowered my head back to his chest, one of his hands slipped into my hair. After a pause, Roman said, “Will you consider becoming Alpha Female? No pressure or expectations, just thinking about it. ”

  It meant a lot that he asked like that. I was fairly confident I’d never agree to it, but I nodded.


  My hands slid under his shirt too, tracing the bold lines of his muscles. His body tensed under my touch.

  “Can you sleep shirtless?” I lightened the mood.

  “You’re going to give me blue balls, woman.” He mumbled, but sat up and tugged it over his head before dragging my body back on top of his. “You’re okay if I sleep here.”

  He was giving me one last out.

  Good man.

  “You smell and feel so good I’ll probably cry if you leave.”

  Roman chuckled and his chest rumbled against me again. It was becoming a familiar feeling, his chest rumble. One I liked.

  Sleep pulled at me and my eyes closed slowly.

  “What future do you imagine for yourself?” I whispered. It was something I’d been wondering after that guy offered me a life of farming. Roman and I really hadn’t talked about that, and it seemed like a vital thing to know.

  “A happy one.” He said, like it was simple. I lifted my head, sleepy eyes opening just a crack.

  “Kids? No kids? Living in the skyscraper till you’re old and gray? An apartment in the city? A mansion in the country?”

  Roman’s fingers brushed my scalp, sliding down my hair without catching on the tangles.

  “Honestly, I don’t imagine much other than your naked body beneath mine. Or on top of mine. Or between mine and a wall.” He said. My blood heated and my cheeks were hot on his chest. “As far as where you and I will live and how many kids we’ll have, I really don’t care as long as you’re smiling at me. And naked.”

  I shut my eyes tightly and tried not to get too turned on. Roman inhaled deeply and rumbled again.

  “You smell damn good when you want me.”

  Sleep weighed my eyes down again and I snuggled further into his chest. Roman’s fingers trailed up my spine and made my body hum with satisfaction. The man made me feel things I’d never known were possible.

  “I’ll cancel with the other guys.” My murmur was sleep-driven but still true. “I’m not really attracted to them anyway.”

  Roman’s arms tightened around me. I fell asleep without hearing his response.

  The next morning, I opened bleary eyes to a half-empty bed. My heart sank a bit. It was cold; Roman had been gone a while. Slipping slowly out of bed, I crossed to the bathroom and took a long, hot shower.

  He left without saying goodbye.

  I opened the door as I tugged a brush through my hair—still dry since I’d deemed it clean enough not to bother with the process of washing and drying—with a towel wrapped loosely around my body.

  “I could get used to seeing you in a towel.” A low voice made my toes curl.

  “I look better without it.” I didn’t look away from the mirror, casually brushin
g my hair.

  “I know.”

  Biting my lip, I finally turned to see Roman sitting on my bed with a smoothie in one hand and a fancy-looking bag of food in the other. My chocolate croissant from the night before was still sitting on the nightstand, just where Roman had left it. The heavenly scent of whatever he had in the bag told me the croissant would be living in its box at least a couple more hours.

  “I planned on getting back before you woke up but had to stop and break up a fight on my way in. Sorry.” He left the food beside the croissant and crossed the room, sweeping me into his arms and capturing my mouth with his. My body was like putty in his hands, and I nearly dropped the towel and demanded he be my mate there and then.

  Memories and past experiences stopped me.

  “I guess I’ll forgive you.” I said as he released me.

  “Get dressed. We’re going on a date. An official one.” Roman grabbed the food and headed for the door to let me change.

  “Was that a question?” I called after him.

  His eyes swept up and down my towel-clad figure.

  “Nope.” He shut the door.

  I pulled on a pair of high-waisted jeans that fit like they were skin and a tight, long-sleeved crop-top with one of my cute bras.

  Might as well have cute boobs on my date.

  Even though I didn’t know what we would be doing, my heart pounded irrationally fast. Something told me this wouldn’t be like my date with Grant.

  My black leather combat boots hung from my fingers as my socked-feet padded to the door. Grabbing my purse off the dresser, I stepped outside.

  “Better pack your stuff. We’re headed back to the city.” Roman leaned up against the doorway.

  Tossing my crap in my duffel bag took all of one minute. He traded me the bag of food for the duffel, and we went downstairs together. Jamie was in the kitchen with Oliver, spooning peanut butter into a blender with kale in it.

  “Have fun.” She waved.

  “Thanks for letting me stay.” I called as Roman dragged me from the house without giving me a chance to chat.

  “Next time, you’re staying with me.” His low voice gave me chills.

  I pulled the food out of the bag as we pulled out of the neighborhood, finding a healthy-looking breakfast sandwich in a plastic container on top of a cinnamon roll in another. Paired with the fruit smoothie in the cup-holder beside me, there was more food than I could eat.

  “I wasn’t sure what you’d want.” He admitted, turning up the music. I was getting surprisingly used to rock.

  “I’m not picky.” I opened the box with the sandwich. “Next time, we should eat together.”

  Roman shot me a smoldering look that made my lips curl upward.

  I demolished the sandwich and a few bites of the cinnamon roll, sipping at the smoothie too.

  “So, what are we doing?” I asked, watching out the windows. New York was beautiful. Not the city—although I did enjoy the hustle and bustle. The scenery was what I really loved. I could see myself living out there.

  Maybe we’d moved to the pack’s neighborhood when Roman and I mated.

  I shot him a sideways glance. I’d never thought about us mating as a when rather than an if.


  “You’re taking me to meet other men?” I looked over at him skeptically. Roman barked out a laugh.

  “Hell would have to freeze over.”

  I waited for an explanation.

  “You’ll see.”

  Settling back into the seat, I focused out the window.

  Roman held the steering wheel with one hand and lifted the other to my thigh.

  “How’s the season affecting you?” I wondered out loud. Roman grimaced. “Worse than it has in the past?”


  I stared at him. He stared at the road.

  “Mating season hormones have never affected me. I assume it has something to do with the reason I prevent werewolves from shifting every night. Probably also the reason I have hair the same color as the Alphas of All and smell like I’m always in heat too.”

  Roman relaxed slightly.

  “I’m having a hard time keeping my hand from creeping higher, if that tells you anything.” He said. I glanced down at the hand, high on my thigh, and grinned. “Dreamed about taking you against the wall in that bedroom last night, and then my office desk, and then that seat you’re sitting in.”

  My cheeks heated. Body flushed.

  “Haven’t been able to get the image of your naked body out of my mind in thirty-six hours. Want to kill any other man who so much as glances at you. Woke up with the worst boner of my life and nearly shifted to attack myself for climbing out of bed with you while you were so comfortable, even to get you food.”

  A grin tugged at my lips.

  “Really wishing the hormones were as hard on you as they are on me, because I’d kill to have your hand in my pants right now.” His hand moved up on my leg, just the slightest bit, and he inhaled deeply. “And damn, your desire makes me horny.”

  I laughed, and he shot me a guilty grin.

  “You asked.”

  “I like it when you tell me what you’re thinking.” I said, putting my hand on top of his.

  “Right now, I’m thinking you should unbutton those jeans and help me slide my fingers into your—“

  “Focus on the road.” I smacked him on the shoulder, smothering another laugh. The scents of both our desire had mingled into the most intoxicating scent on the planet.

  “For the record, I was going to say bra.” He kept a straight face. “A little boob action wouldn’t mate us.”

  “Liar.” I pushed his hand off my leg. He grabbed my own hand and pulled it up under his shirt.

  “Don’t act like you haven’t felt up my chest. I’m the innocent one in this relationship.” He led my fingers over his abs and then up to his pecs. The scent in the car intensified on his end.

  “Tell me where we’re going and I’ll let you feel my boobs.” I lied. Roman shook his head at me.

  “Bargaining with your body like a common peasant. You’re the damned queen, Hen. Act like it.”

  I laughed and pulled my hand out of his shirt, pushing his face away from me.

  “Shut up and watch the road.”

  He turned the music up, dropping his hand back to my thigh as we flew down the highway.

  When we got back to the city, Roman parked in front of a place with a sign that read:

  Indoor Skydiving.

  My jaw dropped.

  “No way.”

  “You liked the slip ‘n slide so I figured this would be your scene.”

  “If I go in there, it’s likely I’ll have so much fun I won’t leave.” I warned him, unbuckling my seatbelt.

  “I’ll talk you out of there.” He promised, grabbing my hand as I climbed out of the truck and leading me into the building.

  Two hours of exhilarating fun followed.

  When I thought we were calling it quits, Roman drove me to an old-school arcade that used coins and everything. When I thought that was over, he took me to an escape room. We didn’t make it out, but it was still a blast. After that, we had dinner at a pizza place I’d never heard of before, and it became my new favorite.

  We pulled into the skyscraper’s parking garage as the sun was going down. I was so thoroughly exhausted and incredibly happy that I was positive the day had been a freaking dream. Happy shit like that didn’t happen to me.

  “So, do you like dating?” Roman asked, helping me out of his truck.

  “Hell yes.” I grabbed his face and kissed the shit out of his lips. He pressed me into the truck’s door, one hand on my chin and another pinning my arm above my head.

  The rapid honking of a horn had me pulling away.

  “Break it up, horndogs.” Arla yelled out her window, wearing a shit-eating grin.

  “Go to hell.” I yelled back, flipping her the bird.

  Roman’s shoulders shook
with laughter as he buried his face in my hair, hiding his grin.

  I didn’t hide mine. For the first time in thirteen years, I was well and truly happy. The future could go straight to hell with Arla for all I cared; I wanted to live in that exact moment forever.


  The next evening, it took a shit-ton of convincing to talk Roman into letting me go to work without him. Since I knew he hated the nightclub, I put the necessary effort in.

  “You okay?” I asked Jamie, tying my half-apron on. She smelled a bit different than usual and seemed off.

  “Just dealing with mate drama.” She gave me a tired smile, mixing a drink. She was still really slow at making drinks, but she was figuring it out.

  Her hands shook as she poured the alcohol, and I grabbed the bottle from her.

  “What’s up?”

  She sighed heavily, looking around before lowering her voice.

  “Oliver and I slept together last night. We do it sometimes, but this was different. More real.”

  My lips parted.

  “What the hell?”

  “I know.” She slapped a hand over her eyes.

  “This is the best news I’ve heard in my entire life.” I announced, throwing my arms around her. Jamie moaned.

  “I’m in heat, Hen. My scent changed the day before yesterday. We didn’t use a condom.”

  I froze, arms still around her.


  “Yeah.” She sighed, slouching a bit. “That.”

  “It was the first day of mating season, so there’s still a chance you’re not pregnant.”

  “I can’t be pregnant with the mate I barely talk to, Hennie. I can’t.” I released her and she shut her eyes tightly. “Better sex or not, that’s just… I can’t.”

  “Go home, Jame. I’ve got enough protection here.” I tilted my head toward the table where the mated enforcers sat.

  “He’s home for the next few days.”

  I dragged her to the back room, ignoring her half-made drink and the long weekend-line of customers. Opening my locker’s combo lock, I tugged my keyring out of my purse and handed it to her.


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