Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 5

by Royden Labrosse

  - Let the reindeer open the door for you! Get out, or I'll take a shotgun and make a nice sieve out of you!

  The silence at the door could only be interested, and nothing else. I stabbed the needle wound with scissors and ran blood on my hand, threatening to stain my clothes and floor. I licked it, intentionally squandering the scratch with my tongue. It hurt. But it's better than getting under a vampire's - or whose - charm it is. Life is more precious.

  - Are you free from my will?

  Actually, I wasn't swearing, but now it was that case. I leaned against the door with my back and briefly, literally in three colorful phrases, explained where I saw this guy with his will, where he came from, and who his ancestors were. In response to my felt speech, there was a quiet laugh from behind the door. I felt him like water - with all his skin. The hairs on my hands stood up.

  - You're not letting me in?

  - As long as I'm alive, you're not coming in here! Silence again. I thought it lasted forever. I was a little dizzy. I concentrated and tried to think about something else. Like Sherlock Holmes. Or Jerome K. Jerome and his buddies in the same boat. I suddenly felt funny and calm. I felt like a terrier who decided to fight a boiling kettle. Yeah, well, I've already had a nosebleed, but the victory could still be mine! I just need to be a little smarter. You don't have to grab the kettle with your teeth. Or look a vampire in the eye when you talk to him. You don't even have to see your opponent! I completely forgot about the man at the door, until, all of a sudden, I heard the order again.

  - Open the door for me. Obey me!

  I wonder if he used something again and I just didn't notice it? Anyway, I was strong enough to make a short laugh.

  - You'll get over it!

  And again, a few seconds of silence. Before he says anything else.

  - Are you saying you can disobey me?

  - Would you like a quote from the private property law?

  Hell knows if there was such a law, but I could really do whatever I wanted. And not opening the door, either.

  - Does nothing work on you? Are you immune to my hypnosis?

  - Should it be? - Never miss an opportunity to get information about the enemy! But the enemy wasn't a miss either. They weren't going to give me information!

  - I think we've reached a dead end.

  - You can turn around and get out your way. I can't hold you.

  I wonder why I switched to "you" again. As a courtesy? Or did I just not want to piss him off more than necessary? Probably the second one. What the hell kind of politeness is that?!

  - I'll clean up as soon as you give away what's mine.

  Well, the terms are stated.

  - Did Katya tell the truth? Are you a vampire?

  Silence. I even have a nap in the back of my head. Nerves, nerves...

  - Yeah, that's what they call us.

  - What, a real, living vampire?

  There was a quiet laugh from behind the door.

  - A living vampire? That's an interesting expression!

  - I think, therefore, existing," I parried. - You don't want to be called alive, call yourself a thinker! Although it is doubtful.

  - It's possible. We'll discuss that next time. Give me my booty, and you can get out. I don't hold a grudge against you.

  - Really? And I have to believe you?

  The poison in my voice would be enough for a couple of snakes. I was really mad. Who does he think I am?! Judas? Pontius Pilate? I don't betray my friends, I don't give away my hands about it! I wasn't raised that way!

  - It's your right not to believe.

  Yeah. Am I entitled? Yes. So I can? No. That's right.

  - That's right. And this is also my friend.

  I deliberately marked the word "mine" with my voice. Let him know.

  - Do you intend to argue with me?

  That was it! What have I been doing all this time? Did you look at the moon? I think I've already said all I can, and all I can! Okay, let's try it again. Maybe it'll even come to that. Or do vampires develop marasmus for a hundred years of their lives? Well, we should find out.

  - Katya didn't go with you voluntarily. You don't have any rights to her!

  - She was happy. And she'll get eternal life.

  Yeah! She'll never get out in the world! How's Coppola doing? Oh! Eternal life in the shadow of death. Doubtful happiness like that. I would definitely say no. Better sixty years old, but tasteful than five hundred - don't know what. Why wouldn't you understand? Am I a biologist or what? I have a new species in front of me! Homo vampirikus! And how happy would it be if this white-brown representative of the species lay in front of me dissected!

  - She didn't ask you to do that!

  - She'd ask if she understood. Would you ask her yourself?

  Does he take me for a fool?!

  - The hell it is! Now she's gonna go to the fire instead of you!

  - You don't believe me?

  - I don't believe it. And that's an understatement. - I remembered an interesting detail. - Wait a minute. And vampires can't enter the house without an invitation, right? I mean, I gag her, she calls you, and you roll us out for pancakes! Well, well, well. Dream on!

  There was a quiet laugh from behind the door.

  - You know something about vampires.

  - I know a lot of things," I answered. - My hobby is reading. And I've read about vampires, too. So, did I tell the truth?

  - I didn't rule that out. Although about the pancake stuffing... it could be real. How did you know to tape my lady's mouth?

  - And how did you have the nerve to ask me to give her away? - I've decided I've had enough of this vampire thing. - I'm not inviting you here. I'm not gonna do anything that's good for you! I don't like you very much. It's just a nervous tic! And I won't give you Katya!

  - What if I called in a couple of churches that would tear down your door and drag you both to me? Mind you, I'll really do it.

  The vampire's voice had the first angry notes cut through, but I wasn't scared. Why not? Because I was stupid. And I know that very well. They didn't teach me how to be scared. No, they didn't! Grandpa always told me that fear wouldn't help. It helps to calculate exactly. And it takes courage and cities in general! I snorted. Then I pulled a cell phone chain from my neck and waved it in the air.

  - Siemens, this is vampire, vampire, this is Siemens. It's nice to meet you. - I could still be sarcastic. Life went on. Or is it a family thing? Grandfather told me that when he was captured by the Nazis, he was sarcastic. He hoped to get at least moral satisfaction. - Five seconds after someone tries to break that door down, I'll call the police and tell them in detail who I am, where I am and who breaks down. And I'm gonna try to sell my own skin at a higher price. I'm somebody somewhere, and a Russian woman is at home! And my home is my fortress! Have you seen the movie "Home alone"? Personally, I like it a lot. Come into my house and I'll berate you for parts!

  I lied, but I was really hoping to be believed. There was a short laugh from behind the door.

  - Do you intend to challenge me?

  I really wanted to say that I would have set it on fire without any challenge, but we do not know what the consequences would be. It was better to hold your tongue while you were in one piece.

  - Challenge? Actually, I wanted to throw a can of pickled garlic at you, but I can do something else...

  I wasn't too angry. I was more of a time staller. The dawn will catch them, and they'll be ashes. That's good for this bastard! But from behind the door, there was laughter again.

  - Incredible brazenness! You don't know anything, but you're ready to argue with me! WITH ME!

  - "With me, the nerd myself," I teased. - Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, why don't you live with us! Prescribe us some ditties for the youth to sing! This is my friend! And she didn't choose you! You bit her and raped her! And I'm willing to argue for her right to choose! Something tells me she won't be thrilled about fangs and death or life anemia!

  It's laught
er again. Shit! I am so sick of that laughing tooth! Pliers and a file for me! That's how people become dentists!

  - You don't know what you're getting into.

  - So explain it to me! I already know very well that you are stronger than me. So what? Even a bear is stronger than me, but people have guns! I'm not going to give in because of that little thing!

  - Do you really want an explanation?

  - If you don't bite me in the process.

  My nerves were already at their limit. I'd bite someone right now just to calm down.

  - That's good. Your friend is staying with you today. And tomorrow, I'm waiting for you at Wolf Fight. At midnight. And you'd better come with your friend.

  Now you can hear a hidden threat in your voice. But I couldn't just give up.

  - You won't touch her?

  - That's enough! Tomorrow at midnight, I'm waiting for you. You'll be left with a table.

  - You won't touch her?

  - I'm not gonna do anything wrong to her.

  - We can have different ideas about the bad and the good!

  - You're starting to piss me off!

  A voice cut me like a knife on the inside. I twitched in pain and almost screamed. What the hell is that? Appendicitis or something?! But I'm not giving up!

  - You made me angry a long time ago!

  - Yes. - The word slipped over me like a jellyfish - wet, cold, slimy and sizzling skin. - But I wasn't mad at you then. Don't make me uncomfortable.

  I tried to laugh. It didn't work. I had to fake a cough.

  - And what is your dissatisfaction with me? Mind you, anyone who bites me will sooner or later die of indigestion! I eat garlic on purpose!

  There was a laugh from behind the door.

  - I won't kill you, Jane. You amuse me. And this is expensive. But if you don't come back tomorrow, I'll be making inquiries about your family. Do you have a father? A mother? Brothers or sisters?

  I'm getting colder. Now I'm scared. Mom! Grandpa! And I tried to get away from it.

  - I'll come armed!

  - You're coming with a friend.

  - I have no choice?

  - No," the vampire confirmed.

  - See you later," I sighed.

  - I'll see you around.

  You could hear a note of threat in your voice. But there was something else. Curiosity? Taunting? A little contempt? Indulgence? Looks like it. All the better. Don't underestimate me, underestimate me. I won't mind. By the way, where can I get a daylight flashlight? And some aspen stakes, holy water and garlic essence?

  When I came back to the house, Katya was sitting in a chair with her eyes out and spinning in all directions. But when she noticed me, she calmed down and looked me in the eyes with questionable eyes. I sat down next to her on the carpet. I mean, I went down. My legs didn't hold me very well. Shivering and bursting in all the joints at once.

  - Katya, I'm sorry, but until I untie you. You'd better listen to me. Tall, blonde, blue-eyed, great figure and a naked grin. Him? His name is Andre. Nod if that's him.

  Katya was raving about.

  - Easy, your head will fall off. Anyway, I met your Andre.

  Katya protested, and I got better.

  - I'm sorry. Not yours. But with fangs. And very insolent. If I'd let him in, there'd be two bitten girls already. Do you want to ask how he found us? Well, I'll tell him anyway. You were asleep, and in your sleep you told him where you were. I heard you say it. Then I tried to wake you up, but I couldn't do a damn thing. You're protesting against the poor devil? I'm sorry, but the fact remains. You weren't woken up. So I decided to tie you up. I'd do with a Band-Aid, but you'd rip it off and invite this guy inside. I'm sorry, but I don't like to be bitten. We just talked at the front door first, and when he realized I wasn't letting him in, he tried to hypnotize me. You know, that's not a good feeling. And I almost gave in.

  I got stunned when I remembered the blue eyes. It wasn't fun to think a little more and I'd give up. If it wasn't for the needle pad...

  - Anyway, I managed to cope, but I wasn't looking at him anymore. We talked through the door, then he threatened to break it down and get us out, not by himself, of course, but with the help of a couple of scumbags. I promised to call the police and television, the Supernatural Phenomenon, and everywhere I could. And tell them about him. And about his sweet work. The threat worked, and he left the thought of backup, but he took me seriously. Then we exchanged a few more favors, and he invited us to his club. If "Wolf Fight" is his club. They're expecting us there tomorrow at midnight. I don't suppose you'd mind a quiet, nice party?

  According to Katina's face, she was very opposed. I tried to explain.

  - Katya, even if I tie you up, put you in an armored safe and put a commando platoon on it for protection - it will not help. The ropes will be cut, the safe will be opened, and the commando will also put a mat, so that this type does not get his shoes dirty. And that's not gonna help us. And even if you go to America by tomorrow, neither will it. We don't know what we're up against yet, so intelligence is the best option. And for lack of choice, reconnaissance is a battle. We don't know anything about them! What if they get you in America, too? The boy looked very determined.

  Katya looked at me with terror. I was tired of losing my eyes.

  - No matter how I feel about him, he's a very serious type. If you underestimate him, there will be two less girls alive on earth. And there are more dead. You want to be a vampire?

  The skating rink was frenzied.

  - Well, I don't want to. But let's look at ourselves critically. You and me, two girl students. By English standards, we're even minors. How many chances do we have to cling to a creature that's much older, more experienced and scarier than us? Well, I mean, we already have, but how many chances do we have to win? I may not be the weakest person in this world, maybe I could beat a lot of people, but we do not live in a fairy tale. We have to be sober about our powers. I managed to interest this vampire. An honorable surrender on our terms will give us time. And we will be able to gain strength and knowledge. You don't like it? I'm sorry. But there's still no better option. And also... You know, Katya, you'll have to stay like this until dawn.

  Girlfriend got hammered and started talking. I threw my head up.

  - You're protesting, you don't want to get your legs jammed?!

  Katya threw a fierce nod.

  - You'll have to! If you think I'll risk my hide for your convenience, you're wrong! It's a good thing I shouldn't have gotten into all this! I should have sent you to the mountain to pick tomatoes, - Grandfather's favorite turn came out without warning, - as soon as you called ... Offer to take valerian women - and go and watch TV! At night he would visit you again, fuck you, and bite you, but what does it matter?! It doesn't matter! It wouldn't touch me! - I finally fell off the carving. - And now I'm into some fucking thing and I just don't know where to go to fix it! Weldings with vampires can hardly end well. Especially if I don't want to serve as food or glitter with fangs. I've been fucking dreaming all my life! And now you're asking me to untie you and put our lives in danger?! Yes, yes, that's life! - With each new phrase, I've gotten stronger and stronger. Everything a vampire didn't get spilled on his girlfriend's head. Fears, doubts, frank hysteria - I couldn't get a word out of the song, my fingers were trembling. - Until dawn, my sun, you're sitting packed like liver sausage. Then I will untie you and help you stretch your arms and legs. By the way, it's 2:00 in the morning. So you're gonna have to put up with another four hours. Or I'll untie you, throw you out the door and go to all four sides! I'm not the one who dragged you in! You're the one who asked me for help and protection! I gave them to you, but I framed my family. And my family is worth more to me than 40 people like you! There are only three types of relationships for me now. Lead me, follow me, or get out. You can't do the first and you don't want the third. That's why I drive! And be nice to obey! Okay?

  Katya was throwing her head up. I took a breath.

; - Well, that's great. I'm sorry, but I'll leave your mouth taped, too. The invitation's enough for Andre to come into our house as if he were his own. With all the consequences that come with it. You wanna ask me what the consequences are? This one. They're just gonna break our throats. So I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I don't feel like dealing with this monster at all.

  I tried to curl up a ball right on the carpet.

  - Katya, don't wake me up, okay? Only when it's dawn.

  I slowly pulled the blanket over myself and wrapped myself in it just as slowly. Every movement was incredibly heavy, as if this fit of anger had exhausted me to the end.

  - We're not going to the institute tomorrow morning. We have our own big cultural program.

  My eyes closed on their own. And underneath my eyelids there was ink haze permeated with pale blue flashes.

  Chapter 3


  What's that?! A steam locomotive?! Steam engine? I could barely swim out of my sleep. I was lying on the carpet with my head wrapped in a blanket. The fireplace was long gone, and the last coals were covered in grey ashes. Katya was spinning in the chair and mooing. I took her moaning as a steam locomotive. And why is she in the chair? And where are we? What's going on, anyway? The events of the night were slowly coming up in my head. I moaned and tried to get back on my feet. I did it. I went to the window and pulled the curtains. There was a gray dawn outside the window. That's great. I barely made it to the chair and pulled the band-aid off. Katya woke up.

  - Gapeka! Damn you!

  - Absolutely, I agreed. - We're going to see him today.

  It instantly knocked all the rabies off her friend. The blue eyes were full of horror.

  - Jane, are you serious?

  - Yes.

  - Jane, I'm not going!

  I kept silently unraveling the knots. My fingers did not listen well, but the rope succumbed. Katya kept shaking her rights. Yes, I used to think she was smarter than that.


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