Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 17

by Royden Labrosse

  It didn't tell me anything.

  - You're contradicting yourself. They are few, but they are strong. What do you mean?

  - I think you've already figured it out. Mecislav is one of the weirdest vampires I've ever known. His idea is that he should get power voluntarily. Power only becomes true when it is brought and placed at your feet. It's like marriage. You can swear allegiance and devotion, but by coercion it will be until the first temptation. By voluntarily taking the same vows, you stand even before the god of love. Mieczysław and I had a little chat. He wanted to buy me back from Elizabeth, but she demanded in return what he could not give. Freedom or life. His or one of his vampires. He wouldn't doom anyone to torture Elizabeth. I don't blame him for that. You know, fifteen vampires who are ready to follow their tread into the fire and into the sun are a lot. It's more than what the same Andre can do. He's got about a hundred vampires, but in reality, no more than ten people will volunteer to fight for him.

  - A forced soldier is not a soldier, right?

  - That's right. Mecislav will be able to put in a good word for me before the Council of Elders. And he will be listened to. Especially if you testify.

  - Will my word have weight?

  - As a normal person, I don't think so. But you're not an ordinary person. You're a woman resistant to vampire hypnosis. What's more, Duchka's specialty is fucking sticking! - Andre is hypnosis. He can make anyone do anything. And you remain free of his will. That's the argument. Elders always listen to strange people. At least to get them into property.

  - I don't really want to be anyone's property," I noticed. - Not to mention the whole company of fangbangers.

  - And mine? - Danielle looked me in the eye. - If I declare you to the Council as my property, no one can claim you. Of course, it would only be a game. Lying for good.

  - We should think about it. By the way, is there anything you can do to explain my abilities? I definitely didn't succumb to your Duke's hypnosis. Although he did try. And yesterday, there was another interesting thing about blood. Was it just me - or was I somehow... broken? And you, too, when you drank from my vein?

  The vampire is darkened.

  - This is a difficult conversation. And I have to be honest: Magic theory is not my thing.

  - That's a shame. Now, that would be helpful. But do you know anything at all?

  - I know. You know there are people called psychics, sorcerers, witches...

  - This isn't about me. I can't even guess the tickets to the exam. Basically.

  - Or you, but a little different from what you think. A sorcerer is not only a gentleman in a long robe and a sharp hat that causes hail and locust attacks...

  - Yeah, and he also throws fireballs right out of his fingers.

  - There's another form, spontaneous wizards.

  - What kind of beasts are these?

  - If you stop interrupting me for no reason, you'll know.

  - I'm sorry.

  - I'm sorry. Spontaneous wizards are the most ordinary people. No worse or better than anyone else. But their gift awakens at a critical moment. And then everybody else wonders where it came from. A marathon runner, for example. Imagine fighting all day and then running. To do that, you have to be a superhuman. Or a spontaneous wizard who is determined to give everything - even life - to win. History knows a lot of such cases. Especially often they took place on the battlefields, you understand: war, threat to life, the proximity of death - it's enough to remove all restrictions. Or people who were later called saints. In a critical situation, their gift burst into flames. Of course, it was used by the church to its advantage.

  - Well, why not? If this gift is really from God? - I objected.

  - Let's leave the complex relationship between vampires and the church alone. You know, your gift is quite unusual. If it was just once, I'd understand. But you've had at least four flashes, right?

  - What do you mean?

  - I take it the first time is still at the cottage. Second time at the club. Third time is when the vampire died. And the fourth time is with me. You could add a fifth. A normal person after your injuries would've been oblivious, and you don't even have a runny nose.

  - Isn't that good?

  - It's two sides of the same coin again. Yeah, it's a good thing you're a magician, it's a good thing you're so strong, it's a bad thing. Our advice, and Duchka... I mean, Andre would love to use you for his own purposes, no matter what your wishes or preferences.

  I frowned. And suddenly I remembered my grandfather's stories about the war. More precisely - how the fascists decided to kill him and tied him up in an ice-hole. He should have died, but he survived. And who knows, maybe it's hereditary? In a generation? Could it have been?

  It's easy. It flashed into war, and then it didn't show.

  Uh, no! Bullshit! The nineties were scary, too. Grandpa doesn't even like to remember them. But how many 60-year-old men do you know who can do their job in such chaos? Crack, not steal, please note! I've never met them at all. And everything else... And the fact that grandpa looks and feels much younger than his age, and his character, abilities...

  But I wouldn't talk about it. Vampires are gonna overstep. There's no need to frame the family. And there's got to be some trumps up their sleeve. Yes, they do. Here you go.

  - How can I be used? Apply to a vampire and watch: will it flash - will it not flash? So you can wait until the second coming.

  - It wasn't so rude and impractical, the vampire remained remarkably serious. - Do you know what a familiar is?

  - A demonic animal that was used by witches and sorcerers to increase its power.

  - It's nice to deal with an educated man.

  - Are we tastier?

  - More caloric," the vampire snapped at him. - That's not the point. If humans have adapted to increase their power to animals, then who could vampires have adapted?

  - Bats?

  - Jane, you figured it out for yourself, right?

  - All right. People, or what?

  - That's right. There's a certain ritual of connection between a human and a vampire. If a person is caught strong, the vampire emphasized the last word with his voice. - Well, there you go. If a sorcerer or a witch were caught by vampires, they used them to increase their potential. That's probably why you're still alive.

  - They want to use me as a cat?

  - You got my idea right.

  I bit a fingernail on my thumb.

  - I take it this is a fairly rare phenomenon - strong people?

  - The phenomenon may be frequent, but they still have to be found. And submit to your will. And this is not a matter of minutes. Vampires are a myth. It's like we don't exist, so...

  - That's why Duke didn't kill me after all, he tried scraping. Uh-oh-oh... They won't leave me alone now, will they?

  - All right. You can just go through everything voluntarily or under duress.

  I was tense on the bed. If anything, I'll crack his tray on the head, knock his fangs out.

  - Are you gonna force me?! Take a health risk!

  - Jane, you helped me, and I won't do anything to hurt you.

  Looking into those incredibly transparent gray eyes, I wanted to believe him. I'm such a fool!


  Jane, don't you think you're being noodled? - whispered his inner voice. - Just like that, for the drawings, she could've nailed him at her house, too. Why would she do that? It's a stupid thing to do. To catch a mole, you have to pour salt on its tail? Oh, the mole has no tail? Then you have to sew it on first and then let it go, catch it and pour salt on it. There's something our friend isn't saying. But what is it? That's something you're not going to find out. The only way is to pretend that you believe him. For now, pretend. And be on the safe side. With crosses and holy water. And in the meantime...

  - Okay. And willingly, what's that?

  - You'll be able to choose your own master. Almost. And as his surname, you get the right and the vote. You'll be able to talk
to vampires almost equally. And even demand justice from the Council of Elders.

  - I am ready to speak even before the three Councils. Especially if it helps protect my... interests. - I wanted to say "my loved ones," but I changed my mind at the last moment. You shouldn't give a vampire all the cards.

  - And Andre can't help but understand that. Whether willingly or not, you have shown yourself to be a dangerous enemy and a dangerous witness.

  - And now all the Ducky Vampires are going after my scalp?

  - What did you think?

  I smiled crooked. Life goes on anyway. Whatever happens to me!

  - I thought one bottle of holy water would be enough. I'll have to stock up on a better arsenal.

  - I guess they'll try to kill you or drag you to Andre, not just make you a vampire. A surname, like a vampire, can be made without human consent. We're all vulnerable to blackmail. Even me.

  And why didn't I get excited about that? The answer was simple. I don't know what I'm getting into. If you're told there are beeches and beeches in the dark and you don't know what they are, you won't be afraid.

  - So, what's next? I'm not going to kiss them either! I have a short conversation with fascists: I have a grenade - good, no - let's go and buy.

  - Fascinating!

  I don't think Danielle believed me. I couldn't blame him. What happened yesterday, it's gone. And I didn't know if it would happen again. Everybody's got adrenaline throws in their blood, but can everyone take another creature's life? A friend of mine couldn't even watch the injections. I, on the other hand, was quietly giving my mom antibiotics. I wasn't intimidated by the feeling of a needle piercing soft human flesh. Or I just didn't care if the needle was human or orange.

  - Better tell me, what kind of macaroni are we going to get to Mieczysław?!

  - And we're not going anywhere. He's the one who's supposed to be flying in here tonight.

  - What?!

  - Yeah. He's getting cramped up in his own place, and then there's this concept among vampires, like a fight.

  - Learn more!

  - If the vampire claims the place of the Prince of the city, and the place is taken, he has to win three fights - he and his two supporters with a local Prince of his choice, and then take control of all his alunno. Then he will have to confirm his right in front of the Elders, but this is more of a formality. Mecislav knows very well what the situation in the city is like today. He loved it here, and he has nothing against the challenge.

  - How cute! Just fly in and say fight with me?

  - Of course, Andre, as much as he can, shouldn't let him come and say. This is a special ritual. The Prince is sent a notice of the arrival of the challenger - and the Prince must accept it. But nobody says that the challenger cannot be killed on the way. Besides, there shouldn't be more than two vampires from his vertical with the challenger.

  - And murder on the way isn't punished by the Elders?

  - If the challenger cannot defend himself, who would need him as Prince?

  Now I understand why the vampire asked me to postpone the explanation. Before, I wouldn't have understood anything without an explanation. Now...

  - Danielle, correct me if I'm confused! Did you call Mieczysław? Last night? When did I find your cell phone?

  - Yes.

  - So he decided to print Andre first, then clean up the city, and then put in a good word with the Elders for you and for himself?

  - Change the second and third places, and that'll be it.

  - Okay. Tip - primo


  . Shouldn't anyone from the Council be coming to us?

  - The Council representative will arrive when his time comes. It is just in time to confirm or deny the results of the last fight.

  - I see - this time it was really clear to me. - And when will it all start?

  - Mecislav will arrive tonight. We made a deal with him. I'm going to meet him.

  - We did.

  - – Я. I am a vampire after all and more resilient than you. And then, you're not allowed to be seen by anyone. Andre will need your head.

  - What a coincidence, I need it too. And why would that be? Danielle, who recognizes me in winter clothes? I'll wear something with a big collar, make up like a doll, put on a hat, and no one will guess me! Staying here is so much more dangerous! And then, I'm not gonna guess what happens to you. If you get killed, Duke will get to me sooner or later. You know, I don't want to be in his paws at all. Not alive or dead.

  The last argument was particularly convincing. Danielle looked at me sadly, shook his head and gave up.

  - All right, then. I'll take you with me. But you have to promise to keep quiet and obey. Mechislav is far from like me. And he doesn't know you. You shouldn't make him your enemy right from the doorstep.

  - Okay," I smiled innocently. - I'll wait till the sofa. And now for the case. Who can Grunkle send against us, and what should I arm myself with? Mind you, I can't get a firearm. So let's figure out what we can find before tonight?

  - We'll figure it out.

  Actually, I had a lot more questions, but until I wanted to ask them. I had to digest the information first. So it was easier for me to switch to what I needed to do, and then, when things settled down, to get into the complicated world of vampire relationships.

  I think I'll be able to interview Daniel again VERY well in time for tonight. I wonder if vampires are as dispersed as humans. And is it possible to take advantage of that in your own selfish information interests?

  Let's see...

  So far, I've only had one problem and only one question.

  All of our conversation, I could smell... a lie? Silence? An indiscretion?

  What did the vampire lie to me about?

  Chapter 5

  - Since me and Rabinovich went to work, Rabinovich wanted a drink... - I whistled in the shower room. I was combing my hair before going out. I didn't need to dye anymore, only my hair was left.

  Great stuff, makeup. Half a kilo of makeup and no one will recognize you. Especially since I've never used makeup before. Almost never. No tonal cream, powder and blush. These are the things that look unnatural in winter. Although they look even dumber in summer, especially in bright daylight. But I had shadows, pencil, eyeliner, mascara and bright lipstick. Except I didn't know how to use them. I had to wash the paint at least three times until Danielle took over and grinded me so that I looked like a Barbie doll.

  That's how I went to church and the toy store. And when I got there, Danielle was sleeping. I was scared at first.

  Vampires sleep literally like corpses. They don't move, they don't breathe, and Daniel's body was as cold as a snowman.

  For a few minutes I was wondering who to call - Nadia or the ambulance, then I remembered that I was dealing with a vampire - and I relaxed. He'll wake up tonight. In the meantime, I have time to disassemble the shopping - and think about something.

  I really didn't like what Danielle said this morning.

  And about vampires and yourself. I really didn't like it. And it should have been taken care of, like I was taught as a child. If you don't understand, at least try it again. That'll come to mind.

  Two very close themes. Danielle and the vampires. But it's easier to start with vampires. What do we have?

  Vampires aren't a gang of gangsters, though at first sight they are. At second glance, they're more of a strictly organized organism. I understand vampires have some kind of power. Physical, metaphysical... God knows. It's good to be educated in many areas of life. In my day, I even flipped through Papius' Practical Magic, even though I didn't read it all the way through. Okay. Let's denote what vampires control as the power of X. Some have more, some have less. If I understand Daniel correctly, a freshly made vampire doesn't have it at all and depends entirely on his creator. The creator has a bigger "X". His protector - that is, the leader of the city - has an even bigger "X", and the main governing body of vampires - the Council - has such an "X" that everyone
will just have a full "X" if vampire leaders want it. That's why everyone obeys and fears them. A kind of vampire senate. And it's not the Council that should call them, it's the Order. It'd be more honest. Yeah. What's good and what's bad about them. The bad thing is, apparently, it's absolute power over all vampires. And the bastards in general. Like Danielle said, anything could have been done to him, even if it would have led to his death. I mean, a wolf pack or even more like a rat pack, and the leaders are just the most experienced rats of all. And it's not up to me to compete with them or meet them at all.

  On the other hand, they have a good one. If there are researchers of human technology and if these comrades try to put any unusual object or person to their advantage, that is a plus. Another question is whether they care about their people or about their safety. It's more like the second one. You can make more vampires, but you can make your own skin - one that is dear to its master.

  And they might as well put me in their service if they figure out what's going on with me. The question is, what exactly is happening to me: do I want to continue to be connected to vampires and have a choice. There is no answer to either the first or the third question yet. The second question, however, takes me to Daniel smoothly.

  Damn it!

  I just like this vampire. As a human being, I do. I'd like to chat with him, go to the movies, walk around town - what's it like?! But it's okay. Especially for a girl my age.

  What's not normal?


  Danielle lied to me. Not in everything, but in a lot of ways. I suppose he's really three hundred years old. And that his friend is a strong vampire. By the way! If a vampire has enough power to control himself... And how is that determined? If a vampire is strong enough not to go hungry on people? Or to make his own kind? Or some kind of vampire-like hypnosis, like Duke's? What's the "X" value for a vampire to be considered strong and free? And what kind of test does anyone who wants to be a ronin have to endure? And why does Danielle say he's not strong enough? And what did he lie to me about?


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