Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 37

by Royden Labrosse

  I imagined an elegant, beautiful and refined Dyushka in a monastery - and almost choked on her spit. Mechislav politely patted me on the back.

  - Better, curly?

  - Are you kidding? About the monastery?

  - Not at all. I just suspect that everyone there was more busy with themselves than God.

  - Oh, well, that's no surprise. Although there is a God, but his servants are very hungry.

  - Did the manka of heaven last fall in front of Moses?

  - Do you read my mind, Mechislav?

  - No. It just makes sense.

  I nodded and made myself comfortable with a vampire. If he's gonna hug me, I'm gonna need some comfort.

  - How are you feeling, Curly? Not nauseous, not dizzy? I completely forgot to ask.

  - Okay," I said. - And she's certainly not pregnant. Why?

  - You've wasted a lot of power. How are you doing now?

  I listened to myself. Things were... going well.

  - After the Force has been ejected, it's gradually gathering and I can even feel it, but I can hardly let it out.

  - There's no rush. Everything will come. It's enough that you're perfectly adequate and on your feet.

  - Adequate?

  - Some people go into a trance after such a surge of energy.

  - And you knew about this?! And yet you were willing to risk it!

  I've moved away sharply from the vampire. I mean, I wanted to pull away, but my hand on my waist clenched to a steel hoop.

  - You'll make a scandal out of me later. Now, if you'd be so kind as to stand and watch. In silence.

  There was so much... power in my voice that I had to obey. And I sputtered a viper:

  - I'll talk to you again! How lucky I was to meet Daniel!

  It was assumed that Mieczysław before my friend - like before China cancer. And in fact, he's the penultimate goat. (The last one is Dyushka.) The vampire took a hint, but he didn't relax his hand. Had to go through his teeth:

  - Let go! You're crushing my ribs!

  - You gonna stand still, Curly?

  - I will, damn you! Let me go!

  The grip was a little loose, but the hands were ready to close again at any moment. I wasn't gonna bust out and make fun of us. And then, you could see the circle better from here. And I was always curious.

  Naked in the waist by Boris and Frodo entered, and the same vampires closed it with aspen rods.

  - Let the fight begin! - Ducky's voice was heard.

  It started out weird. First, the vampires went in a circle, exchanging views. Then Frodo suddenly threw his hand forward with his palm open and his thumb down. Boris did not even sway and turned his palm with the same gesture.

  - What are they doing? - I whispered.

  - It's called the "Wave", - "understandably" explained Mechislav. We had to push it with our elbows in the side to include explanations. - The vampire creates a shock wave in front of him. If it is strong enough - it can destroy a brick wall.

  - Do you know how to do that?

  - Yes. But I'm not moving the wall. I don't have enough power. Look, curly.

  Two vampires were also moving around in a circle with their arms outstretched in front of them. I took a closer look. Boris looked like a pickle. Hands didn't shake, a light smile wandered on his lips. At the same time Fyodor (which Frodo) moved as if he had a wagon of bricks on his hands. His fingers were trembling, and the first beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. Bright red. Like blood. Or...

  - Vampires sweat blood?

  - And they cry too. But Boris isn't in any danger of that. He got enough power from you. I didn't even expect there to be so much. Until he uses it, though.

  I focused on the battle. Vampires circled around each other without taking their eyes off the enemy. And suddenly something started happening to me. I looked, and I saw it differently. The way I saw Katina aura. Between Boris and Frodo, closer to the last one, there was a rare nasty gray cobweb in the air. She was barely worried, but her edges were curving towards Frodo. Somehow I knew it was Frodo who created her. And a spider web, once it reached a vampire or a human, would cut it into pieces. But Boris somehow kept it in the air. And he even managed to move it towards the enemy. Another cobweb separated from Frodo and added to the already hanging one. The web moved a couple of centimeters towards Boris. The vampire was ready and did not flinch. In his turn, Boris released his hand - and threw something like a thin stylet towards the enemy. The same foggy gray as a spider web. The stylet slipped through the cells, and the first blood appeared on Frodo's hand. The vampire shaken, and the spider web approached another thirty or forty centimetres.

  I smiled angrily. So him! Another centimetre seventy and only parts from Frodo will be left. That's right! If you raise your hand to me, I will pull your legs out! Like Andre! One of his legs was ripped off yesterday with my humble help, now we'll break the second leg. That's great! Frodo defended himself desperately, added new nets to the web, Boris threw foggy blades at him, and Frodo was bleeding out of seven small cuts. The spider web was already floating twenty centimeters away from the vampire when he decided to do an unexpected number. He threw his hand to his face and ripped his wrist with his teeth. And then he did the same trick with his other hand. There was blood. And that blood started to form a little scarlet ball between the vampire's palms.

  - Bloody fire! - Mechislav has scolded. - Hell, if Boris isn't strong enough...

  There was no further explanation. I knew very well that Boris wouldn't have the power. I could see that there was a lot of it, but the cobweb was very strong. He won't be able to hold it and repel the scarlet ball. But if... Boris was drinking my blood! And I can try to give him power... If like this...

  Mechislav suddenly shaken me like a pear, knocking my concentration.

  - What the devil?! - I came forward.

  - If you dare to help him, we'll all be torn to shreds! Any interference in the fight is forbidden! Violation of Council of Elders laws is punishable by immediate death.

  - But he is...

  - Look!

  I didn't have time to see anything. But I could feel it. I didn't need any help.

  Didn't need anything. Frodo swung and forcefully launched a bloody lump at the enemy. I almost closed my eyes. I was so reluctant to see Boris die and Andre's triumph... Boris somehow carelessly swung his hand. And the Force splashed out. And it was a very familiar Power, my Power. The one that I myself spilled out on them and Mieczysław today. I waved, and the vampires waved with me. Only now I realized how cunning Boris was. He saved most of the power he had received for the last time. The Powers that I gave him. What he had in person had already been used up, but my Powers were spilling out in waves as an avalanche swept the hall. The scarlet ball froze a few centimeters away from his face. And turned sharply back, to his master.

  - He who raises his sword by the sword will die," I said softly. The second sight returned to me, and I wept. It's a victory!

  The bloody fire easily flew through the net and carried it away. Frodo screamed. The red stain spilled over him, and fire broke out. The vampire burned alive. But not for long. The net enveloped his body, and burnt pieces sprinkled to the ground.

  - This can't be happening!

  Screaming Duchka, who jumped off a black throne. The rink flew away like a fluff.

  - You couldn't win! It was set up!

  Mechislav abruptly threw his hand in front of him. And I saw a gray blade flying towards Andre again. The blonde shaken - and shut up. There was blood on his cheek.

  - Boris fought honestly," Mechislav said quietly. But I would beware of arguing with a man if he says so. Even Niagara Falls could have frozen from the vampire's voice.

  - But the Force! - Duška suffocated. - Such Power... He couldn't...

  - Why is that? The vampire sounded ironic in his voice. - You underestimated Julia. In case you haven't figured it out yet, she's capable of sharing much more power.

  Duke turned his eyes on me. I
snapped even harder and tried to curtsy. It didn't work out too well. I'll have to try it in my skirt.

  - I didn't mean to, honestly, uncle vampire.

  Everything's frozen. No one knew what would happen next minute. Andre's face was taco... He could've ordered us all to be pulverized. That's easy. He could have thrown himself in. Then there was still a chance.

  Vadim laughed behind my back. And that laughter, better than a lightning rod, defused the atmosphere. Duška ran his hand across his face, washing blood, and fell back into the chair. Mechislav relaxed and smiled.

  - You turned out to be our secret weapon, Curly.

  - And now you'll guard me like a strategic warhead?

  - No. Just like the most charming girl in Russia.

  - Well, well, well.

  I didn't believe it. But it felt good.

  - So you're a battery? - specified by Duke. - I think I picked the wrong friend.

  - It's too late for that.

  I pulled away from Mieczysław with a little effort. And I took a good look at my friend. Katka... I mean now Anna was happy and happy. Well, I won't ask her to leave with us. To have an enemy spy in your camp is fatal. But it hurts so much! I never thought it would hurt so much from Katina's betrayal, from losing her. I didn't think much of my friends at all. And now it turns out that they mean something to me. Danielle seems to have felt my condition. He came forward and hugged me by my shoulders.

  - Jane, you need to rest.

  Duke turned his angry eyes on him.

  - I wonder what they promised you, spy?

  I took a quick look at Daniel. A spy? How interesting!

  - Danielle?

  - I'll explain everything to you later.

  - I really hope so.

  - I think it's time for us to say goodbye," said Mieczysław slightly. - Tomorrow we will be here at the same time.

  - And let the Force decide everything," Andre answered. His face was calm, with blue eyes and no shadow of fear or doubt, but I knew. With a sixth or even ninth sense, I felt his insecurity. And that fear of losing was payback enough for me. For that fear, I can even forgive Daniel. Although I won't tell him that.

  Boris was already out of the circle and came up to us.

  - Maybe I should say thank you.

  - Watching you fight was a real pleasure for me. Although I was worried.

  - Jane, say goodbye to your vampire uncle," Danielle suggested. I smiled and waved to Andre.

  - I'll see you soon. Hopefully the last one. Katya, I'll be glad if you stay alive after his death. Have a nice day, vampire boys.

  - I will be glad to see you tomorrow - for the last time - answered Andre. - Mechislav, Boris, Vadim - see you later.

  The boys bowed, and we headed for the exit. I didn't say anything. I shook Mieczysław's hand when he tried to help me - and immediately tripped in high heels. Vadim grabbed me under his elbow and smiled. His fangs sparkled in the dark.

  - I don't know how you can walk on these spokes.

  - Ask the chief! This stuff was chosen at his service!

  - The chief feels the beauty. And as for convenience...

  - What are you complaining about? - Mechislav said it wasn't very clear.

  - You rubbed my collar on my neck.

  I snorted. And I stopped talking to the car. In the car, Danielle tried to hug me again, but I glanced at him and moved closer to Boris. In connection with the fight the car did not trust him - and Vadim drove.

  - Jane... - Daniel's voice sounded insecure. Whether he'd give it to his ears or not...

  - We'll talk at home," I answered. - And you're gonna get back at me for your mistrust. Do you understand?

  The vampire is visibly relaxed. Well, he should have. I'm gonna kick his ears for all the silence. Boris pulled me in.

  - Suck it up, girlfriend. Will you try to sleep?

  - Is that even possible?

  - We won't talk. Unless it's very quiet.

  - I take my word for it," I answered. - But the debt is yours!

  Then she leaned more comfortably on the vampire, feeling the deaf heartbeat, closed her eyes - and did not notice how she dozed off. Probably spent a lot of effort on the whole whistling thing.

  Chapter 3

  First Print

  Danielle took the girl out of the car and took her to the room. He laid her on the bed, took off her boots and tight pants, covered her with a blanket and stroked her hair.

  What a bobcat she is, after all. Favorite lynx. She's the only one. There was only one woman in his life who looked like Japenka. But she was dead. A long time ago. In the past. Almost ninety years ago. Then he didn't want to live, but they wouldn't even let him die. Now it's the other way around. Even if Miecislav took power, Daniel couldn't vouch for his life. But a vampire wouldn't get used to dying behind his shoulder. And he learned long ago not to look back on a lady with a scythe. He'll enjoy every minute he's spent near his beloved. No matter how much time they have, he'll take every moment. And he'll remember it forever.

  - What are you thinking about?

  At the door of the room there was Mecislav.

  - Oh, Jane.

  - Will you share your thoughts?

  - I can," Danielle realized that he would again have to find a compromise between truth and lies. If Mechislav suspects his plans, he'll just cause an old friend an accident. He doesn't need an uncontrollable surname. And he'll just get Daniel out of his way. Forever. But love - he finally decided to say the word for himself - love is worth every sacrifice.

  - She beat you at chess.

  - This is not my game," Mieczysław shaken the black mane irritably.

  - As long as everyone who played with you looked at you instead of the board, the game was right for you. Roles changed, and you lost.

  - You're busting your chops?

  - Not at all. It's just Jane didn't react to you as a man. That's a first. She was focused on the chessboard, and you were on her chest. And the second one. You were playing with her. And she was at war. You're the enemy to her.

  - You're exaggerating.

  - I'm understating. You're annoying her. She's afraid of you, but she doesn't love you. And the fact that Jane can't control herself scares her even more.

  - It's okay. Once we're in the same bed for once, she'll forget all her stupid fears.

  - Wrong. If it depends on her, you'll never be there.

  - Because of you?

  Daniel did not tremble, although the furious Mieczysław should have been feared. In anger, the vampire could have ripped an old friend's head off. Even though he would have regretted what he had done later. But Daniel will not resurrect it. Now the artist had no right to shake. He remembered Yulin's kiss, her lips on his lips, the short word "Yes!" - and decided.

  - It's because of you. You're too used to women throwing themselves at your neck. Jane was much stronger than many. But she's not like the others. You know, they used to call her a leader. - Danielle couldn't stand the word "witch" organically. - You got rejected and you can't stand it. And now you're going into an attack like a wild barbarian. You better promise her you won't harass her and when Jane calms down and gets used to you, like me, you'll gently start seducing her. I don't think she'll last more than a year.

  In his mind, Danielle prayed to all the gods for his friend to believe him. Now the vampire only needed one thing. Buying time. For himself and Jenny. And the fact that the woman he loved could get carried away by Machislav didn't bother him at all. As an artist, he saw her soul. And he believed in what he saw. That woman from the portrait just can't change her loved one. She wouldn't lie, betray, beat him quietly... They'll be fine, just to buy some time.

  - I don't have this year.

  - Then you risk getting an enemy in her face.

  - I'll try not to let that happen.

  - Why don't you have a year?

  - Because I need the First Seal today. Tomorrow I'll fight Duke, and you have to play. Tonight I'll talk to Japya. She'll ag
ree to my offer. And if she doesn't, the first three Seals can be forcibly placed. I don't want to do this, but I'll do anything. And you will help me convince her.


  - I'm not going to do that! It's gonna be mean on my part!

  - You'd think you'd never done anything mean before. That's a white rosebud, too!

  - So what? I don't want Jane to hate me! And that would probably happen if we did it your way.

  - She's a smart girl. She'll understand.

  Danielle and Mecislav talked. Danielle was saying something about meanness. Should I try to eavesdrop? It didn't work.

  - Open your eyes, curly. I can see you're awake.

  That's a shame. I wish I'd stayed down, listened to you... But there was no choice.

  - What if I don't want to?

  - That's your right. But we need to talk before dawn.

  - I don't want to," I answered, but my eyes were open. I was lying on the bed in my room. Mieczysław and Daniel stood on both sides of the bed, glancing at each other with their eyes. They never changed their clothes. Were they busy arguing or did I just not sleep enough?

  - What's wrong?

  Mechislav sat down on the bed at ease.

  - So far, nothing's happened. Everything's going to happen tomorrow night.

  - Your fight? - I figured it out. Mecislav nodded. Five points for my cleverness. - Okay. What side am I in here from?

  - Nothing," Danielle hurriedly put it in. - Nothing at all.

  Mechislav looked at him like a dog.

  - Get out.

  - No! - Danielle turned pale, but he held on. - I won't let you do that!

  - What's that? - I specified. I wasn't going to panic. What's not gonna get killed is for sure. The family's out of reach. The rest isn't so scary.

  - Mecislav wants to make you his last name," Danielle fell out. - To put the First Seal.

  I slammed my eyes. You'll never hear a question!

  - How cute! Don't you have to ask me? Am I, like, here for the set?

  - I'm sure you'll agree when you've thought it over, - shrugged Mechislav.

  - But I'm not sure! - I'm scared. - I don't even know what I'm in danger of!


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