Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 48

by Royden Labrosse

  Blankets flew off the window, thrown away by a strong hand. Mieczysław put up the frame with a turned chair and looked at Daniel.

  - You've always had better levitation. You're going to help Jane. If she falls, you better fall after her. I'll skin you!

  I didn't even get a chance to clap my eyes. Danielle picked me up under his left arm, Mecislav under his right arm, and we jumped out the window. So the vampires jumped out, and I just got out. I expected us to get smudged on the asphalt, but it wasn't there! The three of us were hanging in the air like a disappointed Jesus on ascension. But what was going on in front of the house! We were lucky in one thing - Nadine lived on the outskirts of town, far enough away from the busy highways. The courtyard was extinct. And there were several people standing in front of us...

  Not human! Even now, in semi-darkness, they couldn't be confused with people. They were... human foxes. Huge, under two meters, standing on their hind legs, with half fox face stretched out and covered with red fur, fox ears and eyes. Their hands looked like human hands, but instead of their fingers they ended up with curved black claws. The hind legs looked like paws, too. Their chest and abdomen were covered in white or red fur. There were big genitals between the legs that looked like human beings.

  - Higher! - Mechislav ordered.

  And suddenly he twitched like a punch. His whole body bent out, his head leaned back, his arm on my arm unbent - and he flew down before I could catch him. Danielle wrapped himself around me across my body - and he rushed up, losing himself in the night sky. A window glimpsed, someone's eyes goggled out of terror, and immediately everything was gone.

  - We have to go back! There's Mecislav!

  - Aspen! - Hardly squeezed Danielle out.

  I didn't understand anything. But I could feel his whole body trembling, trying to keep the two of us in the air. And I tried to help in some way. I embraced the vampire's shoulders and I wrapped my legs around his thighs. Danielle slightly loosened his grip on my arm and took off even higher. I looked down. We were levitating over some private houses.

  - Can we go down?

  Danielle nodded.

  - We can. There's nobody downstairs.

  And we slowly descended on a narrow street.

  - Now it's a good idea to find out where we are.

  - Let's go to the end and read the street name," I suggested. - How do you feel?

  - That sucks. Damn those werewolves!

  - That's for sure. What's wrong with Mieczysław?

  - Have you noticed? They had crossbows. One lucky shot of aspen stakes, and the vampire's paralyzed. Even if you could catch him and yank the aspen out, that's about an hour. We couldn't have gotten away.

  - We still managed to leave only because all the werewolves came to Mečislav.

  - He was the main prey. Krasnoarmeyskaya Street. Do you know where that is?

  I knew it. I'm a complete moron in the geography of the city, but I knew this street. There was a friend of mine who lived here at school. That's what I told the vampire.

  - We can't go to her," said the vampire immediately. - They'll find us quickly.

  - And how were we found there?

  - It's your fault! The magic of blood. If a werewolf passed by the house, he could smell it. You've got to be such careless idiots!

  I wasn't gonna let a vampire get rude.

  - Better remember who we had to resort to that damn magic!

  Daniel unwittingly turned a blind eye and thought it best to go back to the old subject. I didn't insist on finding out about the relationship. Every vegetable has its time.

  - From now on, everything becomes a matter of technology. A call to Dušuke, and the inspection team is sent to the address. Notice, not capture! There weren't any vampires there. Otherwise, we wouldn't have left.

  - Then not Dušuke," I answered.

  - Why not?

  - What team would Duke send us? To the main opponent in the power struggle?

  - He didn't think you'd be that stupid! Okay, we'll be... And a vampire would have enough for a team like that. Where are we going?

  - Away from here. We need to get out of this area. What would you do if you were werewolves?

  - I'd sweep the area. Maybe two.

  - So we have to go faster.

  - Take me under your arm," the vampire suddenly suggested. I immediately obeyed him, hung on his arm, and patted my eyes.

  - What for?

  - First, you'll be more comfortable walking, and second, we'll look like a couple. A guy and a girl look more harmless.

  - What about the other hand?

  - He'll heal to death.

  - Don't you dare say that! - I was outraged. And immediately I slipped. Danielle picked me up without letting me fall, and our eyes were very close. For a few seconds, we looked at each other in silence. Then I was the first to stretch my lips to his lips. Daniel answered the kiss willingly, and a few minutes were irrevocably lost.

  I was the first one to be suspended, too. I realized that if we keep this up, we'll be caught very soon. I had to clench my teeth and literally blind myself to the person I loved. I mean, a vampire. What difference does it make, though? Then the vampire tried to say something, and I turned around and shook my head.

  - Danielle, why don't we put all our personal affairs in a safe place?

  - As you command, the vampire voice was deliberately indifferent.

  - I will only order what will help us escape. So let's go.

  - Yes... curly.

  - Don't call me that!

  - Why not?

  We got back into the relationship, but now we haven't lost momentum. So let him!

  - I don't like that name.

  - But you're letting that happen to Mieczysław, right?

  - I try not to argue, that's all.

  - But you feel good about it.

  - And what woman would be unpleasant to compliment? You know very well that I'm not pretty. I'm far from the same Katya. But - curly. Fluffy. She's cute. Why should I object to that word?

  - What about me now?

  - This is different. You always called me Japei. What's changed now?

  - A lot. You are Mieczysław's surname. The second Seal is much more serious than the first.

  - How much more serious?

  - I thought you'd guess. A human, or a vampire, or a werewolf, all who were once human are one in three. Body, mind, soul. The body moves, the mind thinks, the soul feels. The First Seal binds the body, the Second the mind, the Third the soul. The fourth fixes it all forever. Therefore, the first three seals can be put by a vampire, even against your desire, but the fourth one must be purely voluntary. And you'll be the one to put it.

  I relaxed a little. If the Fourth Seal is in my power, Mieczysław will wait for it until the carrots are closed. The last thing I wanted to do was tie my life to a sexual psychopathic bully.

  - You couldn't tell me this before?

  - I thought Mechislav explained everything to you. Didn't he?

  - Isn't that right? But in your own way. So, what do we do next?

  - I don't know.

  - And who should know? In our company, you are the oldest and most experienced. And then, are you a man or already where? So decide for me!

  - Would you agree with my decision, trotter?

  I decided to give up on "trot" and smiled.

  - I'll argue. But the two of us are already strong!

  - As long as we are united, we are invincible, right, Jane?

  - Absolutely. I may be angry with you," I quietly confessed, "I may be unbearable, I may say nasty things, but the fact remains. You come first for me, no matter what filth you've done. I'm so stupid.

  A vampire brought my hand to my lips.

  - You're completely frozen. You know, Jane, I love you insanely. And also... Katya is beautiful, of course, but in a completely different style. You can admire the painting, but you shouldn't love the painting, you won't be happy with it, you won't smile, you wo
n't kiss it. You can only admire it from a distance. So is your friend. She's charming. But next to you, I can feel alive. It's much more than sex, more than admiration, more than love. Your Katerina can't do that. She'll live by the rules even now that she's a vampire. And that's very sad.

  - Philosophy, philosophy... - I screwed up. - Anyway, I haven't forgiven you yet!

  - What can I do to deserve your forgiveness, my lady? - A vampire was definitely bullying, and I couldn't even give him a cuff. One hand was firmly occupied, and the other I couldn't reach. All I had to do was sarcasm.

  - Be kind enough to think of something to save us immediately. My ears are already frozen! Just a little more, and I'll catch a cold!

  - I can't let that happen. Definitely not.

  Danielle suddenly waved his hand, stopping the car.

  - You're crazy! - I stuttered. - What if it's a werewolf?!

  - I can't feel them around.

  "The Gigulenets pulled back and stopped right in front of us.

  - Do you want a ride?

  A man in his twenty-fifth to twenty-sevens was driving. Pretty handsome, with a nice round face, light Russian short beard and broken wavy hair.

  - A ride," agreed Danielle. - You're not on your way to Lenin Street?

  - No. I'll drop you off at the Soviet, and then I'm sorry.

  - And it was good before the Soviet one," I said.

  The car rushed softly forward. I waited every minute for a scream, a shot... anything! Even a werewolf landing on the hood! Horror movies were no good for me. Danielle was sitting in the front seat, next to the driver. And I knew very well what would happen when the car stopped. I knew, and I didn't mind. Why not? Because the enemy had three men in their hands. I'm sorry, vampire. But they're mine. Three of my friends. And if you have to kill someone to save them, then you will. And I will kill myself if I have to. Even if I suffer from remorse later! Or I'll just go to jail. What do I care? It's better to be alive and in jail than just dead. I don't want to go on an original liquid diet. No, it doesn't.

  The driver stopped the car near the monument to Chernyshevsky.

  - That'll be a 50. It's not expensive?

  - No. It's not expensive. It's not expensive at all...

  Danielle gently held his hand in the driver's face. And I knew perfectly well what he was doing now. Catching his eyes with his own. You can only mesmerize a man with your eyes. Maybe there's another way, but that's the only way Danielle does it.

  It took a few excruciating seconds before the driver's voice was heard in the shade of the car. But it's a different one. Quiet, timid, insecure. Some kind of mechanical.

  - I obey...

  - Okay, great. - Danielle leaned over the back of the seat, still looking the driver in the eye. - What's your name?

  - B-boy. Chernyaev Vladimir Olegovich.

  - Married?

  - No.

  - You live alone?

  - With my mom, my brother and my sister.

  - Are they home now?

  - Y-yes.

  - Do you have a dacha?

  - Yes.

  - Is it okay to spend the night there?

  - Yes.

  - No one's going to go there? Shouldn't they come?

  - No.

  - Can you take us there?

  - Yes.

  - Bring it in.

  - Yes, sir.

  The driver turned around and pressed the gas. The car rushed out of place like a cat that had been treading on its tail. Danielle didn't take his eyes off him. He wasn't the strongest vampire. He couldn't have hypnotized the driver and talked to me at the same time. So I didn't say anything. In fact, now I was face to face with my thoughts. And I wasn't happy with my thoughts. Very sad thoughts, even. What about Boris? What about Vadim? What's wrong with Medislav? The last question is to emphasize two features and highlight in bold. I, for a moment, am the surname of a green-eyed vampire. I wonder how I'd feel if Duška decided to take off my... well - let - the gentleman, then we'll argue about the wording! - Skin? Piece by piece. Like from Daniel. Will I feel the same as a vampire? Or will I die before? Or something else? And how can I help my vampires? I wouldn't hesitate to throw a grenade - but where?! You could blow up Wolf Fight, but that's the point! I might kill Duke, but my vampires aren't gonna say hello either. A grenade, even if it's hand-held, isn't reasonable. And it kills everyone. That's unfortunate.

  The car went out of town and now rushed along the highway towards the "Clean River". It's a gardening, too. But it's less prestigious. Lower houses, older asphalt, middle-class people. Those who have to work in the garden to feed their families. Most of the houses are just barns that keep garden tools. You can still sleep in them during the summer. Winter is a nightmare! And in general, it was time to rename this charming area from the "Clean River" into the "Dirty Puddle". I'd tell Daniel about it, but distracting him at this speed is fraught with danger. I didn't want to get into a car accident in the hell out of town.

  We drove in almost total darkness. I didn't want to think anymore, but I could still try to get some sleep. Why wouldn't you? Grandfather said that the first commandment of a soldier to him was: "Sleep where you can, and eat where you can, because it is unknown when you will still be able to eat and sleep". That's what I didn't know. I closed my eyes and curled up with a ball of wool. And immediately I fell asleep.

  This time I was standing in a big black and white room. The walls are covered with large strips of black and white shiny fabric, one of the walls has a fireplace in which tongues of fire dance. There's a huge bed in the middle of the room. A white bedspread and black pillows in the form of animals and birds. And I'm dressed for this interior. In a sumptuous black dress with sequins. In my right mind, there's no way I'm wearing that. Not only was the hem wrapped in three layers around the legs, but the neckline also opened... it's easier to list what it closed! Just a little nipple. Everything else was on display. And this rag was holding on to a miracle that wasn't clear. I was seriously afraid that if I stepped on the hem, I wouldn't have a dress at all. I slowly turned around on my axis. It's nothing new. And no entry or exit.

  - It's a good thing you came, Curly.

  I swooped and jumped up on the spot. A voice behind my back came out so suddenly that my heart collapsed in my heels. Of course it did! Mecislav! Who else could I see in my dream?! Wouldn't Antonio Banderas? Or at least Kevin Costner. Oh, no. Only vampires in the range! And I'm allergic to them.

  - Stop sneaking up on me!

  I turned around and looked at him with pinched eyes. Actually, I was going to make a scandal out of Mieczysława, but when I saw the vampire, I just awoke.

  - What's wrong with you?!

  The question was more than legitimate. The vampire was wearing tight black elk and black short boots. His chest was open, but it wasn't flawless golden smooth skin that caught my attention... shit! I'm on it again! There was a stake sticking out of the vampire's right shoulder, and a thin dribble of bright, scarlet blood was flowing from under him, soaking his clothes quickly. There was black blood on the black.

  - That's my wound, curly.

  - Yeah, I know. Danielle said you were injured by a hornet. And you couldn't levitate.

  - I can't even move right now. Werewolves are taking me somewhere. Probably going to Andre's.

  - Probably?

  - I can't even ask them a question. The aspen completely paralyzes vampires. And even more so, I can't heal my wound. If they don't remove that damn wood in the next five or six hours, I could die of blood loss.

  - Do vampires die from it?

  - Usually not. But the aspen... we have a complicated relationship, and it's not for vampires' sake that we're supposed to use the aspen stake.

  - Crap!

  The vampire was indelibly calm. He seemed to have to face death every day. At breakfast, lunch and dinner. I was standing under the high-voltage line after that message, and that lousy guy even smiled a little.

  - Yes, that would be ve
ry sad for both of us, curly. I don't want to die at all, and you're tight with me. I don't know how many chances you have of surviving, but I don't think you have much. Names rarely survive their masters.

  - Is that what you're saying so I can help you? - I sarcastically asked.

  The vampire seemed genuinely surprised.

  - What can you do for me, Curly? Lie down next to me and cry? I'm saying this so you'll be ready for the worst.

  - Consider me ready, I snapped at you. - Like a pioneer. Now what can I do for you?

  - Nothing, curly. To my deepest regret.

  I bit my fingers.

  - Sit down first. Even if it's just a dream, you shouldn't walk around with such a shoulder wound.

  - It was put on me in my life. And now she looks exactly like this. I can't even heal her. The aspen successfully resists our magic.

  I took the vampire's hand and pulled it to the bed. Mecislav obeyed and sat down next to me. It seems the first time he didn't try to reach out to me. That's right. I was in the wrong mood.

  - If we made love in our sleep, would that be real?

  - More than real, curly. Is that a question or a hint?

  Now there were familiar sparks in the green eyes. I'm sorry, but I didn't feel like it at all.

  - What if I tried to get that aspen stuff out in my sleep?

  - In life, the aspen will remain in place.

  - But you can heal the wound? Or at least stop the blood?!

  - I don't know, curly. No one's ever tried that before.

  - Why?

  The question was stupid, but the vampire understood me.

  - Too much has to match. But it's almost safe.

  - Practically?

  - This could hurt. Not lethal, but very, very painful. And not as much for me as it is for you, Fluffy.

  - So it's going to hurt," I answered. - Lie down on the bed.

  The vampire, obeying my hands, fell on the pillows. I made myself comfortable on my knees. And suddenly I snorted.

  - A scene from some cretin movie.

  - More like pornographic.

  - Yeah. It's like a novel. It's a pervert's dream. It's all lyrics! Awesome room, cool bed, pillows, candles, cool outfit, half-naked handsome man with long fangs - and I'm gonna pull a stake out of his shoulder!

  The vampire was laughing, forgetting even the wound. Blood trickled down his chest, spotted pillows and a blanket.


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