Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 100

by Royden Labrosse


  When it has a golden hue, it means good health and well-being. Such people are able to take care of themselves, rarely worry and learn easily. They have a lively mind, friendly, ready to help. If yellow has a reddish hue, people are shy. These people are often hesitant and weak, inclined to go on about others.

  Golden-yellow indicates that the person is a carrier of high spirituality. Such people are spiritually and morally healthy. They are on the right track, and if the shade of yellow is exactly what they need, they have nothing or almost nothing to fear.

  A man with a bright yellow shade in his aura can be trusted completely. The man with the lowest shade of yellow (the color of spoiled cheddar cheese) is cowardly, so people say: "Yellowed with fear. Apparently, this was not noticed by one person who saw the aura, as this expression exists in different languages.

  A bad shade of yellow speaks of a bad person, a person who is afraid of everything. A reddish yellow is not good either, it speaks of physical, moral and mental timidity, the absence of one's own spiritual outlook and beliefs. People with reddish yellows always throw themselves from one religion to another, always looking for something that cannot be achieved in five minutes. However, they do not have the stamina and do not stay more than a few minutes. People with red-yellow and brown-red in the aura always look for their half and do not find anywhere. It is worth noting that if a person has red hair and a lot of yellow and red in the aura, a person is pugnacious, offensive and takes the remark as a personal insult. This is especially true for those who have bright red hair and reddish, sometimes freckled skin. The more red shades in yellow indicate that the person has an inferiority complex. The redder the shade of red in yellow, the stronger the inferiority complex.

  Brownish-yellow shows impure thoughts and very weak spiritual development. Brownish-yellow indicates that a person does not always follow direct paths. In terms of health, greenish-yellow indicates liver complaints. If greenish-yellow goes to brownish-redish-yellow, it indicates that the malaise is rather social in nature. People with social discontent always have a dark brown, dark yellow stripe around their thighs. There's often some kind of red pollen flashing around. If brown gradually turns to yellow and sometimes has the shape of jagged stripes, this indicates a mental disorder. A person suffering from bifurcation often has one half of the aura blue-yellow and the other half brownish or greenish-yellow. This is a very unpleasant combination.

  Green .

  Green is the color of convalescence, learning and physical growth. Great doctors, surgeons had a lot of green in the aura, they also had a lot of red; it is curious that these two colors combine perfectly and do not create dissonance. Green combined with the right shade of red shows a brilliant surgeon, a very educated man. One green without red can indicate that a person is an outstanding doctor who knows his job, or a nurse who loves his job. The green one with a matching shade of blue shows a capable teacher.

  Some of the great teachers had in aura green with blue stripes, arrows or spirals, blue with a hue of electrician; often there is a thin gold stripe between green and blue, which indicates that the teacher is loved by his students and has all the necessary spiritual qualities to teach the best.

  Those associated with healing people and animals have much green in their auric "complexion". They may not be professional surgeons or therapists, but if they somehow deal with the health of people or animals, in their aura there is bound to be a lot of green. This is almost a service card! Green is not the dominant colour, it almost always accompanies someone else. It is an auxiliary color, it indicates that the person is friendly, respects the opinion of others, sympathizes with them.

  However, if a person has yellowish green in his aura, he is unreliable, and the more the admixture of unpleasant yellow in unpleasant green, the more unreliable a person is, the less one can rely on him. Yellowish-green color is found in such "magicians", who in the face of a man saying courtesy, and then put them in the pig's money - these have a mixture of lemon-green and yellow. If green goes into blue, usually a pleasant sky blue shade or electrician, it shows the most reliable people.


  Blue is often seen as the color of the spiritual world. It also shows intellectual possibilities, regardless of the spiritual ones, but of course, the shade of blue must be correct; with the right shade, blue is a very good color. Etheric is like a haze, something like a cigarette haze or the blue of a wood flame. The brighter blue, the healthier and more cheerful a person is. Pale blue - the color of a person who often hesitates, can not make a decision; such a person should be pushed to decide on something.

  The darker shade of blue indicates that the person makes progress, understands. If a shade of blue is even darker, it indicates that the person is passionate about life's tasks and that he finds satisfaction in them. Dark blue is often found in the aura of people who have become missionaries because they have heard the "call," by calling. This color is not found in people who became missionaries because they wanted to travel the world for free. A person is always judged by how bright yellow his or her aura is and how dark blue his or her darkness is.

  Sync and corrections by honeybunny

  Blue has always been the color of spirituality, a symbol of contemplation, prayer, heaven. The sky is blue because the molecules of air scatter the rays of the sun. This is a scientific explanation, but as I said, the real color of the Sun is blue, and it is also the color of Jupiter, which governs sublime thoughts and spiritual aspirations. All shades of blue are good, but the more intense the better.

  A pale blue color means a small degree of quality in the pursuit of perfection. Man is not very gifted, but he tries. He will often have heart and headaches, but he will continue to go in the right direction.

  Light blue (aquamarine) belongs to a person who is more aspiring, more perfect than a person with a pale blue color, although they may not differ in degree.

  Dark blue indicates that the man has found his calling and has given himself to it. Such people are always unusual, with frequent mood swings. They are entrusted with a mission, and they perform it steadily. For the most part, they are spiritual people who have devoted themselves to the service of science, art, or social activity. I have seen many writers, sisters of mercy with a dark blue aura, and singers. The blue color corresponds to a musical note of salt and in early Christianity signified the highest achievement of the spirit.

  Purple .

  Purple and violet colors indicate all kinds of spiritual quests and are characteristic of people who are looking for their calling or faith.

  As soon as such people find their cause in life and establish their beliefs, these colors go back to blue. Apparently, if a person strives in the right direction, blue color becomes a natural emanation of the soul.

  The purple shade happens in people of power, as there is some infiltration of pink. People with purple, purple, and purple in the aura are susceptible to heart and stomach disease. The note a la and the planet Venus correspond to the color purple (indigo). The B and Moon notes are violet. In the early Christians, purple and violet meant humiliation and grief.

  We shall speak in one section about indigo and violet as one goes to another and often the qualities connected with one colour depend on another too. People with significant amounts of indigo in the aura are people with deep religious beliefs, not necessarily those for whom religion is a profession. It's not the same thing. Some people say that they are religious, some believe that they are religious, but you can only speak with certainty when you see the aura: indigo proves it convincingly.

  If one sees pink pollen in indigo, it shows that they are offensive and unpleasant, especially to their subordinates. The pinkish pollen in indigo is an indicator of degradation, it deprives the aura of its purity. Sometimes people with indigo, purple or purple in the aura suffer from heart disease or gastric disorders. These people do not need to eat fried and preferably very little fat.


s the most perfect color, and it's what we all aspire to. If our souls were absolutely harmonious, then all color waves would merge and we would have a pure white aura. Christ had such an aura.

  I think it was a simple warning, for the emanations coming from Him were so powerful at that time that anyone who touched Him would be killed as if he had touched an electric wire.


  Gray softens the aura colors. If you look at the aura of a dressed person, grey does not mean anything, the aura will have gray stripes and spots. But let's assume we're looking at a naked body. Gray shows weakness of character and usually general weakness of health.

  If a person has gray stripes above vital organs, it indicates that the organ is destroyed, destroyed or under threat of destruction, medical care is needed immediately. In people with persistent severe headaches, grey smoke has been observed swirling and passing through, and regardless of the colour of the aura itself, grey stripes will pass through during headaches.

  * * *

  I put the book aside. It's informative. Now we'll have to try to use it. Look at all the auras, compare them to the status and my knowledge of man (werewolf, vampire) and interpret what I have read. Is this the only reason why few people can see the auras?

  It's weird. Oh, okay, so Mechislav will start reading me the theory of magic, then we'll decide.


  I got up and went to open it.

  For the next four hours, I wished I'd been hit in the winter. The first one was a master of manicure and pedicure. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against beauty. But beauty, not fashion. And now there are eerily long claws in fashion, and also painted. Neil design? Oh, the tail knows it. Anyway, I live alone. I do my own laundry, I clean, I cook. Have you ever tried cutting something with fingernails like that? I didn't even want to.

  It took me two and a half hours to process 20 nails. And half an hour to convince the master.

  I don't want long fingernails grown.

  I don't want a drawing.

  I don't want red or black varnish.

  I've seen all this fashion in my coffin. Wait! And in white slippers! The manicurist was defeated when I yelled at the good mat that...

  I don't want to

  to be beautiful. A skunk beautiful to be

  no need

  and he's already respected by everyone. We got together in a classic French manicure, and the lady withdrew, pouring contempt on me. You bet my friend paid for the day's work of the whole salon for this one trip, and I'm also capricious! And I don't want to be beautiful!

  Then the terrible beast hairdresser came. And I had to stand up for my right to hair. I explain to the "very lucky": if you come to the hairdresser, I strongly advise - do not give the will to his fantasies! Otherwise, you'll find yourself with that nightmare on your head...

  First I got a haircut for Marilyn Monroe. And to paint under her. I said no. The master (a young boy in his thirties, but already used to bending clients under him) offered an alternative - to Aunt Klapa. I mean, look at the Egyptian frescoes. Thick bangs in the front and straight strands in the back. Everything would be fine, but the Egyptians had wigs. And I have my own family. Not particularly long, medium dense and moderately wavy. Uncertainly dark color. So you have to straighten them out and then take care of them every day. Yeah, I'm gonna be hairless in a month at this rate. All these curls, straighteners, varnishes, masks, mousses - they also get on the skin of the head ... I have long thought that on the basis of them should create a tool for depilation. Otherwise, you can't touch your legs, all the hairs are in place. And as you anoint your head, in a week the mass hair loss begins. And they grow much slower. On your legs and under your arms like that! Short haircuts didn't fit either. If you cut it, you can't sew it back on. And to spend an hour every day for styling and perm - szazzazzzzzzzzzzzz! The delegation will come and go, and I still have to live with such a haircut.

  Finally, the guy suggested I just lick my hair with gel back. It's with my long nose and high forehead! Carlo's dad sucks! What am I, a Pinocchio?! Thank you, I didn't have a log on hand.

  Wet chemistry didn't pass the selection either. I'll be like a wet rat with it.

  We got together on the simplest hairstyle: bangs at the front, curls at the back. A couple of hairpins. A few strands of rhinestones woven together. No dyes, but the strands will be colored. In copper and red tones. The barber sizzled like a cobra, but he did a good job. I approved, and he left, grumbling, that he had never been so insulted in his life. I advised him to make a claim against the customer. Let Mecislav give him a head start. It's not a pity.

  The next number I was waiting for was clothes and shoes. But instead of them...

  - You're all I need for my grave.

  There was this insolent fool on the doorstep. Seryozha.

  - Hello. I called you, but nobody answered.

  - You bet you did. First of all, no one would have answered you, and secondly, my bedroom is soundproofed so that no one would stop me from sleeping with stupid phone calls.

  - Are we still talking on the doorstep?

  - We're not gonna talk at all. Get out," I decided. And I tried to slam the door in front of his nose. It didn't work. The guy stuck to it from the other side.

  - I'm not going anywhere.

  - It's worse for you.

  I spit on everything and decided not to fight back. When the werewolves get here, they're gonna take that cretin down the stairs. And I'm not going to fight. Well, that wasn't enough.

  - What do you want from me?

  Sergei took it as an invitation and went into the apartment, pushing me out of the way. In his own way he went into the living room and fell apart on the sofa. I unwittingly wince. If Mieczysław always... Mieczysław just sprayed on the sofa like a big predatory cat. The same grace, naturalness and constant readiness to let out his claws. And this human boy just fell apart so that you could see a few fat folds and a second chin. Anticipating, but still unpleasant.

  - I just want to do it again the other night.

  - Why would you do that?

  - What do you mean? You tell me you don't want to try it again!

  I would say so. But why insult the child? He doesn't deserve it. On the contrary, he did his best. And then the initiative was mine, not his. I was the one who dragged the boy in, I used vampire tricks on him, and I felt sick. Of course, Seryozha felt insulted. Trying to make love to a girl, and she threw up on you. How did it feel? The guy wanted to rehabilitate himself in his eyes. I can even understand him. But I can't help it. Swordsman has already given me a clear perspective. I am a valuable asset. You wouldn't throw a Ming vase at an insolent guest, would you, even if he spit in that vase? Of course not. Throw the guest out, wash the vase. But the kid's gonna get hurt, that's for sure. A brick, an accidental encounter with a truck or something as deadly and unproven. That's easy. There's no way he's gonna lay low. And me, I'm the one who's gonna feel guilty. Sad as it is.

  What's more, now Mechislav has promised me to abstain from death. But if we have at least one more kiss... uh-oh.

  No, don't do that.

  - Seryozha, kitten, we have to part.

  - Why not? By the way, you look great. You're very sexy...

  I rolled my eyes.

  - Because you're not right for me. Is that enough?

  - No. I like you, you like me too, we had a good time together, what's wrong with that?

  - You don't like me, I don't like you, it's bad, it's a lot of things, I answered methodically.

  - Yulka, hi. What's this doing here?

  Tanya was erected on the doorstep of the apartment. Behind her was Lesha with a bunch of covers.

  - Tanya? Hi. What are you doing here...

  - And we brought you a bunch of stuff. Verena Boutique, have you heard of it?

  - Yeah, I've heard about it.

  I don't think I've ever heard of a shop where a handkerchief costs like the principal's annual salary. The stuff there is great. Hand
embroidery, hand lace, natural fabrics... But prices!

  - So, we got a call from your friend with green eyes and an order to get you out on top. And here we are.

  - So this is your shop?

  - No, it's not. There's ten percent of us and Leshka there, no more. I've always wanted to, but only your friend gave us money to promote. And before that, we existed as a European commissioner.

  - That's sad.

  - Hey, why don't you come out and let us finish? - Seryozha was outraged.

  You shouldn't have. Tanya squinted.

  - Yulia Yevgenyevna, is this sketch bothering you?

  - It interferes, - I decided. - I've already told him that everything is over between us, and for some reason he does not understand.

  - It's strange. Maybe he's from England? Lyoshik, show him the way to the foggy Albion, eh? You can even give him a lift.

  The shape-shifter didn't think long. He just walked into the apartment, dumped a bunch of boxes on the couch and cleverly grabbed the sitting guy's hand.

  - Come on, let's talk.

  Seryozha woke up like a scalded guy. I smiled. Lyoshik knew the anatomy very well. I couldn't have hit the nerve node with such precision. Now the guy couldn't even move. Anytime he tried, he'd wish his hand had been ripped off.

  - Come on, come on...

  - Let go, bitch...

  - The answer is wrong, not a bitch, but a dog, - with these words Lyosha pulled the boy out the door and started going down the stairs, explaining something.

  I went to the window. Just in time to see the werewolf's farewell kick.

  - Well, you can't get that to England, but it's two meters away," Tanya commented. - Shall we pick up some clothes for you?

  - We will," I sighed. - But let's not be bigoted and avant-garde, eh? I'm not goth or emo.

  - And you prefer the classic style to everything, but with the addition of bright colors.

  I nodded.

  - And where did...

  - Nadia recommended it.


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