Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 111

by Royden Labrosse

  I rubbed my forehead.

  - Yeah. You shouldn't have ordered a murder.

  - I shouldn't have. You can't hold him. One of his talents is blurring the fog. He would have left and killed you all.

  - They died suffocating in the fog. How sad.

  The vampire darkened.

  - It looks a lot sadder in life.

  - Oh, I see. We had no way of taking him in for questioning?

  - We didn't. Unless it's a group of five or six vampires that are stronger than Diego.

  And where am I gonna get one of those? There's only resistance. I'm a werewolf. It's not gonna be much.

  - Okay. To hell with it. Sooner or later, anyway, we're gonna find out what and how. And when I find out.



  - A rat can't be alone," the vampire remarked philosophically. - Diego was getting instructions from someone. I don't know who told him what, but he certainly had accomplices.

  - You bet he didn't have any. I certainly wouldn't have gone to another city without 40 barrels of spies.

  - Vampires are no dumber than you," Peter smiled. - What about me?

  What about him? We'll treat him!

  - Oh, I'm sorry. Before we start treatment, I want to ask you another question. How did you prepare this ambush?

  - We came here half an hour ago. Then you showed up.

  - Yeah. So you came while we were still in church...

  - Where?! You're the vampire's last name!

  - So what?! I can't even go to church now?! - I'm pissed off.

  - Can't you?

  - And I'm not even starting to smoke blue flames," I rattled. - I can also burst cockles and sanctified eggs, swim in holy water and wear a cross. For life.

  The vampire shook his head, realized that his mind did not understand Russia, and humbled himself.

  - Do you know how to break the curse on me?

  - Yeah. Just don't fight it yourself, okay? It can be painful and unpleasant.

  - Then explain to me what you're gonna do.

  I nodded. It's a fair demand - I'd like to know what and how, too. And I think I did. Although I wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing or what it would cost me...

  - When I looked at your aura, it was bright and colorful. It also had silver drawings on it. Like werewolves, but different, different at all.

  - What do you mean?

  - Well, werewolves have more of an image of their beast. And you have it as an ornament. And this ornament from above is covered with some kind of black patches. Traces of fox paws. That's how I see it. I bet you can only control foxes and then werewolves.

  - That's a guess.

  - There you go. Guilometta hated you. And she spared no effort for the dying curse. She was trampled.

  - My master was surprised I didn't get any strength when I drank it...


  blood," Peter remembered.

  - I didn't get that far. Now I can see these marks... You're like a ball of thread. And the curse is a lump of dirt hanging from the threads. If I clean the clods, the rest will dissolve on its own. You'd take it off yourself in a couple of thousand years...

  I'm the one who's still being modest. I could see the stains were already dissolving somewhere, but slowly, too slowly. In nine hundred years, and so few... More like five, not two thousand.

  - I can't take that long.

  - I can help you. - There was an idea that came to me. - It's not for free.

  - How's that? What do you want for your help?

  - You're gonna stay here and help me work with the beasts. You have a gift. And I want to understand how and what happens.

  - My master may not let me go.

  - Free ronin?

  - I am not a ronin.

  - Why not? - I was genuinely curious. The aura of the vampire was very powerful. Bright, colored, sparkling, it was shaking and shimmering within a few steps. Only black dirty blots interfered. But I will remove them. I guess...

  - There's not enough strength.

  - That's silly. Apparently, because of the curse, you can't turn around at full power. But we can fix that.

  - After that, do I have the strength to be free? And there was so much hope in his voice... Impurity? Well, let it be! But he is alive! He's also in pain, scared, he feels... What else do you want?!

  - Yes. I guarantee it.

  I was completely sure of myself. But the vampire still had his doubts.

  - Are you sure you have the strength?

  - Yes. I knew it from somewhere. - Shall we get started?

  But the vampire suddenly hesitated, almost literally. The aura was rippling.

  - And... is it long? You must have called for backup.

  - Yes. But no matter how long we stay here, it won't be more than five minutes in the real world.

  - Are you sure you know that?

  - Yeah, I do.

  The last time I moved Vlad across the bridge, I did. I thought it was hours gone. And Boris told me that the whole fight took about seven minutes. And that four minutes of it, I tried to chew the vampire's head off.

  The vampire obviously doubted it, but I was sick of it.

  - Are you with me?

  - Yes, Peter decided.

  I reached out with my hands forward. I wonder what happens when you just dig up this dirt. In silence.

  No, no, no, no. My hands went through the dirt as if it had never been there. But it's hanging! With tattoos and rags!

  What did I do last time? And what am I not doing in this one? Sort of the same thing. Polyanka, me and the vampire... oh! That's what else I was doing!

  I was praying.

  Maybe we should try it now.

  After meeting with the IPF? Will I be able to pray sincerely?

  I don't know.

  But I don't pray to the IPF, I pray to God. And if there is a God, He probably doesn't care about any of the asses on the planet. Why not give it a try? It's not for nothing that they say prayer is all about faith. Do I believe in God? I don't know. Maybe He knows. If he knows, he won't say no. You don't have to ask for yourself, either. It's a vampire. Is he to blame? He is now. And then? He doesn't deserve to be cursed.

  Was he cursed only by Guilomette?

  Or his family, too?

  That's what I started. Honestly, I did not remember a single prayer to the end, and from the Church Slavonic my jaws were reducing. That's why I should pray in a language that nobody understands? And don't, don't tell me about traditions! If there is a God, he is somehow not stupider than you and me. And he must not care what language you pray in. And also where it happens and what you ask for. So whoever wants to, let them spin their tongue in trying to say a phrase like

  "Sleep in the middle of the limit, krill the pigeon shattered, and its internode in the glitter of gold. "The kings of heaven will always be on it, and they will fledge in Selmon. The mountain of God, the fat mountain, the adopted mountain, the fat mountain. You don't feel the adoption mountain? The mountain, to the south, God willingly dwells in it, for the Lord will dwell in it to the end."


  . Are you a pony or something

  do you know what's in that phrase? Unless it's a mountain. There's nothing to be twisted about.

  - Lord, forgive this man and his ancestors, now living and long lived, all his relatives, close and distant in all the branches of his genealogical tree to the seventieth knee back and forth. Forgive them, and dwell in their souls love, eternal love, and forgiveness for all the ancestors of his family and his descendants. By your decision, he was born into this tribe, at this time and at your will, bears this cross chosen by you. Do not judge him for what he himself has been doomed to.

  Under my hands, flakes of dirt slowly fell to the ground, absorbed in a dandelion glade and disappeared without a trace. I started with my feet. The vampire was clearly unpleasant, but he endured in silence.

  - If you can, if you remember anything, pray too," I asked.

bsp; But the vampire just shook his head.

  - I had forgotten everything. It was too painful.

  Didn't it hurt me? My fingers, by the way, are pinching. You could say that, too.

  - Give me, Lord, strength and patience, love and dignity with your help, strength to drink the family from which this man came, a great stream of love. He has forgiven all his ancestors, and may they forgive him too. For they have loved and love us - it does not matter whether we are here or there, alive or dead, before the edge of the earth or already beyond. We are their beloved and loving children. I am sending Love and the power of Love throughout the world, to all the ancestors and descendants, to all the branches of his genealogical tree, to all the centuries of continuation of the family, and I am asking you, Lord, to help me in this. Remove, Lord, all the curses and prohibitions on this man and his family, his relatives and those who are bound to him by blood, even if they do not remember it, here and now, forever and forever. Show him your grace, and we will thank you and love this world, love you forever and madly.

  My legs were cleared, and I moved on to my thighs and waist. And I will ask for no vulgarity. Anyway, the vampire here was just an energy frame, as I understood it. And I was the same. These aren't erotic dreams involving one green-eyed creep...

  My fingers were pinching harder and harder. I wonder what happens to me in reality. But we have to keep going...

  * * *

  Konstantin and Gleb were looking out the windows. A minute ago werewolves were clinging to the seats with their claws, just not to give in, not to get out of the car, and now...

  - Is the call gone? Are you sure it's gone? - Constantine didn't believe his feelings to the end.

  - I can't feel him anymore... Yulka?

  There was no answer. The girl was lying dead, with her head thrown away. Gleb hastily brushed the vein around her neck.

  - Pulse is even.

  - Is it fainting or trance?

  - You'd expect everything from her. Remember when she killed Vlad?

  Constantine remembered it well. He was in Andre's entourage as a snack, of course. And he saw everything from beginning to end. He expected it to be over in a few minutes. For a vampire, to rip off the head of a snotty little girl... ha! But it didn't go like that. And not even because of a desperate attempt at resistance - because of the light flooding the circle. It's scary for vampires. That's when Constantine first saw the animal fear on the face of the Prince of the city. That's when he thought there was someone - or something - stronger than vampires.

  - Do you think she's doing something now?

  - I don't know. Fucking hell!

  Gleb pulled away from the lying girl so he almost broke his head through the car ceiling.

  - What the fuck happened?!

  - Her hands are...

  Konstantin threw a short look in the back seat, but that was enough. Hair on a werewolf's neck has moved, on a body nasty creeps have run. Palms suddenly became slippery and cold.

  - What's that?!

  He had no other questions. They're safe for now. But the werewolf was ready to take off even with the enemy's gunshots so he wouldn't see it. What was happening was... too wrong. A stranger. And that's why it was scary.

  It's one thing to look at the TV screen and snag a beer knowing that what's happening is just a director's fiction. The other is like this. Live.

  The face of the lying girl was distorted by a torturous make-up, as if she was dragging something heavy up the mountain. Her lips were moving, and a weak reddish glow was pouring around her hands. And blood came out from under her fingernails. She gathered herself in drops, dripping slowly on the floor... almost black in the light that broke through the tinted glasses.

  - I don't know. Watch your pulse. If she dies, the Prince will skin us on ribbons.

  - And so will Valentine. She'd better be alive.

  - That's better. I've got Nastia all blossomed up. She's happy to have children...

  - That is if we don't get killed now. That makes two of us. Now they can just take the number.

  But there wasn't a sound from the house. It's like it's frozen in silence. Only quietly dripping blood, gathering in small puddles.

  * * *

  I had already cleaned the vampire to the chest when Peter remembered something and gave birth to a speech.

  - Áve, María, grátia pléna; Dóminus técum: benedícta tu in muliéribus, et benedíctus frúctus véntris túi, Iésus. Sáncta María, Máter Déi, óra pro nóbis peccatóribus, nunc et in hóra mórtis nóstrae. Ámen.

  And then the same in Russian, or suddenly the Lord has forgotten Latin:

  - Rejoice, Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with you;

  blessed are you between wives, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and in the hour of our death. (sing) Amen (sing)

  Well, at least I remembered something, and that's bread. Cause I've already had my hands broken like a cold water laundry. But I stubbornly continued my work. Does it hurt? Does it hurt?

  I'll get over it. But a second time might not work out. And then what?

  It's no good. They don't believe a man who lies twice at his word. Here you go.

  - Help me, Lord, in my business. You are my intercessor, my God, my world, and I ask for your help. Deliver this man from his catching net and from his evil word; hide his cloak and protect him from evil; it is not man's fault that he sought the truth. He was not afraid of the fear of the night, of weapons, and of the wickedness of man - and of the evil that comes at night. Do not let evil near him and remove the wounds from his body, sent his angel to guard him on any roads and paths. For it was you who laid them. Do not judge a man for his choice, for his free will, for the flame of his soul, for it is you who made us so.

  There was still a head and a neck. Shit, somebody feel sorry for me! Why would I... Because I'm stronger...


  is given to help the weakest...

  Lord, give me the strength to endure hunger and thirst.

  I'm not thirsty of people to admit my strength.

  It's enough if I can reach out with my hand to help.

  It's enough if I look at the stars every midnight. Are you sorry? Don't be sorry. Don't tell me. Don't know. And even my help, don't admit it.

  Take it for granted. Me as a human being.

  Power is given as a burden to all who are strong. And so it has been for centuries.

  If you are strong, you must help those who are weaker.

  Without gratitude. It's simple. And I have no regrets.

  That's all. The dirt has been cleaned. And the vampire in front of me was an interweaving of incredibly beautiful colors and lines. But too pale. Oh, yeah. I touched him a lot. And I put it out myself, and he put it out. Now we're gonna have to regain our strength. Poor Mecislav. Yesterday the werewolves, today this attack... Before I got a full name, I was on a hungry diet.

  And that's how he needs it! So he won't be seduced by his... pants!

  - We have to go," I sighed.

  Peter was smiling.

  - Will you tell your people not to kill me right away?

  - Yes, I will. If we wake up now.

  - What do you mean?

  - How do you see me?

  - You're beautiful. Only transparent.

  - And when did I start working?

  - You were much brighter.

  - Here you are. It took me a lot of effort to get you in shape.

  - And so did I. So we can just go to sleep now?

  - Oh, yeah. Me, right.

  - It's not good. How do your people know I'm not the enemy...

  - Well, Mecislav may dream and find out...

  - And before that, I'm gonna be pierced with a hornet 20 times?

  I shrugged my shoulders. That's very possible. Mecislav is not distinguished by kindness and love for the people who hurt him. And the assassination attempt on me, how much further? To deprive a valuable property, a sour
ce of power and a clown...

  - Yulia, can I give you my power? And you will tell yours who I am and what happened.

  - Are you sure?

  I knew you could do this. But let it be a voluntary and conscious decision.

  - It's the only way we can do it. I wouldn't want to die just getting rid of the curse.

  - I wouldn't want to ruin my job...

  - Then... how do you transfer power?

  - Just give me your hand.

  - Here you go.

  I touched a vampire's hand. And I couldn't feel anything. It's like my hand got caught in a jet of warm air from the air conditioning. Only stationary.

  And then a wave of heat spurted up my arm - walked on my shoulder, grabbed my head and rushed along the body with the blood. I wanted to blink. It's nice. That's how it restores strength... I guess. Does Mecislav feel the same when he eats my blood? I have to ask you.

  - What am I supposed to do now?

  - Nothing, - I didn't recognize my voice myself. But the vampire's silhouette was getting pale in front of my eyes, and the glade was blurring before my eyes. - Go to sleep. I promise to do everything to keep you alive.

  - And even beyond that.

  - I promise," I repeated.

  The glade was fading. The vampire silhouette blurred before my eyes. Everything was obscured by some red mirage. And I winked to drive it away.

  And then a nasty scream went right into my head:

  - Julia, are you alive?! Say something!

  I was lying on the floor in the car, pressed by Gleb's body. Konstantin looked at me with some strange expression.

  - Fuck... get the fuck off me, flatten me, I wheezed. - Got any water?

  The faces of werewolves had the same happy smiles.

  - They'll live.

  Constantine took a bottle of mineral from his pocket on the door and gave it to me.

  I scratched it and woke up in my voice.

  - Your... fish crust!

  My hands hurt like a whole herd of bees kissed me. And they didn't look any better. Swollen, red, and all in blood.

  - What the hell is this... lathyme?!

  Gleb carefully unscrewed the cork from the bottle and brought it to my lips. I feverishly swallowed the water.

  - It's better for you to know what and how. Your hands were shining. And you were burning. It was scary to touch them.

  - And you, too," supported Konstantin. - All the hair on the back of my head stood up.


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