Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 138

by Royden Labrosse

  I was ignored by the rats. But I found traces of an old curse on Peter and managed to tell him about it. The vampire believed me right away. You bet he did. We made a fair deal. I lifted the curse on him. And Peter helped us fight back, and he promised to come to us as soon as he got ronin status. That is a completely free vampire who has the strength to travel alone.

  We barely talked, but Peter reminded me of Daniel in many ways. Without falling in love. Don't think my feelings for Daniel have been transferred to this poor man. No. Danielle was the only one in my heart. And Peter... He was just as talented in his own way. Danielle was a brilliant artist. Not like most contemporaries, from the word "thin". A genius who had the canvas and paint at his fingertips... Not modernists... And Peter was and still was a genius in the treatment of animals. If he were a human being, he'd be a veterinarian who'd fly across three borders. And as a vampire, Peter gained the ability to influence werewolves... All of their species. And we were going to take the werewolf pregnancy issue seriously with him. How many girls can miscarry? It's not a case.

  There was this hinting cough in the back. Mecislav. And who else would it be?

  I unlocked my hands and winked at Peter. Don't take it seriously. The vampire got it right, punched me on the cheek like an old grandmother - and bowed low to Mieczysław.

  - With your consent, I have come to your territory, Prince...

  - Don't abuse my kindness, - Mechislav jokingly warned. - Very few people have the right to kiss my surname.

  - I swear, I didn't have anything wrong in mind. - There were funny sparks in Peter's eyes.

  - And that's the only reason I still haven't killed you.

  - That's not true, I shaken it. - You didn't kill him because you didn't want to ruin your suit. That I don't know you?

  - A juvenile echidna," the vampire twisted. But if he thought it was so easy to get rid of me...

  - And what you just did to me isn't hypnosis, is it?

  - No. You hardly give in to him. It was more like... removing the inhibitions, removing the brakes...

  - Yeah. So vampires can selectively affect certain centers in the brain?

  - It's about that. But not at all.

  - Mm-hmm... - A familiar light of curiosity in the eyes of the researcher Peter and fiery lights of curiosity in the eyes of Mieczysław.

  - What if you tried that with werewolves? Can we do that?

  Peter put his hand in his hair and ruffled it from back of his head to his forehead.

  - If I guide and you act, you can try.

  - So come on, I caught fire.

  - Just a minute! - Mechislav corrected us. - Before you go deeper into the theory of magic, will you tell me how the meeting with the bears went?

  I told you something. The vampire listened carefully.

  - You've just been probed," he said on the verdict. - They tried to see if they could get something by not giving anything in return to the vampires.

  - You mean, make a deal just with me? You can't, I swung away. - You've already taught me to consider my interests my own.

  - And in what area are these interests? - A vampire inquiring intimately.

  There were goosebumps on the back, like someone was running a feather along the spine.

  - Exclusively in business. Okay, for Peter, I'm willing to forgive you even for this vowed challenge. Pete, can we work today?

  - Quite," the vampire shrugged his shoulders. - There's just one formality to be settled.

  - Which one?

  - Your boss," the vampire modestly suggested. - I come as a ronin, and I want to work freely for your master.

  - What are you, crazy? From one fair to another?

  - Julia, you just don't understand. I'm a ronin, but I have to wait until my old master calms down. This is the one. And I need time and space to get used to my new abilities. And I'd like to work with you. I don't think Mechislav would allow me to do that if I wasn't his subordinate.

  - You understand correctly, - mechislav purred.

  - Why, you can't just come to visit? - I was outraged.

  - You can't, - with Mieczysław's voice you could sprinkle pancakes instead of sugar - just as sweet and squeaky on your teeth. - A visit is for a couple of days. And working together with you is quite different. Okay?

  - You toothed bastard," I burst out.

  Mechislav reached out and stroked my hair, but I shone my eyes so bright that he immediately pretended that nothing had happened and instead took some papers from the table.

  Peter turned towards Mieczysław - and fell on one knee.

  - I, Peter, am a vampire in ronin status, arrived at the territory of Mečislav's protector and creator. His power is my power. His will is my will. His blood is my blood. Sir, do you agree to accept my service of good will?

  Mecislav looked at him for a few seconds. I didn't interfere. He's gonna do it out of spite...

  - I, Mecislav, protector and creator, accept you, ronin Peter, under my protection. My will is your will. My word is your word. My blood is your blood.

  A dagger shone in the vampire's fingers. Peter took it and cut his vein a little bit. Mecislav did the same thing - and combined the incisions.

  - At my word.

  I slipped into a trance. And I saw an intricate ligature appear on Peter's aura where their hands were joined - something like a red bracelet, a wide band wrapped around the hand. So did the hand of Mieczysław, but if Mieczysław's hand was quickly leaving and absorbed into the aura, then Peter's hand was shrinking, expanding, pulsating like a living creature. And it was unpleasant to look at it.

  - Can I touch it?

  - What? Can...

  I gently stretched my hand forward - and touched my aura with the aura of Mieczysław. And I felt a spark slip between us. Now I knew what and how the vampire had done. It was a binding on the blood - the weakest to the strongest. And Mieczyslaw could control Peter. His power, his life and death, could even order him to jump down from the nearest high-rise. An oath would make a vampire do it... An exotic version of suicide.

  And I'm tied up with something like this bracelet...

  Seals... that's what they're called - why?

  Damn, why can't I see my aura!? You don't know anything about Mečislav. I mean, I can make it out. And I can see colors, drawings, some kind of seals, but what? And how do you influence it? I don't understand...

  Goodbye," whispered a woman with beastly eyes in her heart. - "While you're still weak. But you will grow up. And you'll find a way to break the leash...

  And God knows I want it. Why am I mad at Mieczysław?! Because I was left with no choice! If the Seals were my decision! Conscious, balanced, voluntary! It's not like that! Either that - or the vampire you love dies in terrible agony (if anyone doesn't understand, I mean Daniel). Is it cute?

  Fascinating! With a capital "Rrrrrrrr".

  I got away from vampires. And it turned out that I had a dead grip - one hand in Peter's wrist, and the other in Mieczysław's "shirt". I had to let both of them go.

  - Shit. I'm totally out of control in this trance. So one day, you wake up and you find your enemies around you...

  - Poor enemies," Mechislav succumbed. - Okay. I take it that you should be left alone - and not interfere with communication?

  - You're so smart today. That's something! - I admired it.

  - And how inventive I am," the vampire winked at me. I blushed immediately. Though his words could have been interpreted in any sense. It wasn't necessarily erotic at all. But he acts on me like that! Like a valerian on cats! Mecislav smiled even wider, showing impeccable fangs.

  - Okay. Stay here. I got some more club stuff to do. Yulia, I want you to accompany me to the talks with the singer and her producer today.

  - They already are, aren't they?

  - Not yet. You have about two hours.

  I immediately blossomed and I grabbed Peter's hand.

  - Dear friend... what should I call you, by the way?

Peter. You can-- Pete. I got my name back.

  - But Mechislav is a complete virus. He never told me his name before all humanity had been lost," I complained.

  The vampire already standing on the doorstep turned around.

  - We can make a deal, Curly. I'll give you a name. You've been a passionate week for me.

  - It's gonna be greasy, I'm gonna bang it automatically.

  - So you're okay with it for a couple of days? - A vampire has blossomed.

  - No. And anyway, wait, it's gonna be an already passionate week.


  will come," I snapped. - There's not much time left, and it won't be a year.

  - My heart is broken," Mechislav pathetically sighed, disappearing behind the door.

  I dragged Peter to the couch.

  - Okay, great. Taperycha, when this one's been fused up, we'll open a ladies' shop.

  - What? The vampire was surprised.

  - Bulgakov should be read, not one playboy with bunnies," I smiled. - Where were we before you left? To feel the animals? Shall we go back to the roots?

  - It's my pleasure... Yulka, it's so good to see you again...

  * * *

  Mecislav leaned against the wall next to the door. From here he could hear Julín's cheerful voice perfectly.

  - And if so?

  - No. You don't have to be so stressed out. Not at all. Let the sensation flow through you, and highlight the most important thing...

  - It's not working!

  - I'll produce a lot of curiosity... you should have noticed by now and for no reason. Let's do it again! You're gonna make it!

  - Come on!

  It's clear. These two are up to their ears in their abilities. Peter is restoring the old. Julia learns the new. Her power is something like him - that's why they found common ground. And here he is...

  The vampire sighed (more by habit than really needing air) and headed for the stairs. We have to change. Soon the producer will come and take a star with him. And we're going to have to negotiate.

  Mecislav, of course, was lying. He absolutely didn't need Julina's company to deal with some Dossa. Screw off the obsessive girl? So that she could get close to being afraid? And to do it is polite?

  It's easy! It's hard for 15-year-olds to solve such problems. In the seven hundredth year of life (plus or minus ten years is relevant only to the third century) with this kind of cope without much difficulty. The question is different.

  Mieczyslaw couldn't figure out what was going on between him and his surname. Well, Julia couldn't meet his standards. The fact that she felt every time he approached her, was natural. Ten years at least, it would take her to get used to the new situation. And to learn to enjoy her power. And from him, too. Why shouldn't she?

  It's not like he's forcing anyone to do anything! What a stupid sanctimony!? Why can't a man and woman who like each other find themselves in the same bed? And end up in the same bed as long as they want? To have fun, to deliver it to each other... and if you remember the feeling that a vampire feels when he gets strength from his surname, in bed between them will be just fireworks.

  It's not like that! When he gets close, Julia feels as good as a porcupine. But why? God knows he's not offering her anything!

  Why don't you say yes? What are the obstacles in her mind?

  But don't talk about eternal love! The dead are dead. Alive is alive. And Julia can't help but understand that. But she refuses to admit it!

  And her resistance!

  Mecislav simply


  happening! It did not fit into logical and conscious pictures of the world. Many women met on its way. Beautiful - and not very beautiful, virtuous and slutty, passionate - and considered themselves cold (at least, before meeting with a vampire). As you know, there are no frigid women, there are unskilled and selfish men who can not find what likes a partner. Mechislav did not consider himself to be such. And he knew - many women suffered because of his care, but when the pain subsided, each began to carefully store in his heart memories of the time spent near him. Because he tried to be... the right person. The perfect man for every woman he seduced. Let those five minutes be fireworks in her life!

  And that approach never misfired. Sooner or later, one way or another - all the women he paid attention to came into his arms.

  But Julia!

  This rejection of intimacy with him - even with his soul (the vampire had already agreed to platonic love and even friendship) was completely incomprehensible.

  Not stubborn: "If you want to, you'll snap out of it. I won't give you anything anyway! "It's not stubbornness at all. It would be easy to recognize.

  And no offense: "I don't want to be one in a million! " Mechislav has encountered this too. And it looked different.

  Indifference? But they're attracted to each other. And it can be seen by everyone. Even the last fall.

  Tragic love? Well, that's ridiculous at all. Julia isn't really capable

  for so long

  to suffer. Sooner or later, even sooner, she will overcome any pain. That's the education. Dead is dead. Alive is alive. And life powerfully demands its own. But any attempt to get closer immediately stumbles upon an invisible wall.

  But what can overcome it?

  Power? Money? Sex?

  Mieczyslaw knew that these items were extremely exciting for many women. And together and separately. But Julia was offered all this on a plate with a golden bowl! And it's offered! And time after time it is rejected, almost squeamishly. So what does she want?

  Love? - whispered something strange in your heart?

  Mecislav pissed off. Love? If they are together, Julia will be his ideal. More precisely - he'll try to be the perfect man for her himself. What else do you need? Isn't that love? It's even more than the stupidity that poets write about!

  No, that's not what this is about... knowing what the stop tap is that keeps Yulia away from him every time! You should know!

  The saying "Knew the purchase, would live in Sochi" vampire did not try on himself. And Julia seemed to him another puzzle. A little more complex, so what's wrong with that? It just has to be solved... slowly... and tastefully...

  - Master...

  A familiar voice ripped a vampire from his thoughts. Mechislav turned to the speaker.

  - Yes, Volodya?

  - Kirill Petrovich Krasnensky and Dosya Shiny will be with you in an hour.

  - That's great.

  For a moment Mecislav thought - to order to bring some clothes for Julie? But then he changed his mind. She herself appeared in these creepy pants and a shirt! Although he asked her a hundred times to come in human form! Now he's embarrassed about it!

  * * *

  Peter and I spent an hour... high! I can't find another word for it!

  The vampire tried one emotion or the other, I read his aura, reported what was changing in it - and tried to show him mine. I was doing better. And I could see, and even feel with my hands. If you run your fingers along the border of the aura, you can see a lot. Or you can influence a person. Something serious I've been able to do badly so far, but the simplest thing is to cause fear, joy, anger, aggression... in short, controlled empathy is quite decent. But Peter was slipping like a Mercedes on the country roads. What I did instantly, he did very badly - and only with personal contact of consciousness. If I was a guide. If Peter was trying to see "second sight," as I called it, or "mental gaze," as a vampire called it, the trouble started immediately. But we are tenacious creatures. And we'll get over it anyway. And we'll do a little digging with Alfonso and the others - and ask Nadia or Tanya - or both to participate in our experiments at once. We might be able to create amulets that have a positive effect on werewolf pregnancy. Why, maybe? We'll succeed! I know how to do it, and Peter has enough knowledge to understand what's going on and try to sleep with something like an amulet. And we'll take the power from me. I don't feel sorry for a good thing. You don't supply all vampires, do you?
/>   And I also managed - just a little bit - to find the threads that affected the body. It caused hunger or thirst, pain or pleasure... just a little bit, but that's a start. Here we go for a little practice...

  And then Mieczyslaw showed up at the office.

  For a variety of reasons, he dressed up in simple blue jeans and a white long-sleeved shirt. Although "plain" is the wrong word. The jeans sat on him in a way that made sense - it was custom-made and carefully fit. And the shirt was clearly made of insanely expensive fabric. At first glance, it wasn't obvious. He had jeans and a shirt and I had jeans and a shirt. But if you put us next to each other and look at us, the difference would be clear. It's a big difference. It's like between a boat at the city marina and an ocean boat.

  Well, let it! They only meet us on our clothes, but they walk us through our minds.

  - Yulia, you promised me you'd be there.

  - Why, are the singers here?

  I don't like the modern variety. And there's nothing to be done about it!

  - Here we are. So you'll talk to Pete tomorrow. You have a good day.

  - Yulia, can we work tomorrow?

  - I don't know where to go.

  - Svoboden, - shaked Mechislav's head sharply.

  Peter got up obediently, said goodbye with polite bows, and swept out of the office.

  I'm more comfortable on the couch.

  - Do you mind?

  - Not at all. Kirill Petrovich and I will talk, and you and Dosya will take care of each other. Do we have a deal?

  I looked at the vampire with obvious doubt. I read her file. Is that what she and I have in common? Female? But I didn't get a chance to say anything. The door swung open.

  Kirill Petrovich was the obvious "master of life". So obvious that I just worried. If a person demonstrates this quality in such a way, he is not stupid at all. Rather, it is profitable for him to be considered stupid. Small, dense, round face, rare blonde hair with bald hair and proleshinami, in short - almost aged Carlson. This impression was contradicted by an insanely expensive blonde suit (that's how much I began to know about things when I was hanging around a vampire) and a pink shirt, which was clearly worth more than the annual salary of a tax inspector. And on a thick gold chain with pants, you could safely put a Rottweiler. Carlson the millionaire?


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