Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 140

by Royden Labrosse

  He's almost 1.5 times her height. The gray hair stands up, covering the top of the head. The figure is like a mantis, and the movements are like a puppet on a thread in the hands of a bad puppet. Just as twitchy and turbulent. The nose stands out on the face. As a kind of analogue of the Caucasus. It's like remembering, "The Caucasus is above me... alone... in the heights..."

  And as if this were not enough - as a result of an unsuccessful operation in the eye (left) comrade began to look in different directions. And the simple way was to look at the back of his head. At the lectures, he usually appeared in a lab coat, which was washed once a year and in a great mood. So he was mint, stink and covered with stains of unknown origin. Either from the lab or the sandwiches. And the robe was Livnevsky himself.

  It looked absolutely gorgeous. And the students were going to send a picture of the happy family to Hollywood long ago. Why?! Godzilla, Alien and Predator won? Here's some more horror in your piggy bank. Some Dr. Monstroe and his wife or victims of sadistic human experiments... don't even have to spend on makeup.

  He wasn't good at genetics, but he asked well. And thanks to a relative, he got hours on several subjects at once. And there was no way to guess where you'd get to him. We used to be lucky, we used to sneak past, but now we're in full swing... Genetics is an exam.

  Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh...

  Easy at the memorial, Livnevsky broke into his office. An unforgettable aroma of some cologne, similar to a hybrid of laundry soap and flea products. A refreshing note was the smell of sweat.

  What's the use? That bastard walks the rows during a lecture! We'll smell it again!

  I forgot to tell you about one little detail. For sweet character, habits and smell of Livnevsky long ago nicknamed "Canalug". Only from the word "Canalug" or "rainwater sewer"?

  - Everybody has already sat down and opened their notebooks - he used to start. - So, we begin our lesson. About 2,000 years ago... are you recording?

  Yeah, we're trying. But wouldn't you chase that bastard...

  - So... about 2,000 years ago, there was no genetics yet...

  Too bad!

  * * *

  Valentin picked me up, but at least he wouldn't go to the institute. He waited in the car. I jumped out of the institute, went to the next street, and shoved myself in the back seat of a big jeep, like a wheeled house. There was already a plastic case for clothes there.

  - Get changed," Valentine left, shoving down the highway.

  I nodded and climbed in.

  M-yes. A suit of soft beige wool with gold sewing on the lapels of the jacket - and a thin strip on the side of the skirt, a white blouse with gold cufflinks; Mecislav what - awesome how I zip them! Even the shoes, stockings (of course, only beige stockings with a lace belt, pantyhose - this is so unaesthetic), underwear and purse were not forgotten.

  All in the same golden and beige soft range. Stylishly, modestly... and in a voice shouting about its mad price.

  Shit! What did I forget at that opening!?

  - And me!? We are there as representatives of Mr. Fang, that is, Lubomirski.

  I snorted. That's not how a werewolf used to behave. But lately, his jokes are getting more and more sarcastic. What'd you get from me? But he's got a lot of charm.

  - Will your grandfather be there?

  I shrugged my shoulders. Actually, you might. The regional governor insisted on sending out invitations to everyone. I do not argue, maybe such events are useful for businessmen - to talk there, to see each other, to discuss something, but I am not in the topic at all!

  Oh, come on. If you can't escape, relax and convince yourself that's exactly what you wanted.

  And have fun! Pleasure, I said!

  My nail almost punched a hole in my stocking when I was shaking at a traffic light.

  Damn socially active vampires!

  But I got dressed just in time. The car slowed down, and Valentine turned to me.

  - Need some help?

  - Zip the cufflinks. And check it out.

  - Yulka, you're always beautiful," said the werewolf sincerely. - Shall we go?

  - Whatever...

  Today's event looked like this.

  The construction site was open on one side. And a new excavator was seen, for which the city paid a sum comparable to the annual budget of the regional hospital. In the center of the construction site there was a stage made of plastic and metal. Our governor was obviously going to speak from it.

  In front of the stage there were first armchairs, clearly taken from the nearest AC - assembled in three, with red upholstery. From those chairs that close, before you get up from them - and instantly tear your tights. Behind the chairs there were benches - for unprivileged public. But we had tickets for the chairs. Third row, number fifteen and sixteen.

  The 17th chair was taken by my grandfather.

  I smiled and started sneaking around.

  - Leoverenskaya, you?

  I made up my mind. Tikhvinskaya. Natalya Pavlovna. I ask you to love and pay. It is possible to love in all poses, and to complain - only in the material aspect.

  This disease studied with me in the same group. Well, at least subgroups are different. And I have to say, Natasha ruined a fair amount of blood for me.

  As the daughter of a businessman, she sincerely believed that everything in the world was created for her and only for her. Why wouldn't she?

  If you're only seventeen years old, and you have all your branded boutique clothes, couture purses, and you go to the institute only on your own new "mazda"?

  Can I be proud of this?

  Not from my point of view. It's not like she did it and earned it. Natasha herself would not be in demand even on the panel - due to excess weight (fed on red caviar and trout) and pimple face. But sincerely believed that everyone should respect her and reptile.

  That's about what happened at school. And why not, if daddy fed the headmaster of the school, and the teachers, squeaky teeth, have to put a little fool of five? And dream about the day when it finally leaves the monastery of knowledge.

  It's gone. And he came to our institute for biofac. Apparently, after reading about how Pavlov tortured dogs. Still do not understand - why Natasha did not become a lawyer or economist? Then her father would have taken her to his firm - and the child would have had his own caviar sandwich for the rest of his life.

  And then I realized. Daddy, seeing the level of knowledge and intelligence of his little girl, decided that he does not need such happiness in the firm. It's gonna be better. And the daughter should be quickly formed, added somewhere in the department, married - and her husband will do business, and daughter - home and children.

  The logic was clear and understandable.

  I had a problem.

  Natasha, when she found out who my grandfather was, she tried to be friends. It was unpleasant to remember.

  - Hey, Leoverenskaya, come on, have a seat with us... sitting there like an oak on Plyuschikha...

  - Topol," I corrected.

  - What?

  - There were three poplars on Plyuschikha. And the oaks...

  For the first time, I was silent. Although I really wanted to add that the oaks on our back desks look "Elle". Or some other magazine... I wasn't interested. I was learning the anatomy. I was going to be an expert. And I didn't want to move in with their company at all. Why would you do that? To discuss hairspray? Or shower gel?

  I don't care about both. I'm not using them anyway. Why don't I have pimples or hair fall out?

  - Who cares... Crawl here, I say... Let's hang out... you're like, you go to the Bee?

  "The Bee, the original version of the Beehive, was one of the trendy places where the New Russian gangster brushes would gather. Relax, hang out, find a partner for the night or a dose of cocaine...

  To put it mildly, I wasn't drawn there. To put it crudely, am I a complete fool to waste my life like that? I have more interesting things to do...

  But before I could say it, Na
tasha delivered the final blow.

  - Otherwise, there's a husk hanging out here. At least your grandfather's in business... even though you dress like a dick...

  It's become very clear. Natasha found a member of the same social circle - that is me. And she decided that we could form a circle of "golden youth" together. For some reason, I wasn't tempted by this.

  - Natasha, why don't you go to... with your... discos and parties and bees? - loud and clear, I said it.

  Natasha suffocated from outrage. She would have answered me, but at that time the teacher came in. And there was no fight. At recess she tried to run over me again, got in my ears again and went on and on.

  Missing notebooks, spilled reagents on me, ruined sports shoes...

  I didn't put up with it for long, and Natasha suddenly found a purse filled with ink, Madagascar cockroaches in the car, and extreme butyric acid perfume. I shouldn't have stole that beauty from the chemfac!

  The Quiet War gradually moved into position, and then I met the vampires...

  - Doesn't it look like it?

  - Like a pig on a hedgehog. Who lent you these clothes?

  - I sold and bought a kidney. And who let you in here? We got a seal circus two blocks north of here.

  I kept walking, so I couldn't hear the lady's next line anymore.

  My place was just between my grandfather and werewolf, Valentine's grandfather reached out his hand and raked me in the armful and smacked my nose.

  - You look great, little thing.

  - You look good to me, too," I said. My grandfather really looked like he was sixty years old. He was wearing a light grey suit, with a mane of gray hair and black eyebrows, with a great posture and minimal wrinkles. And it smelled not that unpleasant smell, which appears in some old people, but expensive cologne and a slightly noticeable smell of lavender. Mom moved all her cabinets.

  - It's a good thing your friend sent you here. - My grandfather smiled a little bit.

  I stomped with my foot. Sitting down, it was hard to do, but I managed. The heel was halfway into the ground.

  - Grandpa, it's a pig! That vampire just didn't give me a chance to say no!

  - That's right. It's time for you to get down to business. I'm not forever. I'll let you run the firm.

  I'm stuck with it, as usual. Grandfather, and die? Don't, gods!

  - What are you talking about, death? Don't even think about it! You've still got grandchildren to raise!

  - Then you better let them kill you right away! You're in trouble, and when the kids go... by the way, from whom?

  I was thinking. And I turned to Valentine.

  - Listen to this. Can vampires reproduce like humans?

  - Ask them!

  - What if they offer to test it in practice?

  - Well, then you'll know for sure - and from experience.

  - You've got nothing sacred, you've got a flea collar," I took offense.

  My grandfather, ignoring my antics, was talking to some friend sitting in the back. I crawled in the chair and sighed. Actually, I admit that normal governors don't do that kind of stuff. They don't gather delighted crowds, they don't catch up with the crowd, they don't make solemn speeches on every occasion, like healing from a cold... Well, if you dream about it, they steal moderately. Or at least in parallel they do something useful for the city.

  And that asshole!

  He's only doing eyewash! If you believe his reports - we have such an advanced area, that all other areas of Russia over the past ten years to see our ass. Naked. Dirty and with rips. Ah, I wish I could find Woland on him! And throw the devil at the bastard. I'd agree to a vampire too, but Mecislav made it clear to me that the governor is a prominent figure. Therefore if it absolutely accidentally will die from a heart attack (and the smile of the vampire can bring to anything), the IPF will necessarily appear nearby. They have their own people in hospitals and the police. Or is it better to tell the police now?

  Those assholes in our government, huh?! Weren't there enough policemen during the Great Patriotic War? Or do they just want to imitate America? Or did they finally read the book about Captain Wrongel... at seventy years of age, into marasmus... What will you call a yacht, that's how it will sail?

  Whatever you call the police, they won't work any better. They should be financed and not restrained. And what's working!? A Caucasian shepherd dog, which is kept hungry, in a doghouse, where the cat is tight, kicked, and only cockroaches are allowed to hunt? I'm sorry, that's silly. If you call it a pug, even if it's a crocodile, it won't get any better. Not for a minute.

  If we give the sheepdog freedom, if we feed her well, if we allow her to hunt everyone, not only those who have neither money nor wealth - then we will quickly overtake America in terms of efficiency. And change the names? Make people laugh! That's what we're going to call the traffic cops now? The police inspector of the Dorogo Movie? Beautiful! What if you read the capital letters?

  Delighted praet! And what delight will be in those who regularly unbuckle the traffic cops? Or will there be PIDORDs now?

  I'm telling you, it's delightful!

  For pleasant thoughts I did not notice how our mayor turned away and the governor rose to the platform - in a slanting wig. And where's the young man going? Goat understands that he has three hairs of his own. And all the same! I'm young, I'm young, who would dance with me...

  - Citizens! The townspeople! Ladies and gentlemen! On this beautiful day, we are gathered here...

  I blacked out again. And I tried to slip into a trance. Or, as Peter explained to me, to look at what's going on around me with his inner gaze. It didn't work out well. Like... something wasn't letting me in?!


  I tried again. And also... And I slipped into a trance. There was a haze of aura around every person. Around the governor, too. I took a closer look. Mm-hmm. Dirty green, muddy brown and the colors of child's surprise. As I thought, he won't even be called a decent man by mistake.

  And what's this? Stains? Black? And funnels?

  Ah, ah, ah... Who did we kill?

  I noticed an interesting pattern recently. Vadim had practically no black spots on his aura. And so did Mieczysław. That's three of them. You mean three dead people in a long vampire's life? I can't believe it! Only in the time that we were together, he is already human (vampires, werewolves) - in short, five corpses on his conscience are definitely there. I settled for a vampire.

  And Mechislav confessed. He killed a lot. And a lot. Especially when he was young. But! Either in self-defense. Either by order. And in that case, the sin does not fall on the murderer - he is only a weapon, but on the customer. And Mechislav himself tried not to be a bastard. And... in some cases he sincerely repented of murder. Only three deaths hung bricks on his conscience. But whose vampire refused to answer flatly. Well, that's too bad. I'd like to try to make a pattern. Well, some of the dentists don't understand the importance of a scientific approach. As soon as I started asking questions, Mechislav sewed up as much water in a hot frying pan as he did, and I retreated.

  But back to the governor. The stains are murder. The funnels are the ones he caused the damage to. And the minor splashes are. It's bullshit. Stealing, betrayal, dishonesty is a way of life for a politician, not to be neglected.

  What's this!?

  I took a look over the set.

  - Fucking hell!

  - Julia? - Valentin twitched. I had to squeeze his hand, they said I was fine, but be quiet for five minutes. The shape-shifter picked up and shut up. And I took a closer look.

  The construction site was... it was like a black lace was poured on it. Black lace on top of the same black dried-up bushes. And it was all settled, worried, moved like algae wrapped around the drowned man... it was disgusting. It wasn't even disgusting. I felt like I was starting to puke, and I hurriedly returned to my normal sight.

  What is this!?

  - Where? So what?

  - Did I just say that out loud again?

/>   - Yes. What's wrong?

  The werewolf and I whispered quietly. But my grandfather didn't want to stay away either, so he leaned towards us.

  - What and where? Yulka, what happened?

  I exhaled and tried to describe my thoughts as carefully as possible.

  - There's evil.

  - Where?

  - You know, where they're going to build. There's some old evil in there. And very scary and predatory. Whatever's built here, there's no good. What was there before?

  Grandpa shrugged his shoulders.

  - You know, I'm not from around here.

  I know. Grandfather purposely left the place where his family died.

  - Val? - I turned to a werewolf. But he's only got his hands on it.

  - Julia, there's been a square here for the last two hundred years. And before that? Who knows! You have to dig through archives, look, think... I'm not a historian.

  - And who?

  - It's your friend. Nastia.

  - She's not allowed right now. She has children.

  - But to say where and what to look for, she can.

  - Val, if you disturb her before she gives birth, you will give birth to me. You'll compete with Schwarzenegger! - I stuttered.

  - Okay, I talked you into it, and the werewolf swung away. - Tell him to keep an eye out after the delivery. And she'll do you a favor, because she's so worried, she has to, she has to, she has to, she has to, by the coffin of life...

  - After the birth, okay. But not before.

  The shape-shifter nodded, it's a deal. And I looked dumbly at the square, under the governor's gugnet, rushing to dismantle the old laying of stones. The vision slipped back into the same mode. And I saw something I hadn't paid attention to before. Why the bushes? Why was it all low?

  Because there were old rocks lying there. And where they were taken out, the black shit would rise up and spread out like it was breaking free! So they were holding back that filth!? I'm sure they did! I wouldn't be too surprised to find the sign of the cross or anything like that on the inside of the stones (the one that was immersed in the ground). Even though it's an Egyptian symbol for eternal life! Fucking hell!


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