Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 164

by Royden Labrosse

  Kostya brought her to the bedroom, helped her get undressed and put her to bed. He dug up the motherwort tincture... And all the while he was finishing it with empty words. Shots fired. On business. It happens. It won't happen again.

  It took some time. And he was awfully excited to hear the noise of the car outside. And when he saw the "specialist", he was even more excited. He knew this vampire. Blond hair, deceptively serene and stupid, Vadim was as contagious as his boss. Which he proved right away.

  He sat down on the bed with Ale, hugged her by the shoulders - and wrapped her with the most penetrating voice, looking into the eyes:

  - What happened here? What is such a beautiful woman so worried about? It spoils the complexion! And the nervous system! Anyway, such a charming lady should only think about colors...

  Kostya turned his back so he wouldn't snort. None of this worked on him. But Alia was visibly relaxing. And he was ready to swear - by the end of the session she wouldn't even remember the shooting. And if she did, it would only be an episode of an action movie.

  Psychotherapy session performed by a vampire! Hurry up to see! And enjoy the result! It's a better treatment than any psychic. If all the blood is not drunk before!

  Another hour later, when Alya was asleep, he was sitting on the veranda with Vadim.

  - What's Julia got into?

  - We don't know for sure yet. Konstantin Savelievich, you'd better go away for a week.

  Kostya didn't say anything. A look like, "You. What. Me. You're suggesting. A creature? "That's enough. But Vadim couldn't take his eyes off it.

  - Yule will be taken care of. More than that. And she will not be touched in any way. But you... How are you going to explain the next attempt on your wife?

  - Do you think it will?

  - I'm sure.

  Kostya sighed.

  - I can send Alya. And I can...

  - You don't have to. It'll be easier for her, alone. When you're only afraid for yourself.

  - It also pushes her towards your boss," Konstantin finished his silent thought. And he smiled a little.

  Vadim smiled back.

  - My will, they would have been together a long time ago. It's just... I have a feeling your granddaughter needs trouble. It's just that she won't love him. And that's all there is to it.

  - We're not looking for easy ways," said Kostya. - But this - let them sort it out themselves. That's not what interests me. Who could have made an attempt on me? Me and Alia? And what for?

  - I don't know yet. We failed to catch the shooters," confessed Vadim. - They were were werewolves. They weren't ours.

  - Ta-tah...

  - Yes. So I'm asking you to go away for a week. We'll provide security. And Jule will be...

  - In a word, it will be calmer, - said Konstantin. - Won't Alia remember anything?

  - You shouldn't. You're not the only blood. There's no power in it. It's probably yours. It's given to your family! Why don't you want to be a vampire?

  Kostya has heard this question three times before. From Mieczysław, from several more teeth... and he always answered the same question.

  - Because I want to die a human being.

  And also, Kosta didn't like being damn old. No matter how you spin it, but age. He's got another five to ten years left. And then that's it. And it's good to die in an instant. What if he turns into a ruin?

  Who knows...

  And become a vampire and extend that old age for countless years? Where were those teeth from forty to fifty years ago?! Then he'd agree. And now...

  There's no way. Eternal life without Ali, without his family and friends, or worse, to see them grow old and die before his eyes, and he remains as young and strong... I mean, old and a vampire...

  Fire! And to explain all this, too.

  - That's what you'd get," Vadim snapped at you.

  - And a lot of problems on your head. No, it's not. Fire me. I've got plenty of shit in my business to keep me in your pocket.

  - Then take a vacation for a week, so our shit can't come to you himself.

  Kostya sighed.

  - Get lost! Fine! We'll take the Alley to Seliger. It's been a long time!

  - Beautiful. I'll send six more werewolves with you.

  - But if anything happens to Julia...

  - You won't get to me anyway. I'm going to get my head ripped off by Machislav.

  Kostya had a nasty smile.

  - And I'm arms and legs. Where was my cell phone?

  - Relatives," Vadim twisted, serving him a cell phone that flew into one of the corners. - Now it's clear to me who Yulka got her hands on...

  * * *

  The mortals!

  Fucking immortal creatures!

  Who dared!?

  Who's got enough pissing and pissing!?


  My trap! My chasstick!

  I hate it!!!

  It hurts, it hurts so much!!!

  But who guessed!? How dare they!?

  Did someone piss off the descendants of those... really!?

  No! It's been a long time! My priest has told me a lot! It's a good invention, the library!

  They could have survived! They could have pissed me off, and they could have survived! They could've even lost their offspring! But the blood should have been mixed and pissed off long ago! It's been too long!

  Or is someone even pissing about how I can be pissed?! The pissing is saved!? Legends!? Books!?

  I don't piss!!!

  Merzes creatures!

  And all of a sudden...

  I'm still pussy, too pussy.

  And crushing the trap hurt me.

  I won't be able to help my priests anymore today.

  Have him look at my victim for tomorrow.

  We need to recover as soon as possible!

  I want a new pussy body!

  I want to live!

  Chapter 8.

  If the first pancake is a coma, the second one isn't better.

  The vampire on the bed looked completely dead. Here in absolutes.

  I breathed a dreamy sigh. What a good Mecislav when he's dead! That's when he comes to life, begins to talk, move, let go - I want to nail him. And while he's lying down, like any decent corpse - cutie, lovely and charming!

  All so relaxed, lying under a thin black sheet, black curls scattered on the shoulders and almost merge with black silk pillowcases, honey skin as if shining from the inside in the twilight, black eyelashes ... shit! That's why men need such great eyelashes!? They're just so tired of ripping it off and gluing it to themselves! The walls are also glued with black wallpaper. And in semi-darkness, a vampire seems to be floating above the bed.

  Too bad I'm not a writer. Otherwise I'd have sat down and picked up a netleneck! On a black and black night, in a black and black room, on a black and black bed, there was a vampire with black and black lashes...

  And then he woke up and started biting like the last... sweetheart!

  Love moved and opened her eyes.

  Busy with my thoughts, I just missed the moment of Mieczysław's awakening.

  But he didn't miss anything. Turns out vampires have known the world since the first moment. And they don't waste time reaching out, scratching, spreading out...

  Green eyes sparkled with a ravenous light.

  - Fluffy? Did you really want to keep me company? You're just adorable today. It's so good to see you opening your eyes.

  - We had to talk. And the sooner, the better," I sighed as I used to let all that nonsense pass by. And it's so hard to do it... Especially when it's said with that purring excitatory tone, so gentle and tender, like melted honey flowing through your skin...

  - I listen to you carefully, my treasure...

  The vampire smiled so badly that I wanted to dive under his sheet and settle in. But you can't. You have to think of something nice to do. Aspen, silver and all - holy water is a wonderful thing!

  - I had no other choice," I snapped at myself, suppressi
ng with willpower all thoughts that the only obstacle that separates us can be removed by a wave of hand. And in general, why do you need this sheet? What I haven't seen since yesterday... it's nice to see a handsome man as well as artwork. It's not like anybody's wearing "David." Michelangelo pants? Or at least a pants bandage.

  All right. And the symptoms are sad. It's not like I used to think I'd lift a sheet, I'd throw a blanket on top of it.

  - I wish I hadn't seen you for another three hours, but we need to talk. And the sooner, the better. We have a serious problem!

  - What exactly happened? - Mecislav rose on his elbows. The sheet slipped even lower.

  I heroically took my eyes away and started thinking about God. It didn't help.

  - It's happened. Rokin called me today. Remember that one?

  - The IPF?

  - Yes. Whoever killed Lavric made the second sacrifice.

  All the playfulness immediately disappeared from the vampire's face. Green eyes sparkled with a harsh cold.

  - Tell me in detail.

  I rubbed my forehead.

  - Why don't I start from the beginning?

  - Where's that from?

  - Well, not from Adam, Eve and the Old Testament. Just from the moment you sent me to this stupid construction opening.

  - I agree, opening a construction site sounds stupid. Is that all you're not happy with?

  The vampire looked in the water. I curled up and waved my head.

  - If only! It was a complete nightmare! I wanted to tell you yesterday, but because of this Alphonse...

  - What exactly happened there? - The vampire briefly asked. He wasn't interested in excuses.

  I've laid it all out honestly. And the swear words. And about the shield. And how I treated a werewolf affected by this disease. And about today's blankets. For me, the connection between the two murders and this autopsy of old rocks has been well established. It wasn't clear what got out, who was the bearer of the "something" and how to figure it out.

  Mecislav was also in reflection.

  - Has the IPF sent you anything yet?

  - No.

  - When they send it, I should be the first to know.

  I shrugged my shoulders.

  - You'll find out. What's the use? I wonder how long it's gonna be before this guy commits another murder?

  - A day, I guess. A little less, a little more. He's clearly in a hurry. Julia, do you want to go for a ride to the hotel?

  - What for?

  - You were going yesterday, don't you remember?

  - Do you still think it's someone coming? I don't know. The Lavrik, yes, I haven't been anywhere but the hotel. But Tikhvinskaya, on the contrary - I can't imagine what would connect it with a hotel. She had nothing to do there!

  - And where could she have crossed with Lavric?

  - At this idiotic event. I saw her there.

  - It won't help us. There were too many people there.

  - I strongly suspect that no one and nothing but us can help us. By the way, we need to get Charles somewhere for the time I'll be here. Cause he's in the yard waiting in Valentine's car. Along with Nastia.

  - How's your new toy feeling?

  I'm a little outraged. A toy!? You bastard!

  - He's not a toy, he's a living person. And he's just as sick and hurt and nauseous. And he doesn't need to meet your sadistic head from Spain at all.

  Mecislav looked at me very seriously and sadly.

  - You really hope you can stand up to him?

  - I'll give it a try.

  - Alfonso will do anything to get it back. And you, too, for personal revenge. He will never forget or forgive what you did to him.

  I smiled crooked. I was hoping that Alfonso's memory would be terrified! Shit!

  Everything that came out of last night's fight was already clear to me. Namely, tomorrow will also be tomorrow. Well, it's a good thing it's not a squabble today! But I don't think so.

  Alfonso will never forgive his defeat in front of other vampires.


  And if I'm wrong, it's time to go to the monastery to sign up!

  - I'm picking up enemies at record speed. And seriously, we didn't get a chance to talk yesterday. Is it okay for you to come to someone else's house and start bending your fingers?

  - No.

  For a few seconds I waited for Mieczysław to explain to me how vampires come to visit, but I did not wait.

  - And that's all you have to say? Why is that asshole bulldozing us?

  - You should know. Usually when I talked to him, he's amazingly polite. And the more polite he is, the scarier.

  - You're telling me he was a hamster and a killer so he wouldn't scare us off on purpose? Can we laugh now? - Mechislav himself understood that it sounds unconvincing. - He had his reasons. But what were his reasons?

  - If he wanted to provoke us and see what you're worth, it fits the pattern," the vampire quietly printed.

  I'm out of my mind.

  - That's what I'm talking about!

  - Yeah. Whatever he wanted to see, he saw. And I don't know how it's gonna go now.

  I bit my lower lip.

  - And it goes wherever I want! What else do they want? Nastia? Have them examine under my strict supervision! Me? Let them take their chances. Charles? I'll tell you what, the IPF will be happy to have a cute vampire like Alfonso at their disposal. And I won't spend a second on remorse. It's my fault, you bastard.

  - Are you serious about the IPF?

  - What do you think? Yesterday I was stupid, but it's a sight like Charles... and before that, the trip to the corpse.

  - It's too much for a normal person. It's too much for you, too, for now.

  - Here you go. Here we go. You think this councilman's just gonna run away and back off?

  Judging by Mieczysław's face, he didn't believe in miracles either.

  - He's not gonna back off. But the IPF isn't the answer either. We're gonna get shaken like a pear, sooner or later somebody's gonna find out. And anyway, killing a councilman on my property is my fault.

  - So we should take him out of town and finish him off there. It doesn't matter! For total safety, I'll only cooperate with Rokin - and anonymously. You think your council has connections to the local IPF office?

  Mecislav shook his head negative.

  - This is definitely not happening.

  - Then... the IPF, and no nails.

  - When do you want to get in touch with them?

  - I'll look at his behavior today. It's either tomorrow or the day after. When I think of something good, I'll do it right away. We should just turn him in without putting our people in harm's way. And anyway, no vampire, no problem. Or do you care about this Alfonso as a Spanish memory? Flamenco, castanets, toreadors, unconventional matador hobbies?

  - Bitch. You're growing up to be a real bitch, Julia.

  I snorted.

  - And if you were a general, if I were a general.

  Mecislav was so upset that he didn't even give any hints about it.

  - Get Leonid in here. I'll talk to him and go to the hotel tomorrow to see Doza and her producer. Invite them again to the show.

  - Doesn't it feel good to call?

  - It's a good call. But I still want you to look around the hotel.

  - Okay. I'm gonna call Lenka, and I'm gonna take a ride with the wind. But it's better tomorrow afternoon, not in the morning. It's the weekend, I don't have to go to the institute, again, who will be there in the morning, all the rooms are sitting...

  - Okay. Tomorrow afternoon. Just be more careful.

  - I'm not, you know, suicidal. Yes, you are.

  - By the way, do you have to rush? Why don't you stay for a while?

  Mecislav reached out. Narochito is slow and sensual, graceful and powerful, like a huge black predatory cat. Under the thin fabric of the sheets, all the contours of his body were embossed. Strong, beautiful lines... If I were a sculptor...

  - If you were a sculp
tor, Fluffy? - I was interested in Mecislav.

  Did I say that out loud? Well... I licked my suddenly dried lips.

  - If I was a sculptor, I would definitely... put a marble slab over your head! Underneath it, they'd bury you!

  And flew out of the room.


  Mecislav smiled quite a bit.

  Everything was going... don't let it go to plan. But it wasn't that bad.


  The insulted Alfonso da Silva is still in town.

  And there's a maniac out there somewhere.

  The pros.

  Alfonso da Silva got so good on the horns yesterday that today will be good. Not tomorrow anymore. But you can vouch for that night.

  One more plus. Julia. Namely, the new facet of her power. Yes, it's out of control. Yes, it's unpredictable. But progress is always good. Avos, in a difficult moment, her ability will not fail.

  And in general, so far, all her abilities fit perfectly into one canvas. Reading the aura and manipulating it. And that's it. The rest is probably from the Seals and Daniel. But even if she doesn't have Daniel's abilities, a good aura manipulator can do a lot. Because just as an aura reflects a person's condition, so does an aura reflect a person's condition. I wonder if Alfonso has already had the stigma.

  And a good one.

  A common enemy brings them closer together. Bringing them closer.

  And the more terrible the enemy, the better.

  Yesterday, Julia was barely shaking it. And today - today she came to him!

  I came to the bedroom!

  You're here! Voluntarily!

  And in the first minute, opening his eyes, Mechislav barely held back from the involuntary gesture.

  Grab your woman in the armful, drag her under the blanket - and keep her there for two hours! Or better yet, four!

  My .

  a woman.

  Anyway, Julia is much bigger than his wife. She's his last name.

  And for vampires, it's the other half. He didn't lie to her. He didn't lie a bit in the hallway back then.

  But if his woman is so eager to portray pride and independence, he will give her that opportunity.


  She's not going anywhere with him anyway!

  Just give it time.

  In the meantime, you can have fun with others. What Julia doesn't know can't hurt her.


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