Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 179

by Royden Labrosse

  That's exactly what I wasn't expecting. I just came to my senses for a few seconds, and then I calmed down a little and nodded too.

  - And I shouldn't have calmed you down like that.

  I tried to get out of a vampire's hug, but where is it going?

  - Don't fight it. I promised. Is it really necessary to refuse me even in such a small way?

  - You should," I sighed. - It's both our fault. I know we are. So there's no need to apologize. And... we both wanted it.

  - Yes.

  - But it can't happen again.

  The green eyes were calm and mocking. And in the deepest part of it, there was a celebration hiding.

  - You're lying to yourself. Do you understand that?

  - I see. But I don't want to! - The moan came out of me. - I can't! Don't make me!

  - I won't. You'll come to me yourself!

  - No!

  - Yes.

  We froze for a second. I'd argue more, but my right palm caught fire.

  - Come on, I asked the vampire. - Charles will not hold us for long either.

  Mieczyslaw burst out something illegible, but he obeyed - and finally shaken his hands. He could have sighed. He could have... if his whole body hadn't been so sick. Even with a shallow sigh, something in my chest hurt and colored. I took a vampire's hand, and I pulled it out. We have to go. We really have to get out of this place. That's just where...

  Where to?

  That's a stupid question. It's a stupid question for me.

  I rushed ahead. Into my forest. To my clearing. Where the lilies bloomed for me last time. Can I get a vampire in there?

  And why not?!

  Should I?!

  I can do it!

  Step, other, third...

  His mouth dries up, intercepts his throat with an iron ring, his chest hurts, his legs barely move as if they were tied to them on a large brick...

  One more minute, two more minutes, and I'm gonna fall to my knees and cough out my insides in the scarlet dust until I die here. And when I die, I'll do the same.

  It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!!!

  And I stubbornly take one more step.

  The spasm tears the whole body apart, but with the last effort I take one more step and start to fall.

  Fear pierces my whole body, makes me bend in a wild scream - and the next moment I find myself with a dead grip, clinging to a bundle of grass with one hand.

  Green grass with lilies.

  I'm in my meadow.

  Thank the gods!

  Mecislav looks around in astonishment.

  - Julia, where are we?

  I let go of his hand and I stretch out on the grass. I sigh lightly. Here we can safely wait for the end of the operation. This is where my strength flows freely. And the bracelet on my right hand stops tearing my wrist like fire claws. I don't take anything else from Charles. Nothing at all. I've got enough for everything here.

  You can just lie on the grass and wait. When it's ready, they'll call us.

  Yeah, if only one more fang had calmed down!

  - Julia, where are we and what is this place!?

  - It's a kind and good place," I said, enjoying the relief from pain.

  - I'm not asking what it is. I'm asking where we are!? - pressed with a vampire's voice.

  I reached for the grass. Okay, murr...

  - Relax and enjoy life. Soon we'll be out of here and into reality. In the meantime, have fun.

  - Here!?

  The question was asked in such a way that I got distracted and looked at the vampire.

  - What's wrong with this?

  Mecislav felt clearly insecure. A pale face, slightly trembling fingers, anxiety in the green eyes... what did he not like here?

  What do they all don't like about this place!? Charles, Mecislav...

  The trees rustled, and the answer came. It's like I've floated from the depths of my memory to the surface.

  This isn't their place. If they're here with me and of my good will, they can be accepted. For the time being. For a very short time, and at my request. And if not, if I do not ask for them...

  If they dare to come here themselves...

  I suddenly felt something strange.

  It's like she was a bug that the wind threw on an iceberg in a whim of fate. And now there was this. Something scary and indifferent, cold and heavy that could tear my life apart in a single moment... just an iceberg to some bug.

  I unwittingly eaten.

  Yeah. If that's how everyone who came here with me feels, the guys aren't jealous. However, Medislav hasn't gotten enough! How dare he even get shot at!?

  That's the question I asked.

  The vampire turned his shoulders.

  - Betrayal. Simple betrayal.

  - It's that simple?

  The cold and the terrible disappeared, and I stretched out on the grass again, enjoying life.

  - Will you tell me how you were so successfully betrayed and who?

  - I don't know about that. I was informed of the third murder, so I rushed.

  - Oh, I see. And you got shot at there.

  - The driver opened the door.

  - Yeah. And you got the greetings from the grenade launcher?

  - Yes. Anyone else survived?

  - No.

  - And how did I survive? My head wasn't cut off? Why not?

  I took my eyes to the side.

  - I asked Vadim to follow you. I felt uncomfortable. I felt bad. They went, and they made it.

  For a few seconds there was silence in the clearing. And then the hands of a vampire wrapped around me, drawing me to a hot hard body. I unwittingly leaned over his shoulder and relaxed. Something told me the word "no" was enough here. Where, where, and here you don't have to be afraid of encroaching on my honor. That's an interesting wording, by the way. So that's where women's honor is, huh? And men's where?

  - Julia, I don't know how to thank you anymore.

  - As you can thank me, you already know.

  - I know. The one time you risk my life...

  - From my point of view, much more than necessary. But there's no choice either. You see, we are bound by seals," I shouted.

  The lie wasn't natural.

  - Fluffy, you can break our bond perfectly. And we both know that. But you're saving me over and over again...

  - One more word - and next time I won't be doing it for sure - I warned you.

  The vampire raised his hands like he was defending himself. And I was immediately blinded by him.

  - I wonder if we can get out of here soon. - He changed the subject.

  I circled the glade.

  - Can I see what's going on there? Where are our bodies...

  Nothing happened for a few seconds. And then the trees made a noise. They got excited, fluttered as if in a wind that wasn't there - and I realized that the window was open.

  A small puddle of liquid silver sparkled in the middle of the clearing.

  - Come and see," I naggedly suggested.

  - Will they show me something? - The vampire had a sneaky question.

  Instead of answering, a healthy bump came off the pine and hit him on the top. I was heartily laughing. They won't show me. It's a fact.

  I had to get up and go to the puddle.

  - May I? - I asked the world around me. - Please...

  It's a little touching and begging. And the Polish woman immediately responded to my request. Lusatia darkened a little - and I saw our trio lying on the bed. Mieczysław looked terribly appetizing. Now the doctor had just taken a second bullet out of him - from his lung - and threw it into a tray standing next to him. Vadim was serving tools and needles.

  - Is the chief alive? - He briefly asked.

  - I wonder for myself," the vampire swung away. - How's the girl?

  Vadim gave him tweezers with one hand and felt a pulse on my neck with the other hand.

  - I'm alive. Pulse is steady. It won't jump anymore.

  - And this one? Tampo

  - Alive. No more twitching either. Is there much left?

  - Another bullet. Where do we have it here? Oh! That's so pretty! It's stuck in the rib! Come here, my little...

  Mechislav wince.

  - Doctors are horrible cynics at all," I consoled. - So now they just associate you with sausage. I hate to say it, but I'd rather be put up with it than die.

  - That's not what I mean. Now I'm sure the rib's broken. It's gonna take three days not to breathe again.

  - And you're still not breathing.

  - And pretend not to. And it's gonna be hard to talk.

  - You'll get over it.

  I wasn't going to feel sorry for a vampire. There was no point in getting shot. If it wasn't for Charles, I could have died here trying to get one green-eyed guy out. And don't tell me about the romance. I'm not happy with the "they died happy in each other's arms" option. It's better, "How did they get a dredge friend in the last two or three thousand years"! There you go!

  Meanwhile, a third bullet was removed from the vampire. I heard her rattle on the metal tray.

  - Will you keep it as a keepsake? - I asked the vampire who was staring into the clear water.

  - If I'd kept all this goodness for myself, I could have pissed on my armor," the vampire snorting contemptuously. And without going over, he asked:

  - Is this where you're leaving me? When is your magic happening?

  I shrugged my shoulders.

  - I was accepted here. I've been well received. I feel good here. I loved this place. - And I haven't lied. It was the right place for me.

  - I wouldn't want you to come here.


  We were lying in a clearing. And not a single tree grew near us. But Mecislav somehow got another bump on the top.

  - It's not up to you," I cut it off. - And I suggest we close the question. Are they going to wake us up there?

  I looked into the pond. Mieczysław tried to follow my example, but the water immediately got excited - and sprayed in his face.

  - That's it! Thinking about where to show your teeth. - I threw my finger at him, and I've already taken the world around us seriously? Space? At least to a living being! - Forgive him, please. You know his magic is alien to you. He wouldn't be uncomfortable here.

  The lake has calmed down. But instead of the painting, it still showed just water.

  - That's it? Shall we go now?

  The trees are noisy. I tilted my head and pulled in the scent of the lily of the valley.

  - Thank you! For everything! Can I come again?

  And the warmth that enveloped me said better than any words - I'm my own here. I'm glad to be here.

  I got back on my feet. Mecislav followed my example and looked at me.

  - What now?

  - Give me your hand.

  The vampire obeyed, I squeezed his fingers tightly, and I pronounced.

  - Time to go home!

  * * *

  I woke up in my body. And I coughed up convulsively. I hate ammonia!

  - Ube... kha-kha-kha... rite kha!

  The vial's been removed. On the other hand, Charles also coughed up. I twitched, but where is it?

  I squeezed the wrist of Mieczysław with one hand, Charles clutched it with the other. They're alive. All are alive! Both are alive!

  You could have died!

  I'm starting to get shaken up! It's quiet, but it's tangible. I think I'm going to be hysterical.

  When I realized that, I got away from the vampire and started to get away from the dragon.

  - Guys, let me in! I'm thirsty, I'm thirsty, I just have to pee! I'm worried! Where's the bathroom!?

  Everybody's so confused... understandably, heroes don't drink, eat or go to the bathroom. And now I'm the heroine of the naturel! I didn't die, and the vampire got it out!

  - The nearest bathroom is two rooms to the left," the doctor said in a sneaky way. - Shall I escort you?

  - Why don't you hold this too? I can do it myself! - I proudly rejected the help offered and crawled out of bed. I could have gotten off by crossing Charles or Mieczysław, but I rejected those paths at once. One had a cough, I don't know what, the other had a cracked rib... I had to crawl. So I headed for the door. And that my legs were choking... and why not? They want it, they want it! And that way!

  They have the right!

  There were about ten people waiting outside the door. I recognized Leonid, Vladimir, Gleb and Konstantin, someone else was a vampire...

  - Everybody, let me through, or I'll puddle in the middle of the hall!

  The faces of all the attendees have become so... stunned.

  We expected everything. Reports that the chief has gone to the promised edges, that I'm sick, requests for help... anything. But don't puddle in the middle of the hall. Except for the tears.

  - Yulia, are you all right? - I was wondering about Volodya.

  I snorted a mocking snort.

  - You can't wait! Alive, healthy and happy with life. I'm gonna be just like I'm gonna run to the bathroom. And Mechislav is alive. Our strength, knowledge and weapons, shit. Now his doctor will bandage him up and crawl out, spoiling everyone's mood.

  - I can hear everything," said the man from the room.

  - He's also eavesdropping," I resented him loudly. - Okay, guys, split up into two rows! Let me through! Let me through now! Or I'll be here in the corner, to the delight of the perverts!

  I flew into the bathroom. And there, gently clutching my mouth with a towel, I grunted in a fit of bad fun. It was all funny. Memories of Mieczysław's astonished face. A doctor stunned by my talents. Stunned by the people in the corridor.

  Hysteria is hysteria.

  Don't cry, because your nose is snotty and your eyes are red. And the night has just begun. My watch isn't even midnight. I'll have Alfonso rewind my nerves before dawn... oh, oh, oh...

  I bet he'll wonder how a vampire with a bullet in his heart came to life.

  * * *

  - What's the situation? - I asked Mieczysław, taking a look at his surname.

  - It's chic," Vadim said. - Everybody is alive and well. Isn't that enough?

  - It's not enough. Details?

  - What are the details? You left, Yulka came - and she was worried. Just like a cat with its tail on fire. Made us follow. So we went. By the end of the firefight, when you were all put down and about to be killed. There was no one alive to take. But we brought all the bodies.

  - That's good. It'll come in handy for an ID. How did they get me out? I remember the bullet hit my heart. I should have died by now.

  - You should. Again, thank you, Jula.

  - What did she do?

  - She originally said you needed to be pulled out. And that's what she's gonna do. She gave us orders in case you died.

  - Which ones?

  - Go to Tula and get out of here. Charles, again, to help.

  - In what way?

  - Not to get in the paws of Alfonso.

  - What's her deal with that lizard?

  From where Charles lay, there was a hissing.

  - Hold your tongue, dead man!

  Mechislav began to unfold for educational activities, but the doctor and Vadim simply did not allow him.

  - Apologize to the guy," the doctor said sharply. He was one of the few who was older than Mieczysław and could afford that tone. It's just that Fyodor was never interested in power or strength... He only cared about the art of medicine. And to medicine he was ready to give everything and everything. The life of a vampire is complicated. And no one could guarantee that he wouldn't be on his desk tomorrow. Everybody knew that, and they tried not to fight a serious vampire.

  - Charles doesn't deserve your rudeness. If it wasn't for him, you'd be completely dead right now.

  - Oh, yeah?

  - Yes. I can soberly assess the situation. Yulia is a strong and very tenacious girl, but there was little chance anyway. Then Charles offered her a twist. So she could take his strength a
nd keep you on the ground. Okay?

  - So now my family has a relative? Uh, yeah...

  - Do you have something against it, vampire!? - Charles has a whisper. And for a moment, everyone thought it was the scales of a giant lizard in the cave stone.

  You can't say that Mechislav was scared. Or realized he was wrong. Rather, he realized that they shouldn't fight. Julia knows how to be grateful, so a relative will stay with her for a long time. And the attitude towards her family is... specific. So it's not worth fighting about.

  A brother is a brother. Mecislav claimed a completely different place in Julina's life. And he was furious at the thought that yesterday she made love to him, and today - with a completely different man. But if she didn't, and there's no need to be jealous of Charles anymore - her brother, though not her own...

  So the vampire looked into the evil alo-lil eyes.

  It's probably a good thing Charles became Julie's brother. Calm down somehow...

  - I'm sorry. You shouldn't have snapped. I really appreciate it. The world?

  Charles took a close look at the vampire. Then he kept quiet and lowered his eyelashes.

  - The world.

  - Okay, great. Where's Alfonso?

  - I don't know. I left somewhere else tonight.

  - Alone?

  - Godwin and Glorianne aren't in shape yet. He refused our escort. He's lost track of us. Now the boys are combing the city and looking for his car," said the bride, who showed up from where Leonidas.

  - I'm waiting for the report when they find it. What, how, where... Okay?

  - Absolutely.

  - Then... Fedor, can I stand up?

  - You can, the doctor finished bandaging the vampire. - But I'll have a checkup by morning.

  - You think so? - Mecislav frankly wasn't sure about such a fast regeneration. I didn't want to talk about it out loud, but the doctor already understood him.

  - I'm sure. You picked yourself a good name.

  Mecislav smiled quite a bit.

  - I know. Send Valentina to her. Or...

  - I'll go," Konstantin called from the corridor.

  - I'd rather, - Charles crawled out of bed.

  - Konstantin goes," Mechislav broke it off. - You don't need to wipe away your tears, but you'd better try to remember where Alfonso might have gone.

  Charles nodded.

  - I'll try. But I don't think I'll do much good. Alfonso's never been much of a sincerity.

  * * *


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