Teaching Bailey

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Teaching Bailey Page 6

by Smith, Crystal G.


  “Look it up why don’t you. You seem to find out about everything else. I am assuming that the information you do have is confidential. I don’t want anyone knowing anything.”

  “You can get rid of that smart mouth. Your record is more confidential with us than it is on the internet or even in the court system. However, I want to hear it from your mouth.”

  “No.” She turned her head away from him.


  “What was that about? You going to spank me because I won’t talk about it with you?” She didn’t even try to hide the way she was feeling now.

  “No. You would like that too much.” He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

  “Ha. You wanna talk, tell me something about you.” She was still angry as hell, but she felt like this would be her only chance to change the subject.

  “I’m very good and getting people to tell me what I want to know.”

  “Was that a threat?” She bit out.

  “No. Merely a piece of information that I am sharing with you.”

  “Fine. Tell me about your sister.”

  “Well she is an author. You noticed her work as you were coming down.”

  “Those are hers, then?” She almost felt relieved. She didn’t know why, but she almost assumed that the woman was either his lover, or ex-lover. Either way, she assumed they had an intimate relationship.

  “They are. She started writing a couple of years ago, and they took off. I have read them myself. You should try one if you are in to reading.”

  “I’m not. Not really. But because she is your sister, I guess I could try.”

  “Don’t. If you don’t like to read, then don’t. It wasn’t a trick question or something that I expect you to do. It was merely a suggestion.”

  “Well in that case, I opt out.” She smiled.

  “Now that is beautiful.” He brought his thumb up, smoothing it over her lips.

  She felt heat surge to her cheeks, so she turned her head away.

  “Don’t hide your smile. It is beautiful.” His finger’s gripped her chin, turning her to face him again. “I like to see you smile.”

  She didn’t know what to say, so she just smiled.

  “Now that we have that cleared up, are you going to swim or sit here?”

  “Do I have a choice as to what I want to do?” A seriousness returned to her eyes.

  “For now.”

  She leaned forward and slowly pressed her lips to his. Kissing him softly. “I think.” She kissed him again. “I want.” She licked his lip, feeling more bold as his smile appeared. “To know more about you.” She chuckled and then dove in the water.

  “Dirty. You can run, but there is nowhere to hide here.”

  Chapter Seven

  They spent another hour in the pool, teasing each other, before getting out. When they reached the house, he grabbed a towel and began drying her off. Inch by inch. Then he took the towel he had used on her and wrapped it around his waist.

  “I want to show you something.” He grabbed her hand and began leading her down the hall. Opening a door, and taking step by step they now stood in the basement.

  She took a sharp breath as she looked around. She didn’t under what he had planned, but it didn’t involve her being down here. This is where she would draw the line. It looked like a torture chamber with various objects that she didn’t want to know what were used for.

  “Trust me.”

  “No. Not here.” She kept looking around.

  “It is your fear that is going to hold you back. Don’t you want to push past that fear, and learn to overcome obstacles as easy as this one.”

  “This is easy. This looks like my death chamber.”

  “If orgasm by death is your thing, then you shouldn’t be here. You will see similar items at the school. You will be expected to engage in play. There won’t be a choice. Unless you withdraw your enrollment.”

  “Are you in to pain? Is that what this is about?” She watched him for his response.

  “No and yes. Pain can be your best friend.”

  “No it can’t.” She was going to stand firm on this subject.

  “When I spanked you, it hurt, but you liked it. You need to learn to embrace it.”

  “That was different. That is a freaking belt hanging on that wall. I will not allow you to use that thing on me, or anything that else that you plan on using that is going to beat the shit out of me.”

  He started laughing. Hysterical, gut hurting, laughter.

  “I’m glad you find this amusing.” She turned and began to walk out of the room.

  “Stop.” His voice was now serious. “Don’t walk away from me. Ever.”

  “Don’t think I will allow you beat the living day lights out of me! Ever!” She barked back.

  “I don’t beat my submissives. You misunderstand all of this. I knew you would. You have never experienced it before, so it is only natural for you to do so. The only way you will learn otherwise is to take a deep breath and walk that sexy ass back over here.”

  He thinks my ass is sexy to.

  She didn’t understand what exactly caused her body to move toward him. Maybe it was the compliment, or the happiness she felt from the compliment, or something else. Slowly but surely she walked towards him. She stood almost toe to toe with him. Looking up into his eyes, she felt herself grow nervous yet confused. The minute she began moving back towards him, her pussy began to throb. She could feel herself releases her womanly juices between her legs.

  There was something about this man that was driving her absolutely crazy. Her mind was telling her, ‘STOP! Run for the hills,’ while her heart was saying, ‘trust him,’ and her body calling out to him.

  “Relax. I keep telling you to just relax. Fear can intensive things if you let it. The amygdala of the brain can be your best friend. Did you know that when you orgasm, it completely shuts down? Easing your anxiety and fear.”

  She shook her head. She didn’t know that. Neuroscience was not her field nor did she care about learning about it right now. She was too busy concentrating on keeping her knees from shaking out from under her.

  “Follow me. I will show you.”

  She watched him turn and go to a table in the corner of the room. He stood there waiting for her. Giving her time to make the few steps on her own accord. His lips gave a hint of a smile while his eyes grew with excitement. The obvious bulge in his pants was the push that she needed to go to him.

  “There. That wasn’t so bad was it?” He smiled back at her as his hands came up to caress up and down her arms. Just his simple touch set her skin on fire. She leaned forward, crushing her mouth to his. He chuckled and gave in to her response.

  Thrusting his tongue in her mouth, his arms circled her body, pulling her against his chest. The heat from his body soaking in to hers, her nipples hardened even more than they already were. They were tight and aching for touch. Her thighs clenched as his tongue devoured her mouth.

  He pulled away, leaving them both breathless. They stood there staring in to each other’s eyes. She watched the corner of his lips lift and it reminded her of a bank robber or had just gotten away.

  “Lay down flat on your back.”

  Slowly she crawled onto the table, concentrating on taking slow, deep breaths. She wiggled and gasped as the coolness of the leather covered table hit her back.

  He smiled watching her before he pulled a drawer free from the table and held up a blindfold. “Lights out.” As if he could see her apprehension, he went on to explain. “If I take away your eyesight, you will have no choice but to concentrate on what you feel.”

  She nodded her head. The smoothness of the blindfold slid easily over her eyes. Then she was left to wonder what he had planned to do.

  She heard the clinking and clanging of different objects, a vibrating noise briefly, and then felt his touch on her ankles. Pulling them apart, he attached first one then the other to a cuff. Restrain
ing her legs open.

  His fingers caressed up her legs, slowly, over her mound, and up her ribs. She gasped has his hands then gripped each of her breasts and his mouth came down on first one nipple. He taunted and sucked, swirled his tongue around each of them. She felt her body responding and the only urge she had to do right now, was to hold on to his head, keeping him there. But she didn’t. She didn’t move.

  She moaned when his mouth left her. Again he laughed quietly before taking her wrist and binding them over her head in the same fashion as he had done her feet.

  “This is a lesson for safewords. Have you ever heard of them?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Ok. Let’s use the stop light system for this one. You can pick a different word later if you wish to. Red is stop. If it gets to the point where you can absolutely take no more, that is all you need to say. Yellow will let me know you are reaching your limits. Say yellow and I will back down a notch. Green, well… green is good.”

  She could hear his smile in his voice. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Repeat those words back to me and tell me what they mean.” It was not a request.

  “Red stop, yellow slow down, and green is good.”

  “Good, Girl.”

  It was the way he had said, ‘Good, Girl,’ that made her relax. She found herself liking that fact that he had used those words. His Good, Girl. No! Stop. You belong to no one.

  There was a battle going on in her mind. One that he quickly picked up on.

  “Breathe.” He whispered against her ear. Then his weight was on her. “Feel my chest move. Breathe with me.”

  She struggled to match his slow even breaths, but soon fell in to his perfect rhythm.

  “Are you ok?”

  Bailey quickly picked up on his concern. “Yes, Sir.”

  His fingers slipped down low, slipping in between and messaging over her heightened nub. She felt herself begin to quiver quickly. Burning and throbbing for release that only he could give her.

  His thumb now moved on her clit and his finger thrust deep inside her. Pressing down hard on her g-spot, and bringing her to the brink of orgasm then removing his touch all together.

  “Sir?” She breathed heavily.

  “I want you to lay there, think of nothing. Completely empty all thoughts from that sexy little mind of yours.”

  His fingers began a small dance down her back, over her buttocks to the ticklish souls of her feet and then left her again.

  “I am only going to warm your skin up now. Just breathe through it. Do you understand me?

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good, Girl. Safewords, remember them.” His voice was more stern than before. She picked up quickly it was almost a warning.

  She flinched at the first subtle slap. It wasn’t his hand that much she knew. It was soft feeling. The slap started again, this time not stopping. Light strokes that turned in to heavier slaps crossed over her complete back, buttocks, and top of her thighs. Preparing her skin for what was next.

  “Keep completely still. I want you take the pain, breathe through it, and let it run with your body.”

  His voice soothed her, until she felt he first blow. Her body tightened. The sting took over her senses causing her to yelp out in pain.

  “Breathe through this. I want you to experience this. It would please me.” He whispered. “Color?”

  She breathed in rapidly, tears burning her eyes. But this would please him and she wanted to please him. The ideal of not pleasing him and failing him were now weighing on her shoulders. She realized that she liked the feeling of giving him pleasure, no matter what that pleasure consisted of.

  “Green.” Ok, so she was more yellow, but she wanted him to be pleased and not think of her as being weak.

  He struck her again, and again, each time increasing the force of the blow. Her body relaxed when she felt the first throb of her clit. Taking the pain, she found did wonderful things to her. She began to want the sting. Needed to feel the blow. She wanted him more now than ever before.

  When she began trying to push back on the blows, he moved further down. Kissing her buttocks with the flogger, her brightened the red on her skin. She squirmed on the table as much as her restraints allowed her.

  “Please, Sir.” She begged. Her body needed release. It felt as though he kept winding her tighter and tighter and there was no release in sight.

  She felt his hand between her legs. Two fingers quickly thrust inside her, his thumb circled her clit hard.

  She felt his breath next to her ear and then heard his whisper. “Come.”

  That was all it took. Her body convulsed, quivered and shook violently as her orgasm tore through her entire body, taking no mercy. She felt her pussy tighten against his fingers and her juices pouring out from around them.

  Then she was floating on a cloud. A soft white, fluffy cloud you would see in the sky on the brightest, sunniest days. The cloud felt as a blanket surrounding her, tucking her in. Warm and completely safe in her bundle of softness.

  “My little, Angel.” His breath whispered against her ear. “You are absolutely lovely when you come.”

  “Mm-mm.” Was her only response she had as she floated down from the high he had sent her on.

  “Are you cold?” He asked her, nibbling on her ear lobe.

  “No, Sir.” She stirred, it was then she realized she wasn’t on the table anymore. She was curled in his lap, sitting on the bed. She raised her head looking in to his eyes. Eyes that revealed lust, lust, and more lust.

  She leaned in to kiss him, but he turned his head. Her brows arched. She didn’t understand what she had done wrong.

  “You need to finish coming back to me completely. You are only just now touching back down.”

  She buried her face in his neck, breathing in deep. Impregnating her nares with his sent.

  I wish this would never end.

  “What would like to do now?” His question startled her.

  “You know what I want.” She whimpered, running her nose along his neck. Her tongue, finding her brave gene, began darting out, tasting him. She wanted to devour him now. He tasted of a salty sweetness that only added to the arousal between her legs.

  “Naughty little sub.” He chuckled, quickly flipping her over. “Are your feet touching the ground now?” He smiled down at her.

  She wrapped her legs around his hips, placing her feet flat against his ass. She smiled wickedly, “No, Sir. They are on your ass.”

  He laughed loudly this time. The vibrations of his laugh against her chest and nipples caused her nipples to strain against him.

  Her breathing was beginning to increase, she felt her heart pound against her chest. She longed for him to fill her again. To kiss her. To touch her in a way that she never imagined before. She would give him anything now.

  She was so lost in her thoughts, she hadn’t noticed him shimmying down him pants, until she felt the tip of his head at her erection. She tilted her hips, trying to get closer, but he only shook his head.

  “Do you trust me completely now?”

  She didn’t hesitate. She smiled whole heartedly knowing the answer. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Will you fully submit to me now?” His brow raised, his lips curled at the corners.

  “Yes, Sir. I do. Completely.”

  Quickly he had her hips and twisted

  her over onto her abdomen, hoisting her ass high in the air. His fingers thrust quickly inside her cunt, in and out. Showing no mercy. He rubbed her clit a few times and then began rubbing her juices over her anus. Her body never tensed, twitched, only one thought coming to mind. More!

  Chapter Eight

  One Year Later

  “To the bride and groom!” Everyone smiled, holding up their champagne glasses and taking sips.

  “Mrs. Stevens.” Cole smiled, clinking his glass to hers.

  Bailey smiled. She couldn’t believe it. One week with him had led to her happily ever after. She never made it to the school.
She didn’t need to. Cole had proved to be quite the instructor at home. There were times where he brought her right on the edge of using her safeword, and then knowing her body and her so well, he would back off on his own.

  He had gotten her to open up about her abusive father, the murder of her best friend, and even convinced her to use the money left from her dead father to help those of abusive situations.

  He had lifted a weight from her that no other could have done.

  “I love you.” She whispered.

  “I love you, Mrs. Stevens.”

  “Are you going to keep calling me that?” She smiled.

  “It has a nice ring to it.” His mouth came crashing down on hers. And she took what he gave her, submitting to him. Forever and Always.

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  Enjoy a sample from

  Swept Away: The First Bloodline

  Swept Away: The First Bloodline

  His mouth tenderly kissed from her lips to her jaw, slowly to her ear, and down her neck. His lips and tongue teased her in the exact places she wanted to feel him. From her neck to her clavicle, to her sternum, to her left breast.

  He tugged at her nipple with his teeth through her clothes, sending a surge of pure pleasure to the apex between her legs. She felt herself gush bodily fluids into her panties and her body clench tight. His hands and mouth followed every demand her mind unknowingly made.

  I pray this is what heaven is like and if it is, take me there now.

  His hands gripped her top and slowly pulled it up over her head. Her breath hitched from the sudden force of her chest to his chest. His mouth back on hers demanding forcefully what he wanted now. And what he wanted and what she wanted was the exact same thing.

  For the first time her mind went blank and just felt what he was doing to her. She felt her body react further to him and it was completely and totally delicious. She thought about her insecurities and for a moment she thought that she should be nervous, but as he stepped back and stared at her body, she wasn't.


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