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The Learning Curve

Page 10

by Collins, Kelly

  Chapter 16

  When I arrived at work, Mark was already there. There were no flowers on my desk, only a note that outlined everything he needed me to accomplish. Thank you letters. Meetings to schedule. Reservations to make. He needed a room at the Ritz for next month. I felt a quiver in my sex at the memory of spending the night in the Ritz with him. He’d had me on every surface of that room. By the next day, my limbs were like overstretched bands. That was also the day he made me feel like a whore by leaving a wad of cash on the nightstand.

  We weren’t seeing eye-to-eye on things lately, but I wondered whether he’d take me to this event. I picked up the phone and made the reservations, then I wrote a note to Mark.

  The Ritz reservations are made. Should I buy a dress?


  I went about my daily tasks until he came out of the room. He wasn’t alone. His hand was pressed to the back of a leggy blonde as he ushered her to the door.

  “Friday sounds great. I’ll have my secretary make the reservations.” Mark looked at me without emotion. “Will six o’clock work?”

  “Six o’clock is perfect,” she whispered in a sexpot, starlet way.

  I didn’t know her, but I hated her. She was everything I wasn’t. She was tall and winsome, and she was wearing Chanel. I loathed the woman.

  Mark walked her out of the building while I seethed with jealousy. My teeth were clenched so tight that my jaw ached.

  When Mark returned, he walked straight to his office. Ten minutes later, he pressed the intercom button and asked me to come in.

  I picked up my steno pad and pen and entered his office. I attempted to shut the door.

  “Leave it open.”

  My stomach clenched at the coolness of his voice.

  “You needed me?” God, I hoped that was true. I wanted him to need me.

  “Yes.” He leaned back in his chair and watched me approach his desk.

  “I’m sorry about last night.” I wasn’t the type of woman to apologize, but in hindsight, I could see that I’d been a bitch, that I’d been looking for a fight and found one.

  Mark leaned forward and placed his elbows on the table, then balanced his chin on his hands. “I’m sorry, too.” He rubbed his chin, and the sandpapery sound echoed through the silence. “One thing is clear.”

  I took a seat in front of his desk and sat tall. “What’s that?”

  He flopped back into his chair. “Dinner out is not good for our relationship.”

  I didn’t want to laugh, but I couldn’t help myself. Outside of that first night where he rushed me to the room, we hadn’t had good luck on dates. Talking wasn’t one of our strengths. “It’s not funny, but it kind of is.”

  Mark kicked his feet up on his desk. “I’m not sure what to do about us, Sandra.”

  “What do you mean?” My chest tightened.

  “Are we good together, or just good together in bed?”

  That was a fair and tough question. I wanted more than sex. I wanted to see whether we could be compatible in life. “I want more.” My voice wasn’t my own. The words that came out were soft and weak, unlike the woman I knew myself to be.

  “I know you do, and I want more, too, but—”

  “But what?” I whined. That was another thing I never did. Whining wasn’t part of my repertoire. This man pulled things from me that I didn’t understand.

  “I think we both need some time to figure out what we want.”

  “I know what I want. I want you. I want it all.” I rose from my seat and circled the desk so I stood in front of him.

  He looked toward the open door, and my heart sank. There would be no more public claiming. I stepped back until I leaned against the bookshelf for support.

  “Sandra, you think you know, but do you really want a middle-aged man? I’m not sure. I think it’s best if we take a break. That will give you the time to figure out what you want.”

  A lump lodged in my throat. It felt as large and heavy as a bowling ball. I felt the prickle of tears gather in my eyes, and I feared I might cry. If this was what love felt like, I didn’t want anything to do with it. This feeling was worse than the flu.

  All I wanted to do was go home and crawl into bed and weep, but I was Sandra Tierney, and I would never be able to play in the boys’ sandbox if I acted weak, so I swallowed the lump in my throat and took my seat in front of his desk.

  “I want you, but I’ll give you time to decide what you want.” I straightened my back and put my pen to the paper. “Where would you like to dine on Friday night with your date?”

  Pain flashed across his face, and I wasn’t sure whether it was his pain or mine. “She’s not a date. She’s a donor.”

  “How about Delilah’s Grill? I hear it’s nice.”


  “I’ve made your reservations at the Ritz. I was going to ask if you need me to attend with you, but I imagine that won’t be necessary. Is this a fundraiser?”

  He let his feet drop with a thud to the floor. “No, it’s the mayor’s re-election banquet.”

  “He’s confident to book such an expensive venue in advance.”

  “He’s a man who knows what he wants.”

  “Unlike you?”

  “Yes, unlike me.” He rose and grabbed his coat from the back hook of the door. “I’ll be out for the rest of the day. Please reschedule my three o’clock appointment for tomorrow.”

  Caught off guard, I chased after him. “Don’t leave me.”

  He turned around and cupped my cheek. “Never. Have a good day, Sandra.”

  I stood in the doorway and watched him walk away. It was the most painful feeling I’d ever experienced. How had this happened? Just a few days ago, I was the one in control, the one who put up barriers. Now here I was crying alone at my desk.

  He never returned that day. The only company I had was when Jason came by at closing to give me the keys. He didn’t ask me to sign a lease. We had a gentlemen’s agreement. I would turn his vacant Fifth Avenue location into a thriving business. He asked me to dinner, but I didn’t have much of an appetite. We agreed to meet in a month to see how renovations were coming. My plan was to sell the service to Dan and use his buy-in as the capital for improvements.

  Once I locked up, I headed straight for the building. Inside, I took a more thorough look around. The place was in decent shape. All it needed was a coat of paint and some furniture.

  I sat in the center of the room and thought about my future. This was a turning point in my life. I pressed my hands to the hardwood floor. It was solid. Possibly the only thing in my life that was. Everything else was fluid and changing, but this floor was here today. It was here yesterday, and it would be here tomorrow.

  Back on my feet, I pressed on the secret panel and entered my lair. This would be the room that would make me rich and powerful.

  By the time I arrived home, it was eight o’clock, and I was exhausted. It had been a productive evening. I’d picked out paint colors and walked through furniture stores until my feet ached. I found the things I needed. I couldn’t afford what I wanted, but that’s what goals were for. I’d save up and buy that twenty-five-thousand-dollar burled wood desk for my office.

  There were no blinking lights, which meant no messages. My life was back to normal. It was my dreams and me, but at least we were compatible. The sad thing was, dreams didn’t keep you warm at night. Then again, neither had Mark.

  Chapter 17

  Thursday dragged on with me sitting in the reception area with nothing to do while the dean sequestered himself in his office. I filed everything I could. I removed the cobwebs from the lights the custodians always seemed to miss, and I’d confirmed all appointments for tomorrow, including his dinner reservations at Delilah’s Grill. What he didn’t know was that I also had Friday night reservations for that restaurant as well: Dan, Jennie, and I would be starting my very first set of negotiations.

  Dressed in a black skirt, a white shirt, and my Chanel scarf,
I entered the dean’s office on Friday morning with his coffee and calendar.

  “You look pretty.” He always appreciated me when my legs were bare.

  “Thank you.”

  “Do you have plans this weekend?”

  Hope raced through every cell of my body. It heated me from the inside out. “Some.”

  “That’s great. You’re too young to be sitting around on weekends.”

  The hope that had heated me now turned icy cold. “What about you?” If he told me he had a date, I’d crumple to the ground and die.

  “I’m driving out to Connecticut to visit my mother.”

  Once again, I felt warm inside. A date with his mother hardly counted at all. “Do you want to have breakfast before you leave? I make killer pancakes.”

  “You cook?” There was a minute I thought he’d say yes, but he didn’t. He shook his head. “Thanks, but I’m getting an early start.”

  “Okay, but if you change your mind, just come by.” I turned to walk away and stopped. I looked over my shoulder. “I miss you. Really miss you.” I didn’t wait for his reply. I didn’t want to hear anything other than that he missed me too, and I was afraid he wouldn’t say it.

  At five on the dot, I walked down the hallway toward my destiny. In three weeks I’d be out of this job, but hopefully, I’d be self-employed.

  I was at Delilah’s Grill, sitting at the table when Dan arrived. I’d asked Jennie to arrive fifteen minutes late so Dan and I could iron out the details. I was ready. I’d created a business contract, a confidentiality agreement, and a client questionnaire. It was important to understand what my clients wanted.

  “Hi Dan, how are you?” I rose and shook his hand.

  “Sandra, I’m good.” He looked at the empty spot at the table. “Where is my student?”

  “She’ll be here.” Jennie was nervous, but she was excited. I’d checked with her twice today to make sure she was ready. I’d even sent over an outfit. It was micromanaging, but this was my future, and I wanted to make sure my business was being represented with class. “I thought it would be less uncomfortable to go over the financials alone.”

  “Smart.” He pulled his checkbook from his pocket. “What’s the buy-in?”

  I looked him in the eye and said, “Twenty-five thousand.”

  His head snapped back. “That’s pretty steep for what you’re offering. I could hire a hooker every day and never reach that amount.”

  I put on a brilliant smile and thought about what Jason had told me: Selling a product is never really about the product. It’s all about how you package it. “You are right. You could walk to the corner and pick up a prostitute and a communicable disease for no extra charge. You could also be arrested for soliciting. But with Concierge Services, you won’t have to worry about that because your coed is part of a trusted team. That’s what your money buys you. It’s the entry fee for an exclusive club.”

  He tapped his fingers on top of the checkbook. It could go either way at this point. He could get up and leave and head straight to the nearest corner and pay fifty bucks for a blowjob. Timing was on my side.

  And then, right on cue, Jennie rounded the corner. She was stunning. Her hair fell in ringlets down her back, and the royal blue spandex dress fit her curves like a glove.

  “Hello.” She offered her manicured hand to Dan. “I’m Jennie, and I believe I belong to you.”

  Dan kissed her hand. “You’re beautiful.” He pulled out her chair and helped her into it. “Stunning.”

  “I’m flattered.” She batted her lashes and pulled her ruby red lips into a smile.

  I might as well have been invisible for all that they noticed me. “Dan and I were discussing terms.” I looked at the checkbook.

  “Yes, we were.” He opened the checkbook and filled out a check, tearing it off and sliding it across the table. Then he scribbled his name across the contract.

  “Thank you. This is an annual fee and doesn’t include the hourly rate the coed charges for consultation services.”

  Dan never took his eyes off Jennie. “Yep, got it.”

  “Jennie, I’ll leave you to get acquainted with Dan. Please check in later so I know everything went as expected.” I gathered my things, including the check, and rose from the table.

  “How does this all work?” Dan asked. “Do we eat dinner and then …”

  I stood between Dan and Jennie. “My job is to make introductions. I’m simply a facilitator.” I leaned forward so only they could hear me. “The negotiations for anything other than dinner are between you two.” When I turned, I ran into a solid wall of muscle.

  Mark stood in front of me with his hands on my shoulders. “What are you doing here?”

  Behind him was the sexy blonde. I’d hated her earlier, but tonight it was worse. She looked stunning. Tonight, she wore a black designer dress that was tailored to her body. A body that was so good, Sandra didn’t feel smug like her youth was the trump card.

  I laid my palm against Mark’s chest because I wanted to feel him under my hands. “I’m just doing what I promised to do. I’m introducing Dan to a friend.”

  “Sandra.” His voice rumbled low in his chest. I felt the vibration reverberate through my whole body. “We talked about this.”

  I smiled sweetly and lifted up to touch my lips to his. It was an over-the-top move, but I did it anyway. I had nothing to lose. “You talked. I didn’t listen.” I lowered my voice so only he could hear me. “If you want to discuss it further, I’ll be at home waiting for you.” I pulled his tie so he was forced to bend over, and as soon as his ear was next to my mouth, I added, “Naked.”

  “We’ll be discussing this later.”

  I looked up and winked at him. “God, I hope so.” I moved from his grip and stepped to the side in front of the blonde. “Enjoy your dinner. I hear the beef tips are amazing.” I turned to look at Dan and Jennie. “You two have fun.”

  When I left the restaurant, I felt invincible. Mark might have been angry, but he was coming. I had a check for twenty-five thousand dollars in my hand, and my period had ended. If I had it my way, tonight would go down in history as one of the most eventful in my life thus far.

  Once inside, I tidied the place up and then took a shower. I washed and shaved everything I could. Yep, even that. I’d heard some men liked it bare, and I wondered whether Mark would love it or hate it. I prayed for the former. Tonight, I wanted him to understand that I’d go to any length to get what I wanted. Everything I wanted. Whoever said you couldn’t have your cake and eat it too hadn’t met me.

  I dressed in the garters and hose I’d bought for him last week. He said he liked pink. Well, I was pink from my nipples to my swollen, needy lower lips. I threw on a short silk robe and black heels. He might show up angry, but he’d leave happy.

  I lit a candle, opened a bottle of wine, and waited. Three hours later, my door buzzed. I didn’t need to ask who it was; I could feel his energy before I answered the door. When I swung it open, he stood there looking sexy as hell.

  “Come in.” I didn’t bother to tie the robe. It hung open, giving him a peek of everything I had to offer, and he didn’t look away.

  “I’m not staying.”

  “Suit yourself.” I left the door open and walked back to the white couch. I poured two glasses of wine, the bottle making a gulk, gulk sound, and then raised one to my lips. “If you’re not coming in, shut the door.” Pushing him was risky. He was older and wiser than me, but I had something I knew he wanted—a body that was pulsing with arousal for him. I sat on the sofa and let the pink robe slide from my shoulder. It exposed one pebbled nipple, and I listened to his sharp intake of breath.

  “What the hell are you doing to me?” He stomped inside and slammed the door. The whole room quaked as his feet pounded across the floor toward me.

  I didn’t flinch at his outburst. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. Mark was volatile and passionate, but he wasn’t dangerous. “I’m loving you.” I rose from the
sofa and stood in front of him. The silk robe slid from my other shoulder to fall to the floor. I stood there dressed in nothing but garters, pantyhose, and heels.

  His eyes traced me from head to toe, but they snapped back to my bare sex, and I knew he would put aside his anger to love me. “God, you’re beautiful—but I’m so angry with you.”

  I pulled at his tie until it was loose enough to be lifted over his head. Button by button, I undid his shirt and slid my arms inside his shirt. “Do you want to yell at me or fill me first?”

  He tore his shirt the rest of the way off and tossed it aside. He pulled at his belt until he held the strap of leather in his hands. For a second, I thought he was going to whip me with it. For a second, he may have considered it. Then he tossed it across the room and pulled me into his arms.

  “I’m going to fill you first because if I don’t release some of this energy, there’s no telling what will happen.”

  I tugged at the waistband of his pants and pulled him toward my room. “Whatever I’ve done, you can discipline me for it naked. I’m ready to accept whatever punishment you can pound into me.”

  “You’re killing me. You’re not good for me, but I’ll be damned if I can give you up.”

  I climbed on top of my bed and shimmied back until I was perched on top of the pillows. My heels sank into my comforter, I let my legs fall open, and I cupped my breasts like they were offerings.

  His focus fell to between my legs. “You’re bare and so damn wet.”

  I moaned at his words. They weren’t love poems, but they were authentic, and they turned me on.

  He dropped his pants to set his length free. It bobbed in front of him like a sword ready to fight. He settled between my thighs and rubbed his shadowy beard across my bare flesh. He licked his way up and down my thighs until my hips chased his movement, trying desperately to place his tongue where I wanted it. Finally, his tongue pressed between my folds and teased the tender flesh apart, opening a pathway to my pleasure. He flattened his tongue so it was soft and velvet-like against me, and I closed my eyes, getting lost in his touch.


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