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Breaking Bones (Mariani Crime Family Book 3)

Page 13

by Harley Stone

  Harlow sidled up to me at the counter. “I cannot believe how dead it is in here,” she complained, clearly oblivious to my self-destructive thoughts. “You should ask Pervy Pete if we can get out of here early.”

  Bailing on work early sounded like a fantastic idea, but I asked, “Why do you want me to ask him?”

  “Because he’s super nice to you. Ever since your boyfriend came in that one day and got you your job back, the perv’s been bending over backwards to accommodate you and your new singing career.”

  Harlow was smiling, but her words and tone cut. Until that moment, I didn’t realize she knew about Bones getting my job back. Wondering if anyone else in the restaurant knew, I analyzed her tone. She sounded almost jealous or resentful about it, which was weird since Harlow was the closest thing I had to a friend at work. All the rest of the girls were catty and competitive whereas Harlow had always had a don’t-give-a-shit attitude that I admired.

  Shocked and hurt that she’d join the ranks of the catty and competitive, I stared at her. “I didn’t ask him for special treatment. I don’t even want it. I didn’t even want my job back, but Bones… he’s protective and he thought it was shitty of the perv to cut me loose for taking care of my sister.”

  “That was a shitty thing to do,” Harlow said, whacking herself in the forehead. “And what I just said was completely bitchy. I’m sorry, Ari. I know you’re not some wannabe princess who wants special treatment, and I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just… ugh. Do you think the holidays bring out the bitch in everyone? Or is it just me? Why the fuck are we still playing Christmas music in here? Isn’t it time to get past this shit?”

  I smiled, glad to have her back to the same ole’ Harlow. “Too much goddamn holiday cheer isn’t good for anyone.”

  “No, it’s not, but that doesn’t excuse my behavior. You should let me make it up to you. Get us out of here early and I’ll buy you a stiff drink somewhere with anti-Christmas music.”

  I hesitated.

  “Come on, Ari, one drink. We never hang out outside of work, and I’d really like to.”

  And maybe it was time for me to find some female friends and stop worrying about putting a label on me and Bones. Time to find friends who could keep me busy, so I didn’t miss him so much while he was gone. Grinning at Harlow, I pushed away from the counter. “I’ll go talk to Pervy Pete and see what I can do.”

  She grinned back at me. “And then we’ll drink all the alcohol.”

  I had to hand it to her, a drink sounded damn good. Working up what I planned to say to Pervy Pete, I was surprised when he said we could get off early before the request even fully left my mouth. I texted Bones to let him know I was going to hang out with Harlow for a while and wouldn’t need a ride. Then we climbed into her little black Mazda.

  “So, which bar do you think plays the most anti-Christmas music?” I asked, putting on my seatbelt.

  Harlow grabbed my arm and I felt a pinch. I looked down in time to see her slide a needle out of my arm. The syringe was empty. She capped the needle and dropped it in her purse.

  My brain looked from my arm to her purse, refusing to process what had just happened. “Did you just…? What the…? Why would you…? What the fuck was that?” I asked, finally forming a sentence.

  “That was just me getting the party started early.”

  Whatever she’d given me was strong and fast-acting. My head felt fuzzy, my tongue felt thick, and thoughts of the last time someone had injected me with something—the time I’d almost died—had me panicking.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Sorry,” Harlow said with a shrug. “But I’m gettin’ really sick of waiting tables and you’re worth a lot of money.”

  Before I could tell her she must be mistaken, everything went black.



  “Ari got off early, but she’s gonna go hang out with a friend,” I said, reading her text. “With some broad named Harlow. She ever talk about Harlow before?”

  “Yep,” Markie said from the sofa where she sat with Angel in front of the Christmas tree, watching some sappy Christmas movie. Every time I popped in they were watching a different holiday snoozer, and I felt bad for Angel and glad that work gave me an excuse to get the hell out of there.

  “Harlow’s a coworker. Ari refers to her as ‘the goth one’,” Markie added, her attention still on the television.

  If Harlow was such a great friend, why hadn’t Ariana ever mentioned her to me before? We talked about all kinds of shit. “Do you know if they’ve ever hung out before?”

  Markie shook her head. “I don’t think so. Harlow’s pretty new. I think Ari said she started right before I went into the hospital. Well, at least now you don’t have to pick her up.”

  I glanced at Angel and saw my own worries staring back at me. My friend knew me well enough to understand that I had a bad feeling about this. My instincts were solid, and I’d learned long ago to trust them. Right now, my instincts were telling me that Ariana shouldn’t be out with anyone I hadn’t done a full background check on.

  “I like picking her up. Like knowing she’s safe at home before I go back out.” I said, reading Ariana’s message again. “No mention of where they’re going out to. I don’t like this shit at all.”

  “They probably just went for a drink on the strip,” Markie said. “I’m sure it’s fine, Bones. It’s good that she’s making friends.”

  Unconvinced, I called Ariana. Her phone rang several times before going to voicemail.

  “She didn’t pick up?” Markie asked, watching me.

  I shook my head, pacing the living room as I tried again. “Nope.”

  “If they’re at a bar, she probably can’t hear her phone,” Markie reasoned, her gaze bouncing back and forth from Angel to me. “What’s going on? Why does it seem like you two are freaking out about this?”

  Angel shot me a look. “We need to tell her, Bones.”

  “Tell me what?” Markie asked, leaning forward as her voice took on an edge. “If Ari’s in danger, you damn well better tell me. What is going on?”

  “We don’t know if she’s currently in danger,” Angel said.

  Markie’s eyes narrowed. “Explain.”

  He swallowed. “Well, Matt was trying to kidnap her.”

  “Was?” Markie’s voice crept up an octave. “How do you know this? Is he still trying to get at her?”

  I shook my head. “Matt told us everything, but don’t worry. He won’t be kidnapping anyone ever again. We made damn sure of that.”

  Markie sucked in a breath and her eyes widened as she looked from me to Angel. “Oh. Well… uh… it’s good that he can’t hurt her now, right?” She looked conflicted for a moment before blowing out a breath of relief. “He almost killed her. Who knows who else he’s drugged and left for dead. You guys performed a public service.”

  Markie had yet to make peace with our mafia lifestyle and was still in the reason-it-all-away stage.

  “It was a job,” Angel replied. “He was going to kidnap her for someone else.”

  “What? Who?” Markie asked, back on edge.

  I scrubbed a hand across the back of my neck, feeling tension building there, and tried Ariana’s number again. “For someone claiming to be my sister.”

  Markie’s jaw dropped. She glared at me and then at Angel. “How long have you known this?”

  He dropped his gaze.

  “This is my little sister. If you knew she could be in danger, you should have told me.”

  “We didn’t want you to worry,” Angel replied. “You’re still recovering, and we’ve been taking steps… we got rid of Matt, and Bones has been keeping an eye on Ari, getting her to and from work.”

  Markie arched an eyebrow as she reached for her own phone. “You still should have told me. I’m calling the restaurant to see if her sleazeball of a manager will give me Harlow’s number.”

  There was no need, because someone answered Ariana’s ph

  “Hello?” I asked. “Ari?”

  Markie dropped her phone and she and Angel gave me their full attention. Knowing they deserved to hear this, I put the call on speaker.

  “Nope. She’s asleep right now, Bones, but I’ll let her know you called,” a woman replied.

  “Harlow?” I asked.

  “Wrong again, bro. You’re about to strike out.”

  My shoulders tensed, and my stomach filled with lead. “Natalia,” I spat.

  “Ding, ding, ding. Well, at least you’re not too stupid.”

  “What have you done with Ari?” I asked.

  Markie’s eyes widened as she clutched Angel’s arm.

  “Nothing. Yet. You know it’s not her I want. It’s you.”

  “All you had to do was ask. You want to have a sit-down with me? Leave Ari out of it.”

  “It’s a little too late for that, don’t you think?” Natalia asked. “Besides, Matt tried to talk to you and now he’s missing, so excuse me for not trusting your verbal skills.”

  “Matt had it coming. He fucked over the wrong man.”

  “I don’t doubt that. Matt wasn’t too bright. But none of that matters now. I nabbed your girlfriend because I want you to come to me willingly, against the orders of your capo, so I can show you the truth about the Marianis,” she growled. “So I can rip their family apart, like they did mine.”

  Natalia sounded fucking crazy. I needed to get Ariana away from her as soon as possible. “What do you want me to do?” I asked.

  “Now you’re asking the right question,” Natalia replied. “Get in your Jeep and drive south on five-fifteen. Call when you pass Henderson and I’ll give you further instructions. Make sure you come alone, Bones, or I’ll kill your girl. In fact, I’m going to call your capo and cut your strings for you. See you soon, bro.”

  The call disconnected.

  “Fuck,” Angel breathed.

  Markie only nodded, her eyes wide with worry.

  “I got this. I’ll make sure she’s safe,” I assured them as I texted the building’s front desk, asking them to bring around my Jeep. Natalia’s promise to call my capo and cut my strings was still bouncing around in my head. Wondering what the fuck the crazy bitch was up to, I shoved my feet into my shoes and threw on a jacket. “I have to go alone.”

  I’d barely gotten the words out before my phone rang. Carlo’s name flashed on the screen. Dreading whatever was about to happen, I answered, putting the call on speaker. Angel grabbed Markie’s hand and pulled her down on his lap as I greeted my capo.

  “Some bitch named Natalia called me. Said Joey Durante is with her and that she just spoke to you. Where the fuck are they?” Carlo barked.

  “I’m not sure yet. She’s going to call me back with a location.”

  “She said she told you the direction to head. Why the fuck is she calling me with this shit? Why didn’t you call me the minute you got off the phone with her? You know how important it is for the family to find Joey.”

  “She has Markie’s sister. Said if I don’t go alone, she’ll kill her.”

  Markie’s eyes were watering as her gaze shot from the phone to me. I wished she wasn’t here for this, but Angel needed to know. Whatever happened, he needed to hear how this went down.

  “I don’t give a shit about Markie’s sister, Bones. I gave you orders, and that’s all you should be worried about. Now, tell me which direction you’re heading, and I’ll get a team to follow you. As soon as you know where that bitch is, you let me know so we can surround her.”

  Natalia had cut my strings. She’d forced me to choose between Ariana and my capo. Forced me to choose between my woman and the man who’d been like a father to me.

  My woman? When did I start thinking of Ariana as my woman? I couldn’t pinpoint a date or time, but I knew there was no way I’d let anything happen to her. She was mine, and I would damn well protect what was mine.

  Natalia had cut my strings, but now I had to burn them. Swallowing past the lump in my throat I stared at Angel. The tortured look he gave me made it clear he knew what was coming.

  I was going to disobey my capo’s orders.

  Nobody disobeyed Carlo and lived.

  “I’m not going to let Ariana die,” I said.

  “What the fuck did you just say to me?” Carlo asked, his voice deep and dangerous. “I gave you an order, Bones. You will follow it.”

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t. I’m going alone. I’m not going to let them kill her.”

  “Goddammit, Bones!” Carlo shouted. “After all I’ve done for you and your family, you’re gonna turn your back on me for some fuckin’ broad? You know it’s her life or yours, right? You save her, and I swear to Christ I will hunt you down and put a bullet into you myself.”

  He was livid. He had to be over the edge to say all that shit on a phone call. Carlo had lost control and I was the cause. He would kill me. I only hoped to save Ariana first.

  “Goodbye, Carlo,” I said, disconnecting.

  Tears rolled down Markie’s cheeks. She buried her face in Angel’s chest, gripping his shirt.

  “Get out of here,” Angel said. “He’s going to try to stop you.”

  “We could call your father,” Markie suggested, her tear-filled eyes staring up at Angel.

  If Dom called off Carlo, it would make the entire family look weak, like we didn’t have our shit together. It would cause problems between the boss and the underboss, and eventually one of them would be forced to react. Someone would still kill me—they’d have to—and then Dom would order a hit on the guilty party for their unsanctioned hit. Then that person would be taken out… The family would play the revenge game until it imploded.

  “No.” I shook my head. “Call Nonna. Let her know what’s going on and ask her to be ready to pick up Ari.”

  Angel nodded and stood, taking Markie with him. He set her on her feet before embracing me. “Be careful, Bones.”

  “I’m always careful,” I said as we pulled apart. “That’s why you’re still alive.”

  “Now it’s time to keep yourself alive,” he replied.

  “After you save my sister,” Markie said, wrapping her arms around me.

  “Ari’s mine,” I said, heading for the door. “I always protect what’s mine.”

  Hurrying to the elevator, I made it downstairs in record time. When I reached the lobby, the guards called my name, trying to get me to stop. Ignoring them, I ran outside right as my Jeep was pulling away from the curb. Jumping in front of it, I forced the valet to brake.

  “What the fuck, man?” I asked, glaring at him.

  He rolled down the driver’s side window, staying behind the wheel. “We got a call from Carlo. He said not to let you leave.”

  I took in the scrawny kid behind the wheel, and at the two security guards running out of the building, planning how to take them out of commission. “Do you really think you can stop me?” I asked, reaching under my jacket for my holstered Glock.

  The kid’s eye’s widened as he tracked the gun.

  Aiming at his forehead, I said, “Get the fuck out of my car.”

  He fumbled with the door for a moment before complying. The other two guards came around the Jeep, saw what was going on, and stopped, holding their hands in the air.

  “We got no beef with you, Bones. We’re just following orders.”

  I had no beef with them either, which is why I shot each of them in the foot. Carlo would have killed them had they let me go unscathed. This way, they could at least show that they tried to stop me. As they hopped around swearing, I climbed into my Jeep and got the hell out of there.



  I WOKE UP to darkness. The stench of old pizza and stale beer assaulted my nose, making me nauseous. My mouth was so full of cotton, I could have spit out the threads for an entire T-shirt. The floor beneath me lurched forward and I tried to catch myself only to discover that my arms were tied behind my back. Mind r
acing, I struggled to figure out where I was and how I’d gotten there.

  The last thing I remembered was leaving work with Harlow. We were going to hang out, and I was excited and happy.

  And then the needle.

  “That bitch drugged me,” I muttered.

  “She sure did,” someone said. A woman. I spun my head around, searching for the source of the voice. The dark, fuzzy outline of a woman sat beside me. “You really should be more selective about your friends. And your lovers.”

  The way she said lovers made my spine tingle and the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Was she Bones’s jealous ex-girlfriend? Or worse, a current girlfriend. My eyes struggled to focus, desperate to see her face, but I could barely make out her long dark hair, the curve of her body, and the whites of her eyes.

  “Who are you?” I asked.

  “No one that you need to worry about. We won’t be together long enough to get friendly.”

  “So, why am I here? What do you want from me?”

  “From you? Nothing. I just need to have a little chat with my brother, and you were the best way to assure he listens and doesn’t kill me first.”

  “Bones?” I asked.

  “Nothing gets past you, does it?” she asked.

  If my hands were free, I’d be tempted to slap the condescending bitch right across the face. “Bones wouldn’t kill his sister.”

  “He killed Matt.”

  That name perked my ears up. “Matt Deter?”

  She nodded. “Yep. At least, I’m assuming Bones killed him. He and Angel were the last two people seen with Matt and he’s been missing ever since.”

  Bones had killed Matt. A part of me had been expecting that outcome, but I was still shaken up about it. Sure, Matt had been an asshole, but we’d had some good times. I didn’t want him dead. My throat started to burn.

  “Do you have any water?” I croaked.

  She reached into a cooler and grabbed a bottle, unscrewing the top and holding it up to my mouth. Some dribbled down my chin and onto my shirt, but between the two of us we managed to get enough down my throat to cool the burn. I thanked her as she capped the bottle and put it away.

  Then I felt stupid for thanking her after she’d been such a bitch and had me drugged and kidnapped.


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