Beckoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series)

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Beckoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series) Page 8

by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  It seemed that we stood in the entrance to the chapel forever, allowing everyone to take their fill. I began to tremble even worse and Gavriel tightened his hand on mine in support. I blinked, looking upward to escape all of the eyes turned to me. I glanced at the stained glass windows that lined both side walls as we stood in front of our guests. Three large chrystal chandeliers hung across the ceiling, glittering in the lights. Slowly, my gaze moved straight in front of me, past the guests to the preacher who stood behind a polished oak podium. My bridesmaids and flower girls and Andre’s man of honor and groomsmen made a semicircle along the front. Finally, my eyes landed on Andre standing at an angle at the right side of the alter.

  He stood straight and proud, seeming unaffected about the true reason for this marriage. A black tuxedo fit perfectly to his muscular frame. I glanced upwards seeing that his hair was combed back exposing his beautifully, handsome face. He looked into my eyes and gave me one of his half grins that caused my heart to pound hard within my chest.

  The music began, causing my knees to tremble. I swallowed hard, wondering if I would make it down the red carpeted aisle.

  “Start walking, Aurora,” Gavriel whispered and as if he held power over my movements my feet slowly began to move. I felt my chest rising and falling rapidly in tune with my breaths as I kept my eyes on Andre‘s face. Somehow, just focusing on him helped me make it down the aisle.

  I took a deep breath and blew it out slowly as I reached him. Andre smiled gently as he watched me. To anyone watching, he would seem like a man in love. Slowly, Gavriel took my veil and threw it behind me, exposing my face. I heard a gasp from Andre and looked at him panicked. I must look hideous.

  Gavriel leaned forward and kissed my cheek blocking my view of Andre, before taking my hand and gently placing it in Andre’s. He then went to take his seat next to his wife in the first pew. I was left to stand in front of the guests with my groom.

  Slowly, I looked up and met his gaze again and he smiled gently, “It’s okay,” he whispered and then, his voice droppeed lower, “By the way you look beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered, blushing. Maybe I didn’t look bad after all.

  “Will everyone take their seats please?” The preacher said in such a way that it resonated through my soul.

  We turned slowly to face the preacher who smiled very graciously at our guests. “We are gathered here to be witnesses of the union of Andre Gavriel Brazil and Aurora Marie Anderson,” The preacher said as I looked up into Andre’s face. He was listening as the preacher spoke about love and how it bound the marriage making it unbreakable. His eyes widened as I began to tremble. Were we doing something wrong by not marrying for love? Even Adam and Eve had loved each other, hadn’t they? I shifted uneasily and Andre gripped my hand tighter in his as the preacher turned to him.

  “Do you Andre Gavriel Brazil take Aurora Marie Anderson to be your wife?” He asked, smiling.

  “I do,” Andre said, and my eyes widened as my palms began to sweat.

  The preacher turned to me and I had to force myself to breathe, “Do you Aurora Marie Anderson take Andre Gavriel Brazil to be your husband?”

  A lump settled in my throat and I felt Andre’s hand tighten even more on mine. A tremble shook me as I took a deep breath and looked up at Andre. I blinked in shock as I seen his lips mouth one word over and over…please. For some reason, that one word made everything okay.

  “I do,” I said, softly. Andre sighed in relief as did most of the congregation.

  The preacher nearly sagged against the podium as he turned back to Andre, “Andre, do you have the ring?”

  Marc stepped forward and handed Andre the simple golden band that I would wear for the rest of my life. Andre looked into my eyes, taking a deep breath as he began to repeat the vows, “I, Andre Gavriel Brazil, take you, Aurora Marie Anderson, to be my wife, to love, honor and cherish, for richer or for poorer, through sickness and in health, in happiness and in sadness for as long as we both shall live.”

  I frowned. For a moment, his face had filled with emotion and the vows had seemed real…as if he had meant them. I swallowed, feeling so much emotion, tears nearly rose to my eyes. I looked at Andre blinking back the tears, confused.

  “Aurora, the ring for Andre?” The preacher asked breaking through my thoughts. Mirella stepped forward and handed me the ring with a small smile.

  I swallowed as I slipped the simple gold band onto Andre’s finger repeating after the preacher as I did so. I looked up into Andre‘s eyes, feeling as if with each word spoken, I had bound every part of myself to him. He smiled crookedly as the preacher looked toward him and nodded his head.

  “Andre, you may kiss your bride,” the preacher said, looking at Andre in approval.

  My eyes widened but a moment later Andre had pulled me to him. I gasped as he caressed my cheek and gently pressed his lips to mine. I leaned into the kiss as it stretched and stretched. My heart clenched and my stomach flipped pleasantly as applause broke out in the chapel. Slowly, he pulled away from me, looking almost puzzled. I blushed. I had just had my first kiss in front of a room full of people. I glanced out into the crowd, meeting my mother’s tear filled eyes.

  The preacher‘s voice rang out one more time, “I would like to announce Mr. and Mrs. Brazil,” he said, happily.

  I blinked, still dazed by my first kiss. Slowly, I began to realize what that kiss truly meant. Not only had it been the first but it was also the one that bound me in marriage to Andre forever.

  Chapter Nine

  Wedding Night

  I sat in the limosene, alone with Andre. My hands were clasped tightly on my lap in front of me as we began to move toward the hotel where the reception would be held. I shifted in my seat as I bit my bottom lip.

  I didn’t know why I was so shy with him. Perhaps, it was only because I had just received my first kiss from him…or maybe it was because I was still not used to his presence. Either way, it left us in total silence.

  I looked down at my hands trying to find something to say but found nothing. Finally, Andre‘s rich, beautiful laughter sounded throughout the limo. I narrowed my eyes, confused and worried.

  “What are you laughing about?“ I asked, tilting my head to the side.

  It took a moment before he answered. When he did he was nearly breathless, “You scared me for a moment when you didn’t say I do right away,” He said laughing, “I thought that you were going to run.”

  I bit my lip, chewing it for a moment before I whispered, “For a moment, I thought about it.”

  Andre’s laughter died as he studied me. It was obvious that thought bothered him. He looked at me as if pained, “Why?”

  I shifted uncomfortably. That look twisted my insides and made me feel instantly guilty for nearly leaving him at the altar, “The preacher was talking about love and how it bound the marriage. I just wondered if what we’re doing is wrong…you know marrying without love. Even Adam and Eve loved each other.”

  His eyes darkened and he tilted his head, studying me, “What changed your mind?”

  “You,” I said and he blinked at me rapidly, confused, “You were mouthing the word please over and over again and somehow, it helped me. It didn‘t feel so wrong anymore.”

  He smiled, relieved, “I’m glad it did help you,” he said, sighing, “Otherwise, I would not be on good terms with my family and neither would you for that matter. They would probably have shipped you to Garridan and paid for your wedding to him.”

  I winced and he looked immediately apologetic, “Listen, I know what happened last night with him. He shouldn’t come for you anymore…I mean now that we‘re married. Your father doesn‘t have a claim now and neither does Garridan.”

  I frowned as I thought of my father. Even though Garridan wouldn’t have been able to make an appearance after the wolf attacked him, my father still could have come. It was odd that he hadn’t.

  “I’m actually surprised that he didn’t try to ruin
the wedding,” I whispered.

  “He wouldn’t do that after that wolf attacked Garridan,” he said with a grin, “Our marriage was safe from him. Besides, we hid the location from your father’s family pretty well.”

  I smiled again and looked out of the window as the silence stretched again, “Aurora,” Andre said and I turned to see him shifting uncomfortably. I raised my brow. His face reddened, “I heard what Katie did yesterday too.”

  “Oh,” I said becoming rigid in my seat.

  Andre reached forward and grabbed my hand, rubbing his thumb in circles over the top, “I don’t want you to think that I would make a fool of you that way. Katie lied. I haven’t seen her since I told her that I was marrying you,” he scrubbed his hand down his face and looked at me ashamed, “She didn’t take it very well and I’m sorry that she took it out on you.”

  I took a deep breath and then, released it, relieved more than I wanted to admit. I smiled at him and then, shrugged, “Thank you.”

  “No problem,” he laughed, “It’s what husbands are supposed to do.”

  “Even ones forced to marry their brides?” I asked, laughing.

  “Yes,” he said as the limosene came to a stop, “Now, I have another duty.”

  I frowned, “What’s that?”

  He grinned, “I have to dance with my wife at our reception.” He gave me a lopsided grin. For some reason, my stomach flipped at the sight. My heart pounded hard as he helped me from the limosine and into the hotel where our reception awaited.


  The reception had seemed to last forever. There were too many people to hug, too many gifts and good wishes and too much dancing. Finally, Andre and I were able to leave. Exhaustion swamped me and I fell asleep, leaning against Andre’s shoulder in the limosene.

  I did not wake again until I felt him lift me. My eyes flew open as I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep from falling.

  “What are you doing?“ I asked, alarmed as I gripped his neck tighter, pulling myself closer to him.

  He grinned, “I’m carrying my wife across the threshold.”

  I laughed, nervously, “Andre, you don’t have to do that,” I whispered into his shoulder, embarrassed, “We both know that our marriage was arranged.”

  He grinned, looking down at me with his eyes sparkling, “Let me have a little fun, okay?”

  “Okay,” I said, blushing fiercely.

  I laughed at him as he stumbled to find his keys. He grinned when he finally found them and then, stuck them in the lock. A moment later the door swung open and he walked in. I laughed again, shaking my head.

  “See, you’re already laughing at me,” He said lowering me gently to the floor.

  He turned on the light and I blinked as my eyes adjusted. Finally, my vision cleared and I was left standing with my mouth opened in shock.

  I took in a motor home which was much more modern that my mother’s home. A more spacious living area stretched before me. Couches decorated in white leather, sat along the sides. I looked up to see a flat screen television imbedded in the wood above the driver and passenger seats. A dining room table sat beside the couch surrounded by booth seats also done in white leather. Across the way from the dining table was the sink, stove and refridgerator all lined along the long brown marble counter.

  “Do you like it?” He asked searching my face. He was chewing bottom lip as he awaited my answer.

  I nodded, “It’s newer than my…I mean my mother’s house,” I said, smiling, “It’s nicer…much nicer.”

  He smiled, thrusting his chest out as if what I had thought meant everything, “I’m glad that you like it.”

  I laughed, “I can tell,” I said, shaking my head.

  He grabbed my hand, “I’ll show you the rest of it.”

  “Okay,” I said as he pulled me further into the back of the mobile home.

  He led me to a small room beyond the living area. In this room were two bunk beds and two doors. One led to a bathroom with a toilet, sink and shower and the other was the room at the very back of the motor home...a bedroom.

  I stood awkwardly at the foot of the large king size bed. White and red satin sheets decorated it. I trembled, suddenly nervous and looked away toward a closet where all of my things hung.

  Andre looked in the direction in which I was looking and shifted, “I put up your things when they were brought over last night,” he said, embarrassed, “You don’t mind, do you?”

  “No,” I whispered and looked back at the bed, swallowing nervously.

  I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself but my thoughts fragmented and then, came together into one thought. I had only recently gotten used to being around a man and now, I would be sleeping in the same bed with him. I looked away from the bed, fearful of what was expected of me.

  “Do you need help with the buttons on your dress?” Andre asked very close behind me. I jumped and he laughed softly, “Aurora, I promise that we aren’t going to do anything tonight…Well, we’ll sleep. So, stop being so nervous.”

  I nodded my head but I still felt my stomach flip, “I’m sorry…you’re right. There‘s no reason to be nervous.”

  “Don’t apologize, Aurora. It was natural that you would think that,” he said and I shivered as his breath touched my neck, “Now, let me help you with the buttons on your dress. It must be uncomfortable. It seems awfully tight.”

  I nodded my head and bit my lip when his breath fanned across my neck again, “Hold the front of your dress so that it doesn’t fall,” he whispered, “You don’t want me to break the promise I just made you, do you?”

  I blushed as I put my hand to my chest, pressing the bodice to me tightly. I felt each button release. Upon the last button, I heard Andre’s strained voice, “I’ll leave so you can dress for bed.”

  I nodded and heard the door close a second later. I released my breath not knowing that I had been holding it. If having him help me with my dress was this stressful, how was I ever going to sleep next to him?


  Exhaustion was the only reason that I slept at all. Andre’s presence was known from the moment he laid down next to me. His scent surrounded me, embedding into everything as his heat reached for me causing my whole body to tingle as if expecting to be touched. I closed my eyes, hearing every breath he took as I tried to pretend that his presence wasn’t so known. It took hours but I finally forced the darkness of sleep to surround me.

  When my senses came back to me I no longer heard Andre’s steady breaths. Instead, I heard the hoots of owls and rustlings of animals moving through the bushes. A thrill of fear shot through me. Did I sleep walk again? I shook my head. It wasn’t possible. Andre would have stopped me.

  Slowly, I opened my eyes, finding myself in a large grassy meadow in the middle of a dense forest. Wolves sat in a circle, completely surrounding me. My heart trembled as I looked at each one finding each different but as docile as pets. Their eyes were large and submissive…staring at me as if waiting for an order.

  I was only shocked out of staring at them when Garridan stepped beside me, grasping my hand in his. Another tremble shook me and I jerked my hand but he held it easily within his large palm. Panic began engulf me when I felt someone else grab my other hand. I looked at the other person expecting to see my father but instead I found Andre standing calmly next to me. I looked at him confused. Why did he look so peaceful with Garridan near me?

  I opened my mouth, wanting to ask Andre what was happening but couldn‘t. Instead, I just waited for him to give me an answer to my unspoken question. Finally, he gave me a lopsided grin and said, “You’re here because you must choose between us.”

  I frowned, truly confused as I shook my head. My frown was so fierce that it hurt my head, “But I already have.”

  “No,” Garridan said in a voice that was almost kind, “You haven’t.”

  I turned to stare at him in shock. I didn’t understand anything that was happening. Worse than that, no
one was really answering me.

  I looked at the wolves again who were still sitting docile and quiet around us and then, looked back at Garridan. Maybe he would answer my questions, “What do you mean?” I asked, angrily, “I married Andre. I made my choice.”

  “It’s the mating and the blood,” Andre whispered, capturing my attention again,“It isn‘t just the marriage. You will still have to choose.”

  “I don’t understand this,“ I whispered as Garridan released my hand and began to walk through the wolves and into the trees. Oddly, I wanted to call for him to come back and answer my questions. A moment later, I realized that Andre was gone too. I hadn’t even noticed that he had released my hand. I swallowed hard as I realized they had left me alone surrounded by the wolves who stared at me more peacefully than a wolf ever should. I honestly believed that I could have reached out my hand to them to touch them and they wouldn‘t have attacked. Still, I felt the danger that rolled from them even while calm.

  I shifted as they slowly began to move, shifting as they lay on the grass. One stilled before standing, becoming fully human. I was shocked to see that the wolf had become my mother. I looked at the next which shifted to become my father. I stared at the rest as they became Andre’s brothers and sister. Then, I seen Sophia and Gavriel…shifting…turning. The rest became my father’s family. I trembled as I watched. Wolves that became men…men that became wolves. I looked down at my arms and seen them becoming hairier and hairier. Terror washed over me as I realized that I was becoming one of them. I screamed out but the scream became a long, mournful howl.

  I don’t know how long I had been screaming when Andre’s voice broke through the terror of the dream but still the fear was too great for me to come fully back to reality.

  “Aurora,” Andre said, trying to soothe me, “It’s okay. Wake up.”

  I just kept screaming. Finally, my body was pushed and pulled back and forth, causing me to come back to reality. Andre’s face hovered over mine. Worry creased his brow.


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