Beckoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series)

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Beckoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series) Page 12

by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  “Aurora,” he said, warily. It was almost as if he were searching for something.

  I took a deep breath as I paused in the doorway, knowing that I couldn’t stay there forever. I straightened and walked further into the room still not facing him…Still not acknowledging that he had called my name. My heart clenched again causing a hard metallic lump to form in my throat. Thankfully, I was still able to fight the tears back as I heard the click of the door as it closed.

  “Aurora, what you seen-”

  I turned to him with my chin raised, stopping him from explaining with a raise of my hand in front of my face, “It’s not my business.”

  He frowned, looking angry, “You’re my wife,” he said firmly, struggling to keep his voice low, “Of course, it’s your business.”

  “I’m only your wife by force,” I said, swallowing as I thought of the kiss I had just witnessed. Why couldn’t he kiss me that way?

  I blinked in surprise as he walked to me standing so close that we nearly touched, “I think we both know that it’s not forced anymore.”

  His voice was hoarse, causing my heart to jump wildly in my chest, “You are only thinking that way because of the pheromones.”

  “No,” he said, firmly, “I’m not.”

  I looked up into his eyes, narrowing mine and allowing the anger to show on my face, “I am pretty sure that you were just kissing Katie.”

  His nostrils flared as anger flashed in his eyes, “She kissed me,” he said, firmly.

  I frowned, shaking my head, “And you kissed her back.” He opened his mouth to protest but I stopped him with my next words, “I seen it, Andre. You were kissing her.”

  He shook his head, “You seen me wiping lipstick off my mouth,” he said and then, stared at me for a long moment. The anger slowly dissipated and a crooked grin crossed his face causing my heart to skip a beat, “Are you jealous?”

  My eyes narrowed, angry that he seemed so pleased, “No.”

  “Really,” he said, leaning closer. His mouth hovered just a hairs breadth from mine, “I think you are.”

  His breath fanned across my face, causing me to inhale sharply. I leaned back but he reached forward grasping my shoulders and pulling me back, “Oh no you don’t,” he said, sharply, “You’re not running from me.”

  My lips parted as fear laced through me…Fear that he would hurt me…fear that he truly did not want me…that this was because of the pheromones. I bit my lip and he tensed.

  “You only want me because of the pheromones,” I whispered, again sure that was the reason for his actions, “You really want Katie,” I said, spitting out her name. His brow quirked up and his lips twitched.

  “I didn’t kiss her back and I don’t want her,” he said, shocking me when he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. His hardness pressed into my stomach and I gasped, “I want you.”

  I opened my mouth to protest but one of his hands rose grasping my hair, forcing me into a bruising kiss. I gasped again in surprise and his tongue took advantage and plundered into my mouth, touching my tongue with his. I groaned, feeling the beast within take hold and fighting it. I couldn’t let him do this if he didn’t truly want me. He would hate me in the morning.

  Andre stopped kissing me and pleaded, “Aurora, kiss me back…please.”

  Something in that plea broke me and I melded my lips with his becoming more frenzied as he backed me toward the bed.

  A fissure of fear worked it’s way up my spine as the back of my knees hit the mattress. He pulled back again, panting with need. His eyes were hooded and pained…so pained that I could not deny him again and I knew that he would not deny me.

  Slowly, I grasped the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it up exposing his beautifully muscled chest and abs. He bent forward helping me to finally pull his shirt off. He didn’t say a word as I traced my fingertips over his stomach and over his nearly hairless chest. He only looked down at me with his eyes burning into mine. I broke his gaze and looked at his chest, licking my lips. He gasped again when I kissed him over his heart, feeling it beating quickly beneath my lips.

  “Aurora, are you sure?” he asked, sounding frightened and desperate. I looked up at him finding him so tense that I could not deny him. I bit my bottom lip and nodded, mutely.

  His eyes caught fire again as he leaned forward, kissing me with even more passion. Slowly, his hands reached between us and began to unbutton my shirt. When done, he rose his hands to the collar and pushed it slowly back exposing my shoulders and allowing the garmet to fall down my arms and pool around me on the floor. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, “You are beautiful, Aurora…so beautiful. I can’t seem to shake you from my mind…the image of you…your smell…Everything.”

  I gasped as he leaned forward and began to trail his tongue along the cords in my neck before whispering again, “You have no idea what you make me feel,” he said, lifting me quickly in his strong arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he meshed his lips with mine once again. A tremble shook me as he pulled back and laid me gently on the mattress.

  He laid down beside me, looking down into my face. He seemed so vulnerable and afraid that I felt my heart melt.

  “Are you frightened,” He asked, reaching forward and caressing my cheek so softly that his fingers only whispered over my skin.

  I took a deep breath and swallowed hard, “Yes,” I breathed, feeling my heart begin to hammer in my chest. His eyes looked troubled as I continued, “But I trust you.”

  Something in his eyes broke, “I won’t hurt you,” he said, softly, “I swear to you, I won’t.”

  I nodded as he leaned forward and kissed me gently, moving his lips over mine until I trembled. I breathed in and his kiss deepened as his hands traveled down my sides, causing me to arch up into him. His mouth stretched into a pleased grin as his hand rose up my torso and between my back and the bed. In one fluid movement, he had unfastened my bra.

  I gasped again as he pulled the straps down my arms, releasing me from it and threw it into the floor. He leaned up and looked at me. For a moment, I had the urge to cover myself but his eyes widened and heat slammed into them. I froze as he looked down at me.

  “Beautiful,” he breathed as if unable to say more and kissed me again.

  His hand moved slowly up to my breast and covered it, kneading softly as his breathing quickened.

  “You’re perfect,” he whispered against my lips as he continued to kiss me and slowly, massaged my breast causing my stomach to flip pleasantly. The pleasure heightened as he pulled gently on one rigid peak and rolled it between his fingers. I gasped as desire shot through me and pooled into my stomach.

  I arched again, rubbing the heart of me into his hardness. He hissed in a breath as he kissed along my jaw and down my neck, allowing his teeth to scrape against the tender flesh there. I trembled as he came to a stop at my breast. Slowly, he pulled the tip into his mouth, allowing his teeth to scrape over the nipple.

  A moan burst through my lips as wetness pooled between my legs. His hand reached forward and grasped the other breast and tugged on the nipple, causing me to moan and arch my back, pushing my breast further into his mouth.

  He continued to nip and nibble as he stroked down my stomach to my zipper. The button snapped open a moment later. I tensed as his finger traced the band of my panties. The pleasure heightened and I moaned again.

  Slowly, his hand slipped inside and began to trace the folds of my sex. A tremble shook me as his name burst from my lips. Heat coarsed through my body as I moved against him again. He breathed in through his teeth, causing me to move again. I looked into his eyes and I knew that I needed him before I caught fire and burst into flames. I groaned allowing myself to grip his hair, causing him to gasp. I pulled his face back to mine and kissed him with such abandon that he growled into my mouth.

  “Aurora,” he said, breathlessly as my hands released his hair, moving one down his stomach to his zipper and the other down his back. I a
rched again as his fingers found my entrace and one entered probing further and further into me. I shook violently, wanting him inside me…moving against me. I jerked on the opening to his jeans, popping the button and jerking the zipper opened. His hardness pressed into me, and I ground myself against his hand, causing him to growl into my mouth again.

  I glided my hands beneath his jeans and his boxers and gripped him hard moving my hand against the silky hardness of him. A primal growl burst from him as he arched his hips thrusting himself into my hand again and again. He leaned his head back and called out my name with such ferocity that I pulled back thinking that I had hurt him.

  “Touch me, Aurora,” he whispered agonized. Sweat dripped from his forehead, “Please touch me…I’ve wanted you for so long.”

  I gripped him again and his fingers began their assault again, finding the little bundle of nerves at the heart of me, causing me to thrash against him. A lance of pleasure shot through me as he circled my clitorous and I instinctively moved my hand as I encircled him, matching his rhythm.

  I began to tremble as a strange tension built and I screamed as my release came. My mouth opened in shock as I pulled ragged breaths through my lungs, allowing the waves of pleasure to take me. I had not thought that it would be this good…this exquisite.

  A moment later he rose pulling off my shoes and socks and then, ripping my jeans and panties from me. I watched as he pulled down his pants and toed off his boots and socks before stepping out of them. My breath caught as I looked at him, devouring his beautiful body with my eyes before settling on that part of him that would join us forever.

  His eyes heated as he climbed up my body, kissing me until he came to my lips.

  “You can’t leave me after this, Aurora,” he whispered. My heart clenched at the fear in his voice, “If you do, I will die.”

  I reached up and traced his brow, “I won‘t leave…ever.”

  His breath quickened as a look of pure fear crossed his face, “I love you, Aurora.”

  Everything stopped for a moment as I stared up at him, shocked, “I love you too,” I whispered as my voice came back to me. Being able to admit those words not only to Andre but to myself was freeing.

  Relief flooded his face as he kissed me again, “You have no idea how happy it makes me that you said that,” he said, against my lips.

  “Yes, I do, because I feel it too” I said, kissing him deep and long. He groaned against my lips.

  “I don’t think that I can wait any longer,” he said, sounding strained again.

  “Then, don’t,” I whispered, looking into his eyes, “Make me yours and only yours forever.”

  He pulled back and looked into my eyes as he reached down guiding himself into my entrance. Sweat marked his brow as he slowly pushed inch by agonizing inch into me. I gasped as he reached the evidence of my virginity, feeling the very tip of him pushing at the barrier. He swallowed looking down at me with so much tenderness and love that there was no doubt of his feelings for me.

  He kissed me, leaning up and looked into my eyes, “You’re mine, Aurora,” he said, before kissing me once more. I could feel every bit of him as the kiss deepened and then, he thrust through the barrier, swallowing my cries. Sharp, hot pain sliced through me and he halted his movements, continuing to kiss me. Finally, the pain vanished and I kissed him back as a tear slowly made its way down my cheek. Slowly, he began to move and after a few moments, my hips began to move in sync with his. I could feel that tension build again and he began to thrust into me harder and faster. Sweat covered our bodies as we moved hurtling each other toward pleasure…toward becoming more…toward becoming truly joined. I screamed out his name as release came, causing hot tears to fall down my cheeks. A few more thrusts and he cried out my name, shooting his hot seed into me. His head fell onto my chest as we lay there waiting for our breaths to return to normal.

  Finally, he looked up at me, kissing me again, “You are mine now,” he whispered tenderly.

  I smiled, “And you are mine.”

  “Always,” he promised, “And forever.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Bliss and Blood

  “Aurora, it‘s time to get up,” Andre whispered into my ear. I moaned and then, snuggled closer to him, not ready to get up.

  He laughed and then, nuzzled my ear, kissing it softly before whispering,“Aren’t you hungry?”

  I groaned, not wanting to admit that I was and he chuckled. He nuzzled my ear and gently took the lobe into his mouth, making desire lance through me and I moaned, “Aurora, you have to eat,” he whispered, kissing my neck, “As a matter of fact, so do I. You don‘t want me to starve to death, do you?”

  I groaned again as I leaned my head back against him. He laughed and I felt it reverberate through his chest, “Oh no you don’t,” he said, “If I stay here, we’ll never get anything done.”

  I opened my eyes, giggling as he rubbed his his morning stubble against my neck, “Okay,” I whispered, narrowing my eyes as I turned onto my back to look into his beautiful face, “I’ll get up.”

  He kissed my forehead, rising unashamed of his nakedness, “No,” he grinned, reluctantly shaking his head, “I’ll go to the diner and get something. You can stay here and rest.”

  My eyes widened as I thought of the last time he had said that. I had found him with Katie. Bitterness entered me as I thought of it and I narrowed my eyes. Andre frowned as if reading my thoughts, looking troubled as he looked into my face.

  “I told you that she kissed me,” he said and then, grinned widely, “I also told you that I don’t want her as I believe that I showed you last night.”

  I blushed and then, sighed. He was right. I was being ridiculous, “I know,” I said and then, gave him a fierce look, “It doesn’t stop me from wanting to draw her blood.”

  “Spoken like a true werewolf,” he said, grinning as he grabbed his pants and pulled them on before picking up his shirt off the floor. He cocked an eyebrow at me, “Maybe I should keep you away from her for a while. I wouldn’t want you to do anything you would regret.”

  He pulled his shirt over his head and I narrowed my eyes, “I don’t think that I’d regret it,” I smiled, wickedly, “I think that I would enjoy it…immensely.”

  He laughed as he sat on the bed and slipped his socks and shoes on before kissing me again, “As much as I like you jealous,” he grinned, rubbing the back of his fingers down my cheek, “I think I’d prefer that you stay out of jail.”

  He stood only to bend down again to kiss my forehead, “I’ll be back,” he said, grinning as he looked into my eyes, “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I whispered as my heart quickened. I wondered if he would always have that affect on me.

  He smiled tenderly, “I’ll never get tired of you saying that.”

  “Good,” I said, truly happy, “I’ll never get tired of saying it.”

  He rose with that crooked grin that made my heart race, “I’ll be back,” he said and then, frowned as he looked at the door,“Don’t let anyone in.”

  I nodded and then, he was gone. Slowly, I rose, finding my toothbrush and some clean clothes and made my way to the bathroom. I needed a shower…badly. I smelled like sweat and sex. I stepped into the tub and showered as quickly as I could. I dressed, hearing the door open and close. A smile lit up my face. Andre was back. I quickly finished brushing my hair and teeth before I opened the bathroom door.

  I stepped out into the hotel room and froze as I took in the scene. Andre was nowhere in sight. Instead, Katie stood in front of me with her face twisted cruel and menacing. On either side of her stood my father and Garridan.

  “She’s no longer pure,” Garridan said, sniffing the air. He tilted his head studying me, frowning as if the discovery had made him realize something that he hadn’t before.

  My father stepped forward, looking into my eyes. Anger caused his face to redden, “It doesn’t matter. She can still be yours,” he said as I stepped away from
him, shaking my head. Garridan’s frown deepened as he looked into my eyes as if sympathetic for once.

  “Emilian,” Garridan said, uneasily, “I can’t take her from her mate. That is cruel and she‘ll mourn him until she dies. You wouldn‘t do that to her, would you?”

  “He’s not her mate!” My father yelled, stepping quickly toward me. My back hit the wall and I looked at Katie.

  “He shouldn’t have chosen you,” she said, sneering her explanation.

  I looked back at my father in time for him to grab my wrist. I trembled as I began to fight, hitting him in the face with my fist. He rose his hand in warning but still I fought not caring if he hurt me as long as he didn‘t take me away from Andre.

  “I had hoped that it wouldn’t come to this,” he said, angrily. His fist came down painfully against my temple. Blood trickled from my head and onto the floor as I fell, catching myself with my hands. My father hit me again, causing the pain to explode once again. A moment later, darkness engulfed me as my eyes closed. The last thing I remembered was being lifted and carried away from the man that I loved. My heart cried out his name… then, I sank fully into darkness.


  Pain shot through my temples causing me to wince as I tried to open my eyes. The hope that I had just had a nightmare dimmed as I smelled the scent of animals and the sweat of man. My nostrils twitched as I realized that the smell of werewolves were all around me.

  I moaned as I slowly, forced my eyes opened. My stomach flipped and heaved as I struggled not to throw up. I squeezed my eyes closed once more, finally opening them when my stomach seemed to calm. I tried to look around as everything swirled and came back into focus.

  I trembled as I remembered everything that had happened. Katie had brought my father and Garridan to the hotel where Andre and I were staying. Then, they had taken me. Tears burned my eyes as I struggled to sit up. I had to get back to Andre.

  My stomach turned again as I finally managed to pull myself up so that I was sitting with my back against the headboard of the bed. I closed my eyes, holding my stomach and waited for it to calm again before opening my eyes and looking around.


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