Should've Been Us

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Should've Been Us Page 3

by Jess Bryant

  “The señorita?”

  Connor glared, “Yeah, the señorita.”

  “White wine.”

  He took a deep breath and let it out, “Good. Make sure that’s all she drinks. No hard liquor for her.”

  Lulu on white wine was generally a very happy drunk. Maybe she knew that. Maybe that was why she’d chosen the drink for tonight. She’d known she would have to play up her happy best friend role for everyone in the room. If she wanted to get happy drunk, Connor didn’t see any harm in letting her.

  Lulu on hard liquor, however, was a disaster. Vodka made her loud. Rum made her flirtatious. Whiskey made her mean. Tequila made her sick. But white wine made her easy-going and Connor could use a less stressed out, less emotionally compromised Lulu tonight.

  It would make her easier to handle.

  “Your drink, señor.”

  He took the tumbler of rich, amber liquid and then paused, “You heard what I said right? No liquor for the pretty lady. Not even if she begs for it. White wine only and I’ll tip you well if you don’t tell her sticking to wine was my idea.”

  “Si Senor.”

  “Gracias.” Connor raised his glass in a mild salute, downed the liquid and slammed the empty glass back on the bar before moving away.

  He couldn’t seem to help himself. He headed for the door Lulu had disappeared through before he’d even consciously decided he was going after her. She’d been gone long enough and he didn’t like the idea of her wandering around the resort alone, not in the state she was in. He considered it part of his duty as Best Man to find her, round her up and get her back to the bar for the meet-and-greet before the rest of the bridal party arrived and noticed her absence.

  That would be a great start to the wedding merriment. He could only imagine what Aubrey would do if she thought a tear-stained Lulu was trying to steal her thunder. Not to mention the hell Derek would rain down on him if he found out Connor was the reason for Lulu’s tears. No, it would be best for everyone if Connor found her first and got her back to the party before anyone else arrived.

  Only as soon as he neared the door the sound of high-pitched female voices warned him what was coming. He glanced around but there was no escape. A tidal wave was coming and he was directly in its path as the group of women spilled into the room led by the bride herself.

  “Connor!” Aubrey squealed his name in that high-pitched voice of hers and threw her hands in the air, “Oh my God! I’ve never been so happy to see you.”

  He chuckled as she grabbed him and hugged him tight, “Well hello there darlin’ it’s nice to see you too although I’m fairly certain it hasn’t been long since we parted ways at the front desk.”

  “Oh well yeah.” Aubrey rolled her eyes as she pulled back, flipping her hair over her shoulder, “But you’re here! On time! Look around, Con. You’re literally the only male member of the wedding party that managed that miraculous feat.”

  Connor frowned when he glanced around and noticed she was right. Hell, he’d been so caught up in Lulu that he hadn’t even looked around the bar earlier. He was like a one-man heat seeking missile when it came to that woman.

  He shook off that thought when he realized the man of the hour wasn’t at Aubrey’s side either, “Where’s Derek?”

  “On his way, supposedly. He had to make a trip back to the airport to pick up his parents after their flight got delayed. He swore it was okay if we started the party without him but I think we should wait. Don’t you?”

  “Well, yeah.” Connor nodded, “Considering he’s the groom and all.”

  “That’s what I said!” Aubrey exclaimed as if he was the only one on her side.

  Connor cleared his throat, “So, uh, if Derek went back to the airport, where’re the rest of the guys?”

  Aubrey shrugged, “Probably lost, or at the wrong bar, or drunk already.”

  “Or all three.” A petite blonde sidled up next to Aubrey, eyeing Connor from top to bottom like he was a piece of meat, “Good lord, Bree. I was under the impression you somehow wrangled the best looking Texas boy in existence but this one is in a class all his own, don’t ya think? I thought Montana had the hottest guys in the country but you boys certainly give them a run for their money.”

  Connor gifted the girl with a grin and turned on the charm, “Seems she’s been holding out on me too. Are all the Montana girls as pretty as you?”

  “Fuck no.” The blonde fake fanned herself, “I’m one of a kind, handsome, but you’ll figure that out for yourself.”

  Aubrey groaned dramatically, “For God’s sake woman, keep it in your pants. The only thing he’s going to figure out is that you’re crazy if you don’t put a lid on it.”

  “I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced.” The blonde ignored Aubrey and offered a hand, “I’m Sierra Ramey, best friend of the bride and single for the weekend so long as you keep talking to me in that sexy, southern accent.”

  “Connor Shaw.” He took her tiny hand in his much larger one but rethought giving it a peck on the back like she clearly intended him to do when he noticed the big man that walked up behind her and made his presence known with a growl.

  “Sierra.” Dark eyes narrowed even as a smirk played on his lips. “Behave.”

  “And that killjoy would be my husband, Brenden.” The blonde blew a piece of hair off her forehead with a feigned sigh before taking back her hand and turning to face the man that could have doubled for Vin Diesel if the actor added about ten pounds of pure muscle to his stocky frame, “I was just playin’ baby. You know I’ve got eyes only for you.”

  “Uh huh.” Brenden grunted, pulling his wife into his side before offering a mitt of a hand, “Nice to meet you...?”

  Connor shook his hand, “It’s Connor and it’s nice to meet you too. I’ve heard a lot about y’all.”

  “Lies. All lies.” Sierra giggled as her husband chimed in, “Unfortunately it’s probably all true.”

  Connor smiled as he took in the couple.

  They were going to be fun. He’d heard enough of Aubrey’s stories about her friend Sierra to know she was half-crazy and a full on flirt. Just like he knew that her husband, Brenden, headed up the Bounty County Sheriff’s Department back in Montana. Connor figured despite the blonde’s shenanigans that he and Brenden would become fast friends this week. They had a lot in common. They were both members of the law enforcement community and they were both in love with clearly crazy women for starters.

  “Connor.” A second female voice whined loud enough to grab his attention and he shifted his gaze to see that the other blonde next to Aubrey was pouting, “Aren’t you even gonna say hello to me?”

  He had to force a smile but he gave an apologetic shrug, “Just getting around to it, darlin.”

  Amber batted her lashes at him and he fought the urge to roll his eyes. Sleeping with one of Aubrey’s cousins had clearly been a mistake. Of course, he hadn’t known she was Aubrey’s cousin at the time.

  He and Amber had gone to school together, known each other their whole lives, and then happened to hook up at the local backwoods bar called The Roadhouse one night when he’d been feeling particularly stupid and lonely last summer. He hadn’t given it much thought after. It hadn’t been anything special.

  But then Aubrey had rolled into town. Derek had met her. She’d ended up staying. And now Connor’s one-night stand seemed to be a permanent fixture in his already complicated enough life.

  He’d made it clear to her that there would be no seconds, that he wasn’t on the menu and they could stay friends but nothing more. Amber either hadn’t understood or didn’t know how to take no for an answer because she constantly flirted and found reasons to be near him. He’d been hoping that she would bring a date to the wedding and save him the trouble of avoiding her all week but since there wasn’t another man in sight he knew he’d have to be polite but aloof to keep her at a distance.

  “You’re looking handsome this evening.” She cooed, coming clos
er, but Connor sidestepped her and pointed towards the bar, pretending not to have heard her.

  “They’ve got us all set up in the room back there if you want to go on in and grab a seat. We’ve got private dining and access to the patio but this main room is open for all the other resort guests.”

  “Oh, I don’t know if we should sit down yet, shouldn’t we wait for Derek?” Aubrey blinked up at him as if waiting for the right answer but Sierra beat him to it.

  “Jesus Christ, Bree. Cut the cord. I’m in five-inch heels. I’m sitting my ass down and getting a drink. We’ll save the seat next to you for Derek. Now come on.” The blonde looped her arm through Aubrey’s as she all but dragged her towards their private room.

  With a, what are you gonna do look, Brenden followed. Connor traded polite hellos with the other bridesmaids. Anna was the youngest at twenty-one and a shy little thing compared to her older cousin and sister. The other one was Aubrey’s friend from back in Montana and Connor hadn’t caught her name yet. They both returned his smiles and greeting and then continued on.

  “What about you, Con? You coming?” Amber hedged.

  “Not yet. You go on.” He shook his head firmly, “I’m going to see if I can’t track down the guys. Make sure they’re not at the wrong bar.”

  “Oh… Okay, I…”

  He was fairly certain Amber had been about to offer to go with him but a loud, booming voice cut her off, “We’re here. Time to get this party started!”

  Connor started to breathe a sigh of relief at the familiar voice but then he turned his attention towards the hall and saw the small group heading towards them. Dean was leading the way of course. Derek’s little brother was loud, fun and enjoyed being the center of attention, especially when it came to women. Connor loved the guy like he was his own little brother. Which was why the urge to rip his hands off and beat him with them was both new and yet familiar.

  Dean had one arm around Nikki, Aubrey’s until now missing bridesmaid, and his other arm around Lulu’s waist as he paraded down the hallway like a peacock with a prize, or in this case two.

  Lulu was tucked into his side, her arm around his waist too, leaning on him a little. The smile she was wearing was sweet and sincere as she looked up at the big idiot and the rush of jealousy that hit Connor nearly doubled him over.

  He was used to Derek touching Lulu. They were best friends. Connor had to watch them interact all the time. He’d learned to live with it once he’d realized Derek had no feelings for Lulu beyond friendship.

  But Dean was a different story altogether. Dean was a flirt and a man-whore and he definitely didn’t think of Lulu like a sister the way Derek did. Connor didn’t want him within twenty yards of Lulu, let alone with her in his arms.

  It should’ve been him. The old familiar sensation raced through him and he grit his teeth. He was the one that should have been at her side. He was the one that should have been allowed to hold her, comfort her and touch her. He wanted to be the one that she smiled at but instead, he’d somehow become the man that when her gaze met his even at this distance, they automatically dropped away and to the floor.

  Why the hell did he always have to antagonize her? Oh, right, because he felt like spitting venom whenever he thought of her pining after Derek all these years. Because it annoyed the hell out of him that he could have any woman he wanted according to just about anyone that had ever met him, but he couldn’t even get the one he’d always wanted to stop fighting with him.

  He blew out a steadying breath and forced himself to smile, “You’re late as per usual.”

  “Well, Nikki and I were on our way but then I saw this pretty little thing wandering around alone and being a gentleman I stopped to escort her inside.” Dean nudged Lulu and she giggled a little, which was all the confirmation Connor needed that the little shit had in no way been a gentleman and had in fact probably hit on her relentlessly until she rolled her eyes and agreed to come inside with him. “She was lost and I had to save her, Con.”

  “Uh huh.” He pursed his lips but Lulu didn’t look at him.

  Lost, his ass. She’d been in here not ten minutes ago. She’d only left to get away from him. But if she wanted to pretend their previous conversation hadn’t happened he wasn’t one to argue with her about that.

  He also knew better than to ask why Dean had been with Nikki to start with. There was an answer in the way the pretty brunette looked up at him and Connor didn’t need to hear about it. It seemed Dean had gotten a head start on his mission to bag a bridesmaid and so long as that bridesmaid wasn’t Lulu, Connor didn’t give a shit who the cocky little shit slept with.

  The other two missing groomsmen were just behind Dean. Reed and Ridley were Derek and Dean’s cousins. The familial resemblance was uncanny really. They were older than Dean but not by much and the three of them together would undoubtedly cause trouble.

  “And you two?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “This is my vacation and I didn’t bring a watch.” Reed grinned, “I’m getting a drink. You with me, bro?”

  Ridley nodded, “Yep, a drink sounds good.”

  “Okay, okay, let’s get some food ordered before we start throwing back drinks, huh? You’re all here now so why don’t you go on in and grab a seat. Aubrey’s in there already with the others so I’ll wait for Derek and…”

  “No need to wait. I’m here.”

  Connor glanced over Dean’s shoulder and saw his lifelong best friend all but steam-rolling down the hallway. His long legs ate up the carpet as he closed the space between them all. He was a man on a mission and his smile was blinding, proof he considered himself the luckiest man on the planet to be getting married in a few days.

  “Derek.” Lulu stepped out from under Dean’s arm to greet him, “Where were you? I tried calling when I got here but you didn’t pick up.”

  “Sorry, Lulu.” Derek pulled the brunette into a friendly hug and then ruffled her hair in a way that must have made her want to bite his hand because she was glaring at him when he pulled away, “I left my phone in the room when I ran back to the airport to pick up Mom and Dad. Their flight was delayed so they missed their van.”

  Connor kept himself still and motionless as the two interacted. It was something he’d been doing for a long time. If he didn’t speak he wouldn’t risk telling Derek he was a fucking asshole to keep toying with Lulu’s emotions by constantly pulling her close. If he kept himself still and his breathing even, he wouldn’t give into the urge to grab Lulu and pull her away from their mutual best friend.

  “Mom and Dad are here?” Dean cut into the moment, straightening up and dropping his other arm from Nikki as if he’d been caught doing something wrong.

  “They’re dropping their bags in their room and then they’ll be down.” Derek informed his little brother before turning his attention to Connor, “Hey man, you seen Bree yet?”

  “She’s in the private dining room waiting on pins and needles for ya.” He jerked a finger over his shoulder, “Come on. Let’s get you to your girl before she panics you got cold feet and made a run for it.”

  Derek laughed as he moved past Lulu and gave Connor a brotherly smack on the back, “The only way I’m running is towards her. Lead the way.”

  Connor caught Lulu’s eye before he turned away. She looked sad again and fuck he hated that. Her smile for Dean had annoyed him but even that was better than this and he had a feeling he would be seeing a lot more of this look than that one over the next few days. He hated it and he wanted to make it better for her, but until she accepted that Derek wasn’t going to suddenly wake up and realize he’d been in love with her all along, there wasn’t much Connor could do.

  She averted her gaze, refusing to look at him, and he sighed as he turned his back on her and led the group towards the dining room. It was going to be a long night if he had to watch Lulu make sad eyes at Derek for the next few hours so he purposefully arranged himself so that she couldn’t sit next to Derek or even across from
him at the large table. Connor stuck her at the other end next to Dean and across from himself and didn’t hesitate to motion the nosy bartender over to give her a drink.

  “Thank you.” She murmured quietly as she took the glass of wine and he nodded but said nothing.

  It was all he could give her, for now, so it would have to do.

  Chapter Three

  Lulu was actually having fun. Everything was so much more fun when she had a drink in her hand. And so far tonight, her best bud Howie had come through for her. She’d never found the bottom of her wine glass. Not even once. And he’d cut out all the flirting he’d been doing earlier. She wasn’t sure why he’d finally gotten the hint but she kind of loved him for that.

  She covered her mouth as a giggle worked its way up her throat. Hell, she loved everyone right now. Even the girls that usually got on her last nerve had become her best friends in the span of the last few blurry hours.

  Dinner had gotten off to a rough start. She’d been quiet and bitter. She’d glared at Connor when he kept her from sitting near Derek and ignored him when he’d tried to talk to her. She’d listened as Dean and Nikki flirted and felt nothing but emptiness. She’d watched as first Aubrey’s parents and then Derek’s parents had toasted their children and held hands and gave secretive smiles and she’d longed for that kind of connection to someone.

  But Howie had brought her a drink, and then another and then another.

  As it turned out, white wine could drown even the giant hole of loneliness inside of her. Drown out the longing and the sadness. Drown out everything but the ability to just relax and enjoy herself.

  They’d had a nice dinner and then the older couples had said their goodnights. That was when it had turned into a party. They were all young, mostly unattached, happy and carefree and in one of the most beautiful beachside resorts in the world. So they’d celebrated with toasts and stories and dancing and more drinks than Lulu could count.

  So many that she’d somehow ended up inside with the girls at the table while the boys went out to have a cigar on the patio. She never stayed behind with the girls. She wasn’t the type to enjoy girl-talk and she’d never fit in with these women. But everyone had been drinking and she’d found herself in the middle of the merriment and actually enjoying herself.


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