Galactic Defenders- Endurance

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Galactic Defenders- Endurance Page 25

by Michael Mishoe

  ​Blitz’s Enforcer Pod fell to the ground, landing on its spear-like legs. The doors on the lift opened, which had been closed after Blitz had left to protect the team from being caught in the explosions during the fight, and the team began to cough as smoke poured into the lift. As the smoke from the explosions cleared, the remains of the Ribiyar soldiers began to emerge, littering the area around the lift, giving the area the appearance of a robotic graveyard.

  ​“Guardian, how far are we from the Control Center?” Colonel Brown asked as he and the rest of the team walked out of the lift.

  ​“Not too far. We simply need to follow this corridor,” Jack said, pointing to a hallway to the right of the lift.

  ​“Alright then. To save us some time, I think its best if we let Blitz pave through any Ribiyar.” Brown activated his comm device so Blitz could hear him in the Pod, and said, “Blitz, lead the way to the Control Center, and plow through any Ribiyar that gets in the way.”

  ​When Blitz didn’t respond to Brown’s orders, Jack stepped forward, and said, “Allow me, Colonel Brown. Perhaps he will respond if I’m the one giving him instructions.” Jack repeated the orders Brown had given, and the Pod immediately dropped to the ground as its legs reattached into its spherical shell and began racing down the corridor towards the Control Center, crushing the remains of several Ribiyar as it did.

  ​“Why did that fur ball listen to you and not me?” Brown asked Jack as he and the rest of the team jogged after the Pod.

  ​“I don’t know, Colonel. It’s possible he was instructed to follow orders from me if something happened to Olo. That would explain why he didn’t respond when you gave him instructions.”

  ​“Well, I guess that means you’re his new caretaker now. I know you have your hands full with everything else going on during this mission, but I need you to stay on top of things and make sure he doesn’t get out of control. Alright?”

  ​“Understood. But for now, I don’t think we’ll have a problem with Blitz going wild.”

  ​“And why is that?” Brown asked. A few moments later, the sounds of Blitz’s Pod echoed through the corridors as it engaged a group of Ribiyar up ahead, crushing some while blasting away others.

  ​“The way Blitz is right now, I have a feeling the Ribiyar, not us, will bear the brunt of any anger he needs to unleash.”

  Chapter 26

  Date: July 11, 2132.

  Location: Control Level of the Ribiyar Holding Facility, positioned in the Atlantic Ocean.

  ​“All right, Guardian,” Colonel Brown said, “do your techy gizmo magic and get this door open.” The group stood in front of a nine-foot tall doorway that guarded the Control Center. Behind the group, Blitz, still controlling the Enforcer Pod, stood guard over the group, ready for action should any Ribiyar be foolish enough to provoke the fury of the E.V.A.N. unit. “On the other hand, if you can’t get in, we could always let Blitz bust the door open,” Brown added, provoking a few chuckles from the group, though Jack could tell a few of them wanted to let Blitz do it so they could watch the fireworks that would erupt from his attack.

  ​Jack walked to the doors control panel and pressed his hand on the computer interface, but before he had a chance to connect to the door’s controls, the door whooshed open as the Ribiyar opened it themselves, and Jack’s world was lit up from a barrage of energy blasts. Activating his machine guns and V-guns, Jack charged into the room, taking care not to destroy any of the equipment. The Control Center was shaped like an oval, with several computer interfaces placed around the room, and there was also another entrance on the opposite side of the room. Several displays clung to the sides of the upper walls, showing readouts of the Holding Facility’s status and security footage of prisoners in different locations around the Facility. Along with those displays, a holographic display was being shone on the walls of the ends of the oval, showing a view of the outside of the Holding Facility, which was still covered in darkness from the night. In the center of the room, a small platform, or a workstation, was poised over the ground, and it was about a third of the size of the room. The platform was held in the air by four arches that emerged from the walls, and it could be reached by two ramps that started at the back of the room on the bottom floor, and then made its way up the wall, and used a walkway to reach the workstation. It was from the platform that several Ribiyar were attempting to gun Jack down, along with the other aliens stationed at the consoles on the bottom floor.

  ​As Jack charged forward, shooting down the Ribiyar on the first level, the aliens on the second level fired a barrage of energy blasts at his team. Though most of the team was able to jump out of the way, several of the energy blasts stuck Lieutenant Fairchild all over his body, burning into his uniform and skin, causing him to collapse in pain.

  ​“Blitz,” Jack said, contacting him over the comm, “exit the Enforcer Pod and engage the Ribiyar in the Control Center. Focus your attack on the Ribiyar on the upper level.” The moment Jack finished talking, the ramp to the Pod lowered, and Blitz leapt out of the Pod and sped past the group, who were beginning to charge deeper into the room behind Blitz while Major Aru, who was the field medic of the team, attempted to stabilize Fairchild’s condition and treat his wounds. While Rogers burned several of the Ribiyar near the doorway, being careful to not let his flames go wild and damage any of the equipment, the rest of the group moved forward, exterminating any Ribiyar they encountered. Blitz jumped up onto the workstation above, and it lit up as he fired his machine guns. Parts of the Ribiyar stationed up there began to fly out of the workstations as Blitz’s machine guns blasted them off the aliens.

  ​With the efforts of the team, the remaining Ribiyar were soon neutralized. Jack quickly surveyed the Control Center and confirmed that all the aliens had been destroyed, which gave them access to much of the Holding Facility’s equipment, including its weapons and its computer core.

  ​“All right, Guardian,” Colonel Brown said, “it’s your time to shine. Link up to this computer core gizmo, and get us a win for the fight against the dome heads.”

  ​“Colonel Brown,” Major Aru called, as he stood up, “I’m afraid Lieutenant Fairchild’s injuries were too severe for me to stabilize. He’s dead.” Major Brown walked over to the officers, his appearance weighed down by his announcement.

  ​“You did all you could to save him, Major,” Brown responded. “We need to focus on our mission, and keep the Ribiyar from taking any more lives. Vade, I recommend you do what you need to do and get this thing started as soon as you can. I don’t know how long we can keep the Ribiyar away from the Control Center.”

  ​“Understood, Colonel Brown.” Jack jumped up to the workstation above, pressed his hands on the computer interfaces, and connected to the Holding Facility’s communication system, since his personal communication gear wouldn’t reach the Defender effectively from this distance, and modified the system so the Ribiyar couldn’t block or listen in on the conversation.

  ​“Vade to Defender, we have taken command of the Control Center, and I am standing by to create the link between the Defender’s computer system and the Holding Facility’s computer core.” Because of the complexity the Omega Virus, Jack would need to channel all his mental focus on the procedure, leaving him completely vulnerable to attack, which is why the remaining members of the team would be leaving the room and standing guard over the Ribiyar, who would be reaching the Control Center within moments. Because of the intensity of the computer link, it was possible that Jack’s neural circuits could be damaged from the strain of the interface, or his brain could even be completely destroyed, but Jack knew that this was the only way they could take over the Holding Facility’s computer core. The program was too complex for Jack to do himself, and it wouldn’t be potent enough to take control of the system. Also, the only way the interface could be established was a direct link with the computer from the Control Center, which Jack would be providing. There were no other options if they wanted to t
ake control of the Holding Facility.

  ​“We read you, Jack,” Captain Rickman responded over the comm system, “and we are now bringing the Defender closer to the Facility to provide optimal performance of our computer, and we will be in range within two minutes. But we must move fast. We have already lost the Tsunami to the armada of Ribiyar fighters, and the Ironclad has also taken heavy damage. Good luck, Jack. Captain Rickman out.” Jack placed his hands on the computer interface, an oval shaped screen placed in the middle of a balcony on the front of the workstation, and prepared to begin the interface.

  ​“Colonel Brown, I recommend that you take everyone but Blitz to protect the entrance to my right. Blitz can secure the other door.”

  ​Brown eyed Blitz skeptically. “You really think this little fur ball can hold those Ribiyar off by himself?”

  ​“Blitz could probably hold them off under normal circumstances, and with that Enforcer Pod, combined with his anger over losing Olo, I doubt they’ll stand much of a chance of overpowering him. I have programmed the computer to let you and the rest of the team enter the Control Center, so you will still be able to access the room in the event that I am incapacitated, and unable to open the door for you.”

  ​Colonel Brown nodded grimly, understanding the risk that Jack was about to take. He led the group to the door, which Jack had opened for them, and as he left, Brown turned to Jack and saluted him. “It has been an honor serving with you, Jake Vade. We couldn’t have done this without you. Good luck.” Jack returned the salute, and the group left the room, and the door immediately closed behind them.

  ​With little time before he had to initiate the connection with the computer, Jack turned to Blitz, who was sitting on a ledge on the back end of the balcony. “Blitz, I need you to use the Enforcer Pod and protect this room from any approaching Ribiyar. Do not exit the Pod unless ordered by one of the members of our group. If I should perish during the procedure, Colonel Brown, and whoever is left of our team, excluding Victor, is to be your new masters. Do you understand your orders?”

  ​Blitz meowed in response, and Jack assumed that was his way of saying he understood what was needed.

  ​“Good. Hurry to the Pod. I will close the door once you leave the room. Good luck, Blitz.” Jack rubbed Blitz’s fur, which had been stained with blood. Clenching his eye’s shut briefly from the realization that it was likely Olo’s, Blitz jumped from the balcony and boarded the Enforcer Pod, and as the ramp lifted up behind Blitz, the door to the room slid closed, leaving Jack alone in the Control Center.

  ​“Jack, we are now in range for the computer link,” Chief Lexton reported over the comm, “and we are standing by to initiate the link. Are you ready?”

  ​Taking a moment to gather his courage, he placed his hands on the computer interface. “Affirmative, Chief Lexton. Begin the procedure.”

  ​Energy bolts began to be produced from the nodes on his hands, and the energy arched off his hands and landed on the computer interface, linking him to the computer, just as he had first done on the Defender when he first took control of its systems. Unlike the first time, when he had to wait a minute before the process began, Jack immediately began to feel his consciousness begin to transfer into the Holding Facility’s computer core. Before Jack completely lost his hold on reality, he launched Recon to do what it could to stabilize his mental satiability, and add whatever processing power it could spare. The drone latched onto his back with its crane-like arms, and it began to hum as it rerouted power from its other systems to its computer processors.

  ​Jack braced himself as his vision began to blur and grow darker, and darker, until there was nothing but darkness.

  Location: Unknown.

  ​Two days had passed since the two commanders had met with each other, and they now once again conferred with each other in the dark meeting room.

  ​“Tell me, were you successful in gaining the support of our forces?”

  ​“I was. Fortunately, while many did not agree whether we can trust the aliens under attack of the Ribiyar, it was unanimously agreed that our forces should strike while the Ribiyar are preoccupied with the invasion of this planet. We have been given command of the fleets Qadron, Tronar, and Kepton to use in the fight against the Ribiyar. I have received word that they will be prepared to leave orbit tomorrow, and I recommend that we do everything possible to leave even earlier than that. We have a lot of space to travel across to reach the planet, and the Ribiyar are well into their invasion of the planet. If we are to save the aliens, we must move swiftly.”

  ​“Agreed. Alert the engineers in our fleets to prepare the engines for maximum thrust, and ask them to make any improvements they can to increase the speed without risking the integrity of the engines or the starships.”

  ​“I will get to it right away. If you need me, you know how to find me. Now, get some rest. We have a long journey ahead of us.”

  Location: Unknown.

  ​Jack opened his eyes to find that he was in a room exactly like the one he had found himself in when he had linked to the Defender’s computer core. Jack couldn’t see the walls or the ceiling in the room, and the room was also void of any light. Then suddenly, the room was covered in light, and as before, Jack turned to see a red energy form of a Ribiyar.

  ​“Kon kar cho?” Jack didn’t respond to the computer’s question, not that he understood it any way, but he readied himself for the imminent battle.

  ​“Par tu cho. Ko zepar.” The Ribiyar lifted his left hand, and a red beam moved over Jack’s body, attempting to determine what he was. Trying to defeat the computer before it realized he was a threat, Jack deployed his Laser Cannon and fired at the Ribiyar before the alien could finish its scans. The Ribiyar lifted its right arm in defense as the Laser Cannon burned into its armor, but before Jack could do more damage, the Ribiyar formed a sword twenty feet long and threw the sword at Jack, slicing through his Laser Cannon and rendering it useless.

  ​Just another sword materialized in the Ribiyar’s hand and it moved to attack, Jack saw another Ribiyar appear in the room, except this one glowed blue and had the Omega symbol on its chest. It appeared that this was the computer from the Defender, but instead of fighting against Jack like before, they now fought together against the Holding Facility’s Ribiyar.

  ​“Sep un tu qwar!” The blue Ribiyar yelled as it lunged toward the red Ribiyar while swinging its sword at its foe. The two swords clanged together as they struggled against each other, though the red Ribiyar quickly managed to overpower the blue one, shoving him down to the ground. Roaring loudly, the red Ribiyar began moving his sword downwards as the blue Ribiyar grabbed onto it and tried to hold it away from him.

  ​Jack activated his flight systems and sped toward the red Ribiyar, punching it with his right fist and knocked it a few feet away from the blue Ribiyar.

  ​“Listen to me!” Jack yelled to the Defender’s computer, “You have to use the Omega Virus now!” Jack barely finished talking when the red Ribiyar charged towards Jack and swung his left fist widely and threw him several feet away. Before he was able to get back to his feet, the two Ribiyar were already locked in brutal combat with their swords. Swinging his sword rapidly, the red Ribiyar knocked the blue Ribiyar’s sword out of his hand, and it then thrusted its sword into the blue’s chest. Jack feared the battle was already over, as he knew that strike would kill the computer, when the blue Ribiyar lifted his left hand and caught the sword. The red Ribiyar struggled against the blue Ribiyar’s grip, attempting to lower the sword into his foe, but the blue Ribiyar did not let him, moving his right hand on the red Ribiyar’s arm that was holding then sword. The blue Ribiyar then began to glow even brighter, and blue veins began to streak across the sword, and then up the red Ribiyar’s right arm. The red Ribiyar attempted to let go of the sword and shake free of its grip, so the computer would lose its connection to him, but the blue Ribiyar tightened his grip as more and more blue veins spread across his arm, and onto the
rest of his body.

  ​Just as Jack got to his feet and rushed to help his ally, the red Ribiyar was able to free his arm and his sword, and the alien swiftly jabbed his sword into the blue Ribiyar’s chest. The blue Ribiyar began to convulse violently, losing his grip on the red Ribiyar and falling to the ground, while the red Ribiyar kept its sword deep within the blue Ribiyar. The blue Ribiyar began to dissolve, growing dimmer and dimmer, but before he died completely, he reached out to Jack, who was now within reach, and grabbed him. Jack felt the Omega Virus within his system as he began to glow blue and the Omega symbol materialized on his chest. Just as the transfer was finished, the blue Ribiyar dissolved completely, leaving Jack alone to face the red Ribiyar, who raced toward him, swinging his sword wildly.

  Location: Outside the Control Center in the Ribiyar Holding Facility, positioned in the Atlantic Ocean.

  ​Blitz didn’t have to wait long before Ribiyar began to approach the doors of the Control Center. Dozens of soldiers marched in an orderly manner as they traveled towards the Center. They didn’t think it odd to see the Enforcer Pod standing by the door, since they likely expected a scout had already arrived and disposed of the intruders posted at the door, and awaited reinforcements before storming the Control Center.

  ​What they didn’t expect was that one of their enemy’s greatest warriors sat in the Pod, lying in wait to unleash its wrath upon any who approached. And now, the first unfortunate souls had arrived. It was time to strike. Before Blitz deployed his cannons and began his attack on the Ribiyar, he activated the audio emitters on the outer shell of the Pod to deliver the last sound the aliens would hear before the carnage, and their ultimate demise.


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