Luca: Sinful Shadows Mafia #1

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Luca: Sinful Shadows Mafia #1 Page 14

by Rylan, Savannah

  I snickered. “If your father understood all you knew, he’d have your head for it.”

  “Can’t blame a girl for being smart and using deductive skills. After all, I am college-educated. What did he expect?”

  “I can also tell you that we have a very specific partnership with a couple of other groups in the area to help drive out this threat. But, I’m not sure those partnerships will stay peaceful for long. Groups always get greedy for more. For more territory, or more clients, or more merchandise, or more control. Eventually, this will all implode. And I’m hoping no one gets hurt in the process.”

  “So long as you come out unscathed, I don’t care,” I said softly.

  I reached up and kissed Luca’s jawline before he looked down at me.

  “So, about this conversation you’ve had with your father,” he said, quirking his eyebrow.

  “Actually, I had it with both my parents. That’s where I was this morning. I didn’t want to disturb you when I got up because you were sleeping so peacefully. But, I got dressed and found them in the restaurant.”

  “Uh huh. And what was discussed?”

  “Well, for starters, I told them I didn’t want any part of the family business, so to speak. I didn't want to work in the restaurant for the rest of my life, and I wanted my independence.”

  He paused. “How in the world did your father react to all this?”

  “Oh, he wasn’t happy. Not by a long shot. But, we can to an agreement.”

  “You compromised with your father? I didn’t think he was capable of it,” he said.

  I giggled. “He is when it comes to his little princess.”

  “Ah, the princess card. Yep. That’ll do it to any man, or so I’ve heard.”

  “After a very interesting conversations where tensions ran high there for a while, we decided a few things. One, I’m going to law school to settle his mind about my future career.”

  “Wait, law school? I didn’t know you were interested in law.”

  “I don’t really talk about it with anyone because it’s one of those things that makes me look really weird. But, I’ve always been fascinated with those crime documentaries and real life unsolved whatevers. I adore the interviews of the lawyers, listening to them walk through the process of arguing their points of view and swaying juries. It’s really awesome to watch, and I can only imagine what it’s like to live. I figured out one of my father’s worries was that I wouldn't be able to support myself on my music alone. So, he’s paying for law school so I can have a degree that will help me support myself.”

  “What else did you two compromise on?” he asked.

  “He also wants to have a hand in picking out the place I purchase for myself.”

  “Wait, he agreed to you moving out?”

  I smiled brightly. “He did. Under two conditions. One of those being he has a hand in which place I pick. And two, he gets to install additional security as he sees fit. Then, I can have my music studio, do my music when I’m not working on law school, and I have to work in the restaurant part-time over Christmas and summer breaks.”

  “Sounds like you’re very happy about this arrangement.”

  “Oh, that’s not the best part, though,” I said.

  I leaned up and cupped Luca’s cheek as our eyes met.

  “They approve of us,” I said softly.

  I watched Luca’s eyes light up, but he was still apprehensive. I kissed his lips softly, feeling his arms wrap around me. He pulled me onto his lap as the swing slowly inched its way back and forth. And as I straddled his lap, he nuzzled his nose against mine.

  “I don't know what you’ve done to me, but I love you. You know that?” he asked.

  I reveled in the words before I captured his lips with mine in a searing kiss.

  “I love you, too,” I whispered.

  “Your father’s going to want to give me the rundown, isn’t he?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  “And he’s going to do it while shining a gun, isn’t he?”

  “Probably with two pointed at your head as well. But, that’s the compromise you have to make for being with me?” I asked.

  And when Luca smiled, I felt my heart soar with delight.

  “A compromise I’ll gladly make. So long as he doesn’t shoot me where I stand,” he said.

  “Don’t hurt me, and he won’t.”

  “Trust me, I’ve got no plans on doing that.”

  “Good,” I said, giggling.

  Then, our lips collided again in another kiss. With the summer breeze kicking up around us and the rustling of the tree leaves in the distance giving rise to the soundtrack of our love.



  Two Months Later

  “Mmm, something smells amazing in here,” Alianna said.

  “I’m cooking us up some Fiorentina steak with polenta. To commemorate your first official day of law school,” I said.

  “Please tell me you’ve got that chocolate mousse you make for dessert,” she said, groaning.

  I peeked over at her as she walked into the kitchen, looking completely frazzled from her first day.

  “I’ve got enough for you to have two great, big servings,” I said, smiling.

  “God Bless you,” she said breathlessly.

  “Rough first day?”

  She flopped down into the kitchen nook. “The campus is confusing, at best. I walked into two of my four classes late because, for some brilliant reason, a few of the 400-numbered rooms are on level six.”

  “Say what now?”

  “Yeah. Exactly.”

  “Well, sounds like you’re going to be having one of my portions of mousse.”

  “I want to douse myself in it and sleep the rest of the week.”

  I chuckled as I finished cooking up our dinner. I plated everything and poured us each a glass of bold red wine, then carried everything to the nook. It was easily my favorite part of Alianna’s new place. It overlooked a wondrous part of Manhattan without giving us the brunt of the evening sun.

  I enjoyed waking up to Alianna in this new place of hers every morning.

  “I think I need to get some new chairs for the porch that sits off my bedroom,” she said.

  “Don’t like how the wrought iron feels?” I asked.

  “It just doesn’t have any give. I’d like lounge chairs out there more than upright chairs. Especially first thing in the morning, before the coffee wakes me up.”

  “Honestly? They kind of make me feel like I’m about to fall on my face, too.”

  “Then, why didn’t you say anything!? This place is just as much yours as it is mine.”

  “One, no it isn’t. I don’t live here with you--.”

  “Though you should,” she murmured.

  I grinned. “And two, you need time to enjoy this space. You need time to set up your studio in that loft up there. Which looks fantastic, by the way. The Manhattan backdrop is going to be perfect for your videos.”

  “One thing at a time. Let me get settled into school first,” she said, giggling.

  I reached over and took her hand, stroking my thumb against her skin.

  “You’ve got this, Alianna. I know you do. You feel overwhelmed now. But, once you get into the swing of things at school, you’ll find a rhythm that’s comfortable. I promise.”

  “I know. I know. I guess I’d forgotten how much the very first day on a new campus sucks,” she said.

  “Well, it’s over. And it can only go up from here. Right?”

  “Right,” she said, smiling.

  “Good. Now, eat. You’re going to need your strength tonight.”

  “Oh? And why’s that?”

  But, all I did was wink at her.

  We gobbled down our dinner before busting out dessert. I crumbled up some chocolate crisps, filling the bottom of our angled cups with them. I dolloped the chocolate mousse in, making each of us extra-large cups of it. Then, I motioned with my head for Alianna to follow me as I mad
e my way out of the kitchen.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “Just follow me and enjoy the suspense,” I said.

  I walked us out to the living room where we were greeted with the floor-to-ceiling windows. I positioned Alianna in front of me, then wrapped my arm around to hand her the dessert. She gazed up at me, bending her head back to take me in upside down. And as I grinned down at her, I offered her the first bite from my own cup.

  Then, I let the chocolate intentionally slide against her cheek.

  “Uh oh. You made a mess,” I said.

  She giggled before she hummed over the dessert. But, nothing could have compared to the groan she let out the second my lips fell against her skin. My tongue darted over the chocolate. I tasted the saltiness of her skin against the sweetness of my dessert and my cock instantly hardened.

  “Luca,” she whispered.

  Then, I let my chocolate-laden spoon trail down her chest.

  Soon, our desserts were abandoned on the hardwood floor. I coated her skin in it as I stripped her down, licking her and sucking at her skin. I wrapped my lips around her nipples, tasting the cookie crumbs I’d dolloped there. She ripped my clothes over my head, her fingertips dancing against the thick rings of my abs as the sun set, giving way to a night that matched the glimmering darkness of Alianna’s gorgeous hair.

  “Luca, please,” she moaned.

  “Don’t worry. We have yet to break in these windows. And I have every intention of doing so,” I said.

  I fisted her ass cheeks and hoisted her against the glass, causing her to squeal and giggle. I dipped down, carrying her with me. Sliding her slowly down the glass before I leaned back, feeling her fall against me. I grabbed the mousse-covered spoon and painted her tits with it. Her neck with it. Her lips and her cheeks with it. And after I dropped the spoon back to the floor, I threaded our fingers together. I pinned her wrists above her head.

  I gazed upon the most incredible view I’d ever seen.

  Backdropped by the expanse of Manhattan.

  “I love you so much,” she whispered.

  I captured her lips softly, groaning at the taste of the chocolate.

  “I love you, too,” I murmured.

  I slid my cock effortlessly into her body as my lips traveled along her skin. I slowly rolled against her, sweeping my love for her along her body as I sucked against her neck. The chocolate path I’d carved out for myself had her shivering within seconds. Her pussy fluttered around me, pouring juices down my balls that soaked my thighs. She bucked against me. She ground her hips against my tight curls. I swiveled my hips, opening her folds for me as my coarse hair tickled her clit.

  She giggled and jumped. Gasped and whimpered. Groaned and choked on the sounds of her own pleasure. My cock ached against her walls. I felt it already weeping with a need for release. And as my lips fell around her nipples once more, sucking and tugging and enjoying my true dessert, I felt her quiver against me.

  “Luca, that’s it. Yes. Yes. Yes! I love you. I love you. I love you so--so--much.”

  I slammed into her one last time, pressing my body against her sticky skin. I captured her lips in a passionate kiss. One that ended with my tongue sliding across the roof of her mouth. Our teeth clattered together as I released her hands, feeling her wrap her arms around me. Feeling her nails rake down my back as she marked me the way I marked her. My hands pressed into the glass. I rutted against her, a wild animal marking its forever mate. My cock pulsed once. Twice. Three times, before it poured into her.

  “Oh, Alianna. I love you so fucking much.”

  Thread after thread of hot, sweet arousal filled her as her pussy milked me for all I had. I stumbled away from the wall, knocking over our mousse-filled glasses as my legs gave way. I stumbled over to the couch, falling against its cushions. And as Alianna straddled me, her lips fell against mine. Her body trembled against mine. Her pussy pulled me deeper, drenching me in her juices as the smell of her womanhood wafted around my head.

  “I don’t want anything other than this,” she whispered.

  I opened my tired eyes. I gazed into hers as she cupped my cheeks. I captured her lips, holding her kiss until the strength in my legs finally came back.

  Then, I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom.

  I settled her back against the bed. I gazed into her eyes as I slid my thickened dick back into her body. She groaned with delight. Her eyes rolled back as her legs locked around me. And together, we moved as one. Moving and bucking and moaning and groaning. Until sweat dripped down my brow and her entire body glistened with a gorgeous sheen. I couldn't stop kissing her. I couldn’t stop making love to her. I pulled out and flipped her over, sliding in front behind and watched her ass jiggle for me.

  “Oh, Luca. That’s the spot, baby.”

  “I’m not nearly done with you yet, gorgeous.”

  I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her upright. I raked against her back, feeling her reach for handfuls of my hair. I massaged her breasts. I tugged on her pert peaks. I slid out from between her legs and whipped her back around, her back collided with the mattress. I tossed her legs over my shoulders. I eased myself into her swollen pussy. I folded her in half, pinning her underneath me as I gazed into her widened eyes.


  “That’s it.”

  “Luca. Holy shit. Fuck me. Oh, yes baby.”

  “Come for me again, beautiful. You do it so well.”

  “Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit,” she chanted.

  And before I knew it, the two of us fell over the edge again. Shaving and trembling. Murmuring how much we loved one another as her legs slid off my shoulders. I collapsed against her, feeling her shaking arms wrap around me to comfort me. To cradle me. To hold me close the way I always did with her at night.

  I wanted to keep going. I wanted to make love to her all night long. I didn’t want us to stop until three in the morning, after she finally begged me to stop.

  But, I was spent.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  “I love you, too,” she murmured.

  She kissed the shell of my ear before I rolled off her body, then reached out for her. I pulled her into my arms, relieving her of the mess we’d made as my cock slipped out from between her thighs. She snuggled deeply into me. I heard her giggling as I captured her leg between mine. The perfect pillow to sleep with as I wrapped my arm snuggly around her waist.

  “You know, I can clean out a dresser for you. If you’d like to keep some of your clothes here,” Alianna said.

  “Is that so,” I said.

  “Mhm. And, I mean, the bathroom’s got a double vanity. Might as well get yourself some toiletries to keep here, too.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “It would be convenient. Keep you from always having to haul stuff from your apartment to here.”

  “I mean, it could be convenient,” I said.

  “Mhm,” she hummed.

  “And I don’t suppose it would do any harm. You know, so long as I didn’t completely move in.”

  “Yet, at least.”

  I smiled as I kissed her bare shoulder, watching goosebumps appear against her skin.

  “Are you happy?” I asked.

  And when she craned her head back to find my eyes, she reached back to cup my cheek.

  “I never thought happiness like this was possible. Until I met you,” she said softly.

  I chuckled. “You’re everything to me, Alianna. I hope you know that.”

  She nodded. “I do. I promise.”

  “I hope you know I’m in this for the long haul. Whatever that long haul brings.”

  She smiled brightly. “I know that, too.”

  “Then, I hope you know I have every intention of asking you to be my wife one day. When the time is right.”

  She moved away from me, shifting around before sliding her leg between my thighs again. Tears crested her eyes as we shared the same pillow, her lips coming to capture
mine. The kiss was sweet. Tantalizing. It had my body revving for a third round before we fell asleep in one another’s arms.

  But, Alianna beat me to it. She rolled me over, lying against my body as her legs straddled my pelvis.

  “Then, know that I’ll say ‘yes’, when the time is right,” she whispered. “And I can’t wait for that moment.”

  Want to know what happens next?

  The next book, Eli, releases in September!

  About Savannah Rylan

  Savannah Rylan is a romance writer that spends most of her time writing and reading with her cat, Gris. When not penning the next great American novel, (HA), you can find her on the beach with a drink in her hand or at the gym testing out some strange new position. Yoga, obviously. She lives in Southern California with her husband and Gris, the true love of her life.

  You can join her mailing list here!

  Check out her website!

  About Kasey Krane

  Kasey Krane is a tattoo artist living in the beautiful (and hot) state of Texas. She enjoys drawing but writing has recently become a new passion for her. Especially when it's too damn hot to do anything outside. Whiskey neat is her drink of choice and she's never met a truck she doesn't like. Enjoy her bad boys, she sure does.

  Sign up for her mailing list here!

  More Books by Savannah Rylan


  Texas (The Lost Boys MC #1)

  Stone (The Lost Boys MC #2)

  Bronx (The Lost Boys MC #3)

  Notch (The Lost Boys MC #4)

  Jace (The Black Hornets MC #1)

  Maverick (The Black Hornets MC #2)

  Duke (The Black Hornets MC #3)

  Colt (The Black Hornets MC #4)

  Thor (The Black Hornets MC #5)

  Jagger (The Black Hornets MC #6)

  Knox (Dead Souls MC #1)


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