Chasing the Renegade

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Chasing the Renegade Page 6

by Bonnie R. Paulson

  He ducked his head, slightly angling to the side. When their lips met, this time without pressure or expectations, Treya inhaled sharply. The contact blazed through her mind. She deepened the kiss, grateful that Jasper let her lead instead of taking control of the situation. The control he relinquished left her empowered and she didn’t second-guess herself as her other hand wrapped around his neck to clasp the fingers of her hand already in place.

  The flutterings in her stomach didn’t diminish. If anything, Jasper’s lips moving on hers seemed to increase the activity.

  She hoped he wasn’t staying for her, and yet, a part of her hoped he couldn’t leave because of her.

  As they pulled apart, Treya wasn’t sure if he was staying because of her or the other way around. If she wasn’t careful, they’d both lose sight of their goals.

  Chapter 11


  Jasper ran his hands down his face, determined not to stay up that late again. He had to convince Treya to get together with him at a normal time, even if they stayed at her place. Those late nights were messing with his attempts to get back into the ranch life. When you lived on the land, your days and nights were ruled by daylight.

  As much as he enjoyed going over and hanging out with Treya, he also needed to get rest. He’d have to bring it up the next time he saw her.

  Rolling over in his bed at Bailey Ranch, Jasper studied the square of sunlight from his window as it shone on the opposite wall. After the earth-shattering kiss Treya had planted on him the night before, they’d sat down to eat like nothing had happened.

  It wasn’t their first kiss, so Jasper shouldn’t have been surprised at the sparks from their contact, but it was so much better than the first time by the creek. He didn’t like admitting it, but he was growing more attached to the blonde imp than he’d originally planned.

  What would happen when she found out he was a Bailey? She didn’t seem like she was wrapped up in the feud or the situation surrounding it, but she kept asking when he was leaving. Maybe she didn’t want him there anymore. Maybe she’d thought of him as temporary like he’d been thinking of her.

  How many more times would she ask when he was leaving before he’d say he wasn’t? He wasn’t leaving. He was moving back to Bailey and he couldn’t help feeling like she was trying to get rid of him.

  Blast it all, he was getting attached to the Smythe girl and that just wouldn’t do. He had to do something to get her out from under his skin, but so far, everything he’d tried had ended up complicating things further.

  What if, when she found out who he was, she never wanted to see him again? That was a very real possibility and one he needed to prepare for. How would that make him feel? Did he want to take the chance that she would hate him? Or maybe, she wouldn’t care and he could actually hope that there was something in the future for them.

  Or maybe… she’d act on her dream and leave Bailey and he’d be stuck there without her, but with memories of her to taunt him.

  No. He couldn’t see her again for a little while. He had to first figure out just what it was he wanted. Had his plans changed? Had the things he wanted changed? No. He still wanted to move back to Bailey and he wasn’t ready to make waves with a Smythe woman. Or any woman. He didn’t want anything too committed.

  He laughed at himself as he sat up from bed. Anything too committed? Which would be different from what he was doing with Treya already? Seeing just her. Spending time with just her. Not even considering anything else?

  As Jasper pushed himself to get ready for the day, he accepted that his thoughts weren’t going to let Treya get too far from his mind – again. For the most part, she occupied his thoughts every day, even if it was just in the back while he thought of other things. She distracted him and Jasper had to agree with her confession from the night before. She was irritating him and he didn’t want her to stop.

  Striding down the hallway to the stairs, Jasper grinned at the sound of Titus and Abby’s voices in the kitchen. He followed their teasing tones and walked in on Titus with his arms around Abby as he tried to get a muffin she held behind her. She giggled.

  “You guys might need to do that in a house that isn’t full of men.” Scooting a stool back, Jasper sat down at the bar-style counter and watched as they pulled apart.

  Abby arched an eyebrow as she held onto the muffin and stared Titus down. “Titus seems to think because we’re married that entitles him to whatever I have. That isn’t the case, Mr. Bailey.” She wagged her finger at him. “This muffin is mine. I saved it from yesterday’s brunch.” She turned toward the utensil drawer and pulled out a butter knife. “However, I can be persuaded to give you half.”

  Titus’s eyes widened. “What do I need to do?” He stepped closer, obviously hoping she would trade him for a kiss or something equally intimate.

  Jasper held up his hands. “Okay, that’s gross. Enough. Do that in your own time.” Shaking his head, Jasper reached out and claimed a honey crisp apple from the fruit basket Abby stocked up for everyone to eat as they wanted.

  Abby sliced the muffin in half and handed over part to Titus. “Anyway, so as I was saying, Treya is worrying me.” She glanced at Titus and missed the look of surprise on Jasper’s face.

  “What’s going on?” Jasper couldn’t help asking. Treya wasn’t a common name and Abby had expressed concern. Was there something Jasper needed to know?

  “Abby’s cousin, Treya, is seeing some secret guy from out of town. No one knows who he is because she’s keeping it a secret, but another cousin said that she’s making plans to leave Bailey and join this guy wherever he’s from.” Titus took a bite of the muffin and closed his eyes. “These poppyseed are my favorite. Thanks, love.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek.

  Blushing, Abby glanced at Jasper. “The problem isn’t just that no one knows who this guy is, but that Treya obviously trusts a complete stranger. What if he’s up to no good? He wants to take her away from her home and for what? We can’t be sure what he’s up to or even if Treya is going to be safe, if we don’t know who he is.” She considered Jasper a moment, and then narrowed her eyes. “Do you know anyone leaving town any time soon?”

  Since Jasper wasn’t planning on leaving, he didn’t have to hope he was lying convincingly. “Nope. I know I’m sticking around a while. What about you, Titus?” Jasper redirected his gaze to his brother, wondering just how much he should tell them. Was it any of their business that the out-of-towner was him?

  He wasn’t sure it would do him any good.

  “The only people I know are Baileys. With the exception of you and Liam, Bailey’s don’t leave Clearwater County. We just don’t. Sorry, sweetheart. I wish I had an answer for you. Maybe I can ask some of the guys to see what they can find out. It might be good, give them something to do.” Titus finished his muffin and eyed the other half still in Abby’s hands that she hadn’t yet eaten.

  Seeing the way he stared at the muffin, Abby sighed. “Here.” She handed the muffin over and patted the counter as she looked at Jasper with her lips twisted wryly to the side. “Well, there goes my muffin.” But she didn’t look to concerned as she peeked at Titus from under her lashes and he kissed her with a smack on the lips.

  Somehow Jasper and Treya’s secret relationship wasn’t so secret and Jasper wasn’t sure what would happen when things came to light.

  He wasn’t sure he cared much what the town thought. It was more along the lines of what Treya would think. They needed to talk more about the feud before he came clean about who he was.

  A part of him knew that once he told her he was a Bailey and he wasn’t leaving town, he’d lose her. And that was something he wasn’t sure he was ready for. Even though he only wanted a temporary relationship with Treya, had planned on only that, he couldn’t help the feelings stirring in him that maybe he wanted more.

  If they both wanted to stay in town, that wouldn’t be a problem – maybe. But Treya wanted out and she wasn’t being too secretive on tha
t fact.

  How could he be with her when the last place she wanted to be was the only place he could call home?

  Chapter 12


  “What is going on, Treya?” Her mom sat beside her on the bench outside of the clinic. Holding a paper plate filled with a Rueben sandwich and fries, Judy turned to face Treya as if they were in a private room and could talk openly. Her question wasn’t casual and her tone suggested she wasn’t going to give up unless Treya started talking.

  Not interested in the food she’d brought herself, Treya set her lunch container to the side and folded her arms. The days were starting to cool and Treya feared she’d only have a few more lunches outside the clinic before she’d have to start eating in their employee lounge which was little more than a glorified supply closet.

  “I’m not sure what you’re asking, Mom.” Treya wasn’t ready to talk, but maybe she needed to. She might need someone to tell her what to do since she had no idea herself.

  “Debra showed up at my place yesterday while I was hanging out with her mother and she shared the rumors going around about you.” Her mom arched an eyebrow and popped a French fry into her mouth.

  “Rumors about me? What are you talking about?” Treya had gone out of her way to date Jasper in secret. There shouldn’t be any rumors that had anything to do with her. She’d done everything she could to make sure of that.

  “The ones saying that you’re secretly dating some guy no one knows. Is that true?” Treya’s mom eyed her with suspicious hope. “I mean, I hope you would tell me if there’s a guy in the picture. I would love to meet him.”

  Holding her hands up at chest level, Treya pulled back. “Whoa, just a minute. If I’m dating someone in secret, don’t you think maybe there’s a reason for it?” Which there was a reason, Treya just wasn’t sure it was a good enough one anymore. After her mom tilted her head to the side with an expression on her face that made it clear she had no patience for games, Treya sighed and stretched her head back.

  “Fine, yes. I’m dating someone. It’s not a big deal and you better not tell anyone. I don’t need it getting back to him that I was talking about us.” Us. What a weird way to think about her and Jasper. She’d been trying so hard not to define them that she’d failed to notice when they’d turned into us.

  Delight widened her mom’s eyes and she half-bounced on the bench. “I’m so excited. Okay, so what’s the plan? Is he going to stay here, are you going to visit him? What does the relationship look like long term?”

  Treya shook her head, her elation drizzling away. “Actually, I’m not sure if he’s leaving or not. I thought he was staying for me, but I’m not sure I’m staying.” She bit her lip as she realized she had to tell her plans to her mom or she’d worry.

  “What do you mean, you’re not sure you’re staying?” Studying her, Judy set the plate down and leaned an elbow against the back of the bench.

  “I thought for the longest time that the only way I could leave Bailey was if I went with a man. Until recently when I realized I don’t need anyone else. I can go on my own.” Treya swallowed and then filled in the unasked question burning in her mom’s eyes. “I love it here. I do. It’s just, I want to go somewhere where everyone does not know my name. I want to disappear into a throng of people. I want options to go out and eat, not just Smythe restaurants or Smythe stores. I don’t want to be limited in my job or my activities because of my last name. You know?”

  Treya needed her mom to understand. She needed someone to understand because the more time she spent with Jasper, the more out of touch with her dreams she became.

  After a moment, her mom nodded. “I understand. I never left because you were still there. I always wanted to travel places, but I wasn’t sure I should.” She shifted her gaze toward the empty street. “There are streetcars in San Francisco that I want to see. I want to go on a ferry and I want to go on a plane.”

  “I didn’t know any of that.” Treya stared at her mom who finally turned her gaze back to her daughter.

  “It’s hard to talk about dreams when you’re not sure if they’re possible or not. Have you been looking into anything? Are you considering staying because of this guy?” The questions from her mom didn’t seem invasive or even limiting.

  “There’s a job in Seattle I’m looking at. I’m not sure yet, but I think I could make a go of it. I have a bunch of money saved up and I just want to try something.” Even if she didn’t get the job, at least she could say she’d tried.

  “That’s all you can do, Treya. Try. Don’t let this guy sway you from your dreams.” She reached out and patted Treya’s knee.

  “Don’t worry, Mom. He’s not ready to commit either. I think we’re keeping it a secret because there really isn’t anything to share.” She picked up her bag of chips and put one in her mouth to prevent any more lies from leaving her lips.

  The problem was, Treya didn’t want anyone else ruining what she had with Jasper. While she might not say there was nothing to share, that wasn’t true. She had a feeling if he asked, she would do whatever he wanted and that terrified her.

  “My break’s up. I’ll talk to you later.” Her mom waved at her as she rushed back to the deli with her uneaten lunch.

  After a minute, Treya gave into the urge to hear Jasper’s voice. She pulled out her cell and pressed his name in her contacts list.

  He picked up on the third ring. “Hey, how’s it going?” He didn’t say her name which meant he was probably with someone else.

  “Hi, I just wanted to say… hi.” She laughed, certain she sounded like an idiot. “What are you doing today?” She might get off work early and wanted to suggest that they retry the date down by the creek.

  “Well, hi back. I’m with a realtor right now. Can I call you back this afternoon?” He held his tone casual and friendly.

  “Of course, that works. Talk to you later.” Treya hung up before her throat could constrict all the way.

  A realtor? He was with a realtor. The only reason you met with a realtor was because you were looking to sell something or buy something. That was it.

  Since he was from Alaska, he wouldn’t have anything to sell. He was buying. Why would Jasper want to buy land or a house unless he was planning on staying in Bailey?

  How could she love him, if he was staying there and not taking her away?

  Treya lowered the phone to her lap and covered her mouth with her free hand. She stared in shock, unseeing, at the gravel-strewn road. Love? She did not love him. She couldn’t. He wasn’t leaving. He wasn’t taking her with him.

  If she was falling for him, that would mean her dreams would be in danger. If he was staying there in Clearwater County, and she left, she’d be leaving him behind. How was it possible that he was staying where she wanted to escape? How was it possible to love someone who wanted such different things than she did?

  Chapter 13


  Stretching his arm behind Treya on the futon couch, Jasper pulled her close against his side as they watched a version of Wyatt Earp he hadn’t seen before. They shared a bowl of popcorn and a box of chocolates he’d brought earlier that evening.

  When Jasper had asked Treya to go to the movies with him, she’d suggested they turn the night out into a night in. He couldn’t argue it was much more relaxing with her snuggled against his side.

  Sitting up, Treya glanced at him, her hair pulled back in a braid. “Do you want anything else? I need some water. I made the popcorn too salty.” She stood and pushed pause on the remote to her DVD player.

  “I’m good, thanks.” Jasper dropped his feet from the coffee table and leaned forward, careful to ignore the emptiness at his side as she left. Her laptop had been left open on the table but the screen had long since gone dark beside a stack of papers. “I’m going to move your stuff to the dining table. I’d hate to get anything on them.” He could easily imagine the water spilling and ruining her things. He didn’t want to see that happen.
/>   “Okay, thanks.” Treya moved around in the kitchen and Jasper couldn’t help relishing the purely domestic sensation in the moment.

  He grabbed the papers and the laptop, hitting a button with a thumb. While he carried it to the table, the computer woke up, the screen going from black to an internet window. Jasper wasn’t snooping, but he couldn’t help noticing a Seattle employment agency home page as the last thing she’d looked at. Unable to fight his curiosity, he scanned the writing on the top page of papers as he set them on the table.

  She’d taken notes on dates and times and job requirements. Jasper wasn’t sure but it looked like she’d picked out some jobs to apply for.

  In Seattle.

  “Um, Treya?” He attempted to squash the sick feeling rising up in his gut at the thought that she was leaving. Where had that come from?

  “Yeah? You want some water now? Too late, I already got you some.” She rounded the counter, a grin on her lips that could make his heart double-beat. She moved toward the coffee table and sat on the futon, turning to wait for him to join her. “Ready?”

  “What is this?” Jasper motioned toward the work she was obviously doing to get out of town. Maybe she did the research for a friend. Or maybe Jasper was just avoiding the truth because it hurt.

  Treya cocked her head to the side and then glanced behind him at the computer. Understanding dawned and she folded her hands in her lap. “I’m looking at jobs in Seattle. I need to get out of here. I’ve told you this already.” Trepidation made her bite her lip as she stared at him.

  “What’s in Seattle? I mean… it’s so far away.” Jasper returned to his seat beside her, but didn’t feel like wrapping an arm around her. He wasn’t sure what was going through his head, but his heart burned and he suddenly wanted to jump on a horse and ride away. He couldn’t control what she did, but he was slowly losing himself in her.


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