Life After Humanity

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Life After Humanity Page 21

by Gillian St. Kevern

  “I think,” Hunter said, in tones that were impossible to ignore, “that Councilor Wisner has filled our quota of empty posturing for the night. Instead, I propose a quick solution to all our challenges. If Nathan and Julian agree, of course.”

  Julian narrowed his eyes, but Nate turned to Hunter. “Me against him?”

  Hunter smiled. “You are so marvelously direct. But yes—I propose a battle of wills. If Julian can compel Nathan, I will cede my place on the senate without a word. If he cannot, then I propose that we get on with business.”

  There was a stir of interest. The vampires seemed to approve.

  Julian hesitated. “You will not interfere?” He looked at Ben. “Either of you?”

  Hunter held his hands up. “Neither of us can loan our power to a human. You know that.”

  He can’t be serious. Leaving Nate to this— Ben struggled to think past the vampire’s overwhelming desire to throw Julian to the floor.

  Nate placed his hand on his arm. “I am sure you were looking forward to cutting loose,” he said. “But I got this. Trust me.”

  Trust me. Ben let the words settle over him. He looked up, found Nate was watching him. His hazel eyes showed no fear, only certainty.

  Ben smiled. “You’ll make it up to me. Later.” He walked over to join Hunter.

  “Nathan is in agreement,” Hunter said. “Julian?”

  The vampire pressed his lips together and nodded.

  The vampires drew back, leaving Nate and Julian standing in a circle before them. As Julian took a step toward Nate, Ben felt his stomach clench. If anything happens to him—

  Hunter laid his hand on Ben’s shoulder. “Have no fear,” he said, his voice low. “Nathan is a remarkable discovery.”

  Julian raised his chin. His eyes flashed with insolence, and he stood with full awareness of his power. “Kneel,” he commanded.

  The air in the ballroom grew heavy. How had he not noticed how stale it was? The power lacing through it made it feel heavy, like they were trapped in a much smaller room. Ben resisted the urge to shift, to find some means of escape. I’ve faced much stronger vampires. He wondered how old Julian was? He must have got lucky and surprised an older vampire. Although he had the strength of decades, he had not yet learned to hide his ambition.

  Nate shifted, the slight movement bringing Ben’s attention back to him. The vampire in him sprang to the fore. It wanted to snarl a threat at Julian for even daring to bring his power to bear on Nate. He will regret this—he will regret this very much.

  Nate took a step forward.

  A ripple went through the watching crowd.

  Ben fought a growl. Every one of the watching vampires was tuned to Nate. Every sign of weakness would be noted and analyzed, its owners waiting for the first chance to take advantage of it. Every one of them was hungry—

  I will fight them all, fang and nail. Ben’s thoughts were fast and confused. They will learn not to even look at him—

  Hunter’s hand tightened on his shoulder in warning.

  At the same time, Nate’s head snapped up. He took a step toward Julian. “You kneel.”

  Julian was so startled that he took a step back and stumbled. His clumsy footsteps echoed in the complete silence of the hall.

  Hunter smiled. He looked to Genevieve and Allard, who inclined their heads and turned without another word into the meeting room. This time, Hunter joined them without comment, and another five vampires filed in behind them.

  Julian was the last to enter. As he passed Ben, he shot him a venomous look. “I’m not letting this go.”

  “I think a vampire who can’t compel a nonvampire should think twice about making threats.” Ben smiled pleasantly at him.

  The doors were shut behind the council members, and the remaining vampires and their companions turned away with a sigh. After a moment, a desultory conversation sprung up, but it was clear that many considered the highlight of the evening had been reached.

  Ben took Nate’s arm in his, pulling him toward the door. “You have a lot to learn about vampires—”

  “Am I about to learn?”

  How dare he sound so—pleased with himself! The vampire spun around, intending to let Nate know just how seriously he had pushed his patience—and found the waiter hovering at their elbows. “What is it?”

  The waiter took a step back. “In accordance with the instructions I received from the manager, I put Mr. Fujino into a taxi just as the situation started to get tense. There’s a second taxi waiting for you.”

  The vampire paused. He was not so gone with anger that he couldn’t see the advantages of waiting to get Nate out from under the eyes of the remaining vampires before educating him. “We’ll take it. Our…thanks to the manager.”

  NEW CAMDEN SPED past beyond the taxi windows, a blur of neon lights and glimpses of scantily dressed people outside clubs or lingering in the glow of street lights. And wherever there was light, there was shadow, made even darker by the contrast.

  There was good hunting in those shadows, favored by those who preyed on New Camden’s human population. Another night, and the vampire would have itched to be out there, hoping to assuage the pain he carried in the thrill of the hunt, and the knowledge that he’d done, if not good, then less bad.

  Tonight, his prey was much closer. Nate cast a look at the driver in the rear view mirror and then slid across the back seat. He placed his hand on Ben’s arm. “So—”

  “So?” The vampire looked up with a chilling reprimand but, instead, found himself struck by how dark Nate’s eyes looked in the unlit cab, and how close his mouth was.

  “I had the impression,” Nate spoke quietly, leaning in to Ben, “that you had quite a lot to say to me.”

  The vampire growled. If Nate thought he could tell him what to do— He gripped Nate’s shoulder, holding him in place as he kissed him roughly.

  Nate gasped. Serves him right. The vampire did not try to gentle his fangs, pursuing Nate’s mouth single-mindedly. Nate would have to look out for himself—

  Nate did. He moaned, leaning in to Ben, his fingers clutching at Ben’s shirt, drawing him close. Their mouths met again and again. Each time the vampire, who did not need to breathe, found himself breathless, given a taste of something warm and necessary but just out of reach. Need pulsed in him and, with it, a heightened awareness of Nate’s presence. In the close confines of the taxi, he filled the vampire’s senses with his peculiar smell of drying grass and fresh leaves. And beneath it, faint but growing, the salty scent of arousal.

  The vampire pressed his fang against Nate’s neck, not breaking the skin, but enough so that Nate would feel it and recognize it. He felt the shudder that went through Nate, and he sank back against the car seat, struggling to undo his tie. Perfect. The vampire took the tie from him, undoing it easily, and then bent to his work. He kissed his exposed skin and worked his way down Nate’s neck, lingering on his collar bone before making his way up the other side.

  Even if he hadn’t known how sensitive Nate’s neck was, Nate’s reaction would have shown him. His eyelids fluttered shut and his mouth, usually so articulate, fell open. He clutched Ben’s shoulders, his body jerking as Ben progressed over his skin. “Fuck, Ben. You—”

  The taxi came to a stop, jerking them both back to awareness of their situation. “We’ve arrived,” said the driver.

  The vampire handed his wallet to Nate and climbed out of the car without another word.

  He was astonished at himself. How had he let himself be so distracted as to let his guard down in front of a complete unknown? True, he would have detected any supernatural influence in the man, but many of New Camden’s supernatural element employed humans as spies, trusting their brethren would overlook them. I have been careless—and it is his fault.

  The one saving grace was that unless the driver had supernatural qualifications, he would have seen only Nate making out with someone imaginary. The vampire’s lip curled. The idea of anyone thinking less of
Nate did not sit well with him. He looked back at Nate, climbing out of the cab.

  Nate straightened up. He turned toward Ben, automatically seeking his gaze. The suit, rumpled by their journey, looked right on him. The jacket lay open, and at some point, half of the shirt had been tugged loose. The vampire found his gaze drawn to the tie, hanging loosely around Nate’s neck. He was immediately visited by an intense need to mark the clear skin at Nate’s neck. Only when his fangs cut into his own lips, did Ben realize he had bared them.

  This man is dangerous. He watched Nate’s approach through narrowed eyes, taking in the cocky walk, the assurance of his gaze—how many men dared look directly into a vampire’s eyes, knowing what they faced?

  He withstood compulsion. The vampire frowned. He’d never been able to command Nate. It was one of the things that had made him so special. The fact that Nate was able to resist Julian was unexpected—but good. I will claim him in other ways. Make him understand that he is mine—

  Nate keyed in the password to the automatic door, holding it open for Ben. “What now?”

  The vampire raised an eyebrow at the inquiry. “Now?”

  “We have the night to ourselves. Aki’s back home, I got the night off Century…” The elevator arrived. Nate stepped into it but made no move to press the button to his floor.

  The vampire was amused. He stepped into the elevator. Seizing the ends of the tie, he used them to tug Nate’s mouth down to kissing level. Nate gasped, his body straining toward Ben’s—but the vampire held himself perfectly still, not giving him the contact he wanted. If I am to keep my head, I must take control. “We will wait till we’re inside my apartment to discuss this.”

  He stepped back, noting the ripple that went through Nate’s body as he stood, pausing to readjust his trousers. The vampire felt a sense of triumph. It will not be hard to control one who craves it.

  As soon as they were within Ben’s apartment, Nate’s hand dropped to the curve of Ben’s ass. “You want—”

  The vampire turned to face him. “I will tell you what I want—in good time.” He saw appreciation flicker in Nate’s eyes. “You will wait for me in the bedroom.”

  Nate made no protest. He found his way across the living room and hit the bedroom light, illuminating himself as he stood in the doorway. Only when he’d stepped out of sight into the room did Ben move.

  He locked the front door behind them, sliding all three bolts home and testing his wards. They held true. Then, he hurried to what had been his father’s office. Among the tools of his trade, his father had kept a bottle of wine, a present from a grateful client—there! Ben took the bottle from the shelf and wiped off the dust. He inspected the label critically and decided it would do. He went to the kitchen for a couple of glasses.

  While he made his preparations, a portion of his mind dwelled on Nate. What was he doing as he waited for Ben? Was he thinking—as the vampire was—of what he intended? He hurried to the bedroom. Anticipation was one of the vampire’s weapons, letting need grow to overwhelming limits before making his move. But Nate—Nate was unpredictable.

  When the vampire slipped into the room, he found Nate’s suit jacket and trousers, neatly folded and hanging off the edge of Ben’s bedside table, his socks and shoes next to them. Nate stood in shirt and boxers, leaning out of the open window. The faint perfume of his plants floated in on the warm evening air. As the door clicked shut behind Ben, Nate turned. His eyes dropped to the bottle of wine and his mouth curved. “This a special occasion?”

  “I intend it to be—memorable.” The vampire was pleased to see that Nate had left the tie draped around his neck. “Shut the window.” With anyone else, those three simple words would have had the effect of a command they could not disobey. Nate could—but chose not to.

  Nate took a last deep breath of the night air before closing the window. “I don’t know if I even need the wine. There’s something in the air—I feel half-drunk already.” He turned toward Ben. “I’m guessing that’s you. You’ve got no idea how hard it was to keep a straight face at the vampire meeting, when every time you opened your mouth all I could think about was getting you alone.”

  The vampire placed the wine bottle and glasses on the bedside table and sat on the edge of the bed. Part of him gloried in Nate’s blatant admission of need, but he knew from past experience that Nate’s very enthusiasm was a source of his danger. “You made yourself conspicuous. It’s not wise to attract the attention of so many vampires. They’ll be wondering about you now.”

  Nate shrugged, running a hand through his hair. “I can’t help that. What was I supposed to do—leave you and Hunter hanging?”

  The vampire frowned. He did not have an answer to that—and he did not like that Hunter had been included in Nate’s motivations. He stood, holding out his arms. “Come here.”

  Nate grinned. He held Ben’s gaze as he sauntered over, standing in front of him. He ran his hands up and down Ben’s sides, stroking him beneath the suit jacket.

  Ben took the ends of the tie in hand and tugged Nate down to meet him for a kiss. Their mouths met in the same exploratory rhythm of Nate’s hands, but the vampire sensed a growing need in his companion. His mouth quirked up in sudden understanding. He left the tie on purpose, hoping I’d use it. Nate enjoyed when the vampire took control of their encounters. So I shall give him what he wants—and remind him that he is mine all at once.

  The vampire stepped back, stretching his arms out. “Undress me.”

  Nate’s smile was immediate. “I love it when you get all authoritative.” He ran his hands down Ben’s front, before undoing his suit jacket buttons.

  “I know.” A disquieting thought cut through the vampire’s satisfaction. “Did you know that Julian would be unable to compel you?”

  “I was pretty sure I could stand up to him.” The suit buttons undone, Nate stepped behind Ben. He pressed his mouth to Ben’s neck, tonguing it as he slipped the jacket off. When he stepped back, the vampire felt the loss of his body heat with regret.

  He turned to watch Nate search for a hanger for his jacket in the wardrobe. “What made you sure?”

  Nate put the suit jacket on the hangar, draping it over the end of the bed. He approached Ben again, settling on his knees on the ground before him. “When Hunter showed up at Century, he didn’t just ask me where you were.”

  The vampire felt Nate’s fingers on his belt buckle and the warmth of his skin with only half his attention. Nate wasn’t able to resist Hunter’s compulsion before… What has changed? “How?”

  Nate placed the belt on the bed. He glanced up at Ben, his fingers searching for the button on his trouser fly. “You know how I’ve been practicing using my powers? I imagined myself a tree. Solid as an oak, with roots deep beneath the ground, where Hunter could never see them.” His smile lingered, even as he pressed his lips to the fabric covering Ben’s erection.

  Ben rocked on his heels, pressing against Nate’s mouth. His mind raced. He did not realize that he’d placed his hand on Nate’s shoulder until he looked down. “You—” He swallowed. He did not like this sudden threat to his mastery. “Could you resist me?”

  Nate placed his hands on Ben’s hips, and Ben felt his warm breath through the cloth as he breathed in deeply. “I don’t want to. You’re everything I want, Ben—”

  It was more than he’d ever imagined he could have, more than he’d even dared to hope for. But it was not enough for the vampire. “And if I wanted you to resist?”

  Nate looked up, startled, his fingers poised to undo Ben’s fly. “What?”

  The vampire stroked his cheek. “Do not touch yourself. Do not come. Not until I let you.”

  Color rushed immediately to Nate’s cheeks. He licked his lips, the vampire noting with satisfaction that his breath shook. “Ben—”

  Was that a plea? “You can’t do it?”

  Nate’s eyes glittered darkly. He raised his chin. “Try me.”

  The vampire exulted.

nbsp; Chapter Twelve

  NATE’S HEART BEAT fast. His words—“Try me”—seemed to hang in the air between them. Ben hadn’t moved, but Nate felt how tense his stillness was.

  He ran his tongue over lips that were suddenly dry.

  It was as if he’d turned a switch. Ben bent to him, gripping his chin and turning it up firmly to meet his mouth. His kiss was hungry, and he didn’t seem to care that his fangs pressed into Nate’s skin.

  Nate barely managed to repress a moan, but he was sure that Ben was fully aware of the effect he had on Nate. I’m in so much trouble. Ben was hard to resist in any circumstances, but when he got the urge to take control, he was on fire.

  Ben released him. Nate sat back on his heels, digesting the rush of lingering sensation—and then realized that Ben was talking to him? “Sorry, what?”

  Ben’s smile bared his fangs. “Remove my trousers,” he ordered. “Then lie on the bed.”

  Fuck me. Nate’s hands fumbled as he tugged Ben’s trousers down. They’d played this game before—but not with the vampire involved. That gave the encounter a level of danger that had Nate’s heart beating rapidly. He dared not think about his cock, pulsing with the same beat and demanding attention. Have to get my head in the game! If he gave way before Ben too easily, there’d be no need for further encounters.

  As Ben stood and stepped out of his trousers, Nate saw his chance. He moved back, putting some distance between them as he folded the trousers. He let his gaze rake over Ben, standing there in shirt and briefs. Nate’s mouth was dry, but he resisted the urge to swallow. Instead, he let his gaze linger pointedly on the evidence of Ben’s own need, the bulge just visible through the shirt.

  He saw Ben’s fingers twitch. Fighting an impulse to cover himself?

  Nate sauntered to the bed with confidence and settled himself on his back on the bed, leaning against the headboard. He felt the tie slide off and let it go. He had his hands full already. His fingers itched to stroke his cock, but he settled for running them over the smooth surface of Ben’s sheets.

  The vampire gave no sign of his interest, but the fingers undoing his tie struggled unnecessarily with the knot. Nate felt a rush of satisfaction. He shifted, ostensibly making himself comfortable, raising one knee and letting his hand dangle from it. He kept a close watch on Ben’s reactions.


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