Life After Humanity

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Life After Humanity Page 42

by Gillian St. Kevern

  “Denise wants to see me.” It was rare that Denise demanding his presence in her office was a relief. She was notoriously strict when it came to the safety of her workers. There was no way she would take the news of Nate’s evening well. But compared to Aki, obviously worried…

  Aki narrowed his eyes. “I think it’s a really dumb idea,” he said. “Seriously stupid and you shouldn’t even consider it. But why listen to me? I am only your best friend. Stupid me, for wanting you to take care of yourself!” He flounced off, heading for the club and within seconds was lost from sight among the club-goers crowding the dance floor.

  Nate stared after him. He had no idea what Aki was referring to, only that his friend was genuinely worried. He remembered his feeling of that afternoon, and a shiver crept down his shoulders. Maybe Aki’s right. Maybe I should stay out of it.

  Too late for that, the feeling whispered. Nate remembered the dead man’s eyes fixing on him. He began to climb the stairs.

  Nate had spent so much time in Denise’s office that he found his way automatically. He knocked and pushed the door open. “I’m here.”

  “Take a seat, Nate.” Denise stood at her desk, dressed in the pastel-green suit that was her trademark. She folded her arms across her ample chest as she subjected Nate to an intense examination, very similar to the one he’d just received from Aki. “Gunn has just informed me why you missed the start of your shift. You are not hurt in any way?”

  Nate shook his head. “Shaken, but fine.”

  The first time Nate had met Gunn, he’d been sprawled insolently across Denise’s sofa. Now, he sat up straight, his hands resting on his knees. “Nate’s safety was never in question. Three Department Seven officers including myself were ready in the event he was threatened.”

  But sharing that info would have spoiled the witness? Nate looked to Denise for permission to sit and at her nod helped himself to an armchair. “It’s not that the revenant tried to attack to me that I mind. It’s that it happened at all.” Nate hesitated. The necromancer’s reign of terror over New Camden had claimed many victims—among them Denise. Broaching the subject was the last thing he wanted to do, but how could they avoid it? “If Peter is back, more people are going to die.”

  Denise’s expression sharpened, like a string pulled tight. “We were told the necromancer was dead.”

  “Unfortunately, death is not as permanent as it once was.” Gunn’s eyes flickered over Denise speculatively, but he clearly decided against saying anything. “Especially to a someone who specializes in death like a necromancer. It was always a possibility that Peter left behind some means of resurrection. If that’s the case, he just had to wait for some fool to trigger it.”

  Nate stared at Gunn. Denise did not like talking about her death. As a lemur, Gunn must sense that. A prime chance to get under her skin…and he’s ignoring it? Nate looked from Gunn to Denise, conscious that something was off.

  If Denise noticed Gunn’s restraint, she clearly wasn’t impressed by it. “Do you know for a fact that is what happened?”

  “No. And that’s why we need Nate.” Gunn nodded to Nate. “I asked Denise if I can hire you.”

  Nate froze. He liked Gunn just fine—usually—but this was more than he was prepared for. I didn’t think Gunn liked me like that—liked anyone like that! The lemur gave the impression of being more interested in women. “I, uh...have to think about it.”

  “Of course Nate needs time to consider.” Denise sat on the edge of her desk. “Assisting Department Seven is a serious undertaking. You can’t guarantee his safety.”

  “Maybe not,” Gunn conceded. “But he’ll be safer with us than he’ll be on his own—and your clientele will be safer if Nate’s not here.” He leaned forward across the coffee table. “If Peter is back and he’s targeting Nate, where is he going to go to find him? He knows where Nate works. On the other hand, with Nate assisting us, we can track him down, contain him, and neutralize him much faster than we could otherwise.”

  Oh, thank God. For a terrified minute, Nate had thought Gunn wanted him for his sexual skills. “What do you mean, assisting Department Seven?”

  Gunn smirked at him. “We’ll make you a special officer. You’ll come with me and Kenzies as we look into this. We need your knowledge and your powers.”

  Nate looked at his feet. “It’s my powers that started this.” He bit his lip. “That’s why Peter’s targeting me, isn’t it? Because I killed him.”

  “Best thing you ever did.” Gunn patted his jacket, searching for a cigarette case before remembering where he was. He sat up, trying to pass the gesture off as nothing. “You also tracked him down when the entire city couldn’t find him anywhere. It’s my hunch that you’re the key to this—and maybe you’d cause less trouble if you were in on our plans.” He grinned at Nate’s discomfort. “Just a thought.”

  Nate flushed. His attempts to help never worked out how he intended them. “I wouldn’t have to have a gun or anything?” As a country kid, Nate knew how to shoot. But the idea of carrying a gun in a city made him seriously uncomfortable.

  Gunn shook his head. “No gun, and you would always be accompanied by one of my team. Keeping you safe, the city safe, and trying my patience less.”

  Gunn has patience? “I don’t know. I mean, there’s my work here to think about.” Nate was indentured to Century. He couldn’t see safety-conscious Denise agreeing to the plan.

  “Officer Gunn has considered the financial side of things.” Denise’s tone was cool, giving no hint of what she thought.

  Nate looked suspiciously at Gunn. “And?” It was highly likely that Gunn, considering the financial strain that being co-opted by Department Seven would put on Nate, would be even keener to use him.

  “The city is willing to foot the bill.” Gunn slouched back against the back of the sofa, resting his battered boots on the coffee table. “Can’t afford your full rate, of course. But in the circumstances Denise was willing to make us a deal.” Gunn suddenly collected himself, sitting up with a speed that would have been comical if he wasn’t one of the more terrifying people that Nate knew.

  “You approve of this, Denise?”

  His boss’s gaze rested on him. “If it’s what you want to do, then yes. But only if it’s what you want to do.”

  Nate stared at the floor. He wasn’t an investigator. He had been completely lost at the crime scene. Yes, he wanted to help people, but his track record in that area was not great. This is only the start. There are going to be more deaths. I can’t get involved.

  But I can’t ignore this either. Gunn had come to him for help—and Gunn didn’t ask for help from anyone. That meant that he truly believed they needed him. Nate raised his head. “Okay. I’ll do it.”

  Gunn got to his feet. “Good man. I knew—” His phone buzzed. Gunn glanced down at it and his expression darkened. “I have to take this.”

  It wasn’t until Gunn left the room that Nate realized a large part of the tension he felt was the officer’s presence. He breathed out. What have I gotten myself into?

  “Agreements made in the presence of a supernatural with power are not legally binding.” Looking up, Nate saw Denise watching him closely. “If you have second thoughts, I’ll tell Gunn you are unavailable.”

  It was tempting, but Nate shook his head. “No. If there is a chance I can stop Peter before anyone else gets hurt, I have to take it.”

  Denise pursed her lips. Her vivid red lipstick was too close a reminder of her bloody death for Nate’s comfort, but Denise refused to let death change her. “Just remember that you’re important too, Nate. You’re not responsible for the necromancer.”

  Nate ducked his head. He couldn’t look Denise in the eye. “I’ll remember.” He glanced at the door. “I’d better find Gunn.”

  Gunn paced the corridor, listening intently to the person on the other side of the phone call. “Yeah. Yeah. I got it. Put all units on full alert and inform the mayor. I’ll be there as soon as I can.�
�� He hung up as Nate approached. “Ready to roll?”

  Nate nodded. “Didn’t you say we needed to stop by the department first?”

  “No time.” Gunn strode down the hall toward the stairway, forcing Nate to jog after him. “Welcome to the life of a Department Seven officer. No rest for the wicked—or anyone else.”

  “Something’s happened.” A feeling of dread settled over Nate’s chest. “Another death?”

  “Not yet—but something tells me it’s only a matter of time.” Gunn took the stairs two at a time. “Someone’s only gone and robbed the Registry.”

  Nate scrambled to keep up. “You mean the place where all the records of New Camden’s supernatural are kept? Why would anyone want to do that?”

  Outside in the street, Gunn paused to fix a siren to the roof of his beat-up car. “I can think of a dozen reasons. None of them good.”

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