Summer Rose

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Summer Rose Page 12

by Bonnie K. Winn

  Shane shrugged. “I’m not sure. But I haven’t been sure of him since the day he first turned up in town.”

  “Why do you suppose he came way out here?”

  “Maybe back home nobody took much notice of him. Probably thought he could be a pretty big man in a little town like ours.”

  Cassie turned toward the house, dismissing Albert. “You have a beautiful home.” The pillared veranda was long and sweeping while the huge columns flowed upward as though capable of holding up the vast Texas sky. Huge old oaks shaded the house; outbuildings and well-tended corrals surrounded the barn.

  “My family’s proud of what they built,” he admitted, gazing at the graceful structure.

  They should be, Cassie thought. The structure rose up amidst thousands of acres of isolation with as much grace as the Parthenon. The wide double doors were flung open, and Cassie could see the curving banister and steps of a huge stairway. She itched to tour the house and peek into all the grand rooms, but unfortunately an outside cookout was outside.

  Turning away slightly, Cassie spotted Millicent. “I believe I’ll talk to Millicent for a moment.”

  Instead of walking away to join his friends, Shane fell into step beside her, watching Ringer and Millicent as they faced one another talking. “I guess Ringer’s pretty sweet on her.”

  Cassie glanced at Shane in surprise. “Is there anything in this place that’s not public knowledge?”

  “Nope,” he answered companionably.

  Sighing, Cassie continued forward. At the same time, Millicent moved to sit down. Apparently wrapped up in Ringer’s words, she failed to judge the distance to the tree stump. Cassie’s hand flew to her mouth. Proper, dignified Milly was about to land on her derriere in front of Ringer and all the townspeople. Cassie started to rush forward, but Shane beat her to it. Running forward, he sat on the tree stump, reached forward, and pulled Millicent onto his lap.

  Blushing, she sputtered in surprise.

  “Sorry, old man,” Shane said to Ringer. “But with two such lovely ladies around…”

  Millicent unseated herself from Shane’s lap, realizing she’d been about to make a fool of herself. But before she could verbalize her realization, Shane spoke again. “I guess she really does prefer you to me. My loss. I guess I’m stuck with the ornery one.”

  Taking Cassie’s arm, Shane led her away from a still crimson Millicent. But the embarrassment in Millicent’s eyes had faded, replaced by gratitude.

  “It seems you’ve a habit of rescuing all of us. Does that mean I’m next?” Cassie asked.

  Shane scratched his chin in consternation. “Don’t know about that. Might be kind of interesting to watch you land with your skirts flying.”


  The days after Shane’s cookout seemed to pass in a whirlwind of activity. Cassie and Andrew had to retrain the flock to follow their most dependable dog, Pepe, instead of Cassie. Her blisters had been a week-long reminder of the ridiculous hike with the flock. In addition, Millicent found herself battling an onslaught of locusts in her garden, so she, Cassie, and Andrew all pitched in to build tentlike covers to protect the tender seedlings. At the same time, it seemed every sheep in the flock individually wandered off and got lost. Long days of riding and searching left Cassie exhausted.

  When she was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, she longed again for the peace of her meadow. Slipping away from the ranch, she rode to her sanctuary, relishing the serenity that eased over her like the mist from a gentle tropical rain.

  Reckless with abandon, she pulled the boots from her aching feet and tugged at her cotton stockings. Barefoot, she sank into the cool grass. With her toes curled deliciously in the green carpet, Cassie gazed at the endless panorama. For the first time since she’d discovered her hideaway, she sensed a restlessness.

  Glancing around the flowery expanse, Cassie wondered what seemed different. She had no one to share her joy in the meadow. It hit her with force. Before, she’d automatically shared what little she had with Andrew and Millicent. But Andrew was growing away from her, and Millicent now had Ringer to share her special moments. A picture of Shane’s crinkling smile surfaced in her thoughts. Her mouth curved upward—it was Shane she wanted to share her happiness with.

  Her smile lingered as she remembered Shane’s deft handling of the boys at the barn dance. And those incredible stockings and the garter he had presented to her! Softening, she realized her trust in him was growing. When she pictured his face in her mind, she thought of his kindness when he’d taken her to visit Victoria, saving her pride and aching feet. What a complex man he was.

  Unexpectedly, her mind skipped back to her last exchange with Shane at his cookout. A slow smile enveloped her face when she thought of his last comment to her. She felt the beginning of a blush tinge her cheeks, wondering what might have happened if they’d had a moment alone together. But they hadn’t. Suddenly she sat upright.

  Gazing around, Cassie realized she had the perfect spot to bring Shane to, one that wouldn’t be invaded by Millicent, Andrew, or any one of the dozens of people on the Lancer ranch. But could she control her emotions once she had the privacy that beckoned her? Caution fled. It was time she dared to find out.

  “This is it,” Cassie stated softly, reining her horse into the wildflower-filled meadow.

  Shane didn’t answer, instead dismounting and walking over to her horse to help her down.

  Surprised, Cassie caught her breath as she slid against the hard contours of his body. Laughing shakily, she moved away quickly, hoping to put some distance between them.

  Despite being drawn to Shane, Cassie had lectured herself against any sort of relationship with him other than friendship. She must have been crazy bringing him here. If she’d melted like a late-winter storm when they were surrounded by a barn full of people, why had she expected to be able to remain in control when they were alone?

  Belatedly realizing her folly, Cassie bent her head to inhale the pungent aroma of pricklepoppy.

  “Careful, they smell fine but they’ve got a powerful kick.”


  Shane picked one of the podlike seeds. “There’s enough narcotic in one of these to make you do most anything.”

  “Anything?” Her question was tinged with a devastating mixture of naïveté and flirtation.

  “Almost,” he responded briefly, as one of his hands reached up to remove her hat and allow her hair to tumble out in breathtaking disarray.

  Cassie reached up to refasten the errant locks, but Shane’s other hand grasped her arm before she could do so.

  “Leave it.” His voice was low, commanding. She stilled her arm, leaving it in Shane’s grasp. Dropping her hat to the grass, he used both arms to pull her close. She thought for the briefest of moments of resisting. But somewhere in the back of her mind she was prompted by the realization that this was what she’d hoped would happen.

  For a moment Shane simply savored her closeness and inhaled the sweet smell of violets wafting from her ebony hair. He knew what dangerous ground lay ahead. It was now devilishly hard to remember that his pursuit was only to gain Cassie’s land. As he held her in his arms, Shane knew he’d veered off his vengeful course. It was time to turn back, to protect himself against the emotions she stirred within him.

  But first, one last kiss. One last touch. Gently, he smoothed the hair that wisped about her face, savoring the softness of her skin. The kiss, which he intended to be light and meaningless, instead deepened. Her lips, soft and pliant, met his lovingly. Holding her close, heart to heart, he could feel the ragged beat that matched his. Expecting her to pull back, Shane was amazed when instead she willingly and naturally returned his embrace.

  Unprepared for her response, Shane couldn’t pull away. He meant to, had fully intended to. Instead he lifted her into his arms and laid her gently amidst the profusion of wildflowers that carpeted the meadow.

  She offered no resistance when Shane outlined the contours of her
face with a gentle hand. The once ivory skin had darkened becomingly to a light honey from hours spent outdoors. The vivid color of her eyes and the redness of her lips beckoned as he kissed each enchanting feature.

  He felt as much as heard her sigh with pleasure. Emboldened, Shane unfastened the buttons of her shirt, exposing the lace of her chemise. Cassie didn’t stop him as he continued to seek out each pleasure spot. When his lips dared to light on her nipples, still covered by the chemise, Cassie’s eyes flew open in shock.

  Replacing his mouth on hers, Shane instead used a gentle hand to massage the breast in his hand. He imagined what their tips must look like. Were they soft and dusky or rosy pink and full?

  Cassie moaned softly beneath him, and Shane knew he didn’t want to guess anymore. He unfastened the remaining buttons on her shirt, slid it carefully off her shoulders and down her arms, then tossed it aside. The chemise held his attention now. His mouth suddenly dry, Shane grasped the lace ties holding the flimsy garment together. With a few tugs the chemise parted.

  Shane almost gasped aloud. Here her skin was still ivory, crowned with dusky peaks. When the air reached her bared skin, the nipples stood up proudly. He couldn’t resist their urging. Slowly, reverently, he kissed the throbbing flesh, his hands roaming down her sides and over the breeches that still separated their bodies. He felt Cassie pull away, her hands flailing to cover her exposed flesh. Capturing her shaking hands, he kissed each finger, lingering as he turned her palms upward, caressing the sensitive lines of each hand.

  “You’re beautiful, Cassie. More beautiful than I ever expected.”

  Cassie’s body seemed to relax, and her hands, no longer trembling, now rested on the grass by her sides. Then, feeling her shudders of unexpected desire, Shane slid one hand over the mound still protected by barriers of cloth. Cassie’s legs tightened abruptly, effectively blocking his advances.

  “Do you want me to stop, Cassie?” Shane’s hands had halted their exploration.

  She shook her head, finally emitting one word: “No.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded, barely breathing.

  Shane reached for her, and she moaned when his hands began to massage her through the breeches. Suddenly impatient, Shane itched to unfasten the line of buttons that stood between them. Ever so carefully he eased off her boots and cotton hose.

  Then with great care he reached for the fastening of her breeches. Cassie’s eyes flew open, and her expression was a mixture of fear and longing as she fought with herself to trust him.

  “Cassie, we can stop now…” His hands stilled immediately, but his assurances dissolved her uncertainty, and she no longer wanted to protest. Reaching for him, Cassie kissed away his words. She thrilled to his touch as he threaded his fingers in the masses of hair that spilled into his hands.

  Still, the fear of what she was allowing to happen surfaced momentarily. What would her mother have thought of her, lying wanton, nearly naked in a field of wildflowers? What had happened to years of rigid self-control and restraint? Shane quickly erased those thoughts as he skillfully stroked her bare skin.

  His hands unfastened the final buttons to her breeches, and when he pulled her hips close to his, she was breathless with anticipation. Shane quickly shed his clothes and pulled her length next to his.

  Struggling to remember that she was crossing a line that could not be reconstructed, she almost reached out to stop him. But with a will of their own, her hands instead fastened on the rippling muscles that corded his lean torso.

  Dimly she felt his hands grasping the fastenings to her pantalets. Only the ivory linen garment remained, and suddenly she couldn’t wait for it to be removed so that she could feel Shane’s naked skin upon hers.

  A sudden apprehension gripped her. What if he didn’t find her attractive? Her doubts vanished when she read the desire in his eyes and felt the quickening of his breath as he surveyed her body. The past months of hard work had left her body hard and muscled instead of softly voluptuous. But Cassie knew, as she gazed into his eyes, that she pleased him.

  When his mouth descended upon hers, she felt his desire and his pleasure. He probed her mouth gently, tasting greedily of all she offered. Gradually, he trailed kisses down her neck, tantalizing her with their softness and fire. As he once again reached her breast, she found her own breath quickening as he tasted hungrily first of one and then the other nipple.

  The grass pushed against her back while his hands roamed over her body, as though memorizing each plane and curve. Cassie felt his hands stroke her inner thighs, and she trembled, lost in the sensations he created. When Shane reached the tousled curls at the joining of her legs, she felt another moment of panic and clamped her thighs together. Remembering horror stories of the incredible pain that should accompany the act, she tried to twist away. But his mouth claimed hers as he gently but insistently probed between the folds of that sweet flesh. Soon she unclenched her legs and gave in to the incredible sensations his hands offered her. She felt a sudden unfamiliar dampness and an instant overwhelming sense of embarrassment.

  As though sensing her exact feeling, he reassured her, “This is how it should be, Cassie. It means I’ve pleased you, and that pleases me.”

  Shane reveled in the sweetness of her sigh of acceptance. He’d longed for this moment—even dreamed of her surrender—but suddenly he drew back. This moment had to be freely given, knowingly offered. With a light touch he cupped her face in his broad hands.

  “Are you sure, Cassie?” He probed the velvety depths of her amethyst eyes until he found the answer he sought.

  “Very sure.” Suddenly the reasons were no longer important. Neither moral decadence, pain, nor threat of shame mattered now. Her body felt as though it had waited a lifetime for what he offered. She could wait no longer to discover this final mystery.

  Words escaped her as desire took control. Shane remained poised above her, searching her face as though memorizing every detail for eternity. Then, when each moment seemed suspended endlessly, Shane broke that final barrier, filling her completely, joyously.

  Cassie gasped briefly at the sudden pain, but the wonder surpassed the pain, and the joy surpassed the wonder.

  Every stroke, each movement brought an aching level of pleasure. As Cassie shyly then proudly moved in tune with Shane’s lead, it was an orchestration of spirit, of soul, of love.

  Drenched in a love-soaked sheen, Cassie found herself spiraling upward, as though searching, seeking. With Shane’s every movement, every stroke, Cassie found herself reaching closer to the vortex she’d never known. She gazed into the gold flecks of Shane’s eyes, and he seemed to be searching her face for something…

  At the brilliant shattering she gasped in wondrous delight, and they both soared as the diamonds of creation floated earthward.

  Shane tried to remember the purpose of his actions. Instead he rolled over to tell Cassie not to have regrets. The passion in her eyes stopped him. Her sultry gaze of pleasure pierced him, and his body responded immediately. He watched as Cassie’s eyes fell on the evidence and then widened, staring back at him.

  “Can we do that again?” she asked hesitantly. “So soon?”

  He chuckled at her naïveté. Her sweetness unnerved him. Sobered, he realized she had given her most precious gift. Yet there were no recriminations, and seemingly no regrets. A protectiveness surged within him as he gazed down at the softness of her trusting eyes. Violet pools of unsullied desire beckoned him.

  “Again and again,” he whispered, caught in the web of her exposed emotions.

  Nuzzling her fragrant hair, he stroked her silky skin. Regret tore at him like the icy shards of a killing blizzard. Once again, he’d been able to set aside the past. But for how long?

  Pulling back a moment, he gazed into her loving face and slammed the doors on his tormented thoughts.

  “Again, Cassie. Again.”


  Cassie’s stomach clenched in anticipation when she hea
rd the sound of a wagon rumbling over the hill toward their pasture. Although three weeks had passed almost uneventfully since their day in the meadow, she had expected to see Shane at any time.

  She’d been shocked but grateful when Evan had come by to offer his help. At first she’d refused. But at his insistence he’d reinforced the corral and helped her with the shearing shed. She knew Evan split his time between her place and the Lazy H and wondered when the issue would come to a head with Shane.

  It was apparent that Evan was sweet on her, but her gentle attempts to discourage him had been unheeded. In many ways he was so like Shane, yet so different. Still, she knew from past experience that a crush was harmless—and temporary.

  The disappointment she felt at Shane’s absence had overshadowed her other problems. Cassie had thought that after their lovemaking she would have seen him sooner. She ached to see him again, to feel his touch. But as each day rolled around with no visit from him, she’d come to realize that perhaps even he had tired of his game. Common sense told her she was lucky. The pretense was past. But her damned heart couldn’t seem to grasp the idea, much less her traitorous body.

  Did he think she was tarnished now? A woman who gave away her favors without even a promise of love, much less marriage? Her heart ached at the thought. But what else was keeping him away?

  Apparently Shane hadn’t known before their special day that she’d hired Brady away. But she hadn’t had any repercussions because of his defection. Cassie also knew Shane wouldn’t have stayed away because she’d hired one of his hands. He was more likely to confront her than back away. She didn’t delude herself into thinking he’d just forget the matter, however. Hiring away a borrowed hand no doubt violated another part of that mysterious unwritten code she faced every day.

  Straightening up, Cassie abandoned the dipping mixture while she watched the wagon roll into sight. She tried to squelch her disappointment at the sight of Victoria’s unbonneted head and perky face. If it couldn’t be Shane, however, Cassie couldn’t think of anyone she’d rather see.


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