Ancient Protector

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Ancient Protector Page 11

by Katie Reus

  “I’m fine. I don’t know what he wanted. I think he was vampire though—he flashed his fangs and he had supernatural strength. I could have taken him,” she said, almost admonishingly.

  He didn’t care. She was his to protect.

  “That is definitely too overcooked.” Axel came to stand next to them as he eyed the charred lump of remains. “Did you recognize him before jackass here went all Firestarter?”

  Lachlan narrowed his gaze but didn’t bother looking at the lion.

  Star still watched Lachlan too even as she responded to Axel. “Maybe he recognized me. It could have been just a weirdo fan. He didn’t say much before…poof.”

  “God knows you get enough fan mail from psychos,” Axel muttered.

  Lachlan frowned, this knowledge unsettling. “You do? What kind? Who sends you—”

  “Dude, you’re starting to heat up again.” Axel took a step back and Lachlan realized that he was indeed starting to breathe out smoke.

  Shite. He ordered his dragon to calm down so he could talk rationally to his female. The idea of psychos sending her messages or…anything, made him want to hunt them all down. Hunt, kill, then raze their homes to the ground.

  “Look, people have sent me a lot of strange messages over the years. Mostly harmless. Weird, but harmless. We have had a couple real threats. Or they would have been real if I was human. We’ve taken care of all of them.” There was a bite to her words that eased his dragon back a bit.

  “Well since we can’t do an ID on the guy or even check to see if he had a freaking wallet on him, we have no idea who he was or if he was working with Oscar,” Axel said, giving Lachlan a sharp look of disapproval.

  Yeah, Lachlan really should have thought that through better. But he’d simply reacted, which wasn’t like him. He was an Alpha and he was ancient. He had control over himself. Or he had until Star—until a woman who reminded him so much of his long-dead mate—had walked into his life.

  “There’s not much we can do here,” Star said quietly before giving him a pointed look. “And you can’t very well run around the streets naked.”

  Oh, hell. He’d completely shredded his clothes and shoes in his shift, and she was right. “Fine. Let’s head back to your place. I’ll shift and follow after you.”

  “That’s not necessary.” Her words were stiff.

  “And yet it’s happening.”

  It sounded like Axel stifled a laugh as Star glared at him. Without looking at Lachlan again, she shrugged, then spun around and gave him a view of her very perfect backside. “The skies are free. If you want to follow after me, be my guest.”

  “I will.” His dragon would follow her to the ends of the earth.

  Chapter 14

  King used the shadows across the street from the abandoned warehouse to blend in as he approached it. Supposedly this was where a pack of rogue wolves had taken up residence. And according to rumors, they’d been harassing a local vampire coven.

  Right now he was trying to keep the peace between a multitude of species, all mourning, while simultaneously rebuilding his city back up and making sure they came through this tragedy stronger. And if a bunch of wolves were harassing vampires or even targeting them, it could easily destroy the fragile trust he’d started to build with the majority of vamps here.

  Vampires, just like wolves, were under his protection, and he would destroy anyone who sought to sow discord. This was his territory and he owed it to his people to keep the peace. It was the only way life would get back to a semblance of normal. He looked over at his packmate Delphine and motioned for her to go around back.

  She simply nodded and disappeared into the darkness.

  He stuck to the shadows, and remained in his human form as he made his way across the street. There were more than a few warehouses down here that he had plans for, but as he was currently rebuilding other parts of the city and making sure everybody had basic necessities like shelter and food, the building of this area would have to come later.

  Hell, he wished he didn’t have to sleep or that there were more hours a day for all that he wanted to do. It was too much and there wasn’t enough time in the damn day.

  As he neared one of the boarded-up windows, he could hear low murmuring inside. Multiple voices. Male and female. This was definitely the place. Their stink was all over the exterior.

  King’s wolf was just underneath the surface, his eyes definitely glowing, so he kept his gaze down as he climbed the exterior wall of the warehouse. There were a few open windows high above and he was going to use them to enter. They would realize he was here soon enough, but until then he wanted a small element of surprise. Other than Delphine and him, the rest of the crew were going to remain outside until he needed them. And they would know if he did. But he was an Alpha; if he couldn’t handle a bunch of rogue wolves on his own, he didn’t deserve to run his own pack, much less an entire city.

  At this point in his life, every decision he made had to be calculated, to an extent. He had to be strong. Always. If anyone sensed any sort of weakness, it could destroy everything he and his people were working to build.

  Once inside, he silently walked along the rafters until he found a ladder along the wall. He could have easily jumped down, but this way was quieter.

  “I don’t like the idea of using bombs,” a male voice rumbled. “It’s such a human thing to do.” Disgust laced his words.

  “True enough, but it will have maximum impact. We need people scared. Humans are already terrified and we need to create more fear.”

  King’s wolf pushed at the surface. Bombs? No doubt about it. These fuckers were going to die tonight.

  “We’ll blame it on the Cheval coven. Make it clear they were behind everything. Then the humans will go after the vampires during the day and the vamps will retaliate.”

  King listened for a few more moments as the fools argued with each other about which act of terror was better before casually stepping out of the shadows. “So you foolish little pups want to cause strife in my city, to take over my territory.” He didn’t bother to raise his voice—he didn’t need to.

  The interior went quiet, the cluster of about a dozen wolves turning to face him.

  The leader stepped up immediately, making it easy to identify him. Good. King would make sure he lived. For now, anyway.

  “And targeting vampires?” King sighed, as if bored already. “It’s a little prosaic.” He took another step forward, his movements casual. His leather jacket hid his short sword, though he didn’t need the damn thing to take out these shifters. He might use it though because he didn’t relish the idea of ruining his new jacket. And his wolf was not in the mood to come out and deal with these weaklings.

  “You’re not fit to be Alpha,” the dark-haired male with dreads snarled.

  “Is that right? And you are?”

  “You’re working with dragons and vampires. And witches,” he spat. “Witches.”

  “Not that I owe you an explanation, and not that any of you are going to survive the night, regardless, but I’m looking at the bigger picture. Something your peon brains can’t comprehend. You want the city to devolve into what, anarchy? You’re a pup with no concept of the world, of how bad that will be for everyone. Yourselves included. Or maybe you’re just so goddamn selfish you don’t care. Witches will help us rebuild. It’s all for the greater good. And this new world has no room for your bigotry and foolishness.”

  “You think you can take us on?” Now the other wolf laughed, the sound bouncing off the walls.

  King snarled low in his throat. “I know I can.” And now it was time to stop talking.

  The other male stepped forward, his hands curling into fists, showing off a fist full of gaudy rings. “You’re not even a hundred years old.”

  He was over a hundred, actually. But King had gotten that his whole life. He wasn’t strong enough because he was too young. He was a bastard who didn’t even know who his father was. And what kind of wolf
abandoned his own pup? He must have been a weak, unworthy pup. Or his skin was too dark. Yeah, yeah. He’d heard it all. Same shit from a different fool.

  King drew out his sword, the swishing sound making a soft, singing echo throughout the warehouse. God, he loved that sound.

  The male in front of him sneered as he looked at the sword. “You can’t even shift?”

  King didn’t respond. His wolf only came out to play for real threats and these morons weren’t worth its time. But no more talking. Lightning fast, he lunged, slicing the guy across the chest hard and fast and deep.

  The guy stared in horror, in pure surprise at how fast King had moved. The neurons of his tiny brain were finally catching up to the pain as blood started rushing out of him.

  By now the wolves all around him shifted.

  Two came at him at once, jaws open, snarls building in their throats.

  King twisted, dodging to the left as he sliced down, then up with his blade, efficiently lopping off two heads, one after the other.

  Then the numbers built to three, and four. Five, six.

  He was faster than most wolves, faster than most vampires. A terrifying tornado, he’d been called more than once.

  In and out, he dodged a blow. Dodged teeth. Dodged claws. Dodged it all.

  As he dipped down and to the right to fend off another attacker, claws scraped against his jacket.

  He inwardly cursed at the destruction of his new threads. But all his focus was on taking down these fools. The wannabe Alpha had managed to get back to his feet after King had carved him up multiple times. Before he faced him again, King slammed his sword into the chest of the final attacking wolf.

  The animal fell to the concrete with a dying whine. Quickly, he withdrew the sword and cut off its head in seconds.

  The leader snarled as King turned toward him. The male had already shifted to wolf.

  King sidestepped the uneven attack, and the wolf went flying through the air, landing on the concrete. His claws scrabbled against the pavement as he turned to face King once again.

  He sheathed his sword, his wolf riding him hard, wanting to come out to play just a little.

  The male rushed at him again, baring his canines. King feinted right and when the wolf twisted that way, he shifted to the left and released his own claws.

  He swiped over the wolf’s throat then underbelly, all before it hit the pavement. Then he pulled out a small blade and shoved it right into the male’s stomach, pinning him into place.

  The pure silver poisoned the beast, making it thrash in agony.

  Delphine strode out of the shadows. “Impressive, though I wish you’d let me take some of them out. Ugh, and this is going to suck to clean up.”

  “The rest of the crew can handle it. Let’s go.”

  She nodded as he lifted the wounded wolf off the concrete, carrying the whining animal out of the building.

  He didn’t have to tell her where they were going—to the Cheval vampire coven. The one this wolf had planned to target and blame his crimes on. He was going to leave this wolf with them to deal with. He was showing as much goodwill as possible right now, wanted them to know that he was trying to unify the city. Because he would do any damn thing except take a mate of convenience simply for a unification of the species. He had no problem mating with a vampire, but only if she was his true mate.

  And after the stunning female he’d met recently, he didn’t think his mate would be a vampire. Or a wolf, for that matter. Something that surprised him bone-deep.

  He would sacrifice a lot, but he would not sacrifice the chance at a true mating because it would destroy his wolf. He loved both parts of himself—he couldn’t betray his animal.

  His wolf was annoyed as hell with him right now because he was certain they’d already met their future mate. Even if he wasn’t sure what kind of shifter she was. His wolf sure didn’t care. And neither did he.

  But that was a thought for another day—when he didn’t have the weight of the city, of the entire territory, on his shoulders.

  Chapter 15

  Star hurried around the side of the house, not even bothering to go inside first. Not when she heard voices coming from the back of her crew’s mansion. She’d already checked in with Athena and Marley, who were patrolling the wall, and knew that Taya and Kartini were in their shifted eagle-owl forms, watching everything from nearby trees. Star knew that her sister was fine, but she still needed to see Aurora with her own eyes. That protective instinct had kicked into high gear and there was no stopping it.

  Her heart rate started dropping back to normal the second she saw her sister stretched out on one of the lounges, an old, earmarked paperback in her hand. Brielle and Harlow were sitting at the wrought iron table playing a game of cards, though both were strapped down with weapons.

  The tigers stood when they saw her, clearly sensing her distress.

  “What is it?” Brielle asked.

  “Maybe nothing.” She quickly relayed what had happened in the cemetery as the three of them listened. She’d already told Athena and Marley everything, and as she spoke, Taya and Kartini flew down and landed on the pergola above the lanai, clearly listening. The Edison-style string lights waved slightly under the impact of their flapping before settling back down.

  “At this point we don’t know if it was one of Oscar’s people,” Axel said just as Lachlan—in dragon form—landed in the yard.

  “He’s fine,” Star muttered as the twins tensed. She’d seen him following her—he certainly hadn’t tried to hide.

  “Is everything okay here?” he asked, striding toward them, all naked and glorious.

  Star shoved back the strange urge to demand everyone turn away. She didn’t want anyone looking at him, not even her friends and family. Ugh. Since when had she started caring about this male?

  “We really need to see about keeping some clothes on hand for him,” Aurora murmured, averting her gaze.

  “It’s not like this is going to become a habit,” she said pointedly to her sister before turning to Lachlan. “Everything’s fine here.”

  “Good. I found my phone in the cemetery and I’ve already contacted Reaper. He’s on his way and will be keeping an eye on things here. I’m going to scour the rest of the city with my clanmates and see if we spot Oscar or his people. There’s a good chance I’ll pick up his scent as its familiar to me. If I do, I’ll hunt him down and end this problem tonight.” He might be in human form, but his dragon was in his eyes as he spoke.

  “Thank you,” Star said, meaning it. He didn’t have to take part in this fight, but he’d chosen to side with them. “But we don’t need Reaper here. We don’t need babysitters.” She liked the other dragon well enough, but he was still a dragon and a stranger, and it was hard for her to let people into her inner sanctum.

  “I’m well aware of that. But extra protection never hurt anybody. Especially since you already know what Oscar wants.” His gaze flicked to Aurora briefly.

  Damn it. It was kind of hard to argue with him there. And she did like Reaper—mainly because she’d just plain liked his mate, Greer. It was hard to imagine that a female healer would mate with someone capable of kidnapping and torturing others. “Okay, fine.”

  The tension in Lachlan’s shoulders eased, then he looked to Axel and the twins. “You want to come hunting with us?”

  Annoyance burst inside her that he’d just asked her people without getting her permission first, but thankfully they looked to Star for guidance.

  “Axel, Harlow, you guys go.” She looked up at the eagle-owls and then at Brielle. “Return to your posts.” Her shift was at midnight, something she didn’t mind.

  They all nodded, and as Lachlan headed off she forced herself not to stare at his retreating naked backside. His perfect, bitable butt.

  “So how was your date?” Aurora asked after the three of them had gone, her tone teasing.

  Surprised, Star stared at her sister. “That’s what you want to talk about

  “Uh, yeah. I so don’t want to think about that bastard Oscar. And your man is seriously packing down there.”

  Lola, who had stepped outside, laptop in hand, started snickering. “So Star’s male looks good?”

  She stared at her sister in horror. “Oh my God, you looked?”

  “I tried not to! It was just right out there. And for the record I didn’t look the first time he dropped by and got naked. Come on, he’s clearly into you. So…how was the date?”

  “I can’t believe you want to talk about that right now after what happened.”

  Aurora swung her legs off the side of the chair and stood. “We don’t know if that was one of Oscar’s people. It’s not like he works with vampires, so it was probably just some weirdo stalking you. And besides, I’m not living in fear anymore. If he decides to come after me, or even you, if he’s figured out what you are,” she said as she shrugged, “I’m not going down without a fight. In fact, I’m not going down at all.” Fire sparked in her sister’s eyes as pale blue flames licked along her fingertips and up her arms for a brief moment. “I’m ready to start patrolling again. I’m ready to take my life back. I might be young, but I’m a warrior.”

  This was the Aurora that Star knew and loved. This was the sister who wouldn’t put up with shit from anyone.

  She lunged for her sister, pulling her into a hug.

  Aurora returned the embrace tightly.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” Star murmured into her hair.

  “It feels so good to be home. To be with my family.”

  “I’m getting in on this too.” Lola jumped on them, wrapping her arms around them. And then Bella, who’d come out of nowhere, joined in too.

  Star closed her eyes for a long moment, savoring it, because she knew death and destruction were on the horizon.

  It was inevitable. Because Oscar would come for them or they would go after him. Star had tried to deny it, even to herself. She’d tried to push it off into this far-flung future event where she and her crew hunted him down. But it was happening and probably sooner than later.


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