Ancient Protector

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Ancient Protector Page 16

by Katie Reus

  “I’m okay, I promise.” She just needed sleep. And food. The energy bars would have to do for now.

  “Do you hear that?” he asked, going preternaturally still.

  She paused in opening up her bar and listened. “No.” She could hear water running nearby and what sounded like maybe a helicopter far in the distance. “Wait, the helicopter?”

  “The howling wolves.”

  “I don’t hear them.”

  He gave her a curious look then motioned to the north. “They’re in that direction.”

  “Hopefully it’s King’s pack.” Otherwise they might have another threat to deal with.

  Lachlan nodded and waited as she quickly ate the energy bars. Once she was done, she polished off the water even though she felt bad taking all the supplies. But she needed them if she was going to keep up with him.

  After she put the trash in her bag, he took her hand again and they headed out. And that was when she heard the howls. The sound of the wolves grew louder the longer they walked. As they reached a fork in the dirt road, Lachlan stilled in that pure animal way of his.

  She started to ask him what was wrong, but he held a finger to his lips.

  “We know you’re out there,” a familiar voice called out. “Show yourselves.”

  King. Star glanced at Lachlan.

  He released her hand and he must have dropped his camouflage as well, because she saw a sort of shimmer in the air but nothing really changed for her. It must have dropped their cover, however, because moments later King strode out from behind a cluster of trees, two wolves in animal form flanking him.

  “What are you doing out here?” He eyed them, subtly scenting the air.

  “I was visiting a friend,” Star said vaguely. It wasn’t a lie so he wouldn’t scent one rolling off her.

  “Who?” he demanded.

  Dang it. She couldn’t lie to a direct question. “A female named Cliona.” Though she hated to reveal her aunt’s name, she had no choice. There were certain rules when living in an Alpha’s territory and right now she hated them.

  He paused, true surprise in his expression. “You know her?”

  Star simply nodded.

  “She just moved… The place you were at is a new residence for her. Not many people have that address.”

  “I know. I used the key she keeps hidden and I took a guess on her security system code.” And she’d gotten it on the first try.

  He gave Star a thoughtful look. “She’s out of town. She’s working with a couple dragons on something—for me.”

  “She’s working with dragons?” Star couldn’t keep the surprise out of her voice. Damn it, if King knew where her aunt was, Star could have saved herself a whole lot of trouble.

  “Yep. I sent them off on a mission, and no I will not share the details. We had a report of a dragon battle hours ago near here. I found the charred remains of two dragons a ways back.”

  Lachlan nodded, stepping forward slightly and angling his body so that he was half in front of Star.

  Surprised by the move, she felt her heart warm at the gesture. He was so protective and she wondered if it was just part of his nature or if he was this way specifically with her.

  “Three dragons attacked us. I killed two. They’re from the Rabec clan. As you ken, Oscar is the one who held Aurora captive. I have no idea if he’s here as well, but his people are. And they’re clearly out for blood. To be fair, I killed three of his people six weeks ago, so he wants me dead for that alone, but he very likely wants to take Aurora back.”

  A low growl rumbled in King’s throat as his gaze flicked to Star, perhaps for confirmation.

  She nodded. “It’s true. And they’re fighting dirty, which is no surprise. They poisoned Lachlan but we managed to hide until it worked its way out of his system.” Also not a lie. She just left out the part where she’d used her blood to help him and speed up the healing process.

  “Come on, then. We’ve got vehicles a couple miles from here. You can ride back with us, or fly if you want.”

  “We’ll ride with you,” Lachlan said before Star could answer.

  She was grateful for his response because she didn’t feel like flying on his back. That was how exhausted she was. On instinct she reached out and squeezed his hand in silent thanks.

  He squeezed back and didn’t let go. For the first time that she could remember, she felt as if she had a true partner at her side, even if it was temporary. She loved her crew, loved taking care of them—and they took care of her in turn. But at the end of the day, the decisions made for her crew fell to her. So did all the worry.

  Right now she didn’t feel the weight of everything so heavily because of the incredible dragon at her side.

  Chapter 21

  King strode into Star’s mansion after her, Lachlan and his wolves. They had a lot to discuss, including potentially moving Star’s people somewhere else, since it seemed a new threat had descended into his city.

  Which he was going to take care of personally. He was already dealing with enough shit—worrying about food supplies, manufacturing necessities, keeping the goddamn peace between the supernatural species. But this he would definitely help take care of.

  “I want to talk to your sister,” he said to Star as someone shut the door behind all of them.

  “She’s upstairs drawing,” one of the tiger twins said as Star stepped into the foyer. “Thanks for the call letting us know you guys were okay,” the tiger said to her. “We were starting to get really worried.”

  “Of course. Let’s head to the kitchen and discuss everything there.” Star motioned for Lachlan to follow and for the others spilling out of the kitchen to head back the way they’d come.

  King pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and feigned answering a call. He motioned for his wolves to go ahead with the others. “I’ll meet you there in a minute,” he said as he held his phone up to his ear and said hello to no one.

  One of his warriors gave him an odd look, but simply nodded and headed in with the others. As soon as he was alone, he tucked his phone away and hurried up the stairs, moving with the predatory silence of a wolf. It didn’t matter that he was in human form, he was good at being quiet, good at blending into the shadows. He remembered what Star had said about Aurora being on the third floor so he simply followed her scent as he made his way. At the end of the hallway, the door was open and her scent was strongest.

  He knocked lightly. “It’s me, King,” he said.

  “It’s open,” Aurora’s voice called out.

  When he stepped in to the room, he found Aurora, the woman of his fantasies, standing in front of a canvas, a paintbrush in hand. He knew that wasn’t her favorite medium, but she was good at this too. And…she looked as stunning as he remembered. Her dark hair was in two loose braids down her back, with strands coming out everywhere. Wearing baggy jeans and a breast-hugging T-shirt that must have once been a royal blue but was now beyond faded and covered in paint splatters, she was the sexiest woman he’d ever met. Yep, his wolf agreed. In that moment, King knew he was screwed where she was concerned.

  “I looked you up online,” he said as he stepped inside, taking in the room. “You’re incredibly talented.” She was painting now, but her sculptures were so detailed and realistic and he could only imagine how much time and effort went into creating them.

  Her cheeks tinged pink as she met his gaze. “Thank you.” She glanced past him as if looking for someone else.

  “Your sister is home safe.”

  She met his gaze again, her violet eyes captivating. “I know. She texted me as soon as she had service and I heard you all arrive. She said there was a whole crowd so I decided to hang back until the place cleared out. Is there something I can help you with?”

  He stood awkwardly in the middle of the feminine room and resisted the urge to fidget. He was an Alpha; he did not fucking fidget. “Did she tell you what happened in the bayou?”

  Aurora’s gaze shuttered as
she set her paintbrush down and turned fully to face him. “Yes.”

  “Why did the dragon take you? Why does he still want you? Because his clan members are now in my city, attacking people—your sister. I need to know everything about this enemy if I want to destroy him.” King could understand why any male would want Aurora, but there was an element here he was missing. A dark one, he feared.

  She watched him for a long moment, clearly assessing him. “If I tell you, do I have your word that you will tell no one?”

  “I will tell no one. Not even my second-in-command. You have my word as an Alpha.”

  Standing, she moved past him and he inhaled her sweet scent as she shut the door. Then she laughed to herself as she half turned. “If anyone wants to eavesdrop, they easily could, I guess.” She went to the corner of the room where he noticed a bunch of stacked canvases leaning against the wall, all turned backward. She rummaged through them, pulled one out and turned it toward him. “This is what I am.”

  He stared in shock for a long moment. Oh…hell. “Cliona isn’t your friend, she’s a relative.”

  Aurora nodded. “My aunt. Did Star tell you she was a friend?”

  “Yes.” He hadn’t scented a lie, so obviously she must consider the woman a friend as well. “That’s why he took you?”

  She nodded, still watching him carefully. “What do you know of my kind?”

  “Well…that you possess the ability to control fire.” He spoke quiet enough for her ears only. He didn’t want to say more in case someone actually was listening.

  “There’s more to it than that, and that’s why Oscar took me.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?” He didn’t know much about her kind, but not for lack of trying. He knew Cliona was powerful and a bit older than him, maybe by a hundred years or so. Even though he trusted her after her allyship during The Fall, she was still secretive by nature. Hell, he only knew her real name was Cliona because someone else had told him. He’d met her under a different name.

  Aurora half-smiled and went to sit by the window. She seemed to have an internal sort of glow, giving her skin a soft hue. “I don’t trust many people, but from everything I’ve heard you’re a good Alpha. And you gave us shelter even knowing we might bring trouble to your doorstep. And,” she added, placing her fist in the middle of her chest, “I can tell you’re honorable here.”

  He sat on the edge of her bed, relaxing slightly. Though he was glad she was opening up to him, he hated that she’d come to his city needing shelter—that someone wanted to hurt her. “I’ll give you shelter as long as you want.” How about forever?

  “Our blood is powerful. It heals,” she said quietly. “Among other things,” she added.

  Healing blood? Oh damn. He could see the value in that, but there was no excuse to take another being, to keep them captive for your own greedy needs and desires.

  “I will kill him for you,” he said quietly, a soft vow, his words not conveying the rage his wolf felt, the rage he was keeping at bay.

  Her eyes widened slightly in surprise. “I don’t need anybody to fight my battles. I know I’ve been cooped up here—hiding—because I’m still processing everything. My power level is back to normal. The only reason he managed to take me is because they ambushed me.”

  “How many were there?”

  “A dozen.”

  It had taken a dozen dragons to bring her down? She was strong, something he sensed regardless, but twelve was overkill.

  “Does Lachlan know what Star is?” he asked, curious at this point.

  To his surprise Aurora snorted. “No. She isn’t sure she can trust him yet. But I think she’ll get there.”

  “You sound very sure of that.”

  “I know my sister. Dragons killed our parents, and over the years, dragons have killed many of our kind. She’s…very careful. And I understand why. Obviously.” She gave a bitter-sounding laugh. “But it doesn’t matter how careful I was, someone found out what I was. I’ve been thinking that maybe hiding what I am isn’t necessarily the best thing.”

  “I’m sorry for all you’ve been through.” He couldn’t change her past, but he could sure as hell protect her from any future threat.

  She gave a dismissive shrug. “It’s not your fault, but thank you. So tell me why you’re really here.”

  “I wanted to talk to you about Oscar, get any insight from you that I can.” That was a lie. He had his people on research duty, as well as his sentries scouring the city looking for the male.

  “He’s a greedy bastard. And he’s powerful. He never goes on the front line unless he has to because he views everyone as expendable—not because he can’t handle himself. And he used my blood to increase his power. That much I know. I was literally in an underground prison for a year. It was a nice enough space and he did give me certain entertainments like television and books, but it was a cage nonetheless. And…” She paused, her jaw tightening, but when she went to say more, she stopped herself.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Nothing. I don’t know anything that can help you. But if he’s here, he won’t stop until he gets me back. His pet,” she spat.

  King only realized he was growling when she blinked at him.

  “Sorry. That’s what he used to call me. His pet.”

  He stood then, forcing his wolf back because he didn’t want to scare her, even as he wanted to tear Oscar apart with his canines and claws. “I’ll make sure no one ever takes you again. This is your sanctuary city as long as you want. And hopefully it becomes your home.” With me.

  She gave him a truly surprised look. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

  “I never do.” He intended to keep her safe—no matter what it took.

  * * *

  “I’m not sitting by idly and letting him get away with this,” Star said to Lachlan.

  Brielle, Harlow, Taya and Athena strode up to them after breaking away from King’s wolves and Lachlan’s dragons, who were currently talking.

  They’d all gathered outside and Star wanted to know what was taking King so damn long. She understood that he was Alpha and had to take emergency phone calls but she wanted to talk about hunting Oscar down—wanted to go after him right now.

  “We go where you go,” Athena said, crossing her arms over her chest. “I can’t believe that bastard is here and his dragons attacked you guys.” The snow leopard’s eyes flickered to her cat then back to human.

  Before Star could respond, King strode out the French doors and immediately zeroed in on her. Next to her, Lachlan stiffened slightly but King approached, nodding at all of them. “I’d like to talk to you alone,” he said to her.

  Star simply nodded and strode off with King, ignoring Lachlan’s growl of annoyance, or maybe it was anger. She wasn’t sure and hadn’t known him long enough to read all his growls.

  “I talked to your sister,” King said as they reached the other side of the expansive yard.

  She blinked in surprise. That was the last thing she’d expected him to say. “Wait, what?”

  “I went upstairs and talked to Aurora.”

  Star felt her fingers start to tingle with fire as her instinctive need to protect Aurora rose up.

  “She told me what you are.”

  Her fire died just like that. “What?” she demanded, feeling like a parrot as she repeated herself.

  “So you were going to see your aunt out in the bayou, not a friend.”

  No point in denying it now. Damn. Why had Aurora told him? “Yep.”

  “I’ve sent a message to her. She’s gone dark, but once she gets it she will contact you or Aurora.”

  “Thank you,” she said carefully.

  “Why did you go to see her?”

  “She has a weapon that can bring down our enemy.” Only in the technical sense. The “weapon” would give Star or anyone touching it the ability to see dragons even if the dragons were camouflaged. So in her opinion, it was a weapon. It evened the playi
ng field a bit. Of course her fire could kill dragons as well but battling a dragon was still difficult as hell and she would have to expend a whole lot of firepower.

  He gave her an arrogant sort of look that was pure Alpha. “I can bring one down too. And I will help you destroy his clanmates. Anyone who is in my city helping him—they’ll all die.” Raw, savage words that revealed the wolf beneath the surface.

  “What are you doing to find him?” she asked.

  “I’ve got sentries and warriors out hunting for any and all of his clanmates.”

  “What about pockets of the city where people don’t…necessarily respect your authority?” she asked carefully. It was no secret that certain vampires and other groups hadn’t fully recognized him as the Alpha. The majority of the people in the city did, especially after his show of power during The Fall, but she wondered if the place was a powder keg waiting to explode at this point. She’d been so focused on getting Aurora to safety and settling in that she didn’t have as good of a pulse on the city as she should. But after meeting Reaper and Greer, she got the feeling there was a lot going on behind the scenes.

  He was silent for a long moment. “There are some vampires who would like to see me removed from power. They want to keep humans under their thumbs, as no better than slaves.” His jaw ticked, his wolf peering back at her.

  “I want to know who they are.”

  He frowned. “Why?”

  “They’re certainly not going to talk to you. But maybe if my crew and I approach some of them separately about Oscar’s presence in the city, they’ll talk to us. It’s worth a try at least. Because I’m finding it hard to believe he’s in hiding with absolutely no help. This city isn’t that big and he’s a dragon Alpha.”

  Lachlan approached, his long strides eating up the distance of the yard. Yeah, he was clearly done with giving her any sort of distance. She inwardly sighed, kind of surprised he’d waited this long to head over here.

  King gave him a neutral look.

  “You feel like going hunting tonight?” Star asked Lachlan, knowing that even after all they’d been through in the last few hours, Lachlan would want to go hunting if there was a chance they might find Oscar tonight.


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