Ancient Protector

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Ancient Protector Page 20

by Katie Reus

  “You need me to unclench a little bit?” Star asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Yes. I know why you’re stressed. You always take care of everybody, and I’m releasing you from that duty.”

  Now Star snorted. “First of all, it’s not a duty. And I will always worry about you, that’s just the way it is. But…I do know that I need to relax a little bit. I know you were perfectly safe tonight. It’s just…Oscar wasn’t there when we got to that house but his scent was left behind.” And that meant he was nearby, lurking somewhere. Just waiting to make his move. “I’m sure you’ve already been filled in on all the details.”

  Aurora nodded. “He clearly got wind that you guys were headed that way.”

  Star rubbed a hand over her face. “I hate him so much. You’re my baby sister, I should have protected you.” The guilt that her sister had been taken at all still weighed heavily on her. They’d always been so damn careful about hiding what they were.

  “You didn’t do anything wrong. This is all on him. And if he’s here… Maybe I should just make myself bait and bring him out into the open.”

  Star’s eyes widened even as her heart jumped into her throat. “No!”

  Aurora lifted an eyebrow, her expression challenging. “You can’t really stop me.”

  “I bet I can.”

  They stared at each other for a long moment before Aurora dropped her head back and let out a long-suffering sigh. “Can we not talk about him just for a minute? Tell me about you and the dragon. I know something happened between you guys.”

  She felt her cheeks heat up and knew she must be flushed pink. “We had sex in the middle of a field not far from the burned-down house. It was insanely hot and I’m falling for him.” Okay, there was no falling. She’d flat-out fallen for the male. Headfirst. And saying it out loud was freeing and terrifying at the same time.

  Her sister stared at her, eyes wide. “Oh…my God. That’s awesome!”

  “Is it? He lives in Scotland and he’s made it pretty clear that he doesn’t want anything casual. He hasn’t said the words, but he wants a mate. He wants me to be his mate,” she added. Or she was pretty sure he did.

  “You don’t want casual either. I know you, and no matter what you say, you could never do casual. Not with a male like that—not one who looks at you like you hung the damn moon.”

  Star rubbed the back of her neck, trying to erase some of the tension. “But our home is here.”

  “Is it really? We came here for safe harbor. But you don’t have roots here. And even if you did… You get one life, Star. Nothing is tying you here—”

  “Uh, my whole crew, my family, is here.”

  “True. And not gonna lie, if you move, the whole crew might not go with you. But at the end of the day, you have to make the right choice for you. Nobody will hold it against you if it turns out he’s your mate, if you decide to start a new adventure with him. So is he?”

  The word yes was on the tip of her tongue but she held it back and cleared her throat. “I’ve been having these really weird dreams. For close to a year.” And she’d never told anyone.

  Aurora frowned at the change in topic. “Ah, okay, about what? And what does that have to do with Lachlan?”

  “I don’t know. The dreams are always about this woman, and this dragon whose face I never actually see. He’s trying to convince her to mate with him. But I get the feeling they’re not actually dreams but memories, which as I say it out loud sounds nuts. But some part of me feels like…” Oh, God, just say it. “They’re my memories,” she whispered.

  Aurora’s eyes widened. “Well that’s interesting.”

  “You don’t think I’m crazy?”

  “You’re the most sane, wonderful person I know. If they feel like memories, maybe they are. I wouldn’t discount anything as a possibility. And whatever you decide with your big dragon, go with your instinct. You always tell me to listen to my gut.”

  “Okay, I will. And when did you get to be so wise?”

  “I’ve had a good teacher.” Aurora’s mouth curved up ever so slightly. Then her smile fell as she spoke again. “Oscar won’t stop until he has me again. It’s not just the blood thing. He really is obsessed with me. He thinks…I’m his mate.” She whispered the last part.

  Star sucked in a breath. “His mate?” The idea filled her with revulsion.

  Aurora nodded, her expression getting more grim. “I know I told you it wasn’t a sexual thing in captivity, but…”

  Star’s gut tightened. Oh God, no. No, no, no. She bit her tongue and kept quiet, letting Aurora talk.

  “Near the end of my captivity, I was getting desperate. I didn’t know if you would ever find me. He was draining my blood constantly and I was so damn delirious. But I’d seen the way he looked at me sometimes, so…” She closed her eyes and looked away as if ashamed.

  Star reached out and grabbed her hands. “Whatever happened is not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong. You survived.”

  Aurora opened her eyes and swallowed hard as she squeezed back. “I put the moves on him basically. I mean, I get that it was rape. Intellectually, I know that’s what it was. I didn’t want it and I was in captivity. There was a huge power imbalance—because I was in a prison. But I thought if I could use sex to get out, then at least I would be free. Then I could come back once I’d regained strength, and kill him.”

  Her eyes sparked a bright purple then as she continued.

  “I was able to have sex with him twice—barely. After the second time, he had a weird kind of energy rolling off him. But he was so relaxed and almost lethargic, so I attacked him. I was so damn weak from the blood loss, but I had to try. I managed to escape and make it to the elevators. But he was fast, too fast. He was enraged and dragged me back to my room. After that he was angry all the time. He drained me near to death almost every single time after that but he wouldn’t touch me. He was enraged that I’d faked wanting to be with him.” She snorted in disgust. “As if that was a big shock. He said he would never let me go. He said I belonged to him, that I was his pet and that I’d better remember my place.” She closed her eyes for a long moment.

  Horrified, her rage against Oscar building even higher, Star leaned forward and pulled her into a tight hug. “I’m so sorry.”

  Aurora hugged her in return, letting out a shuddering breath. “I’m just glad to be free,” she said as she pulled back, wiping away a few stray tears. “And I set up an appointment to talk to your friend Greer. I just need to talk some things through, but thank you for listening. Once he’s dead I know I’ll be able to move on. I just…I don’t know how to move on with him still out there looking for me.”

  “We will kill him.” Star would do whatever it took to make that happen.

  “I know you want to keep me safe, but…I’ll never be safe as long as he’s out there. I need to be part of the team to bring him down. I just do.” There was a desperation in her sister’s eyes and in her voice.

  After this, Star could deny her nothing. “I’m not your boss. I’m just your sister, and even though I hate the thought of you putting yourself in danger… Whatever it takes to bring him down, whatever it takes for you to move on with your life. Even if…” She couldn’t say the words. She absolutely hated the thought of Aurora being in any more danger. Because Aurora was right, the line between mom and sister had always been blurred with Star because she truly had raised Aurora.

  “I love you,” Aurora said finally. “I really am exhausted though. Why don’t you go find your dragon?”

  “I’m staying with you tonight.” No way was she leaving her side.

  Her sister shook her head and stood. “Honestly, I just want some hot tea, a soak in the tub and to go to bed.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m completely sure. Please go find him. Tomorrow is a new day and you’ve had a hell of a one today. Go indulge in some fun with him, and tomorrow…we’ll tackle whatever we need to.”

tar hugged her sister once more and left, even though she didn’t want to. She was resolved more than ever to destroy Oscar—and anyone in his clan who had been part of her sister’s kidnapping. Anyone who had even known about it.

  And she knew Lachlan would be right by her side, helping her. That thought alone should be startling, but it wasn’t. She knew without a doubt that Lachlan was in this thing until it was over. She was glad he was on her side.

  Chapter 25

  Star stepped into her room and froze when she found Lachlan already there, leaning against a column of the four-poster California king-sized bed. Waiting, as if he had every right to be there. “What are you doing here?”

  He simply cocked an eyebrow. “That should be obvious, lass,” he murmured.

  She shut and bolted the door behind her. Not only were the living quarters secure here, the whole place had also been spelled by multiple witches with a specific spell to keep Oscar and his clanmates out, which made Star feel better. But after what Aurora had just told her, nothing could ease the pain inside her now.

  As if sensing her distress, he shoved off the column and stalked toward her, concern in his expression. “What is it, love?” He cupped her cheek, and against her better judgment she leaned into it, closing her eyes at the feel of his hand on her skin.

  And yeah, she liked the way he’d just called her love. Oh God, she liked it way too much. “It’s just… I don’t want to talk about it.” Because talking about her sister’s captivity wasn’t something she’d been given permission to do. She would never betray Aurora’s trust that way.

  He didn’t push, but pulled her into a tight embrace instead, rubbing his hand up and down her back. It felt so familiar that she leaned into it even as that sense of déjà vu threatened to overwhelm her again.

  “You don’t even have to be here. You can just go home and forget all of this ever happened,” she said against his chest, her words muffled. “I’m not holding you here.”

  “But you are, because you’re here. And if you think I would just leave you, you’re a foolish female.” There was a bite of censure in his words.

  She groaned and pulled back to look up at him. “I don’t think you would leave. I’m just trying to push you away.” And not doing a good job of it—probably because she didn’t want to push him away. Not anymore.

  “You willnae have any luck with that.” His gaze landed on her mouth, hungry and intense.

  Just like that, a rush of heat burst through her and flames started dancing along her fingertips, up her arms, until all of her was engulfed. It was like he’d opened some kind of floodgate and nothing could stop her reaction to him now.

  “I know you willnae tell me what you are, but when dragons find their mate, and become intimate, a mating manifestation appears.”

  She blinked at his sudden admission. “Is that why you were glowing before?”

  “Aye. And I can’t help but wonder why you light on fire when we become intimate,” he murmured, watching her carefully.

  “I don’t know,” she said honestly.

  “Well whatever you are, you are mine.” Then his mouth was on hers.

  Deep inside, she felt like his. As if they’d been made for each other. As if she’d been searching for him without even realizing it. And she wanted to claim him right back. So she grabbed onto his shirt and wrapped her whole body around him as they started kissing. She couldn’t get close enough, needed skin to skin like she needed her next breath.

  He pinned her against a wall, his huge fingers spanning her throat as he looked down at her. His hold didn’t feel aggressive, however, just…possessive as his indigo eyes lit up with pure hunger. “You’re mine, love.” His words were all gravel and heat, and she didn’t know if he was repeating them for her benefit or his own.

  She couldn’t find her voice so she nodded. She was his. All his.

  “Say it,” he demanded, rolling his hips against hers, keeping her pinned in place.

  Another rush of heat flooded between her thighs. “I’m yours.” Saying the words out loud felt freeing.

  Their mouths collided again and it took only moments to shed their clothing in a frantic rush. She didn’t even remember ripping his shirt off or how she got naked.

  As she rubbed her bare breasts against his chest she groaned at the friction, at the sensation of being skin to skin with him. This was what she’d needed. God, she’d missed him so much.

  “I haven’t gone anywhere,” he murmured against her mouth as they landed on the bed together.

  She hadn’t realized she’d said the words out loud and she wasn’t even sure what they meant. How could she have missed him? She’d only been away from him for maybe half an hour. Dismissing the thought, she rolled on top of him, rubbing her slick folds against his thick, erect cock. Thanks to her shifter genes, she wasn’t sore from earlier. No, just fired up and ready for more.

  He arched up into her, the head of his erection rubbing over her clit. She groaned at the sensation, her tongue teasing against his as they basically mimicked sex with their mouths.

  He ran his big, callused hands down her back, before palming her ass and squeezing. “I love everything about you,” he said against her mouth.

  She jerked slightly at the use of the L word. She wanted him…was starting to feel more than obsessed with him. Maybe even… She kissed him harder, deepening their connection, wanting him inside her again with a wild desperation. That first time hadn’t been nearly enough—would never be enough.

  He growled against her mouth, and flipped them so that he was on top, guiding her wrists above her head. He held them in place as he plundered her mouth, taking everything she had to offer.

  In that moment she wanted to give him everything, wanted to make up for past mistakes— Wait, what the hell did that even mean? Past mistakes?

  Her thoughts were so jumbled as she arched into him, wanting him to completely fill her. Wanting to block out the whole damn world as they found pleasure with each other.

  “You are the most fascinating female I’ve ever known,” he murmured against her chest before sucking one nipple between his teeth.

  Her wrists were free so she speared her fingers through his hair. She held on tight, not sure if she wanted him to go lower or higher. Her body was in flames, literally, and they were spreading across the room, not burning anything, just growing higher and higher, creating a haven around them. His own indigo glow was just as bright so that she saw everything between them clearly.

  By the time he knelt between her legs, she was slick with need. When he finally teased his tongue against her folds and clit, he sent her over the edge.

  Really all he had to do was blow on her at this point and she would have climaxed. So when he started teasing her with the perfect amount of pressure, something inside her broke free, her orgasm cresting in a sharp explosion.

  Her orgasm seemed to go on forever, but before she’d even come down from her high, he let out a soft growl and flipped her onto her knees.

  She lifted her ass, spreading her legs wider for him—and let out a yelp of surprise when his teeth raked against her butt. He didn’t break the skin, but he did it again, his teeth pressing into her in a way that had shivers spiraling through her. Groaning, she pushed back against him, wanting to be filled by him again.

  “Absolute perfection,” he murmured before she felt him press his thick erection against her folds.

  She sucked in a breath, her body still sensitive from her orgasm. As she pushed back against him, she dug her fingers into the covers. She needed more, so much more from him.

  She wanted him to completely claim her, even though she knew that was insane. They didn’t know enough about each other and yet she felt as if she’d known him for her entire life. Longer, even.

  Some deep-seated part of her felt like he was the man from her dreams but that made no sense. Because that meant she was that female from a different time.

  He thrust deep and she lost all ability
to think as he pistoned inside her, over and over, his thickness filling her.

  “Lachlan,” she cried out as he found that perfect spot inside her, another orgasm building up with each stroke.

  He placed one big hand on her back, pinning her down in place so that she could barely move. She struggled against him, but found the sensation wildly erotic as he pressed even harder. Her inner walls clenched around his cock and when he reached around with his other hand and began teasing her clit, she jerked against the sheets.

  The friction should have been too much, she shouldn’t have been ready for another orgasm, but one built inside her nonetheless. She let out another cry as pleasure rose up and knew the moment he let go of his control.

  He grabbed onto her hips, no longer holding her down. “My morning star,” he growled as he found his own release, coming hard inside her.

  For some reason the nickname ricocheted through her as she fell over the edge again, her orgasm mixing with his until she collapsed against the sheets, him on top of her.

  Breathing erratically, she lay there, enjoying the feel of his chest against her back. But as lethargic as she felt, she knew he was keeping most of his weight off her. She wasn’t sure how long they lay there but she opened her eyes when he finally pulled out of her.

  “I’m just going to sleep this way,” she murmured against the sheets, not bothering to turn over. The material of the sheets felt cool against her cheeks and breasts and she really, really didn’t feel like moving. No, she just wanted to savor the sensations still humming through her body, to hold on to this for as long as she could.

  Behind her, she heard a dark chuckle and then the en suite door opened. A moment later he came back out and began wiping between her legs with a warm cloth.

  For some reason the act sent her emotions into a free fall and she wasn’t sure why. Okay that was a lie—she’d never had anyone take care of her before. Her crew didn’t count because yeah, they took care of each other. But that was different; that was what family did.


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