Renneisen, Hans-Jürgen. “Einfach gefeuert: Dathe, der ‘Chef’.” In: Berliner Zeitung, December 15, 1990.
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Richter, Marina. “Graue Riesin starb unter Narkose.” In: Berliner Zeitung, July 20, 1994.
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Scherer, Marie-Luise. “Mein Affe braucht Wärme.” In: Die Zeit (1968), no. 19.
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Schmidl, Karin. “Von Harpyien und anderen Viechern.” In: Berliner Zeitung, June 3, 2000, (consulted on August 30, 2016).
Schmidt, Ulrike. “Reinhardt Coppenrath gibt Zoopräsidentschaft ab.” In: Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, August 14, 2013; (consulted on September 9, 2016).
Seher, Dietmar. “Wie der Himmel über der Ruhr wieder blau wurde.” In: Westfalenpost, April 25, 2011; (consulted on November 30, 2016).
“Sehnsucht und Liebe.” In: Der Spiegel (1984), no. 7.
Steffahn, Harald. “Machen Tiere uns menschlicher?” In: Die Zeit (1978), no. 43.
“Strichvogel Willy lendenlahm.” In: Berliner Zeitung, May 12, 1962.
“Ein Stück Zoogeschichte verschwindet unbemerkt.” In: Wochenanzeiger Duisburg, January 6, 2015; (consulted on August 27, 2016).
“Tran und Tränen.” In: Der Spiegel (1966), no. 23.
Tuohy, William. “Talks by Kohl and Bradley Highlight Opening of Berlin’s Birthday Festivities.” In: Los Angeles Times, May 1, 1987;–05–01/news/mn-1854_1_east-berlin (consulted on August 15, 2016).
“Ungeschickt oder böswillig?” In: Neue Zeit, December 14, 1990.
“Urmacher unerwünscht.” In: Der Spiegel (1954), no. 26.
von Kuenheim, Haug. “Ihr Auftritt, Frau Walross!” In: Die Zeit (2007), no. 18; (consulted on October 5, 2016).
von Viereck, Stefanie. “Trauer um Tian Tian—Himmelchens Ende.” In: Die Zeit (1984), no. 8.
Wahl, Torsten. “Ein Porträt des Zoologen Curt Heinrich Dathe: Der Tierpark war sein Werk—und sein Leben.” In: Berliner Zeitung, September 7, 2010; (consulted on August 27, 2016).
Werz, Günter. “Die Pandabären sind unterwegs.” In: Hamburger Abendblatt, November 3, 1980.
“Zu blauen Himmeln.” In: Der Spiegel (1961), no. 33.
Additional Sources
“Bundesregierung: Herbst 1989: Umweltverschmutzung kein Tabu mehr.”–11–01-umweltverschmutzung.html (consulted on August 20, 2016).
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung & Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft e. V., ed. “Oppositionszentrum Leipzig.” (consulted on August 16, 2016).
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung & Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft e. V., ed. “Mahnwache in der Gethsemanekirche.” (consulted on August 29, 2016).
Haubner, Petra. “Die Elefantenkuh Tuffi springt aus der Wuppertaler Schwebebahn.” In: SWR2 Zeitwort, July 21, 2011;–11e0-b31b-0026b975f2e6 (consulted on August 27, 2016).
Köpcke, Monika. “Mit Bolzenschneidern gegen ein System.” In: Deutschlandradio Kultur, June 27, 2014; (consulted on August 16, 2016).
Landesarchiv Berlin, ed. “Berlin-Chronik, June 8, 1954.” Online-Version; (consulted on September 9, 2016).
Litfin, Jürgen. “Gedenkstätte Günter Litfin—Geschichte”; (consulted on August 27, 2016).
Mieder, Rosemarie, and G. Schwarz. “Die geteilte Arche—Berlin und seine zoologischen Gärten.” In: Deutschlandfunk, January 15, 2016; program script: (consulted on August 17, 2016).
“Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk: Das Chemiedreieck der DDR.” In: Damalsim Osten—Hintergrund; (consulted on August 20, 2016).
Schwartz, Horst. “Das Nashorn. Nachruf auf Heinz-Georg-Klös.” August 4, 2014; (consulted on August 26, 2016).
Steiner, Walter. “Nationale Front und Nationales Aufbauwerk.” In: Damals im Osten—Steiners ABC; (consulted on September 1, 2016).
Verband der Zoologischen Gärten e. V. “Das Tiergartenwesen der DDR, 18. August 2010”; (consulted on August 26, 2016).
Wasserschutzpolizei Nordrhein-Westfalen. “Das Wal-Jahr 1966.” Web memento, November 17, 2009; (consulted on August 27, 2016).
Westdeutscher Rundfunk. “Stichtag 21. Juli 2005—Tuffi springt aus der Schwebebahn”; (consulted on August 27, 2016).
World Wide Fund for Nature. “WWF in the 60’s.” (consulted on August 26, 2016).
Zoo Hoyerswerda. “Vom Tiergehege zum anerkannten Zoo.” (consulted on August 27, 2016).
Archives and Libraries
Behörde des Bundesbeauftragten für die Unterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen DDR.
Dathe-Nachlass, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Landesarchiv BerlinArchiv, Zoologischer Garten BerlinArchiv, Tierpark Berlin,
Film and Television
“Abschied von Prof. Dr. Dr. Dathe.” In: Elf 99—Jugendsendung des Deutschen Fernsehfunks, January 18, 1991; (consulted on August 23, 2016).
Geheimnisvolle Orte: Der Zoologische Garten Berlin—Geschichte einer Großstadtoase. Dir.: Dorothea Schildt, Birgit Wolske. RBB (2006). DVD. 45 min.
Ost-Legenden: Curt Heinrich Dathe. Dir.: Jens Rübsam, Dagmar Wittmers. MDR (2009). Internet. 43 min.
Der weisse Wal. Moby Dicks Abenteuer im Rhein. Dir.: Stephan Koester, Carl-Ludwig Rettinger. Lichtblick Film (2001). DVD. 90 min.
A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
Academy for Planned Economy, 47
Adler, Jörg, 143–47, 150, 197–201, 205–7, 225 at Leipzig Zoo, 143, 144, 159–60, 197–200
AFN radio network, 122
Africa, 46, 91, 100, 125, 131, 138
Albers, Hans, 10
Alfeld an der Leine, 91, 108
Alfeld detective squad, 105–6
alligators, 114, 228
Althoff, Franz, 62–66
Althoff circus, 62–63, 66, 229
Altmann, Fritz Dietrich, 206
Amazon rain forest, 138
Ammon, Hans, 18, 27
An An (panda), 226
Andes Mountains, 138–39,
Animals as Symbols in Painting from the 14th to 17th Century (Dittrich), 227
animal trading companies, 90–91, 125, 138
animal trappers, 137–38, 140–41, 142, 219
antelopes, 16, 52, 87, 90, 117, 126, 167
anti-Semitism, 9, 132
Apel, Hans, 179
apes, 89, 100–101, 109, 123, 137, 141, 144, 152, 154, 160, 215
Arjun (rhinoceros), 90
Army, U.S., 116
Associated Press, 20, 78
Association of German Zoos, 5
Astra circus, 23
aurochs (extinct cattle species), 8
Australia, 190
Austria, 148, 196, 206
aye-ayes, 218
baboons, 151–52
badgers, 68
Baltic Sea, 94, 125, 145, 149
Bambi (elephant), 188
bamboo, 85, 179
Bao Bao (panda), 179, 225–26
Basel Zoo, 89–90
Bauhaus style, 93
Bautzen maximum security prison, 107
Bavaria, 63, 205
bears, 8, 23, 47, 52, 68, 69, 83–86, 87, 88, 118, 154, 160, 179. see also specific bear species
beavers, 8, 137
Beijing, 99, 179 Tiananmen Square protests in, 200
Beijing Zoo, 84
Berlin, 5, 44–45, 87. See also East Berlin; West Berlin Budapester Strasse in, 9, 13, 15, 28, 161, 182, 201
cultural and commercial life in, 27–28
environmental pollution in, 130–32, 181
Hardenbergplatz in, 28, 81, 201
Kurfürstendamm in, 12, 162
love of animals in, 1, 5
Old City Hall in, 19
Parliament of, 216
postwar reconstruction and division of, 1, 3, 5, 6, 18, 164–65, 173, 208, 223
Potsdamer Platz in, 13
Public Education Department of, 19
reunification of, 217
750th anniversary of, 188, 190
Treptower Park station in, 31, 33
Wilmersdorf district of, 19
World War II Allied bombing of, 7, 10–11, 13, 15, 17, 24, 35, 172, 182
Berlin Aquarium, 3, 9, 11–14, 16, 73, 113, 161–67, 176–77, 218 insectarium and amphibian divisions of, 171
Lange as director of, 170–73
Schröder as director of, 25–27, 58, 112, 123–24, 161–65, 166
staff of, 168–69
Berliner Zeitung, 156, 208, 211–12
Berlin Wall, 1, 3, 5–6, 108, 109, 117, 122, 123, 126, 147, 148, 151, 161, 164, 214, 217 fall of, 201, 203, 212, 218, 227
Berlin Zoological Garden, 1–2, 5–6, 7–11, 18, 32–33, 34, 35, 38–39, 45, 46, 55, 88, 107–12, 151–52, 161, 215, 217 animal species in, 1–2, 11, 15–16, 24–26, 33, 57–58, 73, 89, 125, 139, 154, 177–81, 185–86, 190–92, 201, 218, 229
antelope house in, 16, 26
aviary in, 113, 157, 191–92
1844 founding of, 8
elephant gate at, 182–85
entrance price of, 112–13
forced departure of Heinroth from, 58–60, 72, 79, 170
Heck as director of, 7–10, 28, 42–43, 175–76, 182–83, 221
Heinroth as director of, 19–30, 41–43, 57–61, 70, 72–74, 173, 227
hippopotamus house in, 73
history of, 175
Klös as director of, 1–5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 73–81, 85, 168–80, 182–85, 189–92, 202–4, 208–14, 216–17, 219–23, 228
Oktoberfest at, 23–24, 112–13, 172
as oldest German zoo, 171
popularity of, 172
postwar restoration of, 18, 19–20, 59, 88–89
predator house in, 89
primate section of, 111, 123
profits of, 218
Schröder as managing director of, 19, 23, 25–27, 30, 58, 61
shareholders of, 8, 9, 20, 29, 57, 176, 177
staff of, 171–72, 215
Bern Zoo, 115
Bild, Die, 112
Birds of Central Europe, The (Heinroth), 12
birdwatching, 36, 37, 94
bison, 87, 92, 93
black bears, 88, 160
Black Forest, 227
black hill myna birds, 42
Black Pump, 149
Blaszkiewitz, Bernhard, 216–17, 218, 228
Blecha, Johanna, 80, 97
boars, 51, 87, 154, 215
Bobby (gorilla), 5, 41–42
Bodo (baboon), 152
Bonn, 4, 108, 178, 181
Brandt, Lars, 111–12
Brandt, Willy, 2, 110–12, 131, 177, 191
Brehm’s Life of Animals, 78, 84
Breslau, 9, 11, 165
Breslau, University of, 17 Zoological Institute of, 12
British Army, 20, 22–23
Bronx Zoo, 116
Brookfield Zoo, 84
brown bears, 8, 68, 191
Budapest civil rights protests, 96
buffalo, 48, 93
Building Academy, 48, 156
Bulette (hippo), 24, 74
Bummi, 52
Busch-Aeros circus, 23
bustards, 125
B.Z., 181, 186
camels, 48, 50, 52, 98
Cameroon, 137, 141
Canada, 118, 136, 141, 146
capitalism, 31, 32, 100, 130, 202
Carinhall, 8
carrier pigeons, 12, 13
cats, 89, 92, 113–15, 178, 192
cattle, 8, 61, 117
Center for Vertebrate Research, 148
chameleons, 162
Charité university clinic, 187–88
Checkpoint Charlie, 109–10, 116
Chengdu Zoo, 179
Chi Chi (panda), 84–86, 177, 220, 226
chimpanzees, 111, 137, 160
China, People’s Republic of, 173–81, 218–19 exchange of animals between Germany and, 99–100, 173–81, 226
Sichuan province of, 84
Christian Democratic Union, 134, 199, 206
Christianity, 144, 146, 150
Cirque Alexis Gruss, 229
cockatoos, 192
Cold War, 5, 6, 218, 223
Cologne, 135
Cologne-Wuppertal Dairy, 66
Cologne Zoo, 60
Commission for Zoological Gardens, 144, 148
communism, 206
Connery, Sean, 132
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 141
Copenhagen, 39, 41, 85
Coppenrath, Heinrich, 69
Coppenrath, Reinhard, 69–70
cranes, 68, 190, 192
crocodiles, 13, 87, 114, 163, 187, 192, 193
Czechoslovakia, 99, 196
Dathe, Almut, 37, 92–93
Dathe, Elisabeth, 37, 41, 50, 92, 93–95, 116, 187, 192, 208
Dathe, Falk, 92–95, 152–53, 207, 226
Dathe, Heinrich, 35–39, 61, 148, 163 acclaim and prestige of, 86–87, 98
character and personality of, 48–49, 53–54, 87, 93–95, 96–97, 176, 204–5
children and family life of, 92–93, 192–93
daily routine of, 93–94
death and funeral of, 212–13, 215
as director of East Berlin Tierpark, 2–3, 4–5, 8, 43–55, 60, 79–81, 192–96, 201–5, 207–14, 217, 219–23
lecturing of, 37, 49–50, 94
at Leipzig Zoo, 35–38, 48, 54–55, 95–96
Nazi Party membership of, 36–37, 38, 54, 97
physical appearance of, 3, 37, 145
rivalry between Klös and, 2–3, 79–80, 89, 114, 165, 166, 202–3, 221, 223
wartime service and imprisonment of, 37
zoo philosophy of, 45–46, 50–51
Dathe, Holger, 37, 92–93, 118
deer, 48, 87, 92–93, 141, 149, 154, 155 fallow, 190
red, 93, 190, 215
Vietnamese sika, 93
de Kowa, Viktor, 164
Demmer, Heini, 84–86
Denmark, 1
Diana, Princess of England, 5
Dieckmann, Johannes, 52
Diepgen, Eberhard, 185, 190, 215
District Association of Small Livestock Breeders, Garden Plot Holders, and Homesteaders, 47
Dittrich, Lothar, 4, 203–4, 206, 214, 226–27 attempted abduction of, 103–7
defection to West Berlin by, 102–5, 107–8
as deputy director of Leipzig Zoo, 96–100, 105, 107, 125–26, 159
as director of Hanover Zoo, 163, 226
political problems of, 99–107
as Tierpark research aide, 49–50, 55, 92
dogs, 20, 52, 84, 139, 162
dolphins, 127, 134, 136, 142, 182
Dombo (elephant), 188, 207–8
domestic animals, 44, 110, 149
donkeys, 9, 79
Dörflein, Thomas, 220
Dortmund, 131, 159
Dresden, 87, 90, 184
Dresden Zoo, 35, 90, 98, 145, 149, 226
Duisburg, 63, 126–30, 131, 134–35, 163, 206
Duisburg Zoo, 1, 126–30, 136–37, 141–42, 206, 227
Dulles, John Foster, 84
Düsseldorf, 21, 135
Düsseldorf Zoological Garden, 21
eagles, 13, 110–11
East Africa, 91, 125
East Berlin, 1, 6, 35, 41, 79–80, 97, 108, 151, 165 Alexanderplatz in, 157, 161, 208
as capital of East Germany, 22, 34, 38–40, 95, 101
commerce in, 95
cultural affairs department of, 203
defection of families to the West from, 48, 102–5, 107–8, 201
Karl-Marx-Allee in, 155
Köpenick district of, 39
Lichtenberg Park in, 39
1953 workers uprising in, 39, 96
Plänterwald in, 39, 40
public broadcasting station of, 115
Rotes Rathaus in, 208
Rüdersdorfer Strasse in, 45
Schlossstrasse (Am Tierpark) in, 95
Stalinallee in, 34, 39, 51
Treptower Park in, 39, 43
Unter den Linden in, 139
Walter Ulbricht Stadium in, 95
Wuhlheide Park in, 39, 40, 51
The Zookeepers' War Page 23