Malcolm (Book 1, The Redemption Series)

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Malcolm (Book 1, The Redemption Series) Page 20

by S. J. West

  “Please, just call me Anna, Bartholomew.”

  “Then I must insist that you in turn call me Barlow,” he replies with a friendly smile.

  “Why does she get to call you Barlow, and I get stuck with Bartholomew?” Malcolm asks, sounding irritated by the disparity.

  Barlow raises an eyebrow at Malcolm. “Because only my friends are allowed to call me Barlow. You and I are business associates. There’s a difference. And as a friend,” Barlow says, turning to look at me again, “I have to ask you Anna, are you with these two men of your own free will?”

  I look at Malcolm and Jered briefly before replying, “Yes. Malcolm didn’t kidnap me. He saved me. The emperor is not himself and wishes to harm me. I am abundantly safer with Malcolm.”

  “I had to ask,” Barlow tells me with a shrug. “I want you to know that if you ever need my help I am here to serve you no matter what the task.”

  “Thank you,” I tell him, not completely sure why a man in Barlow’s line of work would make such an offer.

  “Why don’t we just get down to business now that you know I didn’t kidnap the empress,” Malcolm says. “We need three teleports to New Orleans for tonight.”

  “Easily arranged,” Barlow tells him. “Where to exactly?”

  Malcolm looks to Jered. “You need to procure us some rides. But, we can't chance you going back to my house to get any of my horses.”

  “I should just go to the Elysian Fields Market to get what we need. No one will ask any questions there,” Jered says.

  “Ok, you go there, and Anna and I will go get the package I left at Celeste's place.”

  Barlow begins to chuckle. “You're taking the Empress of Cirrus to Celeste Dubois' house?”

  “Celeste is a friend,” Malcolm says, like where we’re going isn’t as bad as Barlow seems to think it is. “I left something there that I need to get back before the emperor finds it.”

  Barlow looks at me and shakes his head. “Please remember when you arrive there, that it wasn’t my idea to send you to such a place.”

  “Why?” I ask apprehensively. “Who is Celeste Dubois, and what's wrong with her home?”

  “It's a house of...”

  “Enough, Bartholomew,” Malcolm says, cutting off Barlow's words. “She doesn't need to know everything. She might not even notice.”

  Barlow looks at Malcolm like he's lost his mind. “She's not an idiot. She'll know as soon as she gets there.”

  “Then, it doesn't matter, does it?”

  Barlow shakes his head in dismay at Malcolm. “Do I at least have your word that you'll look after her while you’re visiting Celeste? I would hate for Anna to be mistaken for something that she isn't.”

  “She won't even be allowed inside the house,” Malcolm says before his attention gets distracted by something lying in a chair nearby.

  Malcolm walks over to the chair and picks up a folded dark green wool blanket. When he walks back over, he hands it to me.

  “Here. You'll need this for later,” he tells me without further explanation.

  “So, I assume you’re in a rush?” Barlow says to Malcolm.

  “Yes,” Malcolm answers curtly. “We need to get going as soon as possible.”

  “I suppose this will be going on your account?”

  “You know I'm good for it.”

  Barlow nods. He looks over at me and holds out his arm.

  “Please, Anna, let me escort you to where we need to go,” Barlow says.

  I take his offered arm and follow him to one of the many tunnels which are drilled into the mountain, branching off from the main room we're in. I'm fully aware that people are watching me. Whether they're in awe of me or frightened, I can't exactly tell. Quite honestly, I would rather they be neither. I never intended to be a ruler who was worshiped. I only ever wanted to lead the people of both Cirrus and the down-world into an enlightened age. One in which we could all coexist and prosper.

  We walk up to what looks like a cart of some sort sitting on top of two metal tracks. The tracks disappears deeper into the dark tunnel.

  The cart is divided up into a front and back section, both with a padded bench for passengers to sit on.

  Barlow steps up first and offers me his hand to follow him into the front of the cart. Malcolm and Jered get into the back section and sit down.

  A tall metal rod is attached to the floorboard of the cart between Barlow and me.

  “I hope you’re not afraid to go fast,” Barlow says to me.

  “This little cart is supposed to go fast?” I ask dubiously.

  Barlow smiles and flips a switch which turns on a light at the front of the cart, illuminating the dark tunnel ahead.

  “If you get scared,” Barlow tells me with a twinkle in his eyes, “you can always hold onto me, Anna. I’ll keep you safe.”

  I know flirting when I see it, and Barlow is definitely flirting with me.

  “Keep your hands to yourself, Bartholomew,” I hear Malcolm growl behind me.

  Barlow gives Malcolm an irritated sideways glance.

  “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather just stay here with us for a while?” Barlow asks me. “I wager we would be better company than at least one of your current companions.”

  I smile at him but shake my head. “No, I have things that I need to do. But thank you for your kind offer.”

  “It’s an open offer,” Barlow tells me. “Anytime you need us, we’ll be more than willing to help.”

  “Why?” I ask. “Why are you so willing to help someone you don’t even know? Someone you just met?”

  “I knew your father,” Barlow says. “Andre has always been a good friend to my people. We would do anything for a member of his family, especially his daughter. We have high hopes for you empress. We have hope that you can change the world.”

  I smile wanly because I know what he wants from me, what they all seem to want from me. It will take time and a lot of hard work to accomplish, but I know in my heart that it’s what I was born to do.

  “I promise you I’ll do everything within my power to change things for the better. You have my word on that.”

  Barlow nods his head like he believes my promise to him. “Then hold on, Anna, you’re in for the ride of your life.”

  Barlow pushes the rod between us forward and the cart begins to move down the track.

  I soon learn that Barlow wasn’t over-exaggerating. The little cart zooms through the tunnel at a speed I didn’t think it could achieve. It makes me giggle which causes Barlow to laugh heartily. It feels like we’re kids travelling together on a mysterious adventure through the center of a mountain.

  I close my eyes to enjoy the exhilaration of the ride when Barlow yells, “Anna, open your eyes you have to see this!”

  I open my eyes and find us travelling over a large body of water. Something seems to be alive in the water which makes it glow a bright, bright blue, illuminating the wide open space above the underground lake.

  “It’s beautiful!” I tell him.

  “Just like you,” he says back.

  I look at him and roll my eyes in total exasperation at his overt flirting.

  Barlow just laughs, completely shameless.

  When we finally come to the end of the ride, Barlow pulls the rod sticking up from the floorboard backward which seems to act as a break and slowly brings the cart to a stop.

  Barlow hops out of the cart and reaches a hand back in to provide me his assistance in exiting the cart. While I’m standing there beside him, he holds my hand for a bit longer than is necessary but then suddenly drops it.

  I look up at him and notice his gaze is set to some point over my shoulder. I turn around to find Malcolm glowering at Barlow, like he might be on the verge of attacking the other man.

  “I was just helping her out,” Barlow says like he’s having to defend his actions.

  “Oh?” Malcolm questions, not seeming at all convinced. “Is that what all the flirting was doing? Helping her out

  Barlow smiles and shrugs his shoulders. “I’m a man, and she’s a gorgeous woman. Can you blame me?”

  “No, but I can hurt you…” Malcolm says taking a step forward.

  Jered puts a hand on one of Malcolm’s shoulders to hold him back.

  “Why don’t we just do what we came here for? We’ll be gone soon enough,” Jered says, acting as the voice of reason.

  Malcolm doesn’t look ready to stand down.

  “Malcolm,” Jered says, trying to draw his attention, “remember we need to move the package quickly. It’s only a matter of time before it gets discovered.”

  This seems to be the only thing that makes Malcolm regain his senses.

  “Lead the way,” Malcolm tells Barlow, not even trying to temper his words as anything but an order.

  Barlow turns toward the tunnel we stopped at. “Follow me.”

  This tunnel is lit with old fashioned light bulbs much like the large cavern we just left was. At the end of the tunnel is a glass room with something I actually recognize inside it.

  “You have a teleport pad here?” I ask. “But I thought they only worked in the approved areas.”

  “You’re standing right beneath one of the rare areas where teleporters are allowed,” Barlow tells me. “We’ve tapped into the power grid above us to fuel the pad we have here.”

  “That’s brilliant,” I tell him, not giving him false praise.

  Barlow opens the door to the glass room and we all step inside. A control panel stands off to the side on a glass pedestal.

  As Barlow walks over to it, he says, “Jered, why don’t you get on first.”

  Jered walks over to me and takes both my hands into his.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he promises, leaning down to give me a kiss on one cheek. “Remember,” he whispers to me, “the grumpy bear rarely bites.”

  I can’t help but smile and nod at his words.

  Jered stands on the white teleporter pad and soon disappears as he travels to his location.

  “Ok, you two next,” Barlow says, running his hand across the controls.

  “Are you able to transport us exactly to where we need to go?” I ask, knowing that in Cirrus you can only travel between stationed teleporter pads.

  “Yes, we modified it so all we have to do is input the exact coordinates to reach any place in the world.” Barlow lifts his gaze from the control panel and looks at me. “Remember, Anna. If you ever need anything from me, all you have to do is ask. Anything at all…”

  “Just push the damn button or whatever you have to do to get us out of here,” Malcolm grumbles.

  “Until next time, Anna,” Barlow says just as we teleport to our location.

  I instantly find myself standing on the front porch of what looks like an old fashioned mansion made of red brick. We’re standing on a wide porch in front of a red door. The roof of the front porch is held up by thick white painted wood pillars.

  “Your friend has a big house,” I comment, wondering who this Celeste is and what she must do for a living to own such a home in the down-world.

  Malcolm pounds his fist against the door.

  “She needs it for her business,” he tells me, not bothering to look at me, just staring straight at the door waiting for it to be answered.

  “What exactly is your problem, Malcolm?” I ask, finally getting tired of his attitude towards me during the day. Enough was enough.

  “I have no problem,” he mutters.

  “You made it abundantly clear this morning that you don’t want to have anything to do with me after I take the seals from the princes. Yet, you acted like you were about to beat Barlow up for some innocent flirting. You realize that makes absolutely no sense, don’t you?”

  “What did you want me to do?” Malcolm says, finally turning to look at me. “Just let Barlow make passes at you without trying to protect you?”

  “Why do you care?”

  Malcolm falls silent for a second before saying, “Because you’re my responsibility. You’re under my protection, and as long as you are, it’s my duty to look out for you, even from unscrupulous would be suitors like Bartholomew Stokes.”

  “Is that the only reason you care?” I ask. “Because you feel an obligation to protect me? Isn’t there any other reason?”

  Malcolm just stares at me, his expression indecipherable.

  Before he has a chance to give me an answer, the door we’re standing in front of is slammed open.

  Standing in the doorway is a pretty woman with free-flowing blonde hair which reaches half-way down her back. She’s wearing a rather old fashioned dress, but it’s a style I recognize because the people of the cloud city of Nimbo adopted 19th century European clothing. Except, instead of being modest, the dress this woman is wearing has the front of the skirt hitched up to show off her long legs and the bodice is so low you can clearly see the tops of her well-endowed breast.

  When she sees Malcolm, her eyes light up, and I instantly know this woman is in love with him. She practically throws herself at Malcolm who catches her easily, like this isn’t the first time this particular scenario has played out.

  “What took you so long?” She moans as she looks lovingly up at Malcolm and proceeds to press her lips to his mouth in a demanding kiss.

  CHAPTER nineteen

  As I stand there and watch the woman virtually devour Malcolm's lips with her own, my first instinct is to draw my sword from the baldric on my back and force her ravenous mouth to back away from his. Fortunately, just before I reach behind me to grab the hilt of my sword, Malcolm raises his hands up to the woman's arms, gently removes them from around his neck and pushes her away. I hear a faint sucking sound as her lips are forced to release their hold on his.

  “Celeste,” Malcolm says, “we need to talk.”

  The woman seems completely unperturbed by Malcolm pushing her away. As I watch, she reaches down with her right hand and grabs hold of Malcolm in a place that no decent woman would touch a man who isn't her husband. And, most certainly not while someone else is looking on.

  A confused look crosses Celeste's face as she fondles him there.

  “What's wrong with Little Malcolm?” she asks. “He should be in proud fighting form and ready to play with me after a kiss like the one I just gave you.”

  I grab the hilt of my sword.

  But, Malcolm takes a step back from Celeste before I pull my sword from its sheath. His action forces her to drop her hand away from what she so loving called his 'Little Malcolm'.

  “We're not alone, Celeste,” Malcolm says, turning his head to look straight at me.

  Celeste follows Malcolm's gaze and seems to notice my presence for the first time.

  “Well, I'll be damned,” Celeste says, placing her hands on her hips. “We'd heard a rumor that you kidnapped the empress, but I didn't think it was true. I didn't think you would be that stupid, Malcolm!”

  “I wasn't kidnapped,” I politely inform her, knowing now exactly what she is and what type of 'business' Barlow tried to warn me Celeste Dubois was involved in. “I left with Malcolm of my own free will.”

  Celeste looks me up and down in an appraising way that only a woman can when she deems you her competition.

  Despite myself, I smile when I see a hint of worry enter her eyes.

  “It doesn't really matter whether you came with Malcolm willingly or not,” she says to me. “The emperor has placed a pretty price on your head that a lot of people down here would sell their soul to cash in on.”

  “Which is why she'll be staying in the barn tonight,” Malcolm tells Celeste. “I don't want any of your girls to know she's staying here. As soon as Jered arrives in the morning, we'll be on our way and you won't have to deal with any of this. The last thing I want to do is cause you problems or disrupt your business for any longer than I have already.”

  “Then go ahead and take her out back to the barn before one of the girls sees her,” Celeste says to Malcolm. “
I'll take her some food myself later. I'm assuming you’re hungry?”

  It's not until then that I realize I haven't eaten anything since the fish that morning.

  “Yes, some food would be nice,” I tell her. “Thank you.”

  Celeste sets her eyes back on Malcolm like a rapacious beast setting its sights on its next prey. She walks up to him, slipping her arms underneath his long coat and around his waist until their chests are pressed against one another.

  “After you get the empress settled in,” she croons to him, “come back inside so we can...have a quiet moment with one another.”

  Malcolm kisses Celeste on the forehead. “Thank you for your help, Celeste. I won't be long.”

  This seems to pacify Celeste, and she steps back to let Malcolm go.

  Malcolm turns on his heels and steps off the porch. He doesn't ask me to follow him. He just assumes I will. I do follow him, of course. It's either that or stand on the porch with Celeste DuBois.

  Malcolm walks to the back of the house where a large red barn stands. His strides are long and fast. I have a hard time keeping up with him without having to jog part of the way. Once we reach the barn, Malcolm opens up a normal sized door built into the much larger one at the front of it.

  Once we step inside, Malcolm grabs something off the wall beside the door. I hear a whirring noise and see a faint light come from the object he's holding as he turns a small crank on its side, and I see that it’s a mechanically powered lantern.

  After Malcolm turns the crank as far as it will go, he hands it to me.

  “The light should last for a couple of hours before you have to crank it again,” Malcolm tells me. “Your outfit will keep you warm enough. It was designed to keep your body at a comfortable temperature, but I’m sure you’ve already noticed that.”

  “Are you planning to sleep with her?” I ask point blank, wanting an answer.

  “If you need anything,” Malcolm says, completely ignoring my question and keeping his eyes averted from mine, “go to the back door of the house and tell one of Celeste's girls. They'll come and get me. But, try to keep your face hidden. I would rather none of them knew you were here.”


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