A Fighter's Choice

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A Fighter's Choice Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “You shave your pussy?” His cock got a lot harder imagining her bare. She’d be a dream to lick out. He wanted to see her naked, taste her musky scent on his tongue.

  “Yes. Can’t you tell the difference?”

  He eased his hand down to the entrance of her cunt. Sliding a finger inside, he felt her walls grip him tightly. She groaned, fucking herself onto his hand.

  Amber held onto his wrist even as he moved in and out of her. He wanted inside her. Jasper didn’t know how long he’d last before he tried to claim her. Biting her neck, he sucked her flesh into his mouth, wanting to mark her.

  “Tell me to stop, Amber. I’ll stop, and you can walk away now.”

  “You bastard. You did this on purpose.” She tilted her head to the side, opening her eyes to look at him. “You made sure I wanted you before you gave me that chance.” She cried out as he pushed his thumb against her clit.

  “I’m a fighter, baby. I know how to fight for what I want, and I don’t always have to use violence.” From the first moment he saw her, Jasper had wanted her in the worst possible way. For a year he’d denied himself. Before he’d seen Amber across the hall he’d fuck every available girl he could find. Then he’d seen her, and from that first glance he changed his habits. All of the women he’d been with before lacked everything as far as he was concerned.

  “Fuck you,” she said, sinking her nails into his wrist.

  He pulled his hand out of her shorts and loosened his hold. Amber spun in his arms, circling her own around his neck. She pressed her body to his, slamming her lips on his. The slight pain from his bruised lip didn’t stop him from responding. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he picked her up, moving toward his bedroom. She caressed over his lips, and he opened his mouth to take her tongue.

  Jasper stroked her exposed back, wanting to touch as much of her body as he could. When he was in the bedroom, he placed her back on her feet. He caressed her back, sliding his hands forward to start unbuttoning her shirt. She didn’t fight him.

  Amber deepened the kiss, sliding their tongues together. He pulled away as he got to the last button. She wore a red lace bra, showing the red of her nipples.

  He didn’t get a chance to remove her shirt, as she finished taking it off. Her tits thrust out, and he cupped the mounds in his hands, thumbing her nipples. Together they moaned, and he watched her unclasp her bra. This time, he pulled the offending item out of his way. Her heavy tits filled his hands. Going to his knees, he took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking hard.

  She cried out, arching her body toward him.

  Moving to the next nipple, he pinched the wet bud he’d just sucked.

  Seconds passed, and she tugged on his hair, forcing him to stand up. Most women he’d have thrown to the bed and already been inside. With Amber he wanted to enjoy every second of her.

  Without any encouragement from him, she tugged on the belt holding up his jeans. She stared into his eyes, smiling. “If you wanted a shy little virgin, you came to the wrong place.” Amber shoved his jeans down his hips. He winced at the sudden pain in his rock hard cock.

  Taking her hand, he placed her fingers around his thick length.

  “Does that feel like I want a shy little virgin?” He pumped his hips, wanting her hands on him.

  Kicking his boots off, he couldn’t believe his eyes when she sank to her knees before him. She helped him remove his jeans then slid her hand up his thigh. He stared down, waiting for whatever she had planned.

  Her hazel eyes held a great deal of mischief as well as lust. This woman wasn’t the talkative neighbor he’d gotten to know. The woman before him was a woman with needs, and she intended to get those needs met by him.

  She wrapped her fingers around his length, starting at the base and working to the tip. He hissed as her tongue licked over the tip, taking his pre-cum. She didn’t give him the chance to get used to the feel of her hands on him, instead sucking the entire tip into her warm mouth.

  “Fuck.” He sank his fingers into her hair, watching her take more and more of his length. Amber looked up at him with her mouth stuffed with his dick. It was one of the most erotic sights he’d witnessed.

  “Do you like sucking my cock?” he asked.

  She eased off his length, licking the tip as she did. Her lips looked red, swollen from their kissing. “Yes, don’t you like it?”

  Before he got a chance to answer, she swallowed more of his length. He hit the back of her throat, and Amber kept on swallowing. She was like every horny man’s wet dream.

  He tugged on the band in her hair, releasing the silky strands from the bind. Running his fingers through the length, he gritted his teeth in an effort to contain the pleasure that she was creating with her wicked tongue. Amber knew how to suck cock. She pulled off him, licking along the length then back to the tip.

  Pulling her hair together, he wrapped the length around his fist. When he could no longer stand to have her mouth on his dick, he pulled on the length drawing her to her feet.

  She stood before him with her tits hanging out, but she was still wearing those tiny shorts.

  Releasing her hair, he fingered the button of her shorts.

  “You know how to suck cock,” he said, voicing his thoughts of earlier.

  “Can you eat pussy the same way?” She wriggled her hips, letting the shorts slide down her legs along with her panties, which were red lace to match the bra. Amber kicked off her sneakers then stepped away from him.

  She sat on the bed, sliding a little onto the bed. He watched her open her legs, exposing her cunt to him. “Well, can you?” she asked, reaching between her legs. He watched her open the lips of the sex and tease herself, touching her clit. Amber let out a groan as she slid her finger over her swollen bud.

  Sinking to his knees on the floor, he grabbed her ass and drew her back to the edge of the bed. She giggled, collapsing onto her back.

  Without waiting for her to say anything he placed his hands on her thighs, spreading her as wide as she would go. He didn’t want anything to stop him from tasting her, not even her fighting him.

  The lips of her pussy were open, revealing what he wanted. Sliding his tongue along one of her lips, he sucked the bare flesh into his mouth, purposefully missing her core. She groaned, arching up against him.

  Her fingers slid in his hair, but he was stronger than she was. She didn’t stand a chance of ordering him around. Sliding his tongue along the outside of her pussy, he sucked each of her lips in, driving her crazy.

  “Fuck, please, Jasper.”

  Ignoring her please, he tongued her entrance tasting her musky cream. She was soaking wet, and the smell of her was sweet. He circled the entrance to her cunt, swallowing down her cum.

  Jasper teased her with his tongue while gripping her thighs hard. She gripped his hair tightly yet didn’t tug or set out to hurt him.

  Only when he could no longer stand to tease her, he slammed his tongue in deep. The walls of her pussy quivered around his tongue. Again, it wasn’t enough. He pulled out, going up to circle her clit.

  “Yes, please, that’s so much better,” she said, moaning.

  He glanced up to see her collapsed to the bed. She let go of his hair, and her arms were above her head, submitting to him.

  Moving his hands from her thighs, he pressed a finger inside her cunt, adding a second finger.

  “Tell me, Amber, have you ever been fucked in the ass?” he asked.

  She giggled. “I don’t tell all on the first night.” She tilted her head to look at him and smiled. “What?” she asked. “Did you think I was going to be shocked by your harsh words?”

  He didn’t know what to expect from her. There would be many women who’d run away screaming at what he said. “Well, have you?”

  Amber tapped her nose. “That’s my secret.”

  Jasper got excited, not just his cock. He pushed three fingers inside her and watched her moan, thrusting to meet his fingers. She was tight inside.

  He sucked her clit into his mouth, flicking the hard bud with his tongue. Her moan echoed throughout the room, but he didn’t want her coming on his fingers. No, he wanted her coming over his cock. He worked his fingers inside her pussy, watching her cream coat the digits. She was so wet, and her response to him drove him crazy.

  How had he let this woman live across from him without having a taste of her? He didn’t know how he’d let it happen, only that it wasn’t going to happen again.

  He started to feel the effects of the fight wearing on him, but he needed this release. Fighting was great for a short burst of release. His body hadn’t been his own for some time, and it was this woman’s fault.

  She teased him with her sexy outfits, brash attitude, and multiple personalities. He couldn’t pin her down.


  Amber groaned as he slid his tongue over her clit time and time again. His fingers filled her yet didn’t give her exactly what she wanted from him. Jasper kept her at the edge never allowing her to go over into bliss. He was torturing her, being unfair in keeping her from an incredible orgasm.

  “Please, Jasper.” She’d never had a problem begging before, and she certainly didn’t have one now.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” he asked.

  “You know you’re torturing me. Please, let me come.”

  He looked up her body with a wicked smile on his face. “You’ve got no chance.” She cried out as he sucked her clit into his mouth one final time. He pressed a kiss to her clit then stood.

  When he knelt on the end of the bed, she started to move up the bed. Jasper followed her. The intensity in his eyes couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than what it was. He was going to fuck her, and she knew he was going to make it good.

  Everything about Jasper screamed sex appeal.

  “I should ask you if you’ve got any diseases,” he said.

  She laughed. “You’re a little late in the asking.”

  He reached toward the drawer beside the bed. She saw the foiled packet.

  “I was honest with you.”

  “I’m clean. I’ve got a good clean bill of health, and I’ve never been with anyone without a condom. You’re the first man I’ve sucked off without a condom.” She took the condom from his hands, pressing on his chest. “Trust me.”

  Jasper went to the bed, following her direction. She was surprised. He didn’t look like the kind of man who’d take orders in the bedroom and she said as much.

  “Baby, don’t mistake this as submission. I’m intrigued by what you’ll do. The only person who’ll be submitting in the bedroom is you.”

  She raised a brow at his words. “You’re confident of yourself.”

  “I know what I can do.”

  Amber tore into the foil packet, taking out the latex. She pinched the tip and slid the condom over his impressive length. “You’re big.”

  “I know.”

  With her hand on his chest, Amber threw her leg over his hips, straddling him. His hands were resting underneath his head.

  “Do you know what to do with it?” She gripped the base of his cock and aligned the tip with her pussy.

  Staring into his eyes, she slid down the length of his cock, taking as much of him as she could. She’d not been lying. He was big, very big.

  Moaning, she closed her eyes, tilting her head to the side as the pleasure erupted within her.

  His hands moved to her hips. “You can take it all.” He tightened his hands on her hips and pulled her down.

  She cried out from the invasion.

  Gripping his shoulders, she panted as he hit a spot deep within her. His grip tightened on her hips, and before she knew it, she was impaled on his cock.

  “There, that’s much better.”

  The pleasure and pain combined together making it difficult for her to know which sensation was the best. He was so deep. She didn’t know she could take such a large cock.

  Jasper sat up in bed, surrounding her with his body. He made her feel so small in comparison to him.

  “I’m all the way inside you.”

  “I can feel you.”

  This was it. Things were going to change, and she sensed something happening between them. She didn’t know what it was, nor did she want to think about it.

  He pushed hair off her shoulder, and he followed the length down to twirl the strands around his fingers. With his other hand, he cupped her face. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”

  “I keep being told how beautiful I am lately.”

  She placed her hands on his shoulders. His face was bruised, cut, yet it didn’t detract from the sexiness of him. The pulse of his cock made her feel incredibly full.

  “Do you want to move?” she asked.

  “I’m happy just like this.” Both of his hands moved down her body to cup her ass. He made no move to thrust or change their positions. Banding her arms around his neck, she licked his lips. Jasper opened his lips, and she took possession of them. Sliding her hands into his hair, she held him in place, kissing him.

  She was the first to start moving. The depth of him was driving her insane, and she needed him to move or do something to drive this ache away. He consumed every part of her.

  He held onto her ass tightly, to the point she knew there would be bruises. She didn’t care.

  In one quick move she was on her back and he was sliding in and out of her. He filled her to the brink, thrusting hard.

  Jasper took her hands, pressing them to the bed.

  “I’m in charge,” he said, holding her down. She stared up into his blue eyes seeing the devil lurking in his depths.

  “Go ahead. I’m yours to control.”

  The fire shone brighter than ever before. She met each of his small thrusts, wanting to see every part of this man who confused yet delighted her.

  He held her down and fucked her hard. Jasper left no doubt in her mind of who was in control. The strength within him should have scared her, yet all it did was turn her on more. She wanted everything he had to offer. The length of his cock driving into her over and over again was so exquisite. She didn’t want him to stop.

  “Do you like my cock inside you?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “This pussy is mine, Amber?”

  She stared into his eyes wondering what the hell he was talking about.

  Shaking her head, she bit her lip. He stopped thrusting inside her, staring down into her eyes. “My body belongs to me.”

  “I’m not going to fuck around, Amber. This changes shit,” he said.

  “Changes shit? Fuck, Jasper, we’ve only just learned each other’s names and you’re making some declaration?”

  “Not declaration. I don’t fuck other men’s leftovers. No dick enters this pussy but me until we decide it’s over.”

  “Seriously? You’re making a fucking claim now with your dick inside me?” She pressed her hand to her head. Had she banged her head or something in the last couple of minutes? This was crazy.

  “What can I say? I like to do things a little backwards, but I’m fucking serious, Amber. No other man or woman for either of us.”

  “You’re doing this on purpose.” She gritted her teeth. The sexual frustration built inside her with every passing second. Part of her wanted to claw his eyes out for him stopping while another part wanted to give him everything he wanted just so he’d fuck her.

  “So, what’s it going to be?”

  “I don’t cheat, and I certainly don’t go from one man to another, especially in one night.” She bit the words out, growling at him. “There better not be any other woman for you. I never thought this was a one-night stand, Jasper.”

  “There’s not going to be any other women.”

  “All of the groupies stop.” She glared at him, letting him know she was pissed at his bad timing.

  He chuckled. “You’re cute when you’re angry.”

  “Are you going to fuck me with that big cock or do I h
ave to find release elsewhere?”

  Jasper pulled out of her, gripped her hips and turned her until she was on her knees before him. Within seconds he was inside her, filling her back up.

  Their moans echoed off the walls. He slapped her ass, making her yelp.

  “Don’t think to smart-mouth me,” he said, warning her.

  The burn of the spank along with the length of him drove her closer to climax. He didn’t leave her for long. His fingers dove between her thighs, and he started to tease her clitoris. It wasn’t long before she was screaming out her release.

  Jasper fucked inside her hard, and he followed her into bliss with a guttural groan.

  Chapter Six

  Grabbing yogurt, some fruit, and leftovers from the fridge, Jasper walked back into his room. It was past three in the morning, and he was feeling the fight in more ways than one. Amber had been in his bed, her body on demand, and sleep had been a long way off. Now, he was just hungry. They’d fucked twice and taken a shower together where they’d touched each other for the last half an hour. By the time they got out of the shower, it was raining down cold water instead of the warm he was used to.

  “Wow,” Amber said, sitting up in bed. She’d put one of his shirts on while he went hunting.

  “I checked the takeout menus, and the places shut at one.” He placed the cartons on the bed, careful not to get any of the bedding.

  He opened up a carton of fried noodles as Amber found the prawn toasts that were left over.

  She groaned, going for a second. “Who do you buy takeout from? I need their number because this stuff is amazing. I’ve never tasted anything like this before.” She licked her fingers, going for a third. He handed her the noodles and watched as she ate with relish.

  “You’re not afraid to eat.”

  “Tell me about it. A guy with a monster cock has been keeping me up. I don’t know how I can even walk.”

  Jasper laughed. She really was unlike any woman he’d known. Yes, she was brash and talked about shit like it was, but he found her enjoyable. Her body was to die for. He’d never taken a woman for more than one night, but Amber was different. There was no way a night with her would ever be enough.


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