Although Elendil was the High-king of both realms, he chose to dwell in Arnor, the senior of the two kingdoms, which he ruled personally from his beautiful city of Annúminas, beside Lake Evendim; his sons, Isildur and Anárion, ruled Gondor conjointly.
For a while both Exile Kingdoms were allowed to grow in peace. But, unbeknown to Elendil, Sauron the Great had also escaped the ruin of Númenor and had secretly re-entered Mordor. Forced to wait there while he gathered his strength, the Dark Lord became enraged on discovering that Elendil, whom he most hated, had escaped him, and was ordering a realm upon his borders. In the year 3429 Sauron struck. Lying within his easy reach, on the shoulders of the Mountains of Shadow, Minas Ithil was quickly taken; but Anárion successfully defended the line of the Anduin, while Isildur escaped into the North to rally Arnor.
One year later, Elendil formed the Last Alliance of Elves and Men with Gil-galad, Elven-king of Lindon. The combined Hosts were mustered in Arnor and, in the year 3434, with Elendil and Gilgalad at their head, they crossed the Misty Mountains and marched south. At the ensuing Battle of Dagorlad, Narsil, the Sword of Elendil, and Aiglos, the Spear of Gil-galad, scythed through their foes and, though losses were grievous, the Alliance prevailed. Sauron was driven back to the Barad-dûr and there endured a long siege. Seven years later he finally emerged to engage Elendil and Gil-galad in single combat on the slopes of the volcano Orodruin. Though Sauron was himself overthrown in that fight, Gil-galad and Elendil were both slain. The High-kingship then passed to Isildur.
Elendil’s body was secretly laid in a tomb on the hill of Eilenaer (the Halifirien, afterwards called Amon Anwar ‘Hill of Awe’) by Isildur. There it lay for over two thousand years until, in the time of Cirion the Steward, the casket was removed with reverence from the mound and taken back to Minas Tirith, to lie in the Hallows.
Elendili ‘Elf-friends’ (Q.) – Another name for the FAITHFUL of Andúnië.
Elendilmir – The Star of Elendil; the ‘crown’ of Arnor (though the Sceptre of Annúminas was the chief emblem of royalty in the North-kingdom). It was a single white gem bound to the brow by a slender fillet of silver and had descended to Elendil (and so Isildur) from Silmariën of Andúnië. It was in Isildur’s possession at the time of the disaster of the Gladden Fields (Year 2 Third Age) and was lost with his body. Accordingly, a new Elendilmir was made in Rivendell for Valandil, Isildur’s last remaining son and now the King of Arnor. It was this jewel, known also as the Star of the Dúnedain, which Aragorn wore in battle at the Pelennor Fields.
After the War of the Ring and the expulsion of Saruman from Isengard, a close search of Orthanc revealed a hidden vault, in which were two items: a small golden case, large enough to hold a ring, on a golden chain; and the Elendilmir. Had Saruman actually found Isildur’s body and pillaged it of its treasures?5
Elendur – The eldest of the four sons of Isildur, slain at the Gladden Fields (Year 2 Third Age). He was born in Númenor in 3299 Second Age. Also the name of the ninth King of Arnor, who ruled from 652–777 Third Age.
Elenna-nórë ‘The Land named Starwards’ (Q.) – This great isle was the most westerly of all Mortal Lands, being just within sight of Tol Eressëa. At the end of the First Age, Elenna was given to the Edain by the Valar as a reward for their aid in the wars against Morgoth the Enemy. Accordingly, they set sail at the dawn of the new Age and founded there the realm of Númenor, far removed from the turmoil of Middle-earth.
Elentári ‘Star-queen’ (Q.) – The High-elven form of the Grey-elven name ELBERETH. This Lady was more usually known to the High-elves as Varda ‘The Exalted’.
Elentirmo ‘Star-watcher’ (Q.) – A name for King Tar-Meneldur of Númenor after he had built a great star-gazing tower in the northernmost wilderness.
Elenwë ‘Star-maiden’ (Q.) – The wife of Turgon of the Noldor. She perished during the dreadful crossing of the Helcaraxë, the Northern Ice, at the beginning of the period of Exile.
Elenya ‘Stars’-day’ (Q.) – The first day of the ‘week’ (enquië) in Elvish and Númenorean reckoning – and ultimately in the calendar of almost all Westron-speaking peoples of Middle-earth. The Sindarin name for the same day was Orgilion, which was the word used by the Dúnedain. The Hobbits used a translation of Elenya: Sterrendei, which later became simply Sterday.
Elerrína ‘Star-crowned’ (Q.) – A name for OIOLOSSË.
Elessar ‘Elf-stone’ (Q.) – The title taken by Aragorn II on his accession to the throne of Gondor. Although the name had been foretold for the Dúnadan long before, the reason for it was not apparent until he received the green gem mounted in a silver eagle which had originally been given by Galadriel to her daughter Celebrían, and by Celebrían to her daughter Arwen Evenstar. Thus it came to Aragorn when he passed through Lothlórien with the fellowship of the Ring;6 thenceforth he wore the jewel at all times.
After the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, the people of Gondor also gave Aragorn the title ‘Elfstone’, not knowing who he was or why the lords of the Realm treated him with deference – but perceiving the great emerald as a work of Elvish craft.
Note: later sources expand on the history of the green jewel, though variations between them serve to confuse7. A consensus is that there were two stones of this name, the first made in Gondolin by one of the Noldor called Enerdhil, later given to Idril, and by her to Eärendil, with whom it passed into the West; the second made during the Second Age in Eregion by Celebrimbor for Galadriel in memory of the first Elessar, and used by her for its healing power. It was this ‘lesser’ Elessar which passed to Aragorn.
Elestirnë (Tar-Elestirnë) ‘Lady of the Star Brow’ (Q.) – The name given to ERENDIS, Queen of Númenor (and estranged wife of Tar-Aldarion) when she began to wear the diamond her betrothed had given her, not as a brooch, but mounted on a silver fillet about her brow. This is said to be the origin of the Númenorean kings’ custom of wearing a diadem rather than a crown.
Elf-friend – A possible translation of the name Elendil (which also means ‘Star-lover’). More specifically a title of honour awarded to folk of other race who proved friendly to Elves. The Edain of the First Age were known as the ‘Three Houses of the Elf-friends’.
Elfhelm – A Marshal of Rohan who fought in – and survived – many of the battles of the War of the Ring, including the great Battle of the Pelennor Fields (March, 3019 Third Age). He fought at the Isen against Saruman, and later led the right wing of Riders when Théoden’s men broke through the unguarded Pelennor wall at its most northerly point and charged to the relief of the city. There, his éored wrought great destruction among the Orcs and Men who manned the fire-pits and siege-engines near the city-walls of Minas Tirith.
Several days later, Elfhelm commanded the main body of the Rohirrim who guarded the northern flank in Anórien while the Host of the West marched to offer battle at the Black Gate.
Elfhild – The wife of King Théoden of Rohan. She died early in her life while giving birth to Théoden’s only son, Théodred, himself slain during the War of the Ring. Théoden never remarried.
Elfstan Fairbairn – The eldest son of Elanor ‘the Fair’, daughter of Samwise Gamgee. He was the founder of the Fairbairn family.
Elfwine – The nineteenth King of Rohan and the son of Éomer and Lothíriel, daughter of Imrahil of Dol Amroth.
Ell – A unit of measure, roughly one-and-a-half yards.
Elladan and Elrohir – The twin sons of Elrond. Like their father (and his brother, Elros Tar-Minyatur), they were Peredhil (‘Halfelven’) and therefore possessed the life of the Eldar – while Elrond himself remained in Middle-earth. In 2509 Third Age their mother, Celebrían, was journeying across the passes of the Misty Mountains when her party was ambushed by Orcs. The brothers rode swiftly to their mother’s aid – and succeeded in rescuing her – but they never forgot the days of torment she experienced at the Orcs’ hands while in captivity. Both Elladan (‘Man-of-the-Stars’) and Elrohir (‘Star-rider’) rode with the Dúnedain of the
North to Aragorn’s aid during the War of the Ring and, with the Grey Company, passed the Paths of the Dead and fought their way to Pelargir. There they took ship with the host of Lebennin and Langstrand up the Anduin, in time to arrive at a crucial moment during the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. After the Passing of the Three Rings, they remained with the Dúnedain of Arnor. Like their sister Arwen – although for different reasons – both brothers elected to become of mortal-kind.
Elmo – The younger brother of Elwë and Olwë of the Teleri. Little is said of him in records, other than that he was the grandfather of Celeborn. See LINES OF DESCENT.
Elostirion – The name of the tallest of the towers of Emyn Beraid, in which the chief or master palantír was kept. It was built by Gil-galad during the Second Age.
Elrond ‘Star-dome’ (Sind.) – Son of Eärendil and brother of Elros Tar-Minyatur; Herald of Gil-galad; Bearer of the Great Ring Vilya, mightiest of the Three, and Master of Rivendell throughout the Second and Third Ages of Middle-earth. The sons of Eärendil were Elros and Elrond, the Peredhil or Halfelven. ‘In them alone the line of the heroic chieftains of the Edain in the First Age was preserved; and after the fall of Gil-galad the lineage of the High-elven Kings was also in Middle-earth only represented by their descendants.’8
The lineage of the Peredhil was indeed impressive. Eärendil the Mariner, their father, was the son of Tuor (of the Third House of the Edain) and Idril Celebrindal, daughter of Turgon, High-elven King of Gondolin. Their mother Elwing the White was the daughter of Dior, son of Beren (of the First House of the Edain) and Lúthien Tinúviel, daughter of Thingol Greycloak and the Lady Melian of the Valar.
At the end of the First Age Elros and Elrond were appointed a choice: to become Mortal – albeit with greatly increased lifespan – or to accept the life of the Eldar. Elros decided to stay with the Edain, and was thus chosen to be Númenor’s first King. But his brother’s heart lay with the Eldar of Middle-earth, and so Elrond chose to be of Elven-kind. Ultimately the same choice was later inherited by his own three children: Elladan, Elrohir and Arwen Undómiel.
The early years of the Second Age were peaceful, and at that time Elrond dwelt with Gil-galad in Lindon, north of the Lune. The fabled refuge of Imladris (Rivendell) was not established until the middle of the War of the Elves and Sauron, which began in the year 1693. After Sauron’s invasion of Eriador, Elrond was sent by Gil-galad to the aid of the Elven-smiths of Eregion. Although he could not save Eregion, he rescued the survivors and retreated northwards with them to a hidden valley deep in the foothills of the Misty Mountains; there Elrond founded the ‘Last Homely House’ of his kin. For the remainder of the Second Age Elrond, now an Elvenlord of power, defended Imladris against all who would overcome it. And during the War of the Last Alliance, which secured Sauron’s overthrow at the end of the Age, he marched with the Host as the Herald of Gil-galad. Gil-galad had already bequeathed Vilya, greatest of the Three Rings to Elrond; and thus it was saved from destruction when Gil-galad perished at Sauron’s hand.
Throughout the Third Age Elrond dwelt in Rivendell, wielding Vilya in concert with the other two Rings. But he could hardly stand aside from the affairs of his kinsfolk and other Free Peoples, and when, during the middle years of the Age, the North-kingdoms of the Dúnedain began to break up, the surviving Men of those lands relied heavily on Master Elrond’s aid. He gave them sanctuary when they needed it, and sent a force to the last battle at Fornost against the Witch-king (in the year 1974). And when the North-kingdom finally fell, Elrond took the Heirs of Isildur into his own house, where also were kept the treasures of Isildur’s Line: the Ring of Barahir, the Shards of Narsil, and the Sceptre of Annúminas.
But the House of Rivendell was not a fortress, nor a camp of war. It was a place of learning, merriment and quiet, beside a running stream, deep in a forest-clad northern valley. There, with his children, his loremasters and many of the chief Eldar of Middle-earth as his counsellors, Elrond dwelt until the end of the Age. Then the Master of Rivendell, friend of Elves and Men, passed in his turn ‘West-over-Sea’; and with him went the Three Rings of the Elves. Thus Elrond was finally reunited with his wife Celebrían (who had gone over Sea long before); but he was sundered at the last from his sons Elladan and Elrohir, and from his beloved daughter Arwen.
Elros Tar-Minyatur – The son of Eärendil the Mariner and twin brother of Elrond; from 32–442 Second Age, the first King of Númenor; and the founder of the Dúnedain royal line. He was known to the Edain by the High-elven title Tar-Minyatur (‘High First-ruler’; Elros means ‘Star-glitter’), and he reigned over the Land of the Star for more than four hundred years; for to him and his descendants the Valar granted a great lifespan. His son Vardamir Nólimon succeeded him (albeit briefly).
Eluchíl ‘Thingol’s Heir’ (Sind.) – See DIOR ELUCHÍL.
Eluréd ‘Thingol’s Heir’ (Sind.) – The elder of the two infant sons of Dior Eluchíl. He was left to starve in the forest by the sons of Fëanor, after the sack of Doriath, together with his younger brother Elurin.
Elurin – See preceding entry.
Elvenhome – A translation of ELDAMAR.
Elven rings – The Three Rings.
Elven-smiths – Prior to the rebellion of the Noldor, and the return of this people in Exile during the First Age, Elvish craft in Middle-earth had chiefly taken the form of skills with speech, song and enchantment. But the war which the Noldor then began against Morgoth compelled them to develop anew the art of smithying, and so forge their own weaponry.
Naturally this was of a uniquely Elvish nature, though at first many of the techniques were acquired from the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains. One notable feature of the swords and daggers they created was the happy faculty of warning their owners of approaching evil creatures (such as Orcs and Trolls) by shining with a cold blue light. But for the Orcs – who captured much Elvish weaponry in the First Age – such blades were objects of fear and abhorrence.
During the Second Age, the craft of smithying was further developed by the Noldor of Fëanor’s House, in Eregion (where they had access to metals mined by the Dwarves of Moria). They forged the Great Rings, perhaps the supreme examples of Elvish skill after the Silmarils. Yet all such Elvish essays into high craftsmanship now seem ill-starred, and the fate of the Great Rings echoes that of the Great Jewels: they were marvellous beyond measure, but great peril was brought into the world with them – and remained until they were finally removed from the Circles of the World.
Elven-swords – See preceding entry.
Elves (Trans. from Quendi ‘the Speakers’) – In the Beginning of Days, long before Good or Evil moved in Middle-earth, when only the wild beasts and ancient trees inhabited the forests and valleys, the first of the ‘speaking peoples’ awoke. These were the Elves, the Firstborn, the immortal Elder Race of Middle-earth, noblest of the Children of God. No subsequent race has ever had such a profound effect upon Middle-earth; for the Elves were, materially and spiritually, more closely bound to Middle-earth than Men; and all that they did was done long ago; and as a result the long effects of the presence of Elves in Middle-earth are more deeply rooted than the works of Men, though the full measure of them can no longer easily be discerned.
In those most ancient of all days the subsequent differences between the Elf-kindreds had not yet begun to manifest themselves, and for a timeless period the Firstborn roamed freely around the waters of Cuiviénen, and in the eastern forests, learning, understanding, and, above all, speaking: to each other (most of all) and to those beasts and growing things (kelvar and olvar) whose thoughts the Elves most desired to know. Their role in the affairs of Middle-earth is therefore one of awakening and teaching, rather than creation, or as in the case of Morgoth (and, unfortunately, Men) sub-creation. The Elves were the Quickeners of intellect, and articulation; they did not, strictly speaking, ‘invent’ these gifts; bu
t they stimulated them, in themselves and in others; and having awakened and taught to the full extent of their ability (and their destiny) they departed from Middle-earth, leaving the remaining ‘speaking-peoples’ with the same hereditary task.
Yet the changefiilness of Mortal Lands affected the Elves in time, and, as is told in many places, they came to be divided into two main branches: the East-elves (or Avari), who loved the forests and were content there: and the West-elves, who conceived an awareness of their destiny and awaited a manifestation of it. These latter were the ELDAR; the Three Kindreds who were summoned to dwell across the Sea in Eldamar, and who began the Great Journey into the West for that purpose. Thus, far back in the First Age, two of these Kindreds at last sailed out of Middle-earth to the Undying Lands, and dwelt there agelessly in peace and exaltation. However, the lesser Elves remained in Middle-earth throughout the Elder Days; and with them lingered a part of the Third Kindred of the Eldar, the Sindar (Grey-elves), who had stilled the Eldarin Sea-longing and had chosen to pass their days in Mortal Lands rather than sail into the West.
Yet not all the High-elves were content to remain in the Undying Lands; a great number of the Noldor (the Second People) returned in exile to Middle-earth before the end of the First Age, thus initiating a series of changes for other peoples of mortal lands. Naturally enough, the return of the Exiles most directly affected their Grey-elven kin, who quickly adopted much of their lore (including the Tengwar, the High-elven alphabet of cursive letters). The Grey-elves themselves – who were numerous and whose language, Sindarin, was the most widely spoken among all Elves – subsequently passed on some of the Noldorin culture they had absorbed to the Wood-elves (another name for the Nandor), with whom they often dwelt in latter years. Ultimately, this gradual cultural transfer reached other races altogether. Thus, for example, the Grey-elves’ own runic system (see ALPHABET OF DAERON) eventually spread to the Dwarves, and even, in a greatly debased form, to the Orcs and other servants of the Dark Power.
The Complete Tolkien Companion Page 21