Wild & Sweet (The Haven Brotherhood)

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Wild & Sweet (The Haven Brotherhood) Page 36

by Rhenna Morgan

  The door to their bedroom clicked shut.

  “Your mom’s a real nice lady,” Trevor said, still standing.

  Shit. Of course, he wouldn’t sit until she did. Which probably explained why her son didn’t have a clue on manners. Hard to teach them if she didn’t follow them. She eased back into her seat, and Trevor followed suit. “I think she likes you, too.” Probably more than Trevor would be comfortable with if he had any inkling what the gleam in her mom’s eyes meant. On the plus side, Maureen Dubois’s stamp of approval said a lot about a man. Neither her mom or her dad had cared for Wyatt, and look what ignoring their warnings had gotten her.

  Angling his chair for a better angle on Natalie, Trevor reclined in his seat and rested one arm on the table. “Your ex always pull stunts like tonight?”

  And there was the rub. The reason why she kept herself so isolated as far as friends or relationships went. Being reminded every day of how stupid she’d been marrying Wyatt nine years ago was bad enough. Having to own it with others was mortifying. She studied the dinette’s old cherry veneer and tried to come up with some answer that wouldn’t sound as bad as reality.

  “You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to,” he said, “but it might help me better understand what I jumped in the middle of.”

  He had a point. And considering he’d bought her and Levi a little wiggle room, he deserved at least the basics. “He wasn’t always this way.”

  Trevor kept his gaze trained on her, his focus utterly undivided. Now that she thought about it, he was always like that. Focused on one thing or person at time, always giving them his full attention. While his expression stayed neutral, there was something in his eyes that silently encouraged her for more.

  She swallowed, hating the truth as it fought its way out. “I got pregnant with Levi right after our one-year anniversary. Things changed after that.” She shrugged and smoothed one palm along her thigh. “I tried to fix it, but nothing worked.”

  “Tried to fix it how?”

  God, he was quick. Sharp and always focused on the smallest nuances. She’d need to remember that going forward. “To be the wife he wanted. Social events, lots of friends that weren’t really friends, a housekeeper. A plastic surgeon’s trophy wife.” She met his stare and smiled the best she could. “That just wasn’t me.”

  “How long have you two been split up?”

  Not long enough. Every day she prayed Wyatt would find some new focus for his life, and yet the one time he’d backhanded her still felt like it happened yesterday. Like the bruise still pulsed beneath her skin. “About a year. I tried to save up before I walked out with Levi, but time ran out, and I had to make do with what I had. Mom helped. She sold her house and we used the money to cover legal bills and get set up here.”

  Trevor frowned. “What do you mean, time ran out?”

  Oh yeah. Nothing got past Trevor Raines. She scrambled for something to say, anything to put him off course.

  He tensed and narrowed his eyes. “He hit you?”


  “Or was it Levi?”

  She clamped her lips together hard, fighting the need to run and hide away in her room like she’d always done with Wyatt.

  But this wasn’t Wyatt. This was Trevor. A man whose employees respected him and who ran a tight ship at work. Who’d calmly walked up beside her and taken a stand against her ex. Although, the way that he studied her now, she was beginning to think her new boss wasn’t quite as laid-back as she’d thought underneath.

  Trevor’s gaze shot to the front door, then back to Natalie. “He got any way of getting in your apartment?”

  “No. I told the people who manage the place there’s history I’m trying to get away from, so they know better than to let him in. I’ve told Levi and my mom never to answer the door for anyone.”

  “So he did hit you.”

  In that second, Natalie half expected Trevor to launch out of his seat and track Wyatt all the way to his fancy Grapevine home. The idea should have terrified her. Or at least have spurred her to defuse Trevor’s growing anger. Instead, all she could process was relief. A much appreciated sense of protection after months of feeling alone, no matter if the sensation was real or not.

  “Should have decked the fucker like I wanted.” Trevor scanned her tight posture, let out a slow breath through his nose, and unclenched his hand on the table. “Sorry. Abuse is a trigger for me.”

  It was? The unexpected scrap of information hit her so hard out of left field, she nearly asked him as much, but caught herself before she could let the question air. She’d already shared more with her boss than she should. Asking him personal questions would only clear the path for him to dig deeper in return. “It’s okay. I understand.”

  Behind her, the coffeemaker gurgled and hissed as the last of the hot water emptied the reservoir. She stood and motioned for Trevor to keep his seat when he started to do the same. “Relax. I appreciate the manners in front of Levi, but it’s not necessary with me. How do you take your coffee?”

  “Black’s fine.”

  Natalie shuddered and pulled out a few of her mother’s oversized clay mugs. The yellow cups had been in her mother’s kitchen as long as she could remember and would probably work as self-defense weapons given how heavy they were, but they brought good memories. “I don’t know how anyone can drink the stuff straight. I need almost as much milk and sugar in mine as I do coffee.”

  “Got a sweet tooth, huh?”

  She poured the coffee and slid the carafe back on the burner. “Guilty. Pastries, cakes, or candy, it doesn’t matter. I’m a glutton.” Pouring milk in one cup, she huffed out a chuckle. “Makes keeping my booty a reasonable size a bit of a challenge the older I get, but if I have to choose between dessert or a small behind, then I’ll take dessert, thank you very much.”

  She finished off stirring in her sugar, turned with both mugs in hand, and nearly stumbled mid-stride back to the table.

  Trevor’s smile was gone and his smoldering gaze took a long, leisurely trip up her body. “If sweets are what give you those curves, I’d say it’d be a damn shame for anything healthy to pass your lips.”

  Dear Lord in heaven. How any woman alive could keep from melting into a puddle of goo beneath that expression, she’d never know. It’d been years since a man had looked at her like that, and wowza, did it do a number on her girly parts.

  “Thank you.” It was a lame retort, but what else was she supposed to say? No matter how good the attention felt, he was still her boss. Even if he wasn’t, she wasn’t sure she’d ever be up for tangling with another man. Clearly, her judgement wasn’t sound enough to pick healthy partners.

  She set his coffee in front of him and carefully took her seat, blowing across the top of her mug and studiously avoiding his gaze.

  “Your kid’s a hoot.” One simple, easy statement and he had them back on track.

  Part of her was reluctant to let the moment go, but it was probably for the best. “He’s the spitting image of his dad at that age, but they couldn’t be more different in personality. Levi’s got a huge heart. And he’s smart. Never misses anything.” Some of the moment’s lightheartedness dimmed. “Especially not the struggles I was having with Wyatt. Even as a toddler, he steered clear of his dad or found creative ways to keep us apart.”

  “How the hell did an abusive dad end up with joint custody?”

  For a moment, she thought about deflecting and keeping them in safe conversational territory, but having someone to talk to, someone willing to simply listen for once, was too tempting to pass up. “Because Wyatt is nothing if not connected. I didn’t ask for anything in the divorce except for custody of Levi. So naturally, that’s the one thing he wanted.”

  “But he hit his own kid. The judge didn’t factor that in?”

She shook her head and cupped both hands around her mug on the table. “It only happened once to Levi, and once to me before that. When he hit me, it woke me up. I started planning and saving. But when it escalated to Levi, I knew I couldn’t wait. I got us out as soon as Wyatt left for work the next day. Only problem was, the mark Wyatt left on Levi’s cheek wasn’t enough to convince the police Levi had done anything except fall off a bike. Wyatt played me up as a vengeful wife, and the judge bought it.”

  On the surface, Trevor seemed to keep his cool, but the air around him changed. Whatever it was that somehow tied him with abuse, it was entrenched deep.

  She laid one hand on his wrist and squeezed. “Let it go. God knows that’s what I’m trying to do.”

  “Hard to let it go when he’s knocking on your door.”

  “True.” She pulled her hand away and sipped her coffee. “Eventually, Wyatt will fixate on something or someone else, and he’ll accept I’m not coming back. That’s my hope anyway.”

  “That’s what he wants? You two to reconcile?”

  “No, he made it quite clear what a disappointment I was as a wife. According to him, my getting pregnant ruined our marriage. He wanted someone to attend events and travel with him when it suited, not the responsibility of a parent. Though, if you ask me, what really pissed him off was that he wasn’t the center of attention anymore.”

  “Then why’s he coming around?”

  “Because he can’t have me, and Wyatt always wants what he can’t have.” She winced and set her coffee on the counter. “That sounds really pompous doesn’t it?”

  “Not if it’s the truth. And he wouldn’t be the first man who didn’t know how to take no for an answer.”

  “What about you?”

  He cocked his head and crossed one foot over his knee. It’d been forever since she’d owned a pair of boots. Well over a decade, in fact, but she’d bet good money his black boots were top dollar Luccheses. “What about me?”

  “I’ve spilled my guts since you got here, and all I know about you is you’ve got the patience of a saint and are Deep Ellum’s reigning pub king.”

  “Pub king?”

  She shrugged. “That’s what Ivan calls you. He says most bar owners don’t hold a following in that part of town as long as you’ve been able to.”

  He smiled and rubbed his knuckles along his chin. He didn’t quite have a five-o’clock shadow yet, but she’d bet he’d have an irresistible one first thing in the morning. Clean shaven, he was dreamy, but with some stubble he’d be every daddy’s worst nightmare. “I got lucky with The Den. Though my brothers know bars like a native language. They guided me into it. My real love is flying.”

  She raised her eyebrows, silently encouraging him for more.

  “Been flying since I was eighteen. Once I met my brothers, I set out to make it my profession. Now I’ve got a private charter service.”

  “What do you mean ‘you met your brothers’?”

  His expression blanked. It wasn’t a complete shutdown, but more of a topic he didn’t quite seem ready to share. “Long story.” Picking up his mug, he uncrossed his leg and stood. “It’s late, and according to your application, you’ve got a day job tomorrow.”

  She nodded and stood as well, torn between begging him to sit back down, and welcoming the chance to be alone and gather her wits. She took his mug and carried it to the sink. “Thank you again for what you did. I know you didn’t have to, but I’m hoping it’ll get Wyatt to back off for a little while.” Not to mention her baby boy would be chattering nonstop about manners and cowboy boots for days.

  “You’re my employee, Natalie. You don’t have to thank me.”

  She planted a hand on one hip and leaned into the counter. “You’re telling me you spend a lot of time checking up on all your waitresses after hours?”

  “Nope. I’m saying I’ve got a vested interest in you having your head in the game at work. If that means helping you not worry about your boy by stepping in, it’s a no-brainer.” He grinned. “Plus, it satisfies the shit out of me for a man like Wyatt to get a little of his own medicine.”

  With that little quip, he winked and sauntered to the door.

  Natalie followed, shamelessly enjoying the way his faded jeans molded to his very nice ass. Funny, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d ogled a man, but Trevor was a prime candidate for brushing up on long-dead skills.

  He opened the door, studied the parking lot beyond, and motioned at the blinds he’d opened. “You close those up, and lock up tight, all right?”

  “Yep. Got it.”

  For a handful of heartbeats, he just stood there, studying her. “Want you to promise me something.”

  She tilted her head. “What kind of promise?”

  He narrowed his eyes and stepped close. The same woodsy cologne that had coiled around her when he’d tucked her tight to his side assailed her senses and sent her heart kicking in a happy rhythm. “I appreciate you’ve told your mom and Levi not to answer the door, but if your ex comes back, I want your promise you won’t answer the door either. And I don’t give a fuck what kind of beef the cops gave you in the past. He shows, you call ’em anyway.”

  “That’s two promises.”

  God, he had an amazing smile. Gorgeous white teeth and a roguishness that made her insides tingle. “Yeah, it is. Now tell me you’ll do what I asked.”

  She nodded, too muddled by his presence to do anything else.

  “Good.” He cupped the side her face and brushed his thumb along her cheekbone, the simple touch alighting flutters in places she really shouldn’t feel for her boss. “If the cops don’t treat you the way they should, you let me know.” He dropped his hand and strolled out the door, but there was no missing the dark promise in his parting words. “Wyatt’s not the only man with connections.”

  Don’t miss CLAIM & PROTECT by Rhenna Morgan.

  Available June 2017 wherever Carina Press ebooks are sold.


  Copyright © 2017 by Rhenna Morgan


  Pulling off some of the suspense nuances of Zeke’s book would have been a challenge without the wisdom shared by Dr. H. Dwight Hardy III. Thankfully, he seemed to get a kick out of my next hero being a trauma doc, so he invited me out to his country retreat and loaded me up with all kinds of doctorly wisdom I could wield in my dastardly plots. My utmost gratitude to him for his support, his guidance and, most important, his care throughout the years. He is simply the best.

  I also owe Angela James more cyber hugs than I can count for not only helping me whip this story into the best shape possible, but loving Zeke and Gabe as much as I did. There’s absolutely nothing better than working with someone who “gets you” and is willing to champion your stories. For her time, her patience and her support, I am supremely grateful.

  Finally, much love and high fives to my tribe—Cori Deyoe, Juliette Cross, Kyra Jacobs, Audrey Carlan, Dena Garson and, of course, my family. Really, you guys are my go-to peeps in any and all situations. Navigating this world wouldn’t be nearly as much fun or gratifying without you.

  Also available from Rhenna Morgan

  and Carina Press

  Rough & Tumble

  Coming soon in 2017

  Claim & Protect

  Tempted & Taken

  About the Author

  Rhenna Morgan is a happily-ever-after addict—hot men, smart women and scorching chemistry required. A triple-A personality with a thing for lists and an almost frightening iPhone cover collection, Rhenna’s a mom to two beautiful little girls and married to an extremely patient husband who’s mastered the art of hiding the exasperated eye roll.

  When she’s not neck-deep in writing, she’s probably driving with the windows down and the music up
loud, plotting her next hero and heroine’s adventure. (Though trolling online for man-candy inspiration on Pinterest comes in a close second.)

  She’d love to share her antics and bizarre sense of humor with you and get to know you a little better in the process. You can sign up for her newsletter and gain access to exclusive snippets, upcoming releases, fun giveaways and social media outlets at www.rhennamorgan.com.

  If you enjoyed Wild & Sweet, she hopes you’ll share the love with a review on your favorite online bookstore.

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  Welcome to the Haven Brotherhood

  A new series from Rhenna Morgan that delivers an alpha hero and a hot read you won’t be able to put down.

  Live hard, f*ck harder and follow only their own rules. Those are the cornerstones the six men of the Haven Brotherhood live and bleed by, refusing to conform to society’s expectations, taking what they want and always watching each other’s backs.


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