Scandal: Crossing Boundaries (Scandal Series #1 INTERRACIAL ROMANCE)

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Scandal: Crossing Boundaries (Scandal Series #1 INTERRACIAL ROMANCE) Page 9

by St. Claire, Jean

  This would be the perfect opportunity to try to get things back on track with Keisha.

  Chapter 15

  "Girl, you mean to tell me you got a stalker?" Joy asked in a scandalous voice.

  Keisha sighed, brushing off nail clippings. "It's not a stalker momma...not at least until I find someone creeping around my house. I just keep getting these notes saying how beautiful and sexy I am."

  Keisha was sitting in the bathroom on the edge of the tub, grooming her nails that had gotten too long. It was the weekend and she felt so relieved because she had such a heavy load that week.

  To make matters worse, the fawning letters that were being left on her desk had not stopped. Frustrated by not knowing who the perpetrator was, Keisha had begun comparing the writing on the handwritten notes to the homework that was turned in by her students.

  So far, she had been unable to make a match.

  "Girl, uh un," Joy said, "I could not handle knowing that there was young pork meat out there, stroking his baloney to the image of my body. I would have demanded that the little bastard reveal himself."

  Keisha rolled her eyes. "That would only make it worse, momma."

  Joy snorted. "I don't think so, girl. And I'm telling you now, you making it worse by sitting there and not doing something about it." Joy paused. "You mean to tell me you have no idea of who it is?"

  "I have my suspicions," Keisha said, "but none that I would be able to prove outside of making one of the boys confess. So right now, I'm just waiting for whoever it is to slip up."

  "That's a damn shame," muttered Joy.

  "Well, look at it this way, momma," Keisha pointed out, "At least it wasn't something racist."

  "I suppose you right," her mother replied after a moment. "But still, do something about that shit girl."

  "I will momma," Keisha promised.

  "How's your hair holding up?" Joy asked, changing subjects.

  Keisha grimaced, glancing at her shoulder where she saw several shed hairs. "It's doing okay, shedding more than lately, but not as much as it has in the past when I had a relaxer on it." Shaking her head, she added, "I still wish I had never done it—"

  There was a sudden banging on the bathroom door, setting Keisha's heart to racing.

  "Hold on a minute momma," Keisha told her mother, jumping to her feet. She rushed to the door that was steadily being banged like it was some emergency.

  Snatching open the door, Keisha yelled, "Boy, what's wrong with you banging on the door like you done lost your damn mind—"

  Firm lips pressed against hers and she was suddenly lifted off her feet into strong arms and carried over to her bed. The cell phone slipped from her surprised fingers and hit the carpeted floor a moment later. Faintly, she could hear her mother yelling through the cell phone, "Keisha."

  But her mother was quickly forgotten as Davonte's hands roved over her body, sending tingles all along her skin. His full lips found her neck, sucking on it tenderly while squeezing her large breasts.

  A soft moan escaped Keisha's lips while Davonte fondled her. Her husband moved down, tearing open the front of her gown, exposing her large breasts. Then he cupped the right one in his hands and began suckling her titty while looking up at her with his piercing green eyes.

  A slow moving fire began to blaze within Keisha's tightening stomach as she shivered from the pleasure of Davonte's wet mouth. Slowly, Davonte moved one of his hands down in between Keisha's legs and began rubbing in a circular motion, getting his wife's wet juices all over his fingers.

  Another moan escaped Keisha's lips at Davonte's smooth touch and the room began to spin around her in a dizzying whirlwind. Then her husband was down in between her legs, teasing her throbbing clit while banging her with two large fingers.

  Arching her back from the intensity, Keisha let out a loud moan, her body quivering like an earthquake. It had been so long since Davonte had gone down on her, that she was already feeling like she would climax after only a few heated moments.

  Davonte continued to stare up at her while he sucked and slurped on her clit like a hungry dog, banging away at her hole like a smith at his forge. Keisha's breath began to quicken as every inch of her body began to quiver. She could not take the intensity of what he was doing along with his steady gaze, and before she knew it, a pleasured scream escaped her lips.

  Her body continued to quiver long past the aftershocks, and it took her a while to come back down to earth.

  When she did, she saw Davonte wiping at his mouth as he jumped to his feet. Keisha immediately felt a little disappointment. She was ready for round two. Her husband left the room a moment later and she frowned with confusion.

  What was that all about?

  But she was not complaining. It felt good. Damn good.

  A moment later, Davonte stepped back in the room and she gasped.

  In his arms, was a bouquet of red and white roses.

  "What in the world?" Keisha asked, sitting up to accept the gorgeous flowers. Davonte had not done anything so sweet for a long time. Keisha was really starting to like this.

  Davonte gave her a grin, his green eyes making her heart jump in her chest. "Have you forgotten what day it is?"

  Keisha shook her head, smelling the roses.

  "Well get up and get dressed," Davonte ordered. "I'm taking you somewhere special."

  "But Davonte," Keisha objected. "Why?" While she was enjoying the special treatment, she had a lot of work she was backed up on to do.

  He smiled, enjoying the fact that she was so clueless.

  "It's our anniversary."


  "Maria won't answer her phone," Davonte said, shaking his head. "I don't know why."

  It was later that evening and Keisha was dressed up like the belle of the ball.

  In a shimmering, white gown, her hair flowed down her back in shiny curls. Her makeup was on in full force, her eyes done into a smoldering look, her lips a ravishing red and her blush a light shade of pink.

  In comparison, Davonte looked like a fine piece of light chocolate, his good hair brushed down into waves and his athletic body garbed in a dashing tux. Keisha had never seen him look so good in a long time.

  Glancing at her boys, who were watching cartoons on TV for once instead of playing their Playstation, Keisha said, "Looks like we won't be going anywhere then."

  "Let me call my boy James," Davonte said, quickly dialing another number.

  But Keisha was quick to stop her husband, her face twisting into a frown. "Uh un, Davonte. Don't call him."

  Making a confused face Davonte asked, "Why not?"

  Keisha placed her hands on her hips. "I don't want that nigga up in here, smoking weed around my babies."

  "Aw, come on Keisha," Davonte complained. "James my boy. He ain't gonna do that shit if I tell him not to."

  "I said no, Davonte," Keisha said firmly. "If that nigga gotta watch my babies, I'd rather not go."

  "Well call one of yo peoples then," Davonte suggested. "I'll be damned if I got to cancel my reservations after all the shit I went through to set it up."

  Shaking her head, Keisha walked over to the kitchen table and grabbed her phone out of her purse, calling the first person that came to mind.

  "Hello?" asked a voice filled with attitude.

  "Shanay?" Keisha asked tentatively.

  "Yeah? Who the hell is this?"

  "It's Keisha, your cousin."

  There was a relieved sigh on the other end. "Girl, you better speak up next time. I almost thought you was one of them bitches that be calling to fuck with my man."

  Keisha half-giggled, dreading to ask her favor. "Uh, so yeah, what you doing girl?"

  Shanay snorted. "Watching these bad ass kids. Laneeqa just dookied on herself and you know I don't feel like changing no damn diapers, but I'm gone have to. I'll be damned if I'm smelling shit all night." There was a short pause. "Why, what's up? What you doing?"

  Making a disgusted face at the image Shanay's
words had summoned, Keisha replied, "I was just calling to check up on you girl, ain't talked to you in a while."

  "Oh, well girl, I got so much messy stuff to tell you! You would not believe the shady shit that went down the other day—"

  Keisha rolled her eyes, shaking her head at Davonte, letting him know it was a no go. When she was finally able to get off the phone with chatty cousin she called several more of them, but they were all busy doing the same thing; watching kids.

  "That's all," Keisha said after she had gotten off the phone with her last cousin. "I ain't got anyone else to call."

  Davonte crossed his arms across his chest, looking upset. "You got to know somebody."

  "I don't Davonte," Keisha said. "All I know is—" She paused, thinking for a moment. She knew someone who might come over to watch her boys if she was nice enough. Though she had been given no tangible reason to think he would be receptive, Keisha was sure he would say yes. "I think I might know someone."

  "Who?" Davonte asked curiously.

  But Keisha did not respond, going over to her work briefcase and pulling out a piece of paper. When she had located the number she dialed it on her cell phone and waited for an answer.

  "Hello?" a deep voice answered.


  "Mrs. Johnson?" Zack sounded like he was in total shock and it was hard for Keisha not to giggle at how cute it was.

  "Yeah," she said. "It's me. I got a favor of ask to you."


  For some reason, Keisha felt a current go through her at how Zack was ready to please her.

  After a short pause, she quickly explained her dilemma to her student.

  "I'll be over there in ten minutes," he told her and then he hung up.

  Davonte gave her a face as soon as she was off the phone. "Zack?"

  "He's one of my students," Keisha replied.

  "So you can trust some wonder bread that I don't even know to watch over our kids, but not my friend James?" Davonte asked incredulously.

  "Davonte,' Keisha warned. "Don't even start. It's not even comparable. James is a damn pot head. This boy I called is a good kid."

  Looking like he wanted to argue the point, Davonte just shook his head and stalked off to sit over on the couch.

  True to his word, Zack arrived ten minutes later.

  "Hey Zack," Keisha greeted him when she opened the door.

  But Zack just stood there like a statue, his mouth dropped open. He was dressed in jeans, t-shirt and his varsity jacket with his blonde hair slicked back. So use to seeing him in a school uniform all the time, Keisha thought the handsome boy looked pretty damned good in regular clothes. "Mrs. Johnson," Zack breathed in awe when he could finally speak. "You look absolutely beautiful."

  There was something about the way he said the words that sent a tingle down her spine and warmth flow through her body.

  "Thank you Zack," Keisha said, blushing. "Come on in."

  She smelled the fresh scent of soap when Zack walked past her. He must have just taken a shower before she had called.

  Zack hadn't even made it into the house good before Davonte was up in his face.

  "What's up young man?" Davonte asked, coming forward to clasp hands with the younger boy.

  "Yo," Zack replied easily, returning the handshake, "nice to meet you Mr. Johnson." He did not appear to be intimidated by Davonte one bit, though Keisha knew that was what Davonte was trying to do.

  Davonte seemed to pick up on this and Keisha could tell that he instantly did not like Zack because of it. "Damn you look like you cut. You work out?" There was a malicious undercurrent to Davonte's seemingly innocent words as he studied the handsome young man before him.

  Zack shook his head, eyeing Jamal and Lamar, who were sitting on the couch like statues, eyeing the white boy as if he was the boogeyman. "Nah, I just swim a lot."

  Keisha was suddenly struck by how mature Zack appeared next to her husband, and not like a little boy at all. They were both tall and fit, and Zack's body, though more slender than Davonte's, was every bit as manly.

  "Zack is one of the best swimmers at North High," Keisha boasted proudly of her student.

  And according to Zack, one of the biggest cheaters.

  She had decided to take no action against Zack's claims that he cheated. She had dealt with worse when she had taught back at Hawthorne...and she was still not altogether convinced about his story.

  Disdain twisted Davonte's features. "Is he now?"

  This is a damn shame that he is acting this way just cause I would not let his weed smokin ass friend watch my babies.

  Quick to deflect Davonte's growing jealousy, Keisha rushed forward, saying, "Zack these are my two boys, Jamal and Lamar."

  "Hey little fellas," Zack greeted them cheerfully.

  The boys did not respond and continued to stare at him like he was the devil.

  Going over to the kitchen table to grab her fur coat, Keisha said, "We won't be gone long. The boys love to play their Playstation so you can play right along with them. If you get hungry, help yourself to anything in the fridge."

  "I'm good," Zack said, going over to sit down beside the two boys, who looked utterly petrified at this point. It was a struggle for Keisha not to laugh. But she knew her boys would quickly warm to the boy after they got over their initial fear of the unknown. "I just ate before you called."

  At the door, after Davonte had stepped outside, Keisha turned and said, "Thank you so much Zack."

  Zack's eyes were penetrating as he gave her a soft nod. "It's what I do."

  Chapter 16

  "That was such a wonderful dinner Davonte!" Keisha exclaimed as they walked down the steps of a five-star restaurant.

  They couple had just enjoyed a delicious gourmet meal complete with live entertainment for their anniversary. During dinner, they had reminisced over the good times and how'd they first met. Davonte had been having so much fun, that he'd even agreed to slow dance a little.

  "I'm glad you enjoyed it," Davonte said. He seemed somber suddenly, as if something was weighing on his mind.

  On the way back to their car, they stopped at a beautiful, marble fountain out in front of the restaurant where people could toss coins in to make wishes.

  Davonte pulled her close, his green eyes sparkling in the lights that surrounded the fountain. For a moment, Keisha felt like how it was when they first met, when their love was new. But the moment was fleeting, gone when Davonte frowned.

  "What's wrong Davonte?" Keisha asked. Her man had been happy all day, but now he was acting strange.

  Davonte let out a deep breath. "Keisha," he began slowly. "You look really beautiful tonight."

  Keisha knew she was not going to like what he was about to say. She began to prepare herself for whatever it was, squaring her shoulders

  She stared in his eyes, waiting for him to drop the bomb on her.

  Suddenly, he chuckled, producing a silver quarter. "Make a wish."

  "Damn it Davonte!" Keisha complained, letting out a gasp and slapping him on the arm. "You had me thinking you was about to tell me something awful!" Grabbing the coin, she thought for a moment before tossing it into the water.

  "What did you wish for?" Davonte asked, pulling her back into his arms.

  "You for real?" Keisha asked. "It ain't a wish if I let you know what it was."

  "Tell me," Davonte growled, nibbling on her neck, tickling her.

  "Okay," Keisha screamed, laughing. "Okay."

  Davonte pulled back and gave her a devilish grin. "What was it?"

  Keisha smiled naughtily, her mind going back to earlier that day. "I wished for a big, fat ass dick."

  She instantly saw fire burning in his eyes and he suddenly pulled her roughly along. "We're going home now."

  When they made it back to the house, they found Zack engaged in a fierce game with her boys. As she had figured would happen, her boys were now talking animatedly to the young white boy as if he was one of their little bud

  Zack looked up when they stepped into the house, his eyes resting on Keisha for a good while. "You guys are back." His eyes flickered over to Davonte momentarily. "Have a good time?"

  "Yes," Keisha smiled dreamily. "A very good time."

  She could not be sure, but it looked as if Zack looked disappointed for a second before smiling. "Good."

  Keisha was just getting out of her coat, about to tell Zack thanks for watching her kids and he was free to go, when someone began banging on the front door.

  Oh lord, please don't let it be that nosy ass Holly.

  "Who in the hell?" Davonte asked, his face creased in annoyance.

  When Davonte opened the door, Keisha's jaw dropped.

  There was Aunt Linda, wigless, standing in the doorway with Big Willy.

  "Hey Davonte," Linda greeted Keisha's stunned husband. "Where my niece at?"

  "Auntie what are you doing here?" asked Keisha when her shock had passed.

  Linda limped into the living room, reeking of cigarette smoke and liquor, eyeing Keisha's expensive clothing for a second before saying, "Girl, I just got a call from the bank. That four-hundred dollar check you gave me was bad."

  The breath left Keisha's lungs. "What?"

  Linda shook her patchy, bald head. "The check you gave me bounced."

  "But it should have been fine," Keisha protested. "Me and Davonte are doing quite well right now."

  "Look girl," Linda growled, waving a dismissive hand. "I ain't gone argue with you about it. The bank said the check had bounced. Now my phone and lights are turned off."

  "Maybe if you wouldn't smoke your check up at the start of every month, that wouldn't have happened," Davonte snapped.

  "Nigga what?" Linda asked, taking step towards Davonte in a menacing manner. Thankfully, Big Willy was quick to grab his wife.

  "Now, now Linda," Willy warned. "You in someone else's house."

  "Get yo damn smelly hands off me," Linda half-yelled, slapping Willy's grubby paws away. "This fake, wannabe nigga ain't about to be talking to me like that!"

  "Auntie please calm down," Keisha pleaded, glancing over at the couch where Zack sat with her babies. His mouth hung wide open at the spectacle that was Linda.


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