Scandal: Crossing Boundaries (Scandal Series #1 INTERRACIAL ROMANCE)

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Scandal: Crossing Boundaries (Scandal Series #1 INTERRACIAL ROMANCE) Page 12

by St. Claire, Jean

  Holding back a snort of disgust at Randal's fat stomach, Mandy asked, "Have you seen Zack?"

  Randal made a face. "No, I haven't. Kid's been acting like a total douche all week, looking like he sniffed old wolf pussy." He paused, studying her curiously. "Why you want to know, anyway? Didn't you two break up?"

  Mandy held down the wave of irritation that threatened to spill into her next words. "We're doing fine, actually," she boasted, tossing her hair. "He agreed to come dancing with me."

  Randal looked around her, as if searching for something. "Well then, where is he at?"

  "I was hoping you would know," Mandy said meekly.

  Randal threw up his hands in exasperation. "How the hell am I supposed to know where he's at, when you just said he is supposed to be with you?"

  Before Mandy could reply, a gravelly voice said, "Move out of the way, you fat fuck."

  Anthony Lilly came walking up, his arm resting comfortably around a girl named Dawn Hanes, a slut in Mandy's estimation, holding a cup of punch with his free hand.

  Anthony's trim body looked good in his tux. Too bad Mandy could not the same for his face. The girl on his arm, looked okay in her white and pink dress, but she was nothing to call home about.

  Randal gaped in disbelief at Dawn and Anthony as if he could not believe the two were together. "Dawn Hanes, Tony?"

  Anthony nodded with a proud grin. "Yup."

  "You couldn't do better than that?" Randal asked disdainfully.

  "Hey," Dawn protested, "what's that supposed to mean?"

  Dawn, it appeared, wasn't too bright either.

  "Where is the girl on your arm Goodyear?" Anthony asked. "Oh that's right, your fat ass doesn't have one."

  "I'd rather have a blow up doll, than have that walking STD on my arm," Randal shot back.

  "Hey, fuck you fatso," Dawn snapped hotly, finally catching on.

  "Sorry Dawn," Randal replied smoothly, "I haven't been vaccinated yet." He then turned to Mandy and said, "If Zack doesn't show up, you can dance with me anytime." Then he walked off saying to anyone who would listen, "Y'all don't venture over there by the punch bowl if you don't wanna catch a case of herpes."

  Mandy could only shake her head at all the silliness and hope that Zack showed up in the next few minutes.


  Keisha was in the middle of fixing dinner, listening to Davonte talk on the phone with one of his boys in the background, when her phone went off with a text message.

  Thinking it was her mother, she continued to cut strips of meat in neat little squares.

  For the past, week she and Davonte had hardly spoken to each other. She wanted her husband to come clean with everything he had done under their roof. It galled her, that Zack, a total stranger to their marriage, had immediately been able to tell her that her man was untrustworthy.

  She had found Zack's unfounded claims that her husband was cheating on her ridiculous, but when she had thought about it, she had asked herself what was so ridiculous about it, besides the fact Zack did not even know Davonte?

  The man had misappropriated their finances and refused to reveal all the details, so why could he not be hiding something else as well?

  It's my fault for agreeing to be controlled in the first place.

  Her phone went off again with several more text messages.

  "Alright already," she muttered, sitting down her knife and going over to the sink to wash her hands.

  She was suddenly curious as to who it could be, because her mother did not usually send her texts. When she picked up the phone, her heart began racing at the words on the screen.

  It was Zack...and it was an emergency.

  Quickly setting the meat into several zip lock bags to marinate, she rushed over to grab her coat that was draped over one of the kitchen chairs.

  "Hold on for a minute, homey." Davonte moved his cell off his ear. "Where you going Keisha?"

  Though she would rather ignore him, Keisha replied, "Going out for a little. I'll be back shortly."

  "But where exactly are you going?" Davonte pressed.

  "Don't worry about it," Keisha snapped, grabbing her keys off the counter and flipping her hair over her shoulder. Then she went over to kiss her babies on the forehead. They continued to play their game, unaware that their momma existed in the same reality.

  "Keisha, get back here!" Davonte yelled, standing up from his seat as Keisha made her way to the front of the house.

  But Keisha ignored her husband and rushed out the door.

  Chapter 21

  "Zack?" Keisha called.

  She had just walked in the Palmer residence. Zack's text had told her to come quick...something awful had happened. The directions had been straightforward.

  I need to talk to you about's terrible. Come to my place. The door will be unlocked. You have to see this now.

  Her heart racing in her chest, she waited for a response while she looked around the foyer for someone...anyone.

  There had been only one car in the driveway when she had shown up...Zack's car.

  The Palmer residence was very nice. It made the Johnson home look like a mud hut from the stone ages with its expensive art and furniture. The walls and floors gleamed as if they had been recently scrubbed down, lending the air a fresh scent.

  They must have some helluva maids.

  Keisha noticed the many family portraits lining the walls of Zack with his mother and father. Keisha instantly recognized the mayor and she had to admit; Zack had inherited none of his father's looks, thank goodness. The mayor reminded her of some devious rat, waiting to do something sneaky behind your back.

  Instead, Zack seemed to have inherited his good looks from his mother, who was a beautiful woman in her own right.

  She was about to turn to leave the house when she heard Zack's voice calling from the stairway.

  "I'm up here."

  Her face twisting into a confused frown, Keisha made her way up the winding stairs, wondering what the hell was going on.

  "Come down the hall and make a right."

  Keisha passed several closed bedrooms before coming to a room with an open door.

  There was Zack, sitting on his bed in a tuxedo, looking very handsome.

  "Zack?" Keisha asked, confused. "What's going on? And why are you all dressed up like that? I thought something terrible had happened."

  "Something terrible did happen," Zack said.

  "What?" Keisha asked, worried. This was all making no sense.

  Zack made a hurt face. "You ignored me all week."

  Is this boy serious? Keisha thought in disbelief. See, I should have demanded he change classes instead of hoping that he would.

  "What would you expect Zack?" Keisha asked. "What you want, is just a fantasy. It can't happen. Then you the nerve to insult me, telling me that my husband cheats on me when you don't know him from Adam." Keisha shook her head. "I think you are just a confused little boy, looking for something different to play with."

  Zack gazed at her intently with his piercing eyes. "I am far from confused."

  "Well, I am saying that you are," Keisha said firmly. "And since there is obviously no emergency, I will be leaving."

  And blocking your number so you cannot waste my time like this again.

  "But there is an emergency," Zack blurted quickly, standing up from his bed.

  Keisha paused, half-turned. "What?"

  "Earlier today I got a call from my father," Zack said, making his way over to her. "He said my cousin got into a horrible accident."

  "I'm sorry to hear that Zack," Keisha replied, meaning it. "But why aren't you with your family?"

  Instead of calling me and playing games.

  "Because they had already left to the hospital," Zack replied. "And it's like two hours away from here. Before I could drive there myself there, my dad called to tell me that my cousin would be okay...said he would pull through."

  Zack was close now and Keisha could smell c
ologne and underneath it, a fresh scent as if he had just showered.

  "But that isn't the real emergency," Zack whispered.

  "What then?" Keisha asked, almost hypnotized by those blue orbs.

  Zack took Keisha's hand and before she could stop it, pressed it against his crotch. "This."

  He was big...and very hard.

  "It's been this way since I first saw you," Zack said, his voice burning with lust.

  Keisha was so shocked that for a second, her hand remained frozen on Zack's hard dick.

  "I need you," Zack moaned. "So bad."

  Snatching her hand away, Keisha yelled, "What's wrong with you! I am a married woman!" Her whole body was shaking, but whether it was from fear or anger, she did not know.

  She turned to leave the room, but Zack grabbed her roughly, turning her into his arms. Down below, she could feel his hard on straining against his expensive dress pants, pressing up against her anxious stomach.

  "You want this as much as me," he told her, his breathing ragged, his eyes searching her face. "I know it. Otherwise you would have never come to that park to tutor me...or here."

  "No," Keisha objected weakly. "That's not true."

  "It is," Zack told her. "Watch."

  And then he kissed her, his lips smashing against hers with ravenous force. Fire immediately raged inside Keisha's chest as she swiftly melted like pudding into Zack's strong arms, feeling his eager tongue press inside of her mouth.

  His tongue rolled around her tongue like an eel before he began softly sucking on hers, greedily sucking up her saliva. Then he went back to rolling around his tongue before returning to sucking. He was so hungry for her...and Keisha could not believe what a good kisser the young man was.

  And to top it all off...he tasted so good.

  His strong hands moved down her backside until they grasped her ass, squeezing her cheeks firmly. Suddenly breaking away from their passionate kissing, Zack brought his lips over to her neck, sucking on it, his breath scorching her throat.

  A soft moan escaped Keisha's lips, but she suddenly jerked away from his arms, with a breathless gasp. "We can't do this Zack," Keisha breathed, her chest heaving.

  Zack glanced down at his raging hard on, then back at Keisha, his eyes blazing with fire. "There is no way you're walking out that door," he told her, his voice hard like stone.

  There was something about the way he looked at her, so very hungry like, like he was starving. He was looking at her in a way that Davonte never had. Zack wanted her...every last piece of her. And he wasn't going to stop, until he got it.

  Keisha rushed him then, slamming into his hard chest, their burning lips finding each other's again. Zack was quick to remove Keisha's coat before removing his tux, flinging both to the floor. Then Keisha pushed him back on his bed where they rolled on top of each other, madly pecking at each other, grunting with fiery passion.

  Zack was soon unbuttoning her blouse while Keisha fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. Her shirt was off in seconds, but she continued to struggle with his in between the smoldering kisses. Seeing her trouble, Zack tore open his shirt, ripping the luxurious fabric in the process, scattering buttons all over Keisha's exposed stomach.

  "Zack," Keisha protested, pausing in the act of kissing him. "That shirt looked expensive."

  "Fuck the shirt," Zack panted, fumbling with her bra latch.

  Then his eyes grew wide when he pulled off her bra. "Oh my god. They're just like I imagined they would be."

  With a lusty inhale, he began sucking on her erect nipples, causing her to throw her head back with pleasure. He teased her nipples slowly with his tongue, rubbing it back and forth over the hardened tips, sending tingling sensations up along her spine.

  "Oh," Keisha moaned, feeling wet moistness gather down below.

  He continued this for several moments before he began kissing down her soft stomach until he reached her belly button. Then he deftly removed her pants with a grunt and a jerk, tossing them onto his bedroom floor.

  Running his face over her panties, he took a deep inhale, savoring her scent.

  I can't believe this boy.

  Then with a hungry growl, he tore off her panties and buried his face in her throbbing mound.

  Keisha's head snapped back as his teeth teased tease her clit and his fingers plunged inside her hole. The sound of him sucking up her wet juices filled the room as he banged her canal.

  "Mmm," Zack said, making sated noises. He was sucking and teasing her clit like a starving beast out in the wilderness that had just found delicious food to eat.

  This only turned Keisha on even more. She looked down and saw him gazing up at her with those blue eyes while he mercilessly assaulted her clit, causing her stomach to quiver like jell-o.

  Keisha moaned loudly, grabbing Zack by his blonde hair, trying to stave off some of the spasms that rocked her trembling limbs. "Don't stop," Keisha begged, her legs quivering weakly around Zack's neck.

  But Zack had no intentions of stopping.

  He continued to bang and suck, slurping up her juices hungrily while gazing at her intently, daring her to cum. And cum she would. Her moans quickly turned into cries, and then her cries into yells, and finally, her yells into shrieks.

  Her back arched back as far as it could go, while Zack held his lips against her clit like a dog refusing to let go of a bone, Keisha was rocked by a violent explosion deep within the depths of her stomach.

  "Ahhh!" Keisha cried out, the room spinning around her like a merry-go-round.

  Zack continued to hold his mouth against her pulsating clit, clamping down on it with a vengeance, refusing to let go. He continued staring at her with that intense blue-eyed gaze.

  It was enough to send her over the edge again.

  When it was over, she collapsed back against the bed, shuddering with awe. Zack waited several seconds before finally removed his lips from her burning clit. The lower part of his chin and jaw dripped with her juices, but he did not seem to mind.

  "It is true what they say," he said with a sated grin. "The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice."

  "That was so not right Zack," Keisha laughed weakly. She could not believe what she had just let happen. This could not be real. She was a teacher. He was her student.

  She was in trouble.

  "I'm not finished with you yet," Zack told her.

  Then he quickly removed his pants and Keisha was surprised to see how nice his hard dick was. It was big. Not as big as Davonte's, but it was thicker and fuller. The head was a nicely shaped mushroom that made Keisha's mouth water with longing.

  This was surprising to her because she hadn't been able to look at Davonte's without feeling sick.

  But she didn't get to look at it long before Zack hopped off the bed, going over to his drawer, his dick flopping all around. While he fumbled through the drawer Keisha stared at his naked body.

  His swimmer's body was near perfection, just like she thought it would be; rippling abs, a tight ass and strong thighs. It was turning Keisha on just looking at it.

  Zack came back a moment later with a condom that he quickly placed around his dick.

  Damn, is this boy even going to ask if he can fuck me?

  This was her time to object. Her time to leave and go home and act as if it never happened. But she was too weak. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  "I've wanted this for so long," Zack echoed her thoughts, climbing into bed and on top of her.

  Then he plunged his throbbing dick inside of her, eliciting a loud moan from Keisha's lips, while their lips pressed against each others like crazy glue.

  "Your pussy feels so good," he groaned in between their kisses, his breath hot on her neck.

  He slowly moved up and down, his sweat-covered, washboard pressing up against her stomach, his dick going deep inside of her hole and then back out. She could feel his body quivering while their sweaty surfaces softly melded together in slick passion.

  Slowly, Z
ack began to pick up speed of his thrusting, the bed creaking beneath them.

  "Oh God," Keisha moaned, feeling Zack's throbbing cock rubbing against her walls, morphing the inside of her stomach into molten lava.

  Zack suddenly changed his position, pulling back on his knees, and continued to hammer away at Keisha's pussy while spreading her legs out wide. Then he began rubbing her clit while he sustained his pummeling, his powerful thighs slamming against her ass and filling the room with smacking sounds.

  This white boy knows what he is doing, shit.

  "Your hot pussy is going to make me cum," Zack groaned suddenly, his breathing coming in rapid gasps. "I can't take it anymore."

  Keisha could feel him enlarging inside of her and after several violent thrusts, Zack let out a strangled cry, "Fuck!"

  Then he collapsed against Keisha, breathing raggedly, his rippling stomach covered in sweat.

  Keisha thought it was over then, but suddenly Zack sat back up and pulled her roughly onto her knees.

  "What are you doing?" Keisha asked with alarm.

  Zack smacked her ass in response, causing it to wobble and jiggle. "It's time for round two."

  "Boy, are you serious?" Keisha asked in disbelief, glancing behind her.

  What she saw was Zack still hard as a rock with the cum-filled condom half hanging off his fat dick.

  Zack gave her a naughty smile, "I'm about to...wait...what do your men call it?" His expression grew thoughtful for a moment, and then it brightened when he found what he wanted to say. "Wax that ass."


  Mandy had had enough. She had waited at the dance for an hour before coming to the conclusion that Zack had stood her up after telling her multiple times that he would be there.

  It's your fault for trying to force this on him.

  But she could not blame herself totally. Zack owed her for how he had just ended their relationship without ever telling her a good reason why.

  Then, for the last time that night, she sent Zack a text.

  "You still standing over here by yourself?" Randal asked, coming up to the punch bowl table, the bass of the music booming in the background. His shirt was now drenched with was his forehead.


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