Taken by the Earl (Regency Unlaced 3)

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Taken by the Earl (Regency Unlaced 3) Page 10

by Carole Mortimer

  Was it any wonder she now wished, longed, to return to that life as soon as possible?

  “Soon enough, I expect,” he dismissed gruffly. “I cannot allow you to leave until I am sure that matter is settled, you understand?”

  “Of course.” She gave him a brief, polite smile. “I merely wondered what was taking him so long.”

  Again that hint that she was bored with Scotland.

  With him?

  What could seem exciting, even challenging, within Fliss’s safe world might not seem so thrilling when she had lived with it—with him—on a daily basis for several weeks. Sin had spent as much time with her as he could since their arrival in Scotland, but he had other responsibilities that also needed his attention. Responsibilities that, with Ranulf still away, required Sin spend part of each day with his steward or in his study, dealing with the paperwork involved in running such a large estate. At those times, Fliss was left to fend for herself, and invariably she would curl up in one of the chairs in his study and read one of the many books she had chosen from his extensive library.

  Sin had thought she was contented, but realized now she was perhaps only being polite. Accepting, as she had always accepted, that her wishes did not come first.

  That realization made Sin angry, both with her politeness and his own stupidity in believing Fliss could ever be content with Scotland or with him.

  “I believe we shall go riding this morning,” he announced as he placed his napkin decisively on the table before standing. “No drawers today, Fliss,” he instructed as he took her hand and drew her to her feet beside him.

  A blush of excitement colored her cheeks. “Will that not be a little uncomfortable for me?”

  “Not at all.” Sin gave a hard grin. “I shall be riding Dante. You shall be riding me.” His groom and horse, both in good health again, had returned to Castle Montgomery only yesterday, and he knew Dante would literally be champing at the bit to be out again on the wild moors he loved.

  Fliss’s heart began to pound wildly, her breasts quickly rising and falling as her breathing became erratic. She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. “What if someone should see us?” It was nine o’clock in the morning, and she could see several gardeners working on the flower beds out the windows, as well as the grooms busy in the stables. There would no doubt be other workers about the estate too.

  “The skirts of your riding habit will prevent anyone from seeing that my cock is buried deep inside you,” he assured her without concern.

  The muscles of Fliss’s channel contracted in anticipation of taking in the velvet length of that huge cock. “Give me a few minutes to change.” She turned lightly on her heel and almost ran from the room, uncaring how eager that made her look. Her time here with Sin was limited, and she intended to enjoy every thrilling moment of it.

  Of him.

  Which was not to say her cheeks did not flush a guilty red when Sin brought Dante out of the stable and swung lithely up onto the prancing stallion’s back before he steadied the horse and then reached down and easily pulled her up in front of him.

  “Easy, Dante.” He held the reins in one hand as he soothed the stallion’s attempt to rear up. His other arm tightened about Fliss’s waist, holding her in place as she sat sideways across the saddle. “He does not like anyone to ride him but me.”

  Fliss felt that same partiality.

  “I intend being inside you as soon as we are out of the stable yard.”

  It was as if Sin had read her mind. His warm breath brushed against her nape, and he urged Dante into a trot.

  Fliss’s anticipation grew as she rocked into the stallion’s fluid movement, easily able to imagine how good that was going to feel once Sin’s cock was inside her.

  “Lean back against me, and swing your leg over Dante’s neck to his other side,” Sin instructed once they were a safe distance away from the house. One of his hands was busy unfastening the flap at the front of his buckskins. “Now bend forward and lift up. Now down again—God, yes,” he groaned as Fliss’s sheath slid easily down the length of his cock until he was buried to the hilt.

  He gave her a few seconds to adjust to that fullness and grasp the stallion’s mane before urging the beast forward again.

  Fliss gasped at having Sin’s cock buried so deeply inside her. It felt as if the swollen tip hit the opening to her womb with each powerful thrust, her nether lips stretched more fully than they had ever been before.

  It was an overwhelming sensation and pleasure deeper even than their previous lovemaking.

  That pleasure only intensified as Sin urged the stallion into a trot, each movement pushing his cock deeper and causing the heat to course through Fliss’s body as he stroked that tight knot of nerves inside her. Fliss was aroused so quickly and so powerfully, it was impossible to hold back the release that suddenly ripped through her overstimulated body.

  She had barely recovered from that onslaught before an even more intense release made her groan out loud.

  Followed by another.

  “It is too much,” she gasped, her body still trembling and quaking from that third orgasm. She could already feel a fourth swelling and growing inside her.

  “We have barely begun our ride yet.” Sin nudged Dante with his heels to urge the stallion to go faster still, determined he would hold on to his control. That he would keep Fliss at this fever pitch of physical excitement for hours if possible.

  He did not intend for Fliss to be bored with his company this morning.

  She had become limp as a rag doll against his arm about her waist, her inner core constantly rippling and contracting in a long and never-ending orgasm by the time they crested yet another hill and he saw two other riders approaching. One of them was obviously a woman riding sidesaddle. They were too far away for Sin to recognize the couple as yet, but as he knew everyone who resided in the area, he had no doubt he would know them too.

  “We have company,” he warned well before the couple came within hearing distance. “I suggest you sit up and try to look as if my cock is not presently buried inside you.” He gave a hard, satisfied grin at the thought of Fliss attempting to make polite conversation with anyone under these circumstances.

  Fliss did her best to straighten both her spine and her clothes before the other couple reached them, very aware she could do nothing about the fevered glitter in her eyes.

  She had lost count of the number of times she had reached her peak during the past hour, until in the end it had become one long, unrelenting orgasm. Even now it caused her body to continually shudder and shake, nor could she hold back the low keening noises in her throat.

  “Hush, now,” Sin soothed as the other couple rode closer. “Or I will not kiss your pussy later, as I had thought I might.”

  Fliss gave another groan, not sure she would be able to suffer another moment of physical arousal today. Every part of her felt oversensitive, small pulses continually radiating from her core as Sin’s cock stretched and claimed her.

  It seemed almost as if he were punishing her today. That he might even be angry with her. The constant thrusting of his cock inside her had been relentless, Sin riding her almost as hard as he rode Dante. Even now, with the other couple almost upon them, Fliss could feel herself balanced on the edge of yet another orgasm.

  “It is my cousin Ranulf and his new bride returned from their honeymoon at last,” Sin revealed in a low voice.

  Fliss bit her bottom lip to stop herself from groaning out loud as the ripples grew stronger inside her.

  “You will have to at least say a polite hello once you are introduced,” Sin warned under his breath.

  Fliss’s brow felt damp from her efforts to hold back her groans as her orgasm grew stronger, building to such a peak at being denied release, it would likely rip her apart when it did break free. “I believe I shall faint,” she told Sin weakly.

  Sin gave her a concerned glance, his brow furrowing as he saw how pale Fliss had become. Her e
yes were glassy and feverish, a deep flush visible above her heaving breasts. Her body was tense as a bow string, her hands white-knuckled as they gripped tightly to the pommel of Dante’s saddle.

  Guilt instantly overcame him. He had been angry earlier. Had wanted to punish Fliss for her subtle hints of wishing to leave. Scotland. And him. He had felt the need to take her again and again, both in an effort to relieve that anger and also to show her what she would be leaving behind when she went.

  Well, he had done that, had been merciless in his pursuit of her pleasure, even when she had begged and pleaded that she could take no more. Her near collapse was the result.

  “Cousin Sinclair,” Ranulf called out heartily as he reined his horse in a few feet away.

  “My lord.” Millie’s greeting was just as warm, if more formal, as she drew her mount to a halt beside her husband’s. “We were just on our way to visit you. We have guests arriving later today and had thought to invite you to join us for dinner this evening. Your guest is most welcome too, of course,” she added with a curious glance in the direction of the silent Fliss.

  Sin’s arm about Fliss’s waist, the rigidness of her back pressed against his chest, allowed him to feel her increasing tension. As he could also feel the strong contractions of her sheath about his cock, almost succeeding in throwing him over the edge into his own release.

  “Ranulf, Millie, may I present Mrs. Felicity Randall.” He offered no further explanation as to who she might be. “Felicity, my cousin Ranulf and his bride, Millicent.”

  Millie laughed. “Oh, I think four months wed means we can no longer be called bride and groom! It is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Randall,” she added huskily.

  Sin was only half listening to his cousin and cousin-in-law’s acknowledgment of Fliss. He was more concerned about Fliss’s condition.

  “I am afraid I must refuse your dinner invitation on behalf of both of us. Mrs. Randall is feeling a little unwell.”

  “Once she is better, perhaps? Our guests will be with us for some time,” Millie assured him.

  “And damned tedious it is too.” Ranulf scowled. “I do not even like half the fellows invited, and now I have to take them all shooting with me.”

  “You should not have made so many friends while we were in London,” Millie teased her husband.

  “I believe most of them are your friends, my love. Word of advice, Sin.” Ranulf sighed. “Do not be persuaded into finishing your honeymoon at a London Season.”

  Millie laughed softly. “We really should return to Cairn House now, my dear.”

  “Fliss?” Sin questioned sharply as he felt her crumple limply against him, her eyes fluttering closed as she fainted in his arms.

  Chapter 13

  “Do not distress yourself,” a soothing voice murmured as Fliss desperately tried to pull herself back from the darkness consuming her. “God, I am sorry. So very sorry.”

  Fliss opened her eyes, feeling disorientated for several moments as she lay on the bed and gazed about the bedchamber and then at the more familiar man seated in a chair beside the bed.

  Sin looked anguished as he leaned forward, the warmth of his hands on hers. “Forgive me, Fliss. I was unreasonable in my demands earlier. Cruel. I did not mean to cause you to faint.”

  “I do not think an overabundance of pleasure can be called cruelty.” She gave a weak laugh, still able to feel the length and girth of Sin’s cock stretching and pleasuring her channel as if it were still buried deep inside her. “How did I get back here?” She frowned her consternation, having no memory of returning to Castle Montgomery from that wild ride across the rugged hills and valleys nearby. Yet she must have done so, as this was the bedchamber given to her for her use during her stay here.

  “I rode back with you fainted dead away in my arms the whole way.” Sin gave a disgusted shake of his head. “I ensured your modesty before we arrived back at the stables,” he added when she frowned.

  Fliss felt grateful for that, at least.

  Just as she was aware of something looming dark and foreboding at the back of her memory. Something important. Except she could not seem to remember what it was.

  She sighed. “I am sure I shall feel better after I have rested.”

  “Do you forgive me?” Sin’s fingers tightened about hers. “My behavior was…unreasonable earlier,” he admitted gruffly. “I intentionally brought you to peak after peak of pleasure.”

  Her eyes widened. “But why?”

  Sin released her hand to stand abruptly before moving to the window, back toward her as he looked out on the long graveled driveway leading up to the front of Castle Montgomery.

  To tell Fliss the reason for his anger, confide that he did not wish her to leave Castle Montgomery, would put pressure on her not to leave. It would give importance to a relationship that to her was merely an adventure. The first of many, no doubt, now that she was free of the restrictions of her marriage, her year of mourning her husband well and truly over.


  He closed his eyes briefly before turning to face her. “Nothing. You did nothing. I was feeling restless earlier today. With Ranulf away, I have things on the estate in urgent need of my attention. This limbo of inaction we have been forced into while we wait to hear from Brooketon is starting to grate on my nerves.”

  Fliss wondered if she was also starting to grate on his nerves. Her company had been forced on Sin for several weeks now, and she had no doubt that it—she—was becoming irritating to a man as used to his own company as Sin was. She would leave now if he were agreeable, and save him any more inconvenience. But as he was not, she would do the next best thing and keep to her rooms as much as possible so as not to be a nuisance to him.

  She fabricated a yawn. “I believe I shall sleep for the rest of the day and leave you to get on with your work.”

  “Shall I instruct your maid to come up and help you out of your riding habit?”

  “Thank you.” Her smile was as forced as her yawn. “Please do not worry about me, Sin, I am perfectly capable of entertaining myself— Not in that way.” She blushed hotly at his raised eyebrows and recalled the way he had instructed her to pleasure herself yesterday while he lay beside her and watched.

  She had been embarrassed at first, self-conscious. But then she’d become aware of the pleasure of plucking and squeezing her own nipples, the swirl of her fingers against the erect nubbin between her thighs, and quickly lost herself in that maelstrom of sensations.

  She avoided meeting the intensity of Sin’s gaze. “I will sleep for a while, and then read a book.” Several of her favorite books sat on the table beside her bed, although so far she had found little time to read them.

  “Of course.” He nodded.

  Fliss sank back against the pillows once Sin had left her bedchamber, aware still of that nagging sense of foreboding at the back of her mind, but still having no idea as to the cause of it.

  She was too tired to think on the subject just now, grateful when Mary entered her bedchamber a few minutes later to help her undress.

  Hopefully, she would be able to think more clearly once she had slept.

  Sin paced his study, too restless even to look at the stack of letters that had been delivered that morning and left on his desk for his attention.

  He had been a brute to Fliss this morning, and now he was suffering for it too, his cock hard and throbbing inside the buckskins he had worn to go out riding.

  Sin gave a groan as that throbbing increased at the memory of the way Fliss had in turn ridden him, her sheath a hot, tight glove about his erect cock. His determination not to ejaculate meant that his cock had been hard for hours without attaining a single release.

  A release he was more desperately in need of than ever.

  Damn it to hell!

  Sin flung himself down in the same chair where Fliss had knelt to receive her punishment, unfastening his buckskins to take out the rigid length of his cock. He pushed his shirt out of the way
as he took himself firmly in hand before closing his eyes and bringing back that delicious image of Fliss’s bare, raised backside, the imprint of where he had spanked her clearly visible on those reddened twin globes.

  His hand pumped up and over the swollen head of his cock before moving down again, giving a slight twist before repeating the motion. He imagined he could hear Fliss’s gasps as he spanked her. The feel of her burning flesh beneath his palm. The heat of her pussy as his fingers plunged inside her, fucking her to an even deeper arousal.

  His balls drew up tight beneath his cock as he stroked and pumped harder, his breathing becoming labored as he imagined the way Fliss had ordered him to sit in the chair, of seeing the slickness of his fingers thrusting in and out of her channel. He could feel the quakes of her release even now, the pleasure as she took him with her.

  Sin gave a groan as he felt the hot release erupt along the length of his cock before it spurted hotly onto his bare stomach, surge after surge until he finally collapsed, completely spent, against the back of the chair, chest heaving as he tried to draw breath back into his starved lungs.

  What was he going to do about Fliss?

  His hunger for her was not abating but growing stronger with each day that passed.

  Fliss felt sluggish and lethargic when she woke in her bed later that afternoon, taking several minutes to once again find her bearings. To remember—

  Oh God.

  She now realized the reason for that sense of foreboding she’d had earlier, had remembered what triggered that emotion, now she was rested and could think clearly.


  She needed to speak to Sin.

  Wishing to speak to him urgently and finding him were different matters, however. He was not in his study. Nor the rest of the castle. Or the stables when she ventured outside the house in search of him.

  “Are you looking for his lordship?”

  Fliss turned to find the elderly head groom looking at her enquiringly. “Do you know where he is?”


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