Building Bridges (Sater's Creek Book 4)

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Building Bridges (Sater's Creek Book 4) Page 9

by Megs Pritchard

  “They’re kinda like my parents are. They haven’t spoken to me since I got with Rory. It’s their loss. They’re the ones missing out on being grandparents. One day when it’s too late, they’ll realize and come knocking on my door. I’ll slam it shut in the faces.”

  “Tucker,” Rory admonished. “It just takes some people longer to adapt than others.”

  “It’s been over a year, Ro. How much longer do they need?”

  “So you did your time, and then you went to college?” Lachlan asked. Now that Elias was talking about his past, Lach wanted to know more. He’d never left Sater’s Creek, had never wanted to, but hearing that Elias had been in the Navy and seen places Lachlan had only ever read about intrigued him.

  “Yeah. I like computers, so I earned a degree, and then Bax and I started our company, designing games.”

  Lachlan knew a bit about computers but nowhere near the same level of knowledge that Elias obviously had. It was only the other day that Flynn had mentioned getting a new computer so he could do more work online with the accounts and to keep track of their orders and invoices and payments more efficiently.

  “We could do something like that at the farm,” Rory said.

  Lachlan nodded. It appeared they were both thinking the same thing. “Just thought about that. Flynn’s been talking about getting a new computer.”

  “Talking?” Rory raised an eyebrow. “More like complaining.”

  “I wouldn’t say that.”

  “That’s because you leave the room every time he talks about it. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had your fingers in your ears as soon as you stepped outside.”

  “I’m not that bad,” Lachlan grumbled.

  “Send him to me, and I’ll give him some advice if he wants it. Is it the accounts?”

  “Yeah, and I think he said that when he switches the computer on, it takes about ten minutes to warm up,” Rory joked. “We’ve had it for a long time.”

  “I’d have to see the computer and what program you’re using to track your accounts. Payments, invoices, things like that.”

  Lachlan listened to Rory and Elias talk and realized that if Elias was going to help Flynn, he would be at the farm more often, and Lachlan wouldn’t be able to avoid him. Sighing quietly, he knew he didn’t have a choice but to put the animosity aside and move on. Elias had made mistakes, and he’d apologized for them. Lachlan had said he had accepted them when he hadn’t. He was an adult, a grown man, and he needed to let go of the past.

  “So tell me who your first time was with?” Tucker asked.

  “It was actually someone from here before I went to boot camp.”

  Hearing that comment, Lachlan stood straight. “Someone from school?” He furrowed his brow as he stared at Elias. “You made my life hell, and you had sex with someone from school? Was it someone I knew?” Elias had the grace to look embarrassed, his face flushing. “It was, wasn’t it?” Lachlan shook his head. “Who?”

  “Jerry,” Elias whispered.

  “Jerry, as in my ex-boyfriend Jerry?” Lachlan pushed away from the counter and stormed over to Elias, getting in his face. “Let me get this right. You made my life hell for a year, the bullying, taunting, pushing me around, slashing my tires, wrecking my stuff, and you were having sex with my ex-boyfriend?”

  “It wasn’t like that—”

  “Really?” Lachlan jabbed his finger in Elias’s chest. “Then explain it to me because I’m having a hard time understanding it.” Lachlan fisted his hands and growled as he waited for Elias to respond. He clenched his jaw, grinding his teeth as he glared at the man standing in front of him.

  “I’m not going to argue with you over this. I’ve apologized. It was years ago, and you need to let it go.”

  “Fuck you,” Lachlan spat out. “People like you are the reason the gene pool needs a fucking lifeguard.”

  “I’m done.” Elias pushed past Lachlan, nodding to Tucker.

  Lachlan growled as he walked out. No chance was he letting the fucker get away. The bullying he could let go off eventually, but finding out Elias had fucked his ex-boyfriend? No, that was too much.


  “WHERE THE HELL do you think you’re going? Don’t you think I deserve an explanation?”

  “What more do you want to know, Lachlan?” Elias shouted, spinning around to face Lachlan. “What can I say to make this better? Whatever I say to you, you want to find some problem with it, so you can keep staying angry with me. I’m not staying here and listening to that. When you’re willing to talk to me like a civilized adult, we can sit down and talk, but until then, stay away. I’ve had enough of trying with you.”

  “What?” Lachlan muttered, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

  “You heard me.”

  They stood staring at each other, Tucker and Rory watching from behind. Rory went back inside, probably to be with Keegan, who didn’t need to see this shit happen. Elias’s eyes met Tucker’s, then snapped back to Lachlan when he shouted at him.

  “How did you expect me to react? You had sex with my ex! Were you doing him when you were making my life hell?” Lachlan demanded. Elias went to answer, but Lachlan glared at him. “I hated having to go to school. Every single day, I would wake up sick, physically sick at the thought of having to go in and deal with you and your friends, and while I was going through that, you were fucking my ex-boyfriend. What did you do to make him keep it quiet? Why did he keep your secrets?”

  “It wasn’t like that.” Elias dropped his head, shaking it at the same time. He took a deep breath in, lifted his head, and said, “It happened just before I left, and I asked him to keep it quiet while I dealt with things at home first. He gave me his word that he would, and I believed him. He told me your relationship was over and had been for some time. I would never have gone anywhere near him if I thought you two had a chance of getting back together again.”

  “That’s not the fucking point! The point is that you made my life hell because I was gay, and then you screwed my ex-boyfriend. You’re nothing but a hypocrite. Can’t you see that? You think because you’re out now and living the gay life and can be who you want to be, it makes it all okay? Let’s forget about the fact that you were screwing my ex and made everyone lie about it—”

  “Hang on a second. I made no one lie about it.”

  “You made him lie about it!” Lachlan shouted as he stormed over and pushed Elias in the chest.

  Elias grunted, taking the blow, and glared at Lachlan. “I asked him to keep it quiet while I figured things out, and he said he would. He didn’t have to; I didn’t threaten him or bully him. I just asked him, and he agreed. I made mistakes,” Elias shouted as he threw his arms wide. “Who hasn’t made mistakes in their life? I didn’t have an understanding family like you. I couldn’t admit the truth to them. Dammit, I could barely admit the truth to myself.”

  “And what? You expect me to feel sorry for you? Typical. Poor old Elias—”

  “No, I just expected you to be an adult.”

  He heard Lachlan growl and narrowly dodged the fist he threw his way. “You bastard. When an actual thought crosses your brain it must be one hell of a long journey.”

  “Really? Look at you. Screaming and shouting, throwing punches when I’m being honest with you. Yes, I should have been honest years ago, but I am now. I admitted my mistakes, apologized for them time and time again.” Elias took several steps back, putting distance between them. He could see the muscles tensing in Lachlan’s arm, his hands still clenched into fists, the narrowed eyes, flared nostrils. He knew Lachlan was seconds away from launching himself at him. In the back of his mind, Elias knew Lachlan had every right to be as angry as he was. Even with all the anger being directed his way, he couldn’t help but notice how hot and sexy Lachlan looked. Damn, he was a twisted shit. He shouldn’t be finding Lachlan attractive when Lachlan wanted to punch him in the face.

  “Listen to him, Lach.”

  Lachlan glared at Tuc
ker and muttered, “A good thing to do with your opinion is to write it on a piece of paper, fold it, and shove it up your ass. Stay the fuck out of this, Tuck. It’s none of your business.”

  “You should know me by now, Lach. When I have something to say, I’m gonna say it. You do this in my house, my garden? Damn straight, I’ll say something. He was wrong; he apologized. Now man the fuck up and move the fuck along. I’m friends with the whole family, and the last thing I want to be doing is splitting my time. You can come to my house on this day; you can come on that day. Get over it. You’ve both grown up, and it’s about time you acted it.”

  Elias watched Tucker storm back into his house, wincing when the door slammed shut behind him. He glanced at Lachlan, his body tense, anger radiating from it. What could he say to change the situation?

  “What do I need to say, do, to make things right?”

  “Oh, that’s right. You don’t want to have to deal with it. Again with the poor Elias—”

  Heaving a heavy sigh, Elias shook his head. It was clear nothing he said would improve the situation, and he had had enough. “You know what? I’m done. I’ve said all I’m gonna say to you. I’ve apologized so many times I’ve fucking lost count. You punched me, and I took it because I felt I deserved it, but I’m not standing here while you have another go at me. Again. So whatever the fuck your problem is now, get the fuck over it.”

  “Get over it!? Your birth certificate should have been an apology letter to the condom factory.”

  “Yeah!” Elias screamed, ignoring the condom factory comment. “I’m done.” He slashed his hand through the air and stared at Lachlan. “I’m sick of dealing with an angry kid who can’t move on. It’s over. It’s done, and I’ve had enough of dealing with your temper tantrum.”

  Elias spun and stormed back to his car, ignoring Lachlan shouting his name behind him. He wasn’t having another shouting match with him.

  When he reached his car, he got in, started the engine, and pulled away with one final glance at Lachlan, who hadn’t moved from the same spot. This would take longer than he had anticipated.

  “Do you want a drink?” Rory asked him.

  Lachlan stared at the car as it drove away, his hands clenched. He nodded his head once and turned toward the house, following Rory inside.

  “We don’t want any arguing in here,” Tucker warned as soon as Lachlan entered the kitchen. “Done dealing with that shit. Not like you’ve got anything going on in your life at the moment, is it?”

  Lachlan sighed and closed his eyes. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, aware of the situation Tucker faced with his own family. The last thing Tucker needed was Lachlan dumping more trouble in his lap.

  He opened his eyes and said, “Look, I just found out about him and Jerry…”

  “Which is the last thing you were expecting to hear,” Rory jumped in. “We all know how badly Elias treated you, and it has to come as a shock to find out he’d slept with your ex-boyfriend, but he has tried several times with you. Each time, you refuse to move on.” When Lachlan went to interrupt him, Rory held his hand up. “I know this must be difficult for you and how hard he made life for you, but you’ve both grown since. You’re both adults.” Rory rolled his eyes when he heard Tucker snort. “I think it would be good for all of us if you two could sit down and talk and resolve these issues.”

  “Yeah, very mature like,” Tucker said, chuckling.

  “I’ve had a lot of practice now that I’m living with you.”

  “Hey! Are you saying that I’m not mature enough for you? You didn’t say that last night.”

  Lachlan chuckled as he watched Rory close his eyes and take a deep breath before opening them again, choosing to ignore Tucker’s comment. Rory said, “Meet him for lunch or something at the Sunshine Diner and try to clear the air. Tucker is right. He knows all four brothers, Bax especially, and it shouldn’t be a case of him having to divide his time because of this. The past is the past, and you need to move on.”

  Lachlan leaned back against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest. “I wish I could, Ro, but what he put me through…” Lachlan shook his head and glanced at Tucker. Damn, he wasn’t being fair. “I should,” he said quietly.

  “So, you’ll meet for lunch?” Rory asked.

  “Yeah, I will. Meet in public too… Less chance of me hitting him.”

  “Didn’t stop you at the pub.”

  Lachlan winced and hung his head in shame, rubbing the back of his neck, and nodded slowly. “Sorry about that, Ro. Should have thought about what would happen.”

  “But you didn’t, did you? You just reacted, which is something you do.” Rory shook his head and sighed again. “But I’m not having a go at you. I can’t imagine how difficult this is for you after everything you went through, but that was a long time ago.”

  “Yeah, and you don’t really want to be doing a Wes, do you?” Tucker threw at him.

  Lachlan winced. Poor Wes. “No, you’re both right. If you’ve got his number, I’ll message him and arrange to meet him.”

  Tucker gave him Elias’s number, and Lachlan quickly left. Sitting in his truck, he messaged him before he had a chance to rethink his decision.

  It’s Lachlan. I think we should meet and sort this out.

  He waited, biting his lip. He’d messed up. After telling himself several times that he would move on, he just couldn’t stop his mouth from running off. Of all the people Elias could have fucked, it had to be his ex.

  Why did he have to do it? Did he even know they’d dated back in high school? Sighing, Lachlan rested the back of his head on the seat. He probably didn’t know. Lachlan needed to grow up and move on, but saying it was a hell of a lot easier than doing it.

  His cell phone beeped, and he read the message quickly, his heart quickening in his chest.

  When do you want to meet?

  “Maybe never?” he whispered in the quiet of his truck. No, he would man up and deal with this and maybe have a good look because Elias was hot. Sighing, he quickly replied, When are you free?

  I can be free tomorrow night. My brother’s coming to Sater’s Creek Friday.

  It made sense that Elias would want to meet before his brother arrived, and Lachlan wanted it dealt with quickly too. The bar. Seven?

  I’ll see you then.

  Lachlan threw his cell on the seat next to him and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. Now he’d made the decision, his stomach had a serious case of butterflies, and his heart pounded in his chest. Growling at his own reaction, he started the engine and drove home.

  He’d made his bed so to speak, and it was now time to wait and see. Tomorrow would come like it always did.


  THE BAR WASN’T crowded, and Elias found a seat where he had an unobstructed view of the door and waited. His foot tapped on the floor, his eyes flickering to the door every few seconds as he waited impatiently for Lachlan to arrive. Glancing at his watch, he realized the man was already ten minutes late. Picking up his glass of beer, he took a large mouthful and swallowed, his eyes bouncing back to the door when it opened again, but it wasn’t Lachlan.

  When he’d received the message from him the day before, his gut had tightened in anticipation. He’d seen the looks Lachlan had given him, heard the words he’d said, so he knew the man was attracted to him, and the feeling was more than mutual. However, once Lachlan had found out what Elias had done before leaving Sater’s Creek, whatever tentative moves they were making had been blown away. The text message had given Elias hope that maybe they could get things back on track. Or at least clear the air so they could be around each other when their friends were together.

  Elias wanted more. He’d always wanted more where Lachlan was concerned, and now, he was out. He could at least look to pursue it, but only if Lachlan was willing. At the moment, that didn’t seem likely. He sighed, leaning his elbows on the bar in front of him.

  If only he could turn back time and change the thin
gs he had done. If only he could have been honest and brave like Lachlan. But would it have been worth it possibly losing his family over? Both his brothers had been supportive when he had told them he was gay, but the subject was taboo where his parents were concerned.

  Now, he appreciated what others had gone through. Kids being thrown out by their parents, being abandoned over something they couldn’t change, something they couldn’t control. He’d heard about it but had never witnessed it, and he was one of the lucky ones. He still had his parents in his life. He just wished they could be more accepting of who he loved.

  The door opened, and he quickly glanced over. When he realized it wasn’t Lachlan, his shoulders slumped. Maybe the man wouldn’t turn up after all, and who could blame him after everything Elias had done?

  When the door opened again, Elias didn’t bother to look over, accepting the fact that Lachlan was more than likely not coming.

  “Yo, Matt! I’ll have the same as Elias. Want another?”

  Elias looked up into Lachlan’s green eyes and sat up straight, his body tightening in anticipation. Man, Lachlan looked good. A white shirt that highlighted his tan and made his eyes stand out, his wavy blond hair falling just right, making Elias’s fingers itch to touch it. Coupled with dark jeans that fit him a little too well and highlighting a bulge that Elias wanted to spend hours exploring had Elias practically drooling.

  A cough had him raising his eyes back to Lachlan’s face, seeing the smile on it. Yeah, the man had asked him a question, hadn’t he?

  “Yeah, I’ll have another beer, please.”

  “Should we stay here or get a table?” Lachlan asked, nodding toward one of the empty tables.

  Elias stood, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, we should grab a table. Did you eat before you came out?”

  “Yeah, Ma fed me, but I’m always up for more.” Lachlan rubbed his flat stomach, drawing Elias’s eyes to it. He wanted to see Lachlan naked. Trace those muscles with his hands and tongue. “Have you?”


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