Alexander I: Tsar of War and Peace

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Alexander I: Tsar of War and Peace Page 67

by Alan Palmer

  in Paris (1815), 1, 2, 3;

  at Troppau Congress, 1, 2;

  A ceases to rely on, 1;

  favours passive policy in Balkans, 1

  Netherlands, plans for future of, (at Chaumont) 1, (at Vienna) 2, 3

  Neuchâtel, proposed cession to France of, 1

  Neva river: Epiphany blessing of waters of, 1, 2;

  flooding by, 1

  Nevsky Monastery: Tsar Peter III first buried at, 1, 2;

  Suvorov buried at, 1;

  A’s baby daughters buried at, 1;

  theological seminary at, 1;

  A visits (1825), 1;

  A perhaps buried at, 1

  Ney, Marshal, French commander, 1, 2, 3;

  as envoy with Napoleon’s offer to abdicate, 1, 2, 3;

  A waltzes with wife of, 1

  Nicholas, Grand Duke (brother of A, later Tsar Nicholas I): birth of, 1;

  in Paris, 1;

  and military colonies, 1n;

  marries Charlotte of Prussia (Alexandra Feodorovna), 1, 2;

  indicated by A as his successor, 1, 2;

  at Troppau Congress, 1;

  head of Council of Regency during A’s absence at Taganrog, 1;

  on A’s death, renounces succession, 1;

  reconciled to accession by fear of army revolt, 1;

  order firing on insurgents, 1;

  repressive policies of, 1

  Norway: cession of, to Sweden, as compensation for loss of Finland, 1, 2

  Novosiltsov, Nikolai, friend of A, 1, 2;

  visits Britain, (1797) 1, (1804), 2, 3;

  member of Secret Committee, 1;

  with A at Memel, 1;

  in Berlin, 1;

  with A at Olmütz, 1;

  resigns from administration, 1;

  and educational reform, 1;

  deputy chairman of provisional Supreme Council for Poland (1814), 1;

  Imperial Commissioner in Warsaw, 1;

  works on draft constitution for Russia, 1, 2

  Odessa: 1, 2, 3, 4;

  A reluctant for Empress to visit, 1.

  Oginski, Count, Polish nobleman, 1, 2

  Oldenburg: Napoleon annexes, 1, 2, 3;

  question of compensation for, 1, 2, 3

  Olmütz, A at (1805), 1, 2, 3

  Opotschna, meeting of A and Metternich at (1813), 1

  Orlov, Count Alexei, and Peter III, 1

  Orlova-Chemenskaya, Countess Anna, patroness of Photius, 1, 2

  Orthodox Church: at Moscow, 1;

  Holy Synod of, condemns Napoleon, 1, 2;

  schools of, 1;

  calendar used by, 1;

  bond between State and, 1;

  A and ceremonial of, 1

  Oterbeck, Six d’, Dutch Minister in St Petersburg, 1

  Oubril, P. de, Russian emissary to Paris (1806), 1, 2

  Oudinot, General, French commander, 1

  Oxford, A given honorary degree at, 1

  Pahlen, Count Peter von, military commandant of St Petersburg, 1;

  involved in murder of Tsar Paul, 1;

  resignation of, 1

  Panin, Count Nikita, adviser on foreign affairs, 1, 2;

  and murder of Tsar Paul, 1, 2;

  granted leave of absence, 1, 2

  Paris: A’s vision of entering, 1;

  A presses for advance on (1814), 1;

  surrender of, 1;

  A enters, 1;

  A’s ascendancy in, 1;

  peacemaking in 1;

  A at Elysée Palace in (1815), 1;

  A visits (1818), 1

  Paris: First Peace of (1814), 1;

  Second Peace of (1815), 1

  partisans (1812): raid French lines of communication, 1;

  harass retreating French, 1

  Paul, Grand Duke and later Tsar (father of A), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

  tours Europe, 1;

  military interests of, 1, 2, 3;

  and succession to throne, 1, 2;

  and La Harpe, 1;

  at death of Catherine II, 1;

  succeeds as Tsar 1;

  his coronation, 1;

  makes tour of inspection, 1;

  mental vagaries of, 1, 2;

  and 2nd Coalition, 1;

  writes to Napoleon, 1;

  moves into Mikhailovsky Palace, 1;

  murder of, 1, 2;

  his body lies in state, 1;

  Talleyrand accuses Britain of complicity in murder of, 1

  Paul, Prince of Württemberg, 1

  peasant revolt (1773–4), 1, 2

  Périgord, Countess Dorothea de, official hostess at Vienna, 1

  Peter, Duke of Oldenburg, 1n, 2

  Peter, Tsar of Russia (the Great), equestrian statue of, 1, 2

  Peter III, Tsar of Russia, 1;

  reburial of, 1, 2;

  murder of, recalled by Tsar Paul, 1

  Petrovsky Palace, Moscow, A at, 1

  Pfuehl, General von, former chief-of-staff of Prussian army: in St Petersburg, 1, 2, 3

  Photius, visionary monk: A interviews, 1, 2;

  hostile to Golitsyn, 1

  Piedmont, unrest in (1821), 1

  Pitt, William, British statesman: Simon Vorontsov a confidant of, 1;

  as Prime Minister, 1, 2;

  and Novosiltsov’s mission, 1;

  death of, 1

  Plaeswitz, armistice of (1813), 1, 2

  Platon, Metropolitan of Moscow, at A’s coronation, 1, 2

  Poland; partitions of (1772, 1795), 1, 2, 3;

  interest of A in, 1, 2;

  Czartoryski’s scheme for restoration of, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  Napoleon and, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8;

  Russia awarded territory in (1807), 1, 2,

  (1809) 1;

  A offers to proclaim Kingdom of, with liberal constitution (1811), 1, 2;

  future of, not settled by Teplitz Treaties, 1;

  Britain and, 1, 2, 3;

  expatriates from, in Paris, 1, 2;

  A’s provisional administration for (1814), 1;

  discussions on, at Vienna, 1; 2, 3;

  central part of, becomes Kingdom under Russia (Congress Poland); remainder goes to Austria and Prussia, 1, 2;

  Constitutional Charter for, 1;

  A uses as field for constitutional experiments, 1, 2, 3;

  see also Warsaw

  Police, Ministry of, 1;

  abolished (1819);

  functions pass to Ministry of Interior, 1

  Polotsk, Russian victory at (1812), 1

  Pomerania, Swedish: Davout ordered to occupy (1812), 1n;

  A insists on French leaving, 1;

  Congress of Vienna and, 1

  Poniatowski, Prince, 1;

  enters French service, 1;

  Polish brigades of, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

  killed at battle of Leipzig, 1

  populations, of St Petersburg, Moscow, Vilna, London, Paris, 1n

  Portugal, 1;

  risings against Napoleon in, 1

  Potemkin, Prince Gregory, 1, 2;

  death of, 1

  Potsdam Oath, between A and Frederick William (1805), 1, 2, 3, 4

  Pozzo di Borgo, General: of Russian delegation at Vienna, 1;

  and Polish question, 1, 2;

  favours Franco-Russian accord, 1;

  Ambassador in Paris, 1, 2, 3;

  and 2nd Treaty of Paris, 1;

  at Aix Congress, 1;

  anti-liberal warnings from, 1;

  at Troppau Congress, 1

  Prague Conference (1813), 1

  primogeniture in inheritance of throne: abolished by Peter the Great (1722), 1;

  restored by Paul (1797), 1

  Protassov, General, tutor to A, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

  Prozorovsky, Marshal, 1

  Prussia: in League of Armed Neutrality (1801), 1;

  army of, 1;

  and 3rd Coalition, 1, 2

  passim; secret treaty between Russia and (1805) 1, 2;

  and Peace of Schönbrunn, 1;

p; agreement between Russia and (1806), 1;

  defeated by French (1806), 1;

  Bartenstein Convention between Russia and (1807), 1, 2, 3;

  in Tilsit settlement, 1;

  French troops in, 1, 2;

  troops to be withdrawn under Erfurt agreement, 1;

  forced into alliance with France (1811), 1;

  French insist on retaining troops in, 1;

  A demands removal of troops, 1;

  Tauroggen military convention between Russia and, pledges neutrality of (1812), 1;

  liberated; enters war against France (1813), 1;

  Russian military alliance with (Kalisch Treaty), 1;

  in 4th Coalition, 1;

  in Teplitz Treaties with Austria and Russia, 1;

  in Quadruple Alliance, 1, 2;

  question of Saxony for, at Congress of Vienna, 1, 2, 3;

  obtains part of Saxony, 1;

  improved position of, after Waterloo, 1;

  greed of, 1, 2;

  troops of, in Paris, 1;

  links between Russia and strengthened by marriage of Grand Duke Nicholas, 1;

  last vestiges of liberalism abandoned in, 1;

  at Troppau Congress 1;

  see also Frederick William III

  Publiciste, Le, on A’s private life, 1

  Pugachev, Emelian, leader of peasant revolt, 1, 2

  Pulawy, Czartoryski estate: A at, 1, 2

  Pultusk, battle of (1806), 1

  Pushkin, Alexander: on A, 1;

  at Tsarskoe Selo school, 1;

  writes verse epistle to A, 1;

  banished to country, 1;

  on floods at St Petersburg, 1;

  welcomes accession of Constantine, 1n

  Quadruple Alliance of Austria, Britain, Prussia, and Russia (Chaumont, 1814), 1;

  renewed (1815), with provision for occasional meetings, 1, 2;

  validity of, re-affirmed at Congress of Aix, 1n

  Quakers, see Friends, Society of

  Radischev, Alexander, sent to Siberia for indictment of serfdom, 1

  Radziwill, Princess, on A in Poland, 1

  Radziwill family, 1

  Razumovsky, Count Andrei: Russian delegate to Chatillon Conference, 1;

  Ambassador in Vienna, 1

  Récamier, Mme, 1

  Reichenbach Convention, between Austria, Prussia, and Russia (1813), 1, 2

  Rhine: Confederation of the, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  as “natural frontier” of France, 1;

  Allies cross (1814), 1;

  free navigation on, 1

  Ribas, Admiral, and murder of Tsar Paul, 1, 2

  Richelieu, Duke of: returns from Russian service to become French Prime Minister, 1, 2

  Rickman, Nathaniel and Mary, of Society of Friends, 1, 2

  Rossi, Carlo, architect, 1

  Rossini, G.; operas by, performed at Verona, 1

  Rostopchin, Theodore: attached to Court of Grand Duke Paul, 1, 2;

  dismissed, 1, 2;

  Paul tries to recall, 1;

  on Budberg, 1;

  against Speransky, 1;

  made Governor-General of Moscow, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;

  supports appointment of Kutuzov, 1;

  antipathy of A and Grand Duchess Catherine towards, 1

  Rousseau, J. J., Empress Catherine and, 1, 2

  Rumiantsev, Count Nikolai: Minister of Commerce (1802), 1,

  and Foreign Minister (1807), 1, 2, 3, 4;

  pro-French attitude of, 1, 2, 3;

  signs Erfurt Treaty, 1;

  Chancellor (1809), 1, 2, 3, 4;

  and Poland, 1, 2;

  and Continental System of Napoleon, 1, 2;

  suffers stroke and partial paralysis (1812), 1;

  wants last gesture of appeasement towards Napoleon, 1;

  with A at Äbo, 1;

  on A’s mission to save Europe, 1;

  retires (1814), 1

  Rumiantsev, General P. A., 1

  Rumiantsev, Count S. P., 1

  Russian Bible Society, 1

  Sagan, Wilhelmine, Duchess of: and A in Vienna, 1, 2, 3;

  in Paris, 1

  St Aignan, Baron de; Allied emissory (1813), 1

  St Helens, Lord, British Ambassador in St Petersburg, 1, 2

  St Peter and St Paul fortress church, St Petersburg, 1;

  A buried at, 1

  Saltykov, General Nicholas: Governor to A, 1, 2;

  consulted on Council of State, 1;

  responsible for administration in St Petersburg (1812), 1, 2;

  and appointment of commander-in-chief, 1;

  Chairman of Committee of Ministers, 1, 2

  Saltykov, Prince Serge, father of Tsar Paul?, 1

  Samborsky, Andrei: tutor to A, 1, 2;

  Court chaplain, 1

  Sardinia, A’s instructions to envoy to (1811), 1

  Savary, General: envoy from Napoleon to A (1805), 1, 2;

  envoy to St Petersburg (1807), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Saxony: allied with Napoleon, 1, 2;

  Russians and Prussians in (1813), 1, 2;

  deserts Napoleon, 1;

  A plans to compensate Prussia for losses in Poland by territory of, 1;

  objections to A’s plan for 1, 2;

  administration of, transferred by A from Russian to Prussian army, 1;

  part of, passes to Prussia (1815), 1

  Scharnhorst, General, Prussian commander, 1

  Schönbrunn, Peace of (1805), 1

  Schools: Directorate of, 1n, 2;

  Speransky as administrator of, 1

  Schwarz, Col., of Semeonovsky Regiment, 1, 2

  Schwarz, Mme, reputed mistress of A, 1

  Schwarzenberg, Prince: at Olmütz (1805), 1;

  commander of Allied forces (1813), 1, 2, 3, 4;

  in campaign in France, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  in Paris, 1, 2;

  to concentrate army on right bank of Rhine (1815), 1, 2;

  at Russian review, 1

  Scott, Walter, in Paris (1815), 1

  Sebastopol, A in (1825), 1

  Secret Committee, established by A, 1;

  favours peace with France, 1;

  A differs from, on foreign affairs, 1, 2;

  A does not invite resumption of meetings of, 1;

  and government reform, 1;

  A under pressure to cut himself free from, 1;

  final dispersal of, 1

  secret societies, of liberals, 1, 2, 3;

  of Decembrists, 1

  Semeonovsky Regiment of Guards: and murder of Tsar Paul, 1, 2;

  in Paris (1814), 1;

  mutiny of (1820), 1

  Senate: A sets up Committee to review powers of, 1, 2;

  reformist elements in, 1

  Senyavin, Admiral Dmitri: in Adriatic, 1, 2, 3;

  returns to Baltic, 1

  Seraphim, Metropolitan: in ousting of Golitsyn, 1, 2;

  and insurgents at Nicholas’s accession, 1

  Serfdom, 1, 2, 3;

  A determined not to allow increase of, 1;

  A acknowledges need to abolish, 1, 2

  serfs: A forbids advertisements for sale of, 1;

  amelioration of conditions of, 1;

  levies of, for militia, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  A encourages landowners to emancipate, 1;

  risings of, 1

  Sevastionov, hermit, 1

  Shelley, Lady Frances, on A, 1

  Shishkov, Admiral: succeeds Speransky as State Secretary, 1;

  in Vilna with A, 1, 2, 3;

  on abandonment of Vilna, 1;

  wants A to leave army, 1, 2

  Shuvalov, General Prince, 1

  Shuvalova, Countess, lady-in-waiting to Empress Catherine, 1

  Siberia: Speransky appointed Governor of, 1;

  A travels to west of (1824), 1, 2

  Silesia: proposed as recompense to Austria for cession of Galicia, 1;

  proposed cession of, to Westphalia, 1

  Silistria, fortress on Danube, falls to Russian
army (1810), 1

  slave trade, appeals for abolition of, 1, 2

  Slobodsky Palace, Moscow, A at, 1

  Smith, Horatio, writes verses on A, 1

  Smolensk: modernization of fortifications of, 1;

  French army and (1812), 1, 2;

  Arakcheev and rebuilding of, 1

  Soult, Marshal, French commander, 1, 2

  Spain: risings against Napoleon in, 1, 2, 3;

  Wellington’s victory in, 1;

  future of, discussed at Chaumont, 1;

  unrest in (1820), 1;

  suggestion of intervention in, 1, 2;

  French authorized to take military action in, 1

  Speransky, Michael, 1;

  Minister of the Interior, 1;

  secretary to A at Erfurt, 1;

  Assistant Minister of Justice, 1;

  reforms suggested by, 1;

  and Arakcheev, 1;

  as State Secretary, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  as scapegoat for grievances about reforms, 1;

  A consults on Poland, 1;

  in contact with Talleyrand, 1;

  victim o intrigue;

  is exiled to Nizhni Novgorod (1812), 1, 2;

  Governor of Penza (1816), 1;

  Governor-General of Siberia (1819), 1

  spies of Austrian police: reports of, during Congress of Vienna, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

  Stackelberg, Count, in Russian delegation at Vienna, 1

  Stadion, Count, Austrian diplomat, 1, 2

  Staël, Mme de: on patriotism of Russians, 1;

  on A, 1

  Stein, Baron vom, chief Minister of Prussia, 1;

  joins A at Vilna (1812), 1;

  urges Russian advance from Vilna, 1;

  appeals to Frederick William to break with Napoleon, 1;

  hopes for united German state, 1, 2;

  memorandum by, on Poland, 1

  Stephens, Elizabeth, wife of Speransky, 1

  Stoffregen, Dr, physician to Empress Elizabeth, 1n

  Stourdza, Alexander, as secretary to A, 1, 2

  Stourdza, Roxane, lady-in-waiting to Empress Elizabeth, 1;

  follower of Julie von Krüdener 1, 2, 3, 4;

  in Bavaria with Elizabeth, 1;

  A’s letter to, 1;

  Capodistrias a friend of, 1;

  with Elizabeth at Taganrog, 1

  Stroganov, Paul, friend of A, 1, 2, 3;

  member of Secret Committee, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  deputy Minister of the Interior, 1;

  with A at Olmütz, 1;

  in London, 1;

  resigns, 1;

  and educational reform, 1

  subsidies, British: to Russia, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  to Prussia, 1

  Sukhozanet, Major-General, and Decembrist insurgents (1825), 1

  Sukhtelen, General, Quartermaster-General (1805), 1;

  in Finland, 1

  Sussex, Duke of, proposes to Grand Duchess Catherine, 1

  Suvorov, General, 1, 2, 3;

  made to retire by Tsar Paul, 1;


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