Space Adventures Ltd., 145
SpaceShipOne, 129
SpaceShipTwo, xiii, 129
space travel, 129–30
asteroid mining and, 141–52
ethics of, 143–47
off-world colonies and, 150–51
XPRIZE competition for, xi–xiii, 129
Special Theory of Relativity, 109
SPECT (single positron emission computed topography), 45–46
Spenser, Jack, 111
sperm banks, 247–63
donor anonymity in, 253–57, 260–62
donor screening for, 252–53, 261–62
donor tracking by, 256–57, 262
economics of, 250–51
incest among offspring from, 257–60
regulation of, 251, 258–59, 260–63
Spirit of America (car), xii
spiritual traditions, xiv–xvi
fear of death and, 29
mystical experiences and, 33–48
near-death experiences and, 42–45
psychedelic drugs in, 167–68
spoonbills, 93–94
extreme, 125–30
out-of-body experiences in, 36–37
as play, 125
prosthetics and, 12–13, 15, 17, 19–20
skydiving, 35–36, 125–30
steroid use in, 183, 187–90, 193–95
weightlifting, 189–90
Spradling, Allan, 136, 137
stabilization wedges, 114
Stanford, George, 106, 119–120
Stanford University, 216–17
Stapledon, Olaf, 85
Stardust (space vehicle), 146
starry-night effect, 64–65
stars, creation of, xvii
State Children’s Health Insurance Program, 210
Steindl-Rast, David, 173
stem cells, 201–18
anti-abortion war and, 208–10
in anti-aging medicine, 199
availability of for research, 211–13
bioweapons and, 240
cancer and, 205
conflated with cloning, 214–15
defining life and, 209
efforts to change federal law on, 213–15
from embryos, 209
fetal, 208–10
hematopoietic, 205–6
hybridization of, 200
loss of research and researchers on in the US, 212–13
methods for obtaining, 207–8, 214–15
organ transplants and, 204–5
parthenogenesis of, 208
politicization of, 206–17
potential of, 206
state legislation on, 211–13
StemCells Inc., 216
Sterling, Bruce, 247
Steroid Control Act, 189–90, 198
steroids, 183–200
for AIDS treatment, 196–97
anabolic and androgenic, 192
for cosmetic purposes, 190
DHEA, 186, 198
early research on, 192–93
human growth hormone, 198
metabolic effects of, 190–92
misinformation about, 183–84, 188–90, 193–95
negative effects of, 188–89, 194
research on, 189–90
’roid rage and, 189
in sports, 183, 187–90, 193–95
testosterone, 192–93, 198–99
Stewart, Jon, 145
Stratos Project, 127–30
Strauss, Lewis, 109
Studebaker, winged, 100
Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 233–34
sugarcane farming, 87–89
Sulgin, Alexander, 160
Survival Research Labs, 101
Svalbard Global Seed Vault, 249
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 27
synthetic biology, xv, 219, 230–38, 241–42
Synthetic Genomics, 230
Szilárd, Leó, 109
Talent, Jim, 237
criminal use of, 235–36, 246
democratization of, 247–48
disruptive, xiv–xvi, 31, 151
evolution and, 56–59
irresistibility of, xvi–xvii
rate of change in, 28, 57, 225–27
technopatric speciation, 58–59
techno-physio evolution, 54–57
telomeres, 191
temporal lobe, 43–45, 47–48
terraforming, 81–95
Terrafugia Transition, 100
Terra Nostra (Fuentes), 23
TerraPower, 121
terrorism, 229–30
bioweapons in, 233–38, 241–42
FBI biosecurity conferences and, 236–37
information technology in, 235
nuclear energy and, 120
testosterone, 192–93, 198–200
theory of mind, 23
This Is Reality (Martensson), 27
This Timeless Moment (Huxley), 181–82
Thompson, Hunter S., 168, 171
thorium reactors, 119–20
Three Mile Island, 110, 118
Thurmond, Strom, 213–14
Time on the Cross: An Economic Analysis of American Negro Slavery (Fogel & Engerman), 52–53
Tito, Dennis, 145
Toshiba, 121
Toth, Lou, 85–86
tourism, space, 129–30
transcendent states, 45–47, 165
trans fats, 198
transposable elements, 136–38
traveling wave reactors, 121
Truax, Robert, 101
Truax Engineering, 101
Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin, 145
Tsukamoto, Ann, 216
“The Tunnel Under the World” (Pohl), 27
tunnel vision, 41–42
UK Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, 115
United Nations, 217
unity, cosmic, 45–47, 165, 175
US Air Force, 241
US Department of Energy, 119, 228
van Lommel, Pim, 40, 42
Venter, Craig, 228, 230, 231, 247
Vergel, Nelson, 196–97
Virgin Galactic, 129
artificial implants for, xiv, xvi, 26, 61–77
cost of artificial, 75–76
effects of electricity on, 79, 80–81
functional mobility in, 67
neuroprosthesis for, 67
religions on, 74
retinal implants for, 66–67
starry-night effect in, 64–65
tunnel, in near-death experiences, 41–42
“The Voice” (Butcher), 37
Walter Reed hospital, 15, 17
Walton, Ernest, 109
water impoundments, 88–90
Waterman, Waldo, 100
Watson (artificial intelligence), 223
weapons of mass destruction, 227, 245–46
Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate, 236–37
weightlifters, 189–90
Weiland, James, 76–77
Weissman, Irv, 203–7, 209, 211, 215–17
Weldon, Dave, 215
Weldon Bill, 215
West Nile virus, 133, 134
What Technology Wants (Kelly), xvi–xvii
Whinnery, James, 40–42
Wick, Douglas, 213–14
Wikileaks, 224, 242
Wimmer, Eckard, 233
Winkler, Allan, 110
World Health Organization (WHO), 61
Wright Brothers, 72–73
XPRIZE, xi–xiii, 129, 141, 151
yellow fever, 133, 137
Yesalis, Charles, 195
You, Edward, 236–37
Yushchenko, Viktor, 238
Zee-Aero, 105
Zucker, Jerry, 213–14
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