How To Fall In Love

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How To Fall In Love Page 55

by Bella Jewel

  We go through this until we’re all in a group. I’m in the group with four, which isn’t necessarily a good thing, because it gives a bigger chance of screwing things up. I have Number Twelve, Seven, and Three with me.

  Now we’re paired off in groups, a guard walks in front of us all, his hands clasped together as he studies us. Then he turns and walks to the front of the room, lifting some sort of talking device into his hand and pressing a button.

  “They’re all grouped off, sir. Take a look, decide which you want for what task, or if there are any changes that need to be made.”

  I listen intently, trying to hear whoever is on the other line, but I can’t. The guard lowers the little device, and then nods at another man. Suddenly, a bright fog light is flicked on, burning right into our eyes. I squint and press my hands over my face, trying to block out the blinding light. I hear a door slam, but I can’t see anything. If I open my eyes, all it does is burn.

  “They’re grouped off, Master,” I hear the guard say. “Assign them their duties.”

  Heavy footsteps fall and alert us that someone else is nearing closer, and I know right away it’s the so-called “Master William.” I don’t know what he looks like, and it’s clear we’re not supposed to, for whatever reason. That’s what the lights are for. As he nears closer, I can hear his ragged breathing. I shiver, and not in a good way. I squint my eyes, tilting my hand just enough to see his silhouette. It’s hard to make out what he really looks like, but I can see he’s tall, and quite broad. I notice a good outline of his body, and it’s clear he’s extremely muscular, like an athlete.

  From this angle, I think his hair is dark, maybe black? I can’t see a great deal more, except that maybe his skin is olive. He doesn’t seem to be very old, which makes this just that more confusing. He walks up and down, obviously taking us all in. “Face the front.” The guard snarls. I turn, and I can hear the clear shuffling sound of feet as the other girls do the same. I drop my hand, and turn my gaze to the floor, unable to keep my arm in that position.

  I hear footsteps come to a stop in front of me, and a hand lashes out and takes my bound hands. I gasp, and stare at the large hand curled around mine. The stranger turns my hands, and runs his fingers over the bumpy scars on my wrist. I don’t remember how I got those scars, because I don’t remember how I got here. It looks as though I’ve tried to slit my wrist. The man’s thumb presses against the big one on my wrist. His grip is tight, full of dominance, as if he could just twist my wrist at any moment and crush it.

  Is he deciding I’m damaged goods? Are these scars on my wrist going to make him take me away, like they did Number Six? My eyes burn with tears, and I can’t breathe steadily as I begin to consider all the reasons these silly scars might cause my life to be cut short. I’m damaged goods, he doesn’t want damaged goods. Who would buy slaves only to have them seem crazy? That’s what he’ll think, isn’t it? That I’m crazy?

  Suddenly he lets go, and steps back. His footsteps disappear, and I hear the guard speaking softly with him. Then the door slams, and the light flicks off. I see big white spots as I blink to try and clear my vision.

  I haven’t managed to regain it before the guard speaks. His voice comes out clear, and full of authority. There’s no arguing with his tone, or him, it seems.

  “Group one,” he says in a deep, penetrating tone. “You will cook. If you don’t know how, learn. You will be awoken at six a.m. every morning to start breakfast. It is to be served at eight a.m. punctually. Lunch is at twelve p.m. and dinner at six p.m. The kitchen is to be left in good condition at all times.”

  “Group two,” he continues, turning his eyes to the second group. “You are responsible for cleaning. You too will be awoken at six a.m. You will begin on the lower part of the house, making sure everything is tidy. You will share the jobs between you, to make sure it all gets done.”

  He swings his eyes to the next group.

  “Group three, you will clean up the kitchen once group one has cooked each meal. You will also be responsible for all the laundry in the house, making sure everything is cleaned, ironed and folded in a prompt manner each day. You will also be responsible for cleaning the pool and maintaining the gardens. You also rise and six a.m. and start your duties.”

  “Group four,” he says, turning to us and giving us all a long look. “You serve the master. You go to him when he needs you, and help him when he requests. If he doesn’t need you, then you will join the other groups in keeping the property maintained, but the moment he calls, you will attend to him.”

  We have to service him? How does he mean? My stomach twists, and I feel sick. I wish I could remember how I’d ended up here, and why it is that I can’t remember a damned thing about my life, including my own name. I can think clearly enough now, but the past is a blur. I know it’s the drugs they’ve given us; they’ve created a drug-induced amnesia. Does that mean they’re going to continue the drugs? Does it mean I’m never going to remember enough to get out of here? What if it’s not the drugs? What if there’s another reason for my memory loss?

  The guard crosses his large arms, and shifts from one foot to the other. “You will be taken to your rooms, now. There are clothes laid out. You will dress in these after taking a shower, and then you will begin your duties. There is a guard assigned to each group, and if you disobey him, you will be punished.”

  He clicks his fingers, and three guards enter the room. They pair off, one of them to each group. I stare at the guard who has been assigned to us. He’s middle aged, with light brown hair, and hard brown eyes. He doesn’t look at us; he pretends we don’t exist as he re-chains us and tugs us towards the door. Right before we make it over, one of the girls from group one begins screaming, shaking her head from side to side.

  “No, please, don’t make me go. I want to go home.”

  Her guard takes hold of her arm, and yanks her towards him, snarling something into her ear. She screams, and kicks out, sending him reeling backwards. Her face crumples. She knows her attempts are futile. That’s the beauty of the human spirit. It can bend a lot before it’s broken. And a lot of these girls are already broken. Which makes me wonder if they were already damaged before they arrived.

  The other guards quickly join the first, circling around the girl. My lips tremble as they force her to the ground. The lead guard turns to the rest of us. “You’re about to see what happens to those who behave like this.”

  The guard takes hold of the belt around his waist, pulling it off and pressing it into his hands. The other guards hold the girl on the ground, and one reaches down, lifting her shirt. I look away, unable to see what they’re about to do. My entire chest is aching so much it feels like I’ve got a ten-ton truck sitting on it. I blink back my tears as I hear the first crack of a belt against her skin, followed by her broken scream.

  They give her ten of those.

  By the tenth one, she’s stopped begging. I slowly turn, staring at her. My eyes burn as I take in her back. Red welts appear on her skin, swelling angrily. The guards haul her up, and she’s sobbing quietly, her hair falling over her face. My heart aches for her, and I want to go over and comfort her but I know I can’t.

  “Unless you want that,” our guard hisses, “then you’ll do as you’re told.”

  He tugs us towards the door, and leads us out and away from the sounds of the sobbing girl.

  But it’s not a sound I’ll be able to push out of my mind easily.



  “They’re in their rooms, sir.”

  I lift my head and stare at George, my main guard, standing at the door. He’s got his broad arms crossed and he’s standing at full alert. I see a certain level of authority in his grey gaze, and I know I made the right decision choosing him for the job. He’s loyal, and trusting, and he obeys each and every one of my commands.

  “Very good, George,” I say, my voice low.

  I lift my eyes to the cameras, and zero i
n on the screens where the girls are all staring at their new rooms, experiencing their new lives for the first time. They’re frightened now, but they won’t be soon. They’ll learn why they’re here. They’ll see why I picked them. They’ll find out why they’re special.

  Soon, they’ll all understand.

  “Which girl do you require first?”

  I keep my gaze locked on the screen, and I focus on the tiny blond girl, the one who seemed just that touch different to the rest. Fear doesn’t leak from her pores like it does from the others; she’s strong and steady.

  It figures.

  She doesn’t remember. I’ve made sure of that.

  I turn my face to George. “Number Thirteen.”



  The room our group is given is massive. It’s beyond what I’d imagined in my mind. I pictured a dark space with no windows, no fresh air, and ratty beds.

  This room is open, and quite breezy. It’s very plain, though, with no paintings or pictures on the cream walls. The carpet is a pale blue, in perfect condition. The beds are all plain, with white linens and light-blue blankets folded at the end. Everything in the room is nice, but simple and logical. I’m sure there’s a reason for it; I’m just not sure what that reason is yet.

  The guard shoves our group into the space and blocks the door. I walk in further, feeling my feet sink into the plush carpet. I cast my eyes over to the windows right away, out of instinct, but I see they’re fully barred. A pang of pain rips through my chest, and I feel some of my hope slipping, even though logic says of course the windows would provide no escape. I step in further, and stare into the large bathroom at the far left-hand corner of the room. It’s got a large tub, a large glass shower, and a double vanity. I let my eyes settle on the mirror, and the sudden urge to go and look at myself is overwhelming.

  I need to know who I am.

  I need to remember.

  “You will each pick a bed,” the guard says, and I turn to face him. “You are allowed to shower only once a day, unless you’re instructed to have more. You are not permitted to use the bath without permission. You have only basic soaps to wash with. The only time you’ll be given nice things, such as shampoo or conditioner, is if you earn them.”

  He pauses for effect.

  “Your clothes are in the drawers; you wear only one pair a day. There is to be no noise after eight p.m., and those who disobey will find themselves sleeping in the dark, stuffy basement.”

  I stare at the guard, trying to take in all these rules. They don’t quite make sense to me. We’re slaves, yet they’re giving us basic things that are comfortable and nice enough to keep us feeling calm and content. We’re being told if we’re good, we will be rewarded with nice things, and if we’re bad, we won’t. None of it seems to be making a great deal of sense to me, and the more I hear, the more difficult it is for my fuzzy mind to process it.

  I see another guard approach ours. He’s younger than our guard, with long red hair that’s tied at the nape of his neck. He’s a big man, and he’s got eyes as green as emeralds. He looks a little kinder, but he still doesn’t give us so much as a look as he leans down, whispering something to our guard. They nod, and murmur between each other, and I try hard to hear what they’re saying but I can’t make it out. The other guard walks off, and ours turns to us with a hard expression.

  “Number Thirteen, you’re showering first. The master requests your presence.”

  I look down at my hand, as if double-checking he’s actually called me, even though I know who I am. When I see the big, black, bold 13 on my hand, my stomach clenches, and bile rises in my throat. Why did he pick me first? Have I done something wrong? Is he going to send me away, like he did with Number Six? Am I not enough? Am I lacking?

  Perhaps I’m terribly ugly. My brain feels like it’s throbbing, and I clench my eyes shut and try to remember what I look like. I can only come up with darkness. There’s nothing there.

  The guard steps forward, and uncuffs me. “You’ve got a matter of seconds to get into the shower, Number Thirteen.”

  I snap my head up, and I know my eyes are wide and alarmed. The other girls are staring at me with clear confusion and sympathy in the depths of their gazes. Yet I also see relief, as if they’re glad it’s not them going. I slowly force my feet towards the bathroom, feeling my heart pound as I step in. I go straight to the mirror, and my fingers curl around the basin. Look up. See who you are.

  I lift my head slowly, and I stare into the mirror. A pair of sky-blue eyes stares back at me. They’re empty eyes. Like the girl who is meant to be in there has left nothing more than hollow orbs.

  My hair is long, trailing down over my shoulders. It’s a light blond, but there are darker strands through it, giving it a streaked look. My nose is tiny and straight, and my lips are full. I lift my fingers, grazing them across my skin. It’s soft, and has a pink tinge. I look almost frail, somewhat like a doll that’s meant to sit on a shelf.

  Even though I’m standing, I can’t see all of myself in the mirror because I’m so incredibly short. I go up onto my tiptoes, trying to study myself further. On my tiptoes, I’m still not tall enough to see more. I guess that I’d be no bigger than five-foot tall, at the maximum. I can see I only have small breasts, and a tiny backside. My stomach is firm and small, just like the rest of me.

  “Remove your clothes and shower,” the voice behind me barks.

  I spin around, covering my breasts even though I’m still wearing clothes. I gape at the guard standing in the bathroom with me, his arms folded angrily across his chest. He’s got a level of authority in his eyes, like he takes his job far too seriously.

  In the biggest voice I can muster, I croak, “I-I-I will, but you need to leave.”

  His eyebrows shoot up, like I’ve surprised him. He steps in further, his face twisting with anger. “Do you think we don’t know what girls can do in a shower alone? There are instruments in here that can be used to attack. There’re also things that can harm a human body. We’ll not risk leaving you alone to plot. Now get your clothes off, and get into the shower.”

  My skin prickles. He wants me to front of him? My head shakes from side to side as I take a few steps backwards. No, I won’t take my clothes off and wash myself while he leers at me. His face hardens as I continue to back up, shaking my head over and over, and giving him my clear answer on the matter. His hand lashes out, and his fingers curl around the top of my arm, causing a sharp, biting pain to shoot through my body.

  I inhale.

  “You will do as you’re told.”

  I squirm. “Let me go!” I plead.

  His hand lifts high above his shoulder, fingers splayed, and he slaps my face so hard my entire head swings to the side. Warm metallic blood fills my mouth as one of my teeth pierces my lip. I cry out, feeling my legs beginning to shake as I brace myself for the next blow. It comes quickly, and the loud slap fills the room, followed by my broken scream. Then he leans down and he tears my tank off with a loud rip. My pants follow behind. Leaving only my panties on, he swings the shower door open and shoves me in, pulling the faucet on.

  Hot water comes roaring out, and it scalds my skin.

  My cries fill the room as I frantically try to see through my blurred vision to turn the tap back to cold. It takes me a few seconds, and by this time my skin is burning from the contact. My tears blend with the scorching water, my sobs drowned out by the hammering of the shower. I lean down, picking up the bar of soap, and run it quickly over my body. I don’t look back at the guard, but I know he’s still standing and watching me. I finish up, and step out, drying myself with the scratchy towel provided.

  The guard thrusts some clothes at me. He’s not going to leave, and I can’t put dry clothes over my wet underwear. I put the towel under my chin, and desperately try to balance myself and keep it tucked under there while I drop my wet clothes, and pull on the fresh ones. I force back the tears as I fold the t
owel over the rack, and run a brush through my knotty locks. Then I turn to the guard, and he reaches out, snapping a new set of cuffs on my hands.

  “Time to meet the master.”



  I try to take in every part of my surroundings, as I’m led down the long hall. I don’t know where it leads, but I count each room on the sides. Four on the left, two on the right. I catch a glimpse of what looks like a formal living area at the end, right before we turn into another hall that has a set of stairs at the end of it. We take the stairs up to another floor that’s open, and boasts a huge living area, a library, and a massive balcony overlooking the gardens.

  Right in the middle of that room, imbedded into the wall, is a set of giant double doors. Two guards stand outside. My heart feels like it’s going to leap out of my throat as the guard takes me closer, stopping at the door and lifting his little communicating device to his mouth, speaking in a different language. I so desperately wish I knew what he was saying. A voice comes across the line, and it’s deep and husky. That man also speaks in a different language.

  Before I know what’s happening, a man is behind me, placing a blindfold over my eyes. I whimper, and try to duck my head out of the way. This earns me a hard shove and a snarled “stop moving.” I stop moving, though my legs feel as though they’ve turned to jelly. I’m terrified. This man doesn’t want us to see him. Is he that bad? Is he a monster? A beast? Maybe he’s someone very rich and important. I don’t know, but there’s most certainly a reason our eyes are never to fall on him.

  I hear the door creak open, and I know I step into a darker room because everything seems to blacken. I swallow over and over, trying to control the desperation flooding my veins. My hands are shaking wildly, and my mind is spinning with possibilities. Will he rape me? Kill me? Sell me to someone else? I don’t know what’s about to happen to me, and that thought alone is enough to make me feel like my world is closing in on me.

  The door shuts, and suddenly I feel alone. I listen for a sound, something to indicate it’s not so, but I hear nothing for the longest moment. Then I hear a shuffling, and I know there’s someone else in here with me. Tears soak the blindfold on my eyes, and I try frantically not to make a sound as I sob. I don’t want to beg; I don’t want to come across as feeble. I saw what happened to Number Six when she let herself give in to her fear.


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