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Power Hungry Page 45

by Robert Bryce

Groppe, Henry

  Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (table)(fig.) (fig.)

  Grübler, Arnulf


  Gusher of Lies (Bryce)

  Hagan, Pete

  Hansen, James

  Happy ratings

  Happy talk

  Harkin, Tom

  Hawkins, David

  Hawkins, Ken

  Haynesville (documentary)

  Haynesville Shale

  Hayward, Steven

  Hayward, Tony

  Heavy metals, emissions of, issue of

  Heinberg, Richard

  Herzog, Howard

  Hierarchy of needs

  High Noon for Natural Gas: The New Energy Crisis (Darley)

  High-tech manufacturing(fig.)

  High-voltage transmission lines

  Hinchey, Maurice

  Hindrichsen, Henriette


  Hollandsworth, Skip

  Horsepower, as a measure of power. See also Power entries

  House Committee on Government Reform

  Hoyt, Monty

  Huber, Peter

  Hulme, Randy

  Human Development Index

  Hunt, H. L.

  Hurricane Katrina

  Hussein, Sadam

  Hybrid cars

  battery issue with

  continuing to improve

  “eco-bling” of

  essential commodities of

  increasing usage of, in the United States

  myths involving

  viability of

  Hybrid reactors

  Hydraulic fracturing


  biggest conventional discovery of

  burning gas from biomass vs.

  defined, and reasons for using

  environmental costs of

  global use of

  important U.S. development of

  and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA)

  reliability of

  reliance on

  replacing, issues with

  reserves of, leader of

  shift to

  shortage of, fear over

  See also Coal; Natural gas; Oil

  Hydrogen economy, move toward a


  as back up for wind power

  consumption of(fig.)(fig.) (fig.)(fig.)

  and electricity generation(fig.) (fig.)

  and emissions

  environmental costs of

  and federal subsidies(fig.)

  history of relying on

  leaders in the production of

  Hyperion Power Generation


  ICF International(fig.)

  Idaho National Laboratory


  “In Praise of Petroleum?” (Smith)

  Inconvenient Truth, An (documentary)

  Independence Hub

  Independent Petroleum Association


  carbon dioxide emissions of(fig.) (fig.)

  and coal consumption

  coal reserves of(table)

  and electricity(fig.)

  electricity generation capacity of

  and energy consumption(fig.)

  and energy intensity(fig.)

  and natural gas

  and nuclear power

  and oil consumption

  power consumption in(fig.)

  ranking of, by GDP and electricity generation(table)


  Indiana Gas and Oil


  carbon dioxide emissions of (fig.)

  deforestation in

  electricity generation in

  and energy consumption(fig.)

  and energy intensity(fig.)

  need for increased electricity in

  and nuclear power

  power consumption in(fig.)

  ranking of, by GDP and electricity generation(table)

  Industrial Revolution

  Infant mortality rates

  Innumeracy, issue of

  Inpex Holdings

  Institute for 21st Century Energy

  Institute for Fusion Studies

  Institution of Mechanical Engineers

  Integrated energy parks

  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

  International Energy Agency (IEA)

  on carbon capture and sequestration

  on decarbonization

  on demand in the oil market

  on emissions

  on estimated global gas resources

  on gas-fired capacity

  on global gas resources

  on global liquified natural gas production

  on the growth of renewables

  on nuclear power

  on oil demand and GDP

  on peak oil

  on projected costs for new electricity generation plants(fig.)

  International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

  International System of Units (SI), described

  Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission



  and electricity generation

  emulating energy policies of

  myth involving

  and natural gas(fig.)

  and nuclear power

  and nuclear weapons

  ranking of, by GDP and electricity generation(table)


  and electricity consumption(fig.)

  and nuclear weapons

  oil reserves of

  See also Second Iraq War


  Israel, Laura


  Jakuba, Stan



  and carbon dioxide emissions

  and electricity(fig.)

  and energy consumption(fig.)

  and energy intensity(fig.)

  and natural gas

  nuclear attacks on

  and nuclear power

  and nuclear waste

  ranking of, by GDP and electricity generation(table)

  Japan Steel Works

  Jevons Paradox

  Jevons Paradox and the Myth of Resource Efficiency Improvements, The (Polimeni)

  Jevons, William Stanley



  and the oil and gas industry

  John Birch Society

  Johnson Controls

  Johnson, Lyndon

  Joiner, Columbus Marion (“Dad”)

  Jones, Jerry

  Joule, James Prescott

  Joules (J), as a measure of energy

  Joy Mining Machinery



  Kennedy, Robert F., Jr.



  Kerry, John

  Khosla, Vinod

  Kitimat LNG

  Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers

  Knowles, Ruth Sheldon

  Knudson, Tom

  Kreider, Jan

  Krupp, Fred

  Kunstler, James

  Kyoto Protocol

  Laboratory for Energy and the Environment

  Laks, Dan

  Land required. See Real-estate footprint

  Lang, Peter

  Lanthanides (fig.)


  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

  Lawyers vs. engineers

  Lay, Ken


  League of Conservation Voters (LCV)

  Lee, Rob

  Lightbridge Corporation

  Lilienthal, David

  Lindzen, Richard

  Liquefied natural gas (LNG)

  Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)


  Live Earth

  Long Emergency, The (Kunstler)

  Los Alamos National Laboratory


  Lovelock, J

  Lovins, Amory

  Lustgarten, Abrahm

  Mahajan, Swadesh


  Manhattan Project

  Marcellus Shale

  Marchetti, Cesare

  Marsa-Ursa offshore oilfield(fig.)

  Maslow, Abraham

  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

  Mathematical skills, lack of

  McCain, John

  McCarthy, Joe

  McClendon, Aubrey

  McDermott International

  Megatrends, key

  Mencken. H. L.



  abundant supplies of

  See also Greenhouse gases; Natural gas

  Methane economy


  Mexico, Gulf of(fig.)

  Middle East

  Midgley, Thomas

  Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA)

  Milford Wind Corridor

  Mills, Mark

  Mineral rights


  Mitchell, George


  Mixed oxide fuel (MOX)

  Molycorp Minerals

  Montefiore, Hugh

  Moore, Michael

  Moore, Patrick

  Morales, Evo

  Motors, power equivalencies of various

  Mountaintop-removal mining, banning, call for

  Muir, Robert

  Mullers, Richard

  Municipal solid waste(fig.)

  Myths, debunking, importance of



  embracing, importance of

  megatrends favoring

  and other suggestions

  See also Natural gas; Nuclear power

  N2N Plan


  Nakicenovic, Nebosa

  National Academy of Sciences

  National Audubon Society

  National Mathematics Advisory Panel

  National Science Foundation

  National security issues

  Native Americans


  Natural gas

  capacity factor of(fig.)

  carbon dioxide emissions of

  comparing energy output of, with other energy sources(fig.)

  and comparing resources to reserves

  competing with coal

  consumption of(fig.) (fig.)(fig.)

  deeper drilling for

  and electricity generation(fig.) (fig.)

  emulating policies involving

  environmental costs of

  and federal subsidies(fig.)

  footprint of(fig.)

  globalization of

  happy talk on

  measuring and selling, ways of

  myth involving

  as non-polluting

  peak, concern over, addressing

  and the Pickens Plan

  power density of(fig.)

  price of

  production of


  recoverable, estimated

  reliability of

  reserves of

  resource intensity of(fig.)

  resources for

  share of, in the primary energy mix (figs. 33, 34)

  See also under specific countries

  Natural gas industry

  “Natural Gas Market Review 2009” (IEA)

  Natural gas plants, operating costs of

  Natural Gas Policy Act

  Natural gas regulations

  Natural gas shortages, misinformation about

  Natural gas to nuclear. See N2N

  Natural Gas Vehicles for America

  Natural gas vehicles (NGVs) (fig.)

  Natural gas wells, U.S., average productivity of(fig.)

  Natural Resources Defense Council

  Nature Conservancy

  Navigant Consulting(fig.)

  “Need for Nuclear Power, The” (Beller)

  Neiman, Bill

  Neodymium (fig.)

  Netherlands(table)(fig.) (fig.)(fig.)(fig.)

  Neurotoxins, emissions of, issue of


  New Albany Shale(table)

  New Mexico(table)

  New York Regional Interconnect

  New York State

  New Zealand


  NIMBY (not in my backyard) attitude

  Nitrogen dioxide(fig.)

  Nitrogen oxides

  Nixon administration

  Nordhaus, Ted

  No-regrets policy

  North Africa

  North Dakota(table)

  North Korea(fig.)


  and carbon capture and sequestration

  electricity consumption in

  and energy consumption(fig.)

  and energy intensity(fig.)

  hydropower utilization in

  and nuclear power

  and wind power

  Nuclear capacity

  Nuclear consumption(fig.)(fig.) (fig.)(fig.)

  Nuclear power

  as beyond green

  capacity factor of(fig.)

  and comparing energy output, with other energy sources(fig.)

  daily global commercial use of

  and electricity generation(fig.) (fig.)(fig.)

  environmental costs of

  and federal subsidies(fig.)

  footprint of(fig.)

  as a fuel of the future

  as non-polluting

  power density of(fig.)


  reliability of

  resource intensity of(fig.)

  share of, in the primary energy mix (figs. 33, 34)

  transition to renewable energy and, timeframe for

  See also under specific countries

  Nuclear power plants

  Nuclear reactors

  Nuclear regulation

  Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  Nuclear waste, addressing

  Nuclear Waste Policy Act

  Nuclear weapons

  Nuclear-focused national laboratories

  NuScale Power

  Oak Ridge National Laboratory

  Obama administration

  Obama, Barack

  Obama, Michelle

  Obiang, Teodoro

  Obiang, Teodoro Nguema

  Office of Vehicle Technologies



  comparing energy output of, with other energy sources(fig.)

  deeper drilling for

  as dirty, myth about

  and electricity generation(fig.) (fig.)

  as energy and power

  environmental costs of

  essentiality of

  footprint of(fig.)

  foreign, need for, vocal denouncer of

  global market for, myth involving

  high energy density of

  issues surrounding

  measuring and selling, ways of

  ongoing transition away from, challenge in the

  peak, concern over, addressing

  power density of(fig.)

  share of, in the primary energy mix (figs. 33, 34)

  transition to, pace of the

  Oil and gas industry

  Oil consumption

  continued decline in

  and GDP, correlation between (fig.)


  increase in

  promoting, reason for

  time span reflecting(fig.)

  See also under specific countries

  Oil embargo

  Oil, Gas & Government (Bradley Jr.)

  Oil imports

  Oil prices

  Oil production

  and corruption



  leaders in

  from stripper wells(fig.)

  Oil refining

  Oil reserves

  Oil spills


  O’Leary, John



  Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

  Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

  Oswald, James

  Pachauri, Rajendra



  carbon dioxide emissions of(fig.)

  and electricity(fig.)

  and energy consumption(fig.)

  and energy intensity(fig.)

  and energy poverty

  and nuclear power

  and nuclear weapons

  power consumption in(fig.)


  Parker Drilling

  Party’s Over, The (Heinberg)

  Pasternak, Alan

  Patzek, Tad

  Peabody Energy

  Peak coal

  Peak gas

  Peak oil

  Pelosi, Nancy


  Pérez Alfonso, Juan Pablo

  Periodic Table, the(fig.)

  Perry, Rick


  Peterson, Per



  Petroleum. See Oil

  Petroleum gas, liquefied (LPG)

  Phillips Petroleum Co. v. Wisconsin

  Physics for Future Presidents (Muller)

  Pickens Plan

  Pickens, T. Boone

  Pielke, Roger, Jr.

  Pitts, Frank



  Polimeni, John

  Political extremes, avoiding, importance of


  Population growth

  Population size, largest, countries with the, and energy consumption

  Potential Gas Committee

  Poverty rates, U.S.



  differentiating between energy and

  hunger for

  See also specific type of power

  Power consumption, global (fig.)

  Power density

  of cellulosic ethanol

  comparing, of various fuels(fig.)


  evolution of

  as imperative

  and the issue with wind, solar, and biofuels

  of nuclear reactors

  of oil

  of stripper wells

  of wood

  Power equivalencies

  Power metrics, described

  Power stations, central, history of

  Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act


  Presidential primary system, reform needed in

  President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology

  Price, Asher

  Price controls, on natural gas

  Price shocks

  Prindle, David


  Public Citizen

  Public opinion

  Puerto Rico


  Quicksilver Resources

  R3 Sciences

  Railroads, impact of

  Ramesh, Jairam

  Rare earth commodities

  Raymond, Lee

  Reagan administration

  Real-estate footprint(fig.)


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